Pathfinder Bestiary 2

5.00/5 (based on 7 ratings)
Pathfinder Bestiary 2
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With more than 350 classic and brand new monsters, this 320-page hardcover rulebook greatly expands on the foes found in the Pathfinder Bestiary. From classic creatures like serpentfolk and jabberwock, returning favorites like the primal dragons or the Sandpoint devil, to brand new menaces sure to test even the bravest of heroes, this must-have tome of monsters designed to challenge characters of any level is an essential companion to your Pathfinder game!

Pathfinder Bestiary 2 includes:

  • More than 350 monsters drawn from mythology, genre classics, and more than a decade of Pathfinder, with plenty of new monsters too!
  • Gorgeous full-color illustrations on nearly every page!
  • Detailed monster lists sorted by level, type, and rarity to help you find the right monster for any situation!
  • Universal monster rules to simplify special attacks, defenses, and qualities like grab, swallow whole, and regeneration.
  • Detailed lore sidebars offering additional information about even more of Pathfinder's most popular monstrous friends and foes!

ISBN: 978-1-64078-223-5

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Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Rulebook Subscription.

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Average product rating:

5.00/5 (based on 7 ratings)

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Follows Bestiary 1. A lot of fun new creatures.


Great addition to 2E


Bestiary 2 extends the range of Bestiary one critters and adds whole new types creatures. Well worth the money.

I particularly enjoyed all the interesting variants of elementals, from Ember Foxes to Icicle Snakes: so much more than the old small, medium, large elementals of old. This creativeness has been carried throughout.

As with Bestiary 1, great creature backgrounds, treasure notes, and wonderfully varied unique abilities.

Definitely looking forward to more Bestiaries!

Buy This Book (1 Action) [Concentrate, Mental, Awesomeness]


You look upon this book and see the sickest cover art and note the plethora of awesome monsters within it. Non-purchasers must attempt a DC 100 Will save.

Critical Success: The non-purchaser will buy this book and will love it.
Success: The non-purchaser will buy this book and will love it.
Failure: The non-purchaser will buy this book and will love it.
Critical Failure: The non-purchaser will buy this book and will love it.



Utterly fantastic. Loved the sidebars, the artwork, and the mechanics. It has a ton of monsters that were in Pathfinder 1st Edition making the book great for converting adventures to 2nd Edition, along with new monsters and lore. I especially love the fey creatures and animals.

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I just realized that's a wyrmwraith on the cover. Are they in here? IhopeIhopeIhope

Silver Crusade

If they on the cover, they in.

Will there be Bestiary cards for this product?


Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
Will there be Bestiary cards for this product?

Sure enough.

Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
Will there be Bestiary cards for this product?


Edit: ninja'd.


Design Manager

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I also thought that was a wyrmwraith when I first saw it, but if you look carefully, it isn't incorporeal.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh right I forgot we got two undead dragons like that in Pathfinder.

It's a Ravener I'm guessing.

(I forgot the name of Ravener and had been calling them Wyrmwraiths this whole time XD)

Those are like dracoliches correct?

Silver Crusade


Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

A dracolich by any other name would still make you dead. :)

Are there any Clockworks in there? My group is nearing the finale of the (heavily abridged) Shattered Star AP and that part is full of clockworks. I previously made my own stats, but I am sure Paizo will come up with something cooler (as they have proven in the incredible Bestiary 1)


Apologies if i missed it--but did this release get delayed? PDF option still not available

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

It's not out until May.

Doh, thanks for pointing that out.

Is this supposed to be released for Paizo con?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
Is this supposed to be released for Paizo con?

There is no PaizoCon this year, but it would have been out in PDF 2 days after the con. Definitely would have been available at the Con.

I'm wondering when are we going to start seeing previews for this one.

The Gold Sovereign wrote:
I'm wondering when are we going to start seeing previews for this one.

Probably closer to when they can guarantee a release schedule. We'll have to see how this month's shipping works out, since everything is so wonky right now.

I assume by the lack of stated delays on this book that it's already printed. I could be way wrong though.

