Starfinder Adventure Path #10: The Diaspora Strain (Signal of Screams 1 of 3)

4.50/5 (based on 2 ratings)
Starfinder Adventure Path #10: The Diaspora Strain (Signal of Screams 1 of 3)
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Elysium is a Lie

A vacation at a luxury resort located on an asteroid goes horribly wrong as the facilities malfunction and the guests and staff turn violent. The heroes must protect themselves, aid others who have remained rational. and hopefully find a way to stop the growing delirium, even if it means going through guests who have been transformed into hideous abominations! But what will the heroes do when they realize the same condition has begun affecting their own minds?

This volume of Starfinder Adventure Path begins the Signal of Screams Adventure Path and includes:

  • "The Diaspora Strain," a Starfinder adventure for 7th-level characters, by Chris S. Sims.
  • Corruptions that grant powerful abilities while eating away at a character's soul, by Jason Keeley.
  • Advice for running horror campaigns in Starfinder, as well as horror-themed feats, spells, and a new theme, by Epidiah Ravachol.
  • An archive of alien terrors, including an ooze from the far depths of space and a fearsome acid-spitting arthropod, by Stephen Glicker, Chris S. Sims, and James L. Sutter.
  • Statistics and deck plans for a sleek security vessel, by Chris S. Sims, plus a glimpse at a beautiful but haunted planet, by Owen K.C. Stephens.

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-095-8

The Signal of Screams Adventure Path is sanctioned for use in Starfinder Society Organized Play. The rules for running this Adventure Path and Chronicle sheet are available as a free download (1.2 MB PDF).

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Starfinder Adventures Subscription.

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4.50/5 (based on 2 ratings)

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This AP will kill you. This AP WILL..KILL YOU.


This is a difficult AP to grade because the first half of it is basically just faffing about -- so it can either be skipped or engaged in as in-depth as you want.

I have to say: I tossed the Harrowing system. Because this AP takes place over a period of nearly 3 weeks it felt like way too many dice rolls - like a perpetual poison/disease you just can't shake no matter how hard you try. Instead I inflicted the party with nasty dreams out of Hellraiser or Friday the 13th. It's too much book-keeping and while I appreciate the attempt to make some alignment based complications it just missed the mark.

The second half of it though WILL KILL YOU if you weren't prepared. It's like Earthbound when the lights go out in the department store -- there's nowhere to really relax/reload without risk, and some of these encounters can be unforgiving. And it can sneak up on you if you're not careful -- I would strongly advise having a mid-range period where party members can panic-buy survival equipment because once things go down it's just Hellraiser from then on.



For me this was an incredible opening book.

I have played a lot of White Wolf Vampire, and more recently, a lot of PFS and now SFS... and this was a sort of blend of both.
Very creepy, very dark, very scary... and this is now probably my favorite PC (the one I am playing in this AP) because the hardship, scars, and deterioration he is going through make him unique and sad.

A very well written and set up story.
Quite a lot of liberty, and we try and try and try... but, alas, cannot save all those we want!


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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

shouldn't this be saying November, Against the Aeon Throne's last volume also releases in October.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I wonder if this is for level 1 or actually starts out higher.

Zaister wrote:
I wonder if this is for level 1 or actually starts out higher.

7th level

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

A space horror game set in a resort? Sign me up


looking forward to it. very curious what the next 6 parter will be

The Exchange

So... when do we get to know what brutaris entails? I'm asking for a friend.

The Exchange

Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Should this not be November?

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

The months for the preorder dates don't always match the release dates, especially as they approach the Christmas season. This item is quite likely to begin shipping in late October and release in November before Thanksgiving.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber


Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Sad face... I was really excited about an AP starting at higher level, but I have no interest in horror.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Well hopefully shoter aps starting at diffrent levels stays a thing since i do like the idea

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Sort of like "Event Horizon" meets "The Fifth Element" meets "Supernova" – I dig it! Sounds like fun, and I'm looking forward to adding it to my library.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Justin Andrew Mason wrote:
Sort of like "Event Horizon" meets "The Fifth Element" meets "Supernova" – I dig it! Sounds like fun, and I'm looking forward to adding it to my library.

