Eyeseeyou's page
Organized Play Member. 29 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character.
Is it just me or are the fumbles for spellcasters just on a different level of bad?
This seems more than just a bit biased.
And also I'd like decent resolution PDF versions of the maps in March of the Dead for use in VTT please.
Hey folks, sorry if I'm posting in the wrong part of the forum but this seems correct as far as I can judge it and also sorry if this has been asked before but I could not find anything that seemed relateable so here goes:
I've been late to the PF system as a whole, completely managed to miss the first edition and only noticed the second one about five rulebooks six lorebooks deep in.
I pretty much immediately subscribed to both of those, missing only one more rulebook.
But now I find myself really wanting a complete collection, where my inner geek insists I have them all on my shelf since their fancy to look at whereas my inner nerd refuses to surrender the almighty power that is Ctrl+F.
I found German resellers that either offer discounts on the physical copies alone or sell them at full price but add the PDFs for free, however, I find that the English language versions are way easier to cross-reference on the internet and when consuming PF2e content, since I don't have to learn any additional vocabulary, given my groups are also using the English versions.
Thanks in Advance
(Serious recommendations only please. Please also refrain from telling me to just buy both at full price. I'm operating on a budget and saving up is kind of a mute point when there's new books being released every other month, thus there'd never be an end to it.)
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Thank you for clearing that up.
Although a probably still need to get used to it :D
Hey everyone, since it's not been quite that long ago: Belated happy new year to everybody.
As stated in the subject, I've stumbled across an issue in Lost Omens: Monsters of Myth
There only ever seem to be left quotation marks, making it seems as if quotes are started but never finished, which actually made me reread quite a few sentences, since I thought I missed something and was confused as to who the speaker was.
Is that something that's normal and that I was just never taught about or did some typesetter actually forget to close each and every instance of direct speech?
Thanks in advance
#1 Is there a JPG version of the 'Pathfinder Flip-Mat Classics: Forest'?
All of the other maps unlocked by the bundle seem to have JPG&PDF versions, yet this one only has PDF.
#2 Is there a possibilty to obtain a All-In-One landscape/portrait version of the GM screen, similar to the advanced GM screen I already own?
Thanks in advance, greetings from Germany and happy holidays to everybody, whichever holiday apply to you
The question also remains if there's anything that can be done for people who already own the box.
I already own the Beginner Box.
Is there any way to get another item from the Paizo store instead?
Just read it.
Thanks again. :)
Earlier this month I replied to the 12/01 mail about the 'Updates for December 2021 Subscription Products' with a question about there being the possibility of a christmas discount this year, since I'd then like to delay my shipping until then, so that I can then pick up some other physical book copies to safe on shipping and customs when the sale hits.
Until the time of this post, I haven't received any answer to this question, be it confirmation, denial or the simple statement that information about this cannot be disclosed.
Yesterday I received another email with the invoice for my order #36737067, to which I replied again, repeating my question and adding another about - at least to me - a confusing way to calculate the order total.
Still without answer, just now I received the shipment estimate.
While I do realize, that these are most likely all automated messages, I would like to restate that, if there is even the slightest chance to add further - discounted - physical books to my order this month, I would like it to be held back until I can order those as well and have them shipped as a single order.
Thanks in advance
No thanks. It's exactly the way I like it now.
Have a nice rest of the week and thank you again for helping me out.
Looks fine, thank you for handling this :)
Just to be clear, this is a full cancellation on the Rulebook subscription, meaning I will have to keep an eye out to see if the next rulebook matches my tastes again to then renew the subscription?
Dear Paizo Customer Support team,
on Wednesday 24/9/21 7:25AM CET I sent a mail to customer.service@paizo.com asking to either skip the Guns & Gears rulebook - if possible - or cancel the respective subscription, since right now I have no interest of using the contents of this book in my adventures.
Today at 5:43AM I received a pending order confirmation still including said rulebook.
I therefore again ask to have it removed.
Kind regards from Germany
Do you also assist with containing the hype of anticipation?
Dear Paizo Customer Support Team,
as was explained to me in this thread here https://paizo.com/threads/rzs43gn0?September-2021-New-Releases-and-Subscrip tion#16 I would like to kindly ask for my copy of SoM to be shipped as soon as possible with the global logistics turmoil going on or at the very least have the PDF be made available to me.
There should also have been an email sent from me around 9/1/21 10:15AM PST if I calculated timezones correctly (7:15pm CEST).
Question to Logan Bonner:
What is the official ruling on being able to cast cantrips & focus spells on lower levels / forced heightening?
Use cases:
Cantrip - Light
Voluntarily using a smaller light radius to enable a scout that is sneaking ahead to stay a little bit closer to the party.
Focus spells - Wild Shape
Druids keeping access to smaller sized animal forms in cases where the larger ones just wont fit due to space constraints instead of them being unable to shift at all.
Edit: If it is not allowed, why was that decision made?
Cantrip example for area: https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=171 which might very well be the only viable example.
If you have a mate sneaking ahead of the party you scout, 20ft vs 60ft of light are a big difference in distance if something goes wrong and you need to reach each other quickly.
As far as focus spells are concerned, I didn't bother to look further than https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=481 , since in this case alone a whole class gets basically neutered unless the invest in feats to grant them more shapes of smaller sizes since they'd otherwise end up having nothing smaller to shapeshift into than huge animals, severely limiting the amount of viable locations for them to shapeshift at all, unless they can voluntarily choose a lower spell level to cast, possibly delaying their inevitable fate by 4 levels through https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=321
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Question to Logan Bonner:
What is the official ruling on being able to cast cantrips & focus spells on lower levels / forced heightening?
Use cases:
Cantrip - Light
Voluntarily using a smaller light radius to enable a scout that is sneaking ahead to stay a little bit closer to the party.
Focus spells - Wild Shape
Druids keeping access to smaller sized animal forms in cases where the larger ones just wont fit due to space constraints instead of them being unable to shift at all.
Edit: If it is not allowed, why was that decision made?
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Forgive my obvious use of the necromancy school of magic here, but how has this issue basically been around since release and yet there is no official Paizo answer around that I can find anywhere even though there's there's severe consequences for this in the case of e.g. Wild Shape for focus spells or somewhat minor consequences with e.g. the light cantrip, if you want your scout to sneak closer to the party but can only summon a miniature sun, having somehow lost the ability to dim it down at all?
If this is something you do on this forum, consider this thread #solved & #closed.
Yeah, I heard you also have a bit of a 'temperature situation' :/
Best wishes to everyone currently suffering from the combined forces of weather and virus :X
Have sent the same email to customer support with minor edits for clarification/grammar/spelling mistakes.
Also, whenever I call the customer support hotline and select '1' on the IVR, it tells me to hold while being forwarded only to then hang up on me.
So is this an automated response or your way of telling me that customer support does not know why the store people don't respond to email?
This is purely for me to know if I need to resend it or reach out via different channels.
I'm not upset because of the time I have to wait or blaming anybody.
Hey everyone,
not wanting to publicly share personal information, I'm just hoping that staff can access the email address associated with this account and check if an email from this address reached store@paizo.com around 18/6/2021 around 22:25 PDT (07:25 CEST) and - if it has - whether there is any reason why I would not have received a response.
Kind regards
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