Marketing & Media Manager

12 people marked this as a favorite.
Sporkedup wrote:
The Gold Sovereign wrote:
I'm wondering when are we going to start seeing previews for this one.

Probably closer to when they can guarantee a release schedule. We'll have to see how this month's shipping works out, since everything is so wonky right now.

I assume by the lack of stated delays on this book that it's already printed. I could be way wrong though.

The book in on schedule for a May release and there will be a preview(s) in May.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Will there be hippogriffs?


Liberty's Edge

hate to jump on the "will there be..." but I'm so curious if darkmantles made the cut for this bestiary.
I ran a 2E version of hollow's last hope a couple week's ago and was bummed there was no officially stated out version for one of the fights I remembered most vividly from many years ago ago for that module.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

So does anyone have a theory about what will be the highest level monster in this Bestiary?

Name and level?

Mine based on the description is the Jabberwock level 23.
But I am hoping for something that is level 25.
Right now we have Treerazer and Tarrasque, i would live to see something else of that level of power, but I know that is probably unlikely.

So what about you all, what high level creature would you like to see as the highest level monster in this book?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Prince Setehrael wrote:

So does anyone have a theory about what will be the highest level monster in this Bestiary?

Name and level?

Mine based on the description is the Jabberwock level 23.
But I am hoping for something that is level 25.
Right now we have Treerazer and Tarrasque, i would live to see something else of that level of power, but I know that is probably unlikely.

So what about you all, what high level creature would you like to see as the highest level monster in this book?

We should know in a few short weeks!

Hopefully Paizo will be able to start orders next week some time and shipping the week after that.

James Jacobs wrote:

In 1st edition perhaps. In 2nd edition...

Azatas are carefree fey-looking glowing creatures, often with pointed ears; they're swashbucklers and partiers.

Angels are often androgynous, often have halos, and have wings and generally wear light or no armor; they're messengers and guides.

Archons are heavily armored; they're soldiers and defenders.

I was hoping all the various Celestial races had their various kinds of warriors with their own preferred way of battling evil. I'm hoping there are some Azata dedicated to overthrowing tyrants and Angels dedicated to championing good against the armies of fiends.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

:3 Soon(in month)~<3

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I’ve been a little out of the loop recently— did the prices drop on the hardcover rulebooks? I don’t remember them being this low before.

Opsylum wrote:
I’ve been a little out of the loop recently— did the prices drop on the hardcover rulebooks? I don’t remember them being this low before.

There is a sale.

How soon will these monsters be pfs legal?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
How soon will these monsters be pfs legal?

?? You mean for summon monster spell or something?

...Do monsters need to be legalized for summon monster spells? Huh never thought about that


I could be wrong but I think that the option has to be sanctiones before it can be used for PFS.

Dark Archive

I think we saw the first monster preview from Bestiary 2 in the latest episode of Band of Bravos... and it was a venomous encounter, to say the least! :)

Silver Crusade


1 person marked this as a favorite.

YAY it's May! Bring the table of con... I mean, the previews on!

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

do i remember us having Oni confirmed for this? they aren't in the product description


The-Magic-Sword wrote:
do i remember us having Oni confirmed for this? they aren't in the product description

I distinctly recall them being mentioned... somewhere.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
RiverMesa wrote:
The-Magic-Sword wrote:
do i remember us having Oni confirmed for this? they aren't in the product description
I distinctly recall them being mentioned... somewhere.

Right? I can't remember, but I feel like I was dead certain it was going to be in this.

Grand Lodge

Can't wait for this to come out.

So I finally finished watching the lastest Band of Bravos session and it seems (let's wait for confirmation on friday) that Cave Fisher is also a possibility in this new bestiary.

I am looking forward to new dinos.

Silver Crusade

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Jason's Twitch stream last night revealed that Assassin Vine will be in the book.

Gorbacz wrote:
Jason's Twitch stream last night revealed that Assassin Vine will be in the book.

Oh man, I love me assassin vines. You really can just throw them in any encounter or campaign.

Gorbacz wrote:
Jason's Twitch stream last night revealed that Assassin Vine will be in the book.