Plus hopefully Sirena Beach from Super Mario Sunshine.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm getting a Bulletstorm vibe from this. The planet in that game was intended to be a resort world, and all of the enemies you fight are the mutated tourists and employed wageslaves.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber
Redelia wrote:
Sad face... I was really excited about an AP starting at higher level, but I have no interest in horror.

Seconded!, and while I am relieved that at least 2 x 3 AP set story adventures will still take my character from level 1 thought 14 and beyond, I am really hoping that this is not going to wind up feeling like a video game converted to Starfinder as the plot description implies.

jakemtl wrote:
I am really hoping that this is not going to wind up feeling like a video game converted to Starfinder as the plot description implies.

What does this even mean?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rysky the Dark Solarion wrote:
jakemtl wrote:
I am really hoping that this is not going to wind up feeling like a video game converted to Starfinder as the plot description implies.
What does this even mean?

He doesn't want the adventure to bite off the plot from games such as Dead Space or Doom, or so I assume. Personally, I don't think we have anything to worry about that. Paizo are such great story tellers that even if there are similarities, the end product will be something completely unique to the Starfinder setting.

Paizo Employee Developer

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Having recently sent this adventure to the printer, I am pretty sure you won't mistake it for a video game! Except perhaps for parts of Eternal Darkness...

Dark Archive

Thanks for the update, i really like Against the Aeon Throne so far & i am very excited for this AP too.

I hope that the AP after the 4th (Dawn of Flame?) will be another three-parter for levels 13-20, so the characters from either Dead Suns or SoS can be played again.

very excited! looks awesome :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Starfinder Superscriber

Anxiously awaiting chronicle sheets for society play!

So for my usual question; will we be seeing any new playable races in this AP, if not specifically in this module issue?

Dark Archive

Did people actually like corruptions in Pathfinder, or even try using them? I mostly play Society, so understandably I wouldn't have seen them much either way, but they seemed to get a pretty lackluster reception, at least to me. It seems odd that they're being introduced to SF.

Craig Tierney wrote:
Did people actually like corruptions in Pathfinder, or even try using them? I mostly play Society, so understandably I wouldn't have seen them much either way, but they seemed to get a pretty lackluster reception, at least to me. It seems odd that they're being introduced to SF.

I was interested in including them, but I never got around to doing that Horror themed game I wanted. I think they are just useful to a pretty small subset of games, so they didn't get much play.

Bit weird it starting at level 7. Will this AP go all the way level 20 then?

darth_borehd wrote:
Bit weird it starting at level 7. Will this AP go all the way level 20 then?

It's a three part AP, so it will only have three adventures, and I think it will stop on level 12 or 13.

Dark Archive

Skeld, how is the corruption system? ;-)

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Marco Massoudi wrote:
Skeld, how is the corruption system? ;-)

I wish I could tell you. :D


The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Just got the subscriber pdf. This book has a new theme, a few feats, and spells. Also the corrupted Navasi art is creepy.


theme: paranormal investigator. Think bounty hunter for mysteries.
Feats: craven ploy, indirect retreat, startled scream, steel nerves, wary withdrawl
Spells: nightmare, paranoia, shadow body
Corruptions: give a boon and hinderance as they progress. I am not familiar with the pathfinder system system to compare them. The book focuses on one specific corruption but offers ideas on how to do others.

Any info about the new monsters?



I am so excited to hear what corruptions look like in Starfinder.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Craig Tierney wrote:
Did people actually like corruptions in Pathfinder, or even try using them? I mostly play Society, so understandably I wouldn't have seen them much either way, but they seemed to get a pretty lackluster reception, at least to me. It seems odd that they're being introduced to SF.

