Pathfinder Adventure Path #175: Broken Tusk Moon (Quest for the Frozen Flame 1 of 3)

4.60/5 (based on 10 ratings)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #175: Broken Tusk Moon (Quest for the Frozen Flame 1 of 3)

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For generations, the Broken Tusk following has roamed their small patch of the Realm of the Mammoth Lords in relative peace. Now, to avoid annihilation from a maniacal war horde, they must flee into the unknown. If the Broken Tusks are to survive their flight, a team of their best scouts will need to chart a safe path through an unforgiving wilderness. Along the way, they'll uncover the mysteries of a powerful artifact that promises to change the course of history.

"Broken Tusk Moon" is a Pathfinder adventure for four 1st-level characters. This adventure begins the Quest for the Frozen Flame Adventure Path, a three-part monthly campaign in which the heroes lead a band of nomadic hunter-gatherers across a brutal primordial landscape. This adventure also includes a catalog of the characters' band, the Broken Tusks; new spells, feats, and items perfect for trappers and foragers; and new prehistoric creatures to befriend or bedevil your players.

Each monthly full-color softcover Pathfinder Adventure Path volume contains an in-depth adventure scenario, stats for several new monsters, and support articles meant to give Game Masters additional material to expand their campaign. Pathfinder Adventure Path volumes use the Open Game License and work with both the Pathfinder RPG and the world's oldest fantasy RPG.

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-393-5

The Quest for the Frozen Flame Adventure Path is sanctioned for use in Pathfinder Society Organized Play. The rules for running this Adventure and Chronicle Sheets are available as a free download (991 KB PDF).

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Roll20 Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscription.

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4.60/5 (based on 10 ratings)

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Good stuff


Our first AP and 2E game after beginner box.

Chapters 1 and 2 were great. 3 was shortest and party missed half of the stuff except for the finale, which was also great.

Very cool setting and original adventure!


I am running this for my friends, we are almost at the end of book 1, but I have already read ahead: it's a very cool and interesting adventure. The setting is it's biggest selling point, given that it's rare for an adventure to be so strongly themed. I'm all for tight and strongly themed adventures, instead of long meandering ones which inevitably end up full of "filler episodes". In this case, because it's as lean as a tundra hunter, you get all the good and almost no fillers!

One aspect that I didn't love was the excessive one-dimensionality of most NPCs. I am guessing this is because the these products are supposedly for young teenagers. So, if you are playing with adults, you will want to do what I did and flesh out the NPCs in order to not make it extremely obvious who the bad and good guys are, and make it all a lot more nuanced.

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Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Kinda weird storefront still has the placeholder cover

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I like what I am seeing so far in this AP.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

For a company that has supposedly abolished all mention of slavery in their products, there's are a lot of slavery in this module (p.4, Ivarsa, Warmonger; p.34-35, Quiet Ones). :s

Liberty's Edge

11 people marked this as a favorite.
mikeawmids wrote:
For a company that has supposedly abolished all mention of slavery in their products, there's are a lot of slavery in this module (p.4, Ivarsa, Warmonger; p.34-35, Quiet Ones). :s

They said it would apply in future products. The decision was taken after this module was finished. It could not be retroactively modified.

I have full confidence the policy will be followed in future products.

Lantern Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Was leaving the hex maps out of the interactive maps pdf intentional? It feels weird for the map pdf to not have all the maps for it's associated module. Will there be an updated version that includes them, or will they be available as a separate file? Or am I just going to be out of luck on that part?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Please give us a better version of the maps in the interactive maps pdf. The current quality just feels like an insult to anyone actually planning on using them.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

LOVE the Hi Res maps on Roll20 and they even got the hex right so one can just pop the hex grid over it!! Ha Ha

Lets hope mod 2 and 3 matchs, unlike Horizons of the Vast sadly :(


Marketing & Media Manager

Ictogan wrote:
Please give us a better version of the maps in the interactive maps pdf. The current quality just feels like an insult to anyone actually planning on using them.

What system are you using, please?

Starfinder Superscriber
Ictogan wrote:
Please give us a better version of the maps in the interactive maps pdf. The current quality just feels like an insult to anyone actually planning on using them.

I'd just like to say that I screen-capped maps from the AP and the Interactive Maps and stretched them on Roll20 with no issues. I use Sumatra for my PDF viewing, not a browser.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

This is part of the Adventure Path Sub but still hasn't shown up in my sidecart. Any ETA on that?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Psykodemus wrote:
This is part of the Adventure Path Sub but still hasn't shown up in my sidecart. Any ETA on that?

Send an email to Customer Service at

I believe they already shipped out Sub orders, so if yours hasn't shipped out then that is likely an error. CS has been great with responding to emails quickly.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

There are some strange horses in this AP.