What stream? Where? Is there a VOD?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Hikuen wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
Jason's Twitch stream last night revealed that Assassin Vine will be in the book.
What stream? Where? Is there a VOD?

Jason's Twitch. He was streaming the prep for Band of Bravos a few days ago, it should be in archived videos, there are some B2 spoilers there - not, it's not a "B2 preview" video, it's more of "I'm prepping a game and oooh Assassin Vines, yep, they're in B2".

Looks like a preview has popped up on YouTube:

Pathfinder Second Edition Bestiary 2 - First Look and Page-Through

There is a summary of the content over on Reddit

Silver Crusade

11 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Yep, full list of all B2 monsters:


A: Aeon (Bythos, Marut, Theletos, Zelekhut), Ahuizotl, Akata, Angel (Monadic Deva, Movanic Deva, Planetar, Solar), Animate Dream, Ankou, Ant (Army Ant Swarm, Giant Ant), Aolaz, Archon (Bastion Archon, Hound Archon, Star Archon, Trumpet Archon), Assassin Vine, Athach, Attic Whisperer, Aurumvorax, Azata (Bralani, Veranallia)

B: Badger (Badger, Giant Badger), Baobhan Sith, Basidirond, Basilisk (Dracolisk), Bear (Black Bear, Polar Bear), Bebilith, Behir, Blindheim, Blink Dog, Blodeuwedd, Bodak, Bog Strider, Brownie

C: Calathgar, Caligni Slayer, Carbuncle, Catoblepas, Cave Fisher, Centipede (Giant Whiptail Centipede, Titan Centipede), Choker, Chupacabra, Cockroach (Cockroach Swarm, Giant Cockroach), Couatl (Quetz), Crab (Giant Crab), Crawling Hand (Crawling Hand, Giant Crawling Hand), Culdewen

D: Daemon (Derghodaemon, Meladaemon, Olehtrodaemon, Piscodaemon, Purrodaemon, Thanadaemon), Demon (Babau, Hezrou, Invidiak, Nabasu, Nalfeshnee, Vrolikai), Denizen of Leng, Destrachan, Devil (Cornugon, Gylou, Hamatula, Osyluth, Sarglagon, Zebub), Devourer, Dig-Widget, Dinosaur (Compsognathus, Hadrosaurid, Iguanodon, Pachycephalosaurus, Spinosaurus), Dolphin (Bottlenose Dolphin, Orca), Doprillu, Dragon - Primal (Brine Dragon, Cloud Dragon, Crystal Dragon, Magma Dragon, Umbral Dragon), Dragonfly (Giant Dragonfly, Giant Dragonfly Nymph), Drainberry Bush, Drake (Sea Drake, Shadow Drake), Draugr, Dweomercat, D'ziriak

E: Elasmosaurus, Elemental - Air (Belker, Living Thunderclap, Melody of the Wind, Spark Bat), Elemental - Earth (Earthen Destrier, Granite Glyptodont, Living Boulder, Sand Sentry), Elemental - Fire (Ember Fox, Filth Fire, Magma Scorpion, Striding Fire), Elemental - Mephit (Dust Mephit, Ice Mephit, Ooze Mephit, Steam Mephit), Elemental - Water (Blizzardborn, Icewyrm, Icicle Snake, Mist Stalker), Elephant (Anancus, Mastodon)

F: Fetchling Scout, Fleshwarp (Gronhatine, Irnakurse), Fly (Giant Fly, Giant Maggot), Frog (Giant Frog, Spear Frog), Froghemoth, Frost Worm

G: Giant (Marsh Giant, Shadow Giant, Taiga Giant, Wood Giant), Golem (Carrion Golem, Glass Golem, Ice Golem, Wood Golem), Gorgon, Gosreg, Gremlin (Nuglub, Vexgit), Grendel, Grimstalker, Grindylow, Grippli Scout, Grodair

H: Hellcat, Hippocampus (Giant Hippocampus, Hippocampus), Hippogriff, Hippopotamus (Behemoth Hippopotamus, Hippopotamus), Hodag, Hound of Tindalos