As I recall, a lot of the lackluster reception was around the PC gradually becoming unplayable (literally becoming an NPC eventually). In my opinion, there was a bit of a mismatch between player base expectations and what the authors were trying to deliver.

I personally liked them, but it was very much in the context of a limited duration campaign. Where the PC in question has made some dark bargain or become otherwise corrupted and then gradually falls into darkness. It's not great for typical "heroic fantasy" games.

HTD wrote:
Any info about the new monsters?


Crate Fiend, CR 3 medium vermin
Gloomwing, CR 4 large outsider
Reklan, CR 7 small magical beast
Mining Robot, CR 9 large construct
Tenebrous Worm, CR 8 medium outsider
Cantor Velstrac, CR 9 small outsider
Void Ooze, CR 7 medium ooze

The Exchange

I like how these feats are fun and useful. Being the coward who screams and hides behind allies can actually work.

Dark Archive

Luke Spencer wrote:
HTD wrote:
Any info about the new monsters?
** spoiler omitted **

Two of those have been adapted from the Pathfinder Bestiary 2:


Gloomwing from page 133 &
Tenebrous Worm from page 260.

Both are at home on the plane of shadow and essentially the same creature at different stages.
The CRs are the same in Starfinder & Pathfinder.

Paizo Employee Developer

12 people marked this as a favorite.

I decided to bring over the corruption system to Starfinder because I was really interested in the concept when I read it in Horror Adventures. I used to play in this homebrew Weird West campaign that had characters getting infected with "the Lazarus virus" when they got wounded that slowly turned them into undead creatures, but it was like a grab bag of iconic powers and weaknesses. So one person might have a werewolf's claws but be allergic to sunlight.

Anyway, I tried to make the corruption system for Starfinder a bit less punishing and something that a player could decide how "deep" their character would go. Basically, if you have Resolve Points left at the end of the day, you have the strength to automatically fight back against the corruption progressing (so if you take a long, boring Drift journey, you don't have to worry about turning into an NPC before its over). However, on those rough days when you have to spend all your Resolve to stay alive, you might succumb to the corruption.

I hope you all enjoy this update! And I'd love to hear any feedback!

Jason Keeley wrote:

I decided to bring over the corruption system to Starfinder because I was really interested in the concept when I read it in Horror Adventures. I used to play in this homebrew Weird West campaign that had characters getting infected with "the Lazarus virus" when they got wounded that slowly turned them into undead creatures, but it was like a grab bag of iconic powers and weaknesses. So one person might have a werewolf's claws but be allergic to sunlight.

Anyway, I tried to make the corruption system for Starfinder a bit less punishing and something that a player could decide how "deep" their character would go. Basically, if you have Resolve Points left at the end of the day, you have the strength to automatically fight back against the corruption progressing (so if you take a long, boring Drift journey, you don't have to worry about turning into an NPC before its over). However, on those rough days when you have to spend all your Resolve to stay alive, you might succumb to the corruption.

I hope you all enjoy this update! And I'd love to hear any feedback!

Ooooo, that sounds like a lot of fun, can't wait to see it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I allow corruptions in my Strange Aeons campaign. We did have another campaign of Strange Aeons, that failed halfway through the book. I have a LE Vanara with the Vamparisim Corruption. Nothing says fun like an Evil Vampire Monkey. I was was a monk on top of that.

I liked a lot of the things in the Horror adventures. Even letting players start with a lesser Madness if they want to. This new group is heavy on the roleplaying aspect. So if they want it for roleplaying purposes. I think it will be fun.

I can't wait till I get my copy.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Can't belive noone made a "in space no one can hear you scream" joke yet

Jason Keeley wrote:
Having recently sent this adventure to the printer, I am pretty sure you won't mistake it for a video game! Except perhaps for parts of Eternal Darkness...