Aaron Shanks wrote:
Ictogan wrote:
Please give us a better version of the maps in the interactive maps pdf. The current quality just feels like an insult to anyone actually planning on using them.
What system are you using, please?

I am using Foundry.

Marketing & Media Manager

Kai927 wrote:
Was leaving the hex maps out of the interactive maps pdf intentional? It feels weird for the map pdf to not have all the maps for it's associated module. Will there be an updated version that includes them, or will they be available as a separate file? Or am I just going to be out of luck on that part?

I am back from vacation and looking into this.

Marketing & Media Manager

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Ictogan wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
Ictogan wrote:
Please give us a better version of the maps in the interactive maps pdf. The current quality just feels like an insult to anyone actually planning on using them.
What system are you using, please?
I am using Foundry.

Thanks. Our PDFs are intentionally set under commercial print resolution. The PDFs are designed as a digital reference document, not for VTT play. But that is the way they have come to be used and we are working to provide better digital solutions with our partners. We are working with Foundry to produce a solution for those users. No timeline to announce yet.

Leon Aquilla wrote:
Ictogan wrote:
Please give us a better version of the maps in the interactive maps pdf. The current quality just feels like an insult to anyone actually planning on using them.
I'd just like to say that I screen-capped maps from the AP and the Interactive Maps and stretched them on Roll20 with no issues. I use Sumatra for my PDF viewing, not a browser.

They are good enough to be usable, yes. But compared to other maps such as those from SoT(or especially 3rd party), they look really bad. E.g. the 6-map spread on page 3 of the Broken Tusk Moon interactive PDF is 1194x1592 pixels whereas the 4-map spread on page 4 of the Kindled Magic interactive PDF is 2475x3300 pixels.

Marketing & Media Manager

Aaron Shanks wrote:
Kai927 wrote:
Was leaving the hex maps out of the interactive maps pdf intentional? It feels weird for the map pdf to not have all the maps for it's associated module. Will there be an updated version that includes them, or will they be available as a separate file? Or am I just going to be out of luck on that part?
I am back from vacation and looking into this.

Kindly also email your issue to and

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Aaron Shanks wrote:
Ictogan wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
Ictogan wrote:
Please give us a better version of the maps in the interactive maps pdf. The current quality just feels like an insult to anyone actually planning on using them.
What system are you using, please?
I am using Foundry.
Thanks. Our PDFs are intentionally set under commercial print resolution. The PDFs are designed as a digital reference document, not for VTT play. But that is the way they have come to be used and we are working to provide better digital solutions with our partners. We are working with Foundry to produce a solution for those users. No timeline to announce yet.

Thanks for the reply. The irony to me is that I never really care about map quality in print, because I only use the print maps as a reference and I will draw the map on a flip-map for in-person play. Whereas for VTT I strongly care about the map quality because it directly influences the experience.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I noticed that the maps on the inside back cover page of the PDF of this product I downloaded when it was released to me do not match the print product. From their names, I'm guessing those maps are from Strength of Thousands, Part 6. :)

I redownloaded the PDF and while the maps have been replaced with the ones actually in the print version, the bookmark for the page still lists the erroneous maps ("Maps: The Circle, Mind of the King"). Could we get that updated, please?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Should Tallow Bombs do standard fire damage in addition to persistent damage? The description says "A tallow bomb deals the listed fire damage", but the individual entries don't list anything.

Marketing & Media Manager

Zaister wrote:

I noticed that the maps on the inside back cover page of the PDF of this product I downloaded when it was released to me do not match the print product. From their names, I'm guessing those maps are from Strength of Thousands, Part 6. :)

I redownloaded the PDF and while the maps have been replaced with the ones actually in the print version, the bookmark for the page still lists the erroneous maps ("Maps: The Circle, Mind of the King"). Could we get that updated, please?

I will communicate this internally. Kindly also email your issue to and

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Will do.

Did I miss something. Is there a free downloadable player guide/intro to this adventure?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
mordigo wrote:
Did I miss something. Is there a free downloadable player guide/intro to this adventure?

At the top of the AP page: enFlame

1 person marked this as a favorite.
keftiu wrote:
mordigo wrote:
Did I miss something. Is there a free downloadable player guide/intro to this adventure?
At the top of the AP page: enFlame

Player Guide Clickable Link

Marketing & Media Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Zaister wrote:

I noticed that the maps on the inside back cover page of the PDF of this product I downloaded when it was released to me do not match the print product. From their names, I'm guessing those maps are from Strength of Thousands, Part 6. :)

I redownloaded the PDF and while the maps have been replaced with the ones actually in the print version, the bookmark for the page still lists the erroneous maps ("Maps: The Circle, Mind of the King"). Could we get that updated, please?