I: Intellect Devourer, Irlgaunt, Isqulug

J: Jabberwock, Jellyfish (Fire Jellyfish Swarm, Giant Jellyfish), Jyoti

K: Kelpie, Korred

L: Leech (Brood Leech Swarm, Giant Leech), Leng Spider, Leprechaun, Lerritan, Leshy (Flytrap Leshy, Sunflower Leshy), Leucrotta, Leydroth, Linnorm (Cairn Linnorm, Fjord Linnorm, Shoal Linnorm, Taiga Linnorm), Lizard (Giant Chameleon, Megalani), Lurker in Light

M: Mandragora, Marrmora, Mohrg, Moonflower, Morlock, Mosquito (Fen Mosquito Swarm, Giant Mosquito), Mudwretch, Mummy (Bog Mummy)

N: Naga (Lunar Naga, Spirit Naga), Necrophidius, Neothelid, Nereid, Nixie, Norn, Nucklavee

O: Octopus (Blue-Ringed Octopus, Reef Octopus), Oni (Fire Yai, Ice Yai, Onidoshi, Water Yai), Ooze (Amoeba Swarm, Carnivorous Blob, Giant Amoeba, Gray Ooze, Slime Mold, Verdurous Ooze)

P: Peluda, Peryton, Petitioner, Planar Scion - Geniekin (Ifrit Pyrochemist, Oread Guard, Suli Dune Dancer, Sylph Sneak, Undine Hydromancer), Protean (Akizendri, Azuretzi, Imentesh), Psychopomp (Catrina, Esobok, Vanth, Yamaraj)

Q: Qlippoth (Augnagar, Chernobue, Cythnigot, Nyogoth, Shoggti, Thulgant), Quickling, Quoppopak

R: Radiant Warden, Raven (Raven, Raven Swarm), Ravener (Ravener, Ravener Husk), Ray (Manta Ray, Stingray), Revenant, Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros, Woolly Rhinoceros), Rusalka

S: Sandpoint Devil, Sard, Scarecrow, Sceaduinar, Scorpion (Black Scorpion, Cave Scorpion), Scythe Tree, Serpentfolk (Aapoph Serpentfolk, Bone Prophet, Coil Spy, Zyss Serpentfolk), Shocker Lizard, Skaveling, Skrik Nettle, Skulk, Slug (Giant Slug), Snake (Emperor Cobra, Sea Snake), Solifugid (Duneshaker Solifugid, Giant Solifugid), Soul Eater, Specter, Spider (Dream Spider, Ogre Spider), Spiral Centurion, Sportlebore (Sportlebore, Sportlebore Swarm), Spriggan (Spriggan Bully, Spriggan Warlord), Squid (Giant Squid, Vampire Squid), Stygira

T: Tatzlwyrm, Tendriculos, Thrasfyr, Thunderbird, Tick (Giant Tick, Tick Swarm), Toad (Giant Toad), Totenmaske, Triton, Troll (Cavern Troll, Frost Troll, Jotund Troll, Two-Headed Troll), Trollhound, Turtle (Giant Snapping Turtle, Snapping Turtle), Twigjack

U: Umonlee, Urdefhan (Urdefhan Tormentor, Urdefhan Warrior)

V: Vampire - Vrykolakas (Vrykolakas Ancient, Vrykolakas Master, Vrykolakas Spawn), Vampiric Mist, Vaspercham, Velstrac (Augur, Eremite, Evangelist, Interlocutor, Ostiarius, Sacristan), Violet Fungus, Viper Vine, Void Zombie

W: Water Orm, Werecreature (Wereboar, Weretiger), Wight (Cairn Wight), Witchfire, Witchwyrd, Wolverine (Giant Wolverine, Wolverine), Worm That Walks, Wraith (Dread Wraith)

X: Xill

Y: Yellow Musk Creeper (Yellow Musk Brute, Yellow Musk Creeper, Yellow Musk Thrall), Yeth Hound

Z: Zomok

2 people marked this as a favorite.

^ Awesome!

Thanks for posting this!

Carry on,


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I can't get over how wonderful this book is, pretty much everything I wanted put of it.

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