Do the fatal frame version of it. Everybody is a level 1 character in a level 7 adventure armed with only a magic camera.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
kaid wrote:
Jason Keeley wrote:
Having recently sent this adventure to the printer, I am pretty sure you won't mistake it for a video game! Except perhaps for parts of Eternal Darkness...
Do the fatal frame version of it. Everybody is a level 1 character in a level 7 adventure armed with only a magic camera.

IDK, man, I might have turned Keeley off from “against impossible odds” encounters based on his reaction to a similar situation in the Seasons Beatings Actual Play podcast....

Paizo Employee Developer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Alexander Augunas wrote:
kaid wrote:
Jason Keeley wrote:
Having recently sent this adventure to the printer, I am pretty sure you won't mistake it for a video game! Except perhaps for parts of Eternal Darkness...
Do the fatal frame version of it. Everybody is a level 1 character in a level 7 adventure armed with only a magic camera.
IDK, man, I might have turned Keeley off from “against impossible odds” encounters based on his reaction to a similar situation in the Seasons Beatings Actual Play podcast....

Alex, you hit me with the side of a mountain!

Jason Keeley wrote:
Alexander Augunas wrote:
kaid wrote:
Jason Keeley wrote:
Having recently sent this adventure to the printer, I am pretty sure you won't mistake it for a video game! Except perhaps for parts of Eternal Darkness...
Do the fatal frame version of it. Everybody is a level 1 character in a level 7 adventure armed with only a magic camera.
IDK, man, I might have turned Keeley off from “against impossible odds” encounters based on his reaction to a similar situation in the Seasons Beatings Actual Play podcast....
Alex, you hit me with the side of a mountain!

The soft side or the heavy side?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jason Keeley wrote:
Alexander Augunas wrote:
kaid wrote:
Jason Keeley wrote:
Having recently sent this adventure to the printer, I am pretty sure you won't mistake it for a video game! Except perhaps for parts of Eternal Darkness...
Do the fatal frame version of it. Everybody is a level 1 character in a level 7 adventure armed with only a magic camera.
IDK, man, I might have turned Keeley off from “against impossible odds” encounters based on his reaction to a similar situation in the Seasons Beatings Actual Play podcast....
Alex, you hit me with the side of a mountain!

Look on the bright side: It could have been the bottom of a mountain.

Dracomicron wrote:
Jason Keeley wrote:
Alexander Augunas wrote:
kaid wrote:
Jason Keeley wrote:
Having recently sent this adventure to the printer, I am pretty sure you won't mistake it for a video game! Except perhaps for parts of Eternal Darkness...
Do the fatal frame version of it. Everybody is a level 1 character in a level 7 adventure armed with only a magic camera.
IDK, man, I might have turned Keeley off from “against impossible odds” encounters based on his reaction to a similar situation in the Seasons Beatings Actual Play podcast....
Alex, you hit me with the side of a mountain!
Look on the bright side: It could have been the bottom of a mountain.

"Here lies buried Kill-E, the father of (Starfinder) monsters."


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jason Keeley wrote:
Alexander Augunas wrote:
kaid wrote:
Jason Keeley wrote:
Having recently sent this adventure to the printer, I am pretty sure you won't mistake it for a video game! Except perhaps for parts of Eternal Darkness...
Do the fatal frame version of it. Everybody is a level 1 character in a level 7 adventure armed with only a magic camera.
IDK, man, I might have turned Keeley off from “against impossible odds” encounters based on his reaction to a similar situation in the Seasons Beatings Actual Play podcast....
Alex, you hit me with the side of a mountain!

You did everything you possibly could! What's one train (or one Krampus) between friends? :)


Arc Riley wrote:
Anxiously awaiting chronicle sheets for society play!

Same. Just thought I could run it this upcoming week and noticed no Chronicles =(

Dark Archive

Can somebody tell me something about the starship & planet?
Thank you!

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