So I see what you mean. I had an older version of the PDF too. But the digital download was updated on Fri, Jan 21, 2022 and the fresh download has the correct maps. Kindly go re-download it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What's the reason why you can't provide JPEGs of these maps, similar to the interactive maps? Why does there have to be a Foundry specific solution when all people are asking for is a simple picture?

Marketing & Media Manager

Aaron Shanks wrote:
Kai927 wrote:
Was leaving the hex maps out of the interactive maps pdf intentional? It feels weird for the map pdf to not have all the maps for it's associated module. Will there be an updated version that includes them, or will they be available as a separate file? Or am I just going to be out of luck on that part?
I am back from vacation and looking into this.

Still working on this, but it does need to be corrected. Have a good weekend!

Marketing & Media Manager

3 people marked this as a favorite.
demlin wrote:
What's the reason why you can't provide JPEGs of these maps, similar to the interactive maps? Why does there have to be a Foundry specific solution when all people are asking for is a simple picture?

My personal answer is the we already give away the rules for free and it we were to give away the maps as JPEGs they would be all over the internet in 24 hours, maps that are Paizo's property. Piracy is already bad enough. And I want my coworkers and the freelancers we engage to be paid for their work.

Paizo does make jpgs of its Flip-Mats and card decks available. It is inconsistent at the moment, but Paizo is in the process of making more digital content available.

I don't know, Maybe I would plaster a big PATHFINDER logo on every image so that, when it was used by someone who did not own it, at least it would be watermarked and promote us.

People tease me because people tear apart our PDFs anyway. As a marketer I want to make it easy to for you to play and offer you quality. But in a digital world that means easy to obtain without compensation. Companies have been wrestling with this for decades now. It’s not easy from where I stand.

But make no mistake, the choice is not mine to make. It is well above my pay-grade as they say, so I do not have an official answer for you.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Aaron Shanks wrote:
demlin wrote:
What's the reason why you can't provide JPEGs of these maps, similar to the interactive maps? Why does there have to be a Foundry specific solution when all people are asking for is a simple picture?

My personal answer is the we already give away the rules for free and it we were to give away the maps as JPEGs they would be all over the internet in 24 hours, maps that are Paizo's property. Piracy is already bad enough. And I want my coworkers and the freelancers we engage to be paid for their work.

Paizo does make jpgs of its Flip-Mats and card decks available. It is inconsistent at the moment, but Paizo is in the process of making more digital content available.

I don't know, Maybe I would plaster a big PATHFINDER logo on every image so that, when it was used by someone who did not own it, at least it would be watermarked and promote us.

People tease me because people tear apart our PDFs anyway. As a marketer I want to make it easy to for you to play and offer you quality. But in a digital world that means easy to obtain without compensation. Companies have been wrestling with this for decades now. It’s not easy from where I stand.

But make no mistake, the choice is not mine to make. It is well above my pay-grade as they say, so I do not have an official answer for you.

Not asking to give them away for free. Let me just buy the images. You seem to be able to do that with one shots as well which come with all the assets and maps. By not offering high quality assets you are just driving piracy because there's no other way to get them. As for watermarks: Seems excessive and will also increase piracy since it's an inferior product. You don't seem to require AoN to put watermarks on all monsters, right?

Not trying to be too hard on you here, but the people in charge at Paizo finally need to wake up since we've been plagued by COVID for 3 years now with no end in sight.

Marketing & Media Manager

7 people marked this as a favorite.
demlin wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
demlin wrote:
What's the reason why you can't provide JPEGs of these maps, similar to the interactive maps? Why does there have to be a Foundry specific solution when all people are asking for is a simple picture?

My personal answer is...

But make no mistake, the choice is not mine to make. It is well above my pay-grade as they say, so I do not have an official answer for you.

Not asking to give them away for free. ...

Not trying to be too hard on you here, but the people in charge at Paizo finally need to wake up since we've been plagued by COVID for 3 years now with no end in sight.

I completely understand your desire to have a quality online gaming experience. Part of my job is to be the voice of the customer inside Paizo and I will continue to do so.

Dark Archive

Can somebody put a list of monsters included in the bestiary for this adventure, please?

nightflier wrote:
Can somebody put a list of monsters included in the bestiary for this adventure, please?

Starfinder Superscriber

I finished this over the weekend and posted a review if anyone's still on the fence. 4/5.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
GGSigmar wrote:
nightflier wrote:
Can somebody put a list of monsters included in the bestiary for this adventure, please?


Creature Spoilers:

Also the creatrues are:
Giant Tapir
Groplit - Grease spitting pet
Kadlaka - Humanoid raven
Loblobi - River trickster fey
Rime Sludge - Forzen ooze

Dark Archive

Thanks, guys. :)

Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

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Removed posts for baiting/harassment.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I've just started running this AP, and some of the background is tripping me up. I was hoping someone could give me some suggestions.

My PCs are a diverse group, with some growing up in the tribe and others having joined it in the last few years. The AP makes it pretty clear that the PCs are not to know much about the past. They don't know about

early plot spoilers:
the Primordial Flame or the Burning Mammoths. Grandfather Eiwa's dialogue suggests that they haven't even seen Rockloom before and don't know what it is. This seems strange to me. Wouldn't someone who grew up in the following and accompanied it to Rockloom for the Green Moon ceremony be very familiar with the site, and wouldn't they have a pretty good idea of what happened with the Burning Mammoths?

The whole "for some reason you don't know these things about the group you've lived with for 27 years" thing is just awkward. How is everyone else handling this? Have I misread something? If I tell some of the PCs some of the background it will ruin what is clearly meant to be a big reveal.

Starfinder Superscriber

Re: The Mammoths, I don't think that they are super keenly aware of it. It's a society where history is passed down with an oral tradition and storytellers aren't usually unbiased narrators, divorced after 80-100 years of conflict and separated by a mountain range they never cross. If I was a Broken Tusk I would have assumed all the Mammoths died in the Fifth Crusade.

As for the Green Moon ceremony, they would be familiar with it yes

Will there be a FoundryVTT version to buy for this AP, similarly to Outlaws of Alkenstar? Anybody knows?

Thank you in advance

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
LotsOfLore wrote:

Will there be a FoundryVTT version to buy for this AP, similarly to Outlaws of Alkenstar? Anybody knows?

Thank you in advance

At the moment, no. In the future, probably not. Unfortunately, they haven't announced any plans to go back and do the previous APs. With AP's being released monthly, it's unlikely that would be able to happen.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
H2Osw wrote:
LotsOfLore wrote:

Will there be a FoundryVTT version to buy for this AP, similarly to Outlaws of Alkenstar? Anybody knows?

Thank you in advance

At the moment, no. In the future, probably not. Unfortunately, they haven't announced any plans to go back and do the previous APs. With AP's being released monthly, it's unlikely that would be able to happen.

That last part is not quite true.

There's two teams working on premium PF2E content for Foundry: The volunteer team that works on the PF2E Foundry system that gets commissioned to do projects, and the folks from Sigil who are the ones who are making the current AP part modules (OoA, Blood Lords, etc.).

The commissioned volunteer team has done the Beginner Box module, the Abomination Vaults compilation module, and they are said to be the team that will be doing the Kingmaker 2E module. What they choose to do AFTER Kingmaker is entirely up in the air, and has been said that if they do any before-OoA APs, that they would decide the order of which they do them based on popularity.

Hope that clears things up!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Starfinder Superscriber

While I don't see Frozen Flame ever winning a popularity contest, all of the bestiary entries are statblocked. So if you have the maps already you're 3/4ths of the way there.

H2Osw wrote:
LotsOfLore wrote:

Will there be a FoundryVTT version to buy for this AP, similarly to Outlaws of Alkenstar? Anybody knows?

Thank you in advance

At the moment, no. In the future, probably not. Unfortunately, they haven't announced any plans to go back and do the previous APs. With AP's being released monthly, it's unlikely that would be able to happen.

Thank you for the info. I'll get the PDFs then and start preparing it on foundry myself. Too bad, i really wanted to try those premium modules but we've done nothing but dungeons lately so I can't pitch a mega-dungeon to my group, and the Alkenstar one is not to their preference. This one, with its exploration and wilderness theme, is a definite winner for my group.

Director of Marketing

1 person marked this as a favorite.
LotsOfLore wrote:
H2Osw wrote:
LotsOfLore wrote:

Will there be a FoundryVTT version to buy for this AP, similarly to Outlaws of Alkenstar? Anybody knows?

Thank you in advance

At the moment, no. In the future, probably not. Unfortunately, they haven't announced any plans to go back and do the previous APs. With AP's being released monthly, it's unlikely that would be able to happen.
Thank you for the info. I'll get the PDFs then and start preparing it on foundry myself. Too bad, i really wanted to try those premium modules but we've done nothing but dungeons lately so I can't pitch a mega-dungeon to my group, and the Alkenstar one is not to their preference. This one, with its exploration and wilderness theme, is a definite winner for my group.

We have no timeline to announce at this time, but it is in everyone's best interest to make as many products available for Foundry as possible. As profit increases, so can capacity. Thanks for playing Pathfinder.

Do they bestiaries 1-3 contain the pawns I would need for this adventure?

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