Starfinder Adventure Path #4: The Ruined Clouds (Dead Suns 4 of 6)

4.40/5 (based on 10 ratings)
Starfinder Adventure Path #4: The Ruined Clouds (Dead Suns 4 of 6)
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Dark Clouds Gather

Still on the heels of the Devourer cult, the heroes head to a distant, uncharted star system, where they find the ruins of an ancient alien city floating in the atmosphere of a gas giant. Exploring the ruins, they encounter the degenerate descendants of a highly advanced species that once controlled the lost superweapon the heroes are searching for. Through the legends and superstitions of these primitive folk, the heroes can piece together clues to the superweapon's hidden location and the key to unlocking its power—an impossibly huge megastructure that the Cult of the Devourer is intent on seizing!

This volume of Starfinder Adventure Path continues the Dead Suns Adventure Path and includes:

  • "The Ruined Clouds," a Starfinder adventure for 7th-level characters, by Jason Keeley.
  • Details about the Drift, the mysterious plane of existence revealed by the god Triune that allows faster-than-light travel, including information about notable locations such as the holy city of Alluvion and the dangerous doldrums, by Joe Pasini.
  • A gazetteer of Istamak, the floating city of Nejeor VI where the descendants of a once-powerful star empire struggle to survive in the ruins of their ancestors' civilization, by Jason Keeley.
  • An archive of new creatures, from living holograms and twisted mutants to supernatural agents of the Devourer, by Jason Keeley and Owen K.C. Stephens.
  • Statistics and deck plans for a new starship from the secretive Azlanti Star Empire, plus an overview of the gas giant Nejeor VI in the Codex of Worlds, by Jason Keeley.

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-013-2

The Dead Suns Adventure Path is sanctioned for use in Starfinder Society Organized Play. The rules for running this Adventure Path and Chronicle sheet are available as a free download (1.7 MB PDF).

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
SoundSet on Syrinscape
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Starfinder Adventure Path Subscription.

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4.40/5 (based on 10 ratings)

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Buy this even if you don't want to run Dead Suns


I think this is the best AP of the 6-part group. It's actually in another star system, with a setting that's bizarre and alien (a floating island in a gas giant calm zone), has a "town" you can visit, and even has other areas to putz around in if you want a sidequest or three.

This is the AP where I think Starfinder began to really hit its stride.

Still on Rails, But Solid Adventure



Let’s talk about Chapter 4 of Dead Suns, The Ruined Clouds. I played through this chapter mostly with my axe-wielding Salvation’s End dwarf soldier Kazmuk until he died partway through and I switched to my S.R.O. mechanic for the rest of the campaign. I think this chapter features some solid world-building, but it continues the heavy rail-roading so problematic in previous chapters—every group must go through the plot in almost the exact same way as every other group does, or the whole AP falls apart. Anyway, the rest of this non-spoilerly section of the review will talk about the covers and back-matter.

The cover art is pretty cool, with an imposing, original-looking alien in the foreground and some kind of crazy battle scene in the background. The inside front cover and inside back cover provide the stats, description, and interior layout of a new Tier 6 starship design, a Klokworx Prism. The ship is a mysterious scout ship of Azlanti Star Empire design and features some cool quantum torpedos. It has a *huge* interior for a crew complement of just two, continuing the Starfinder trend of not really understanding dimensions for believable vessels in relation to size and intended function.

Back matter includes a one-page “Codex of Worlds” entry on Nejeor VI, a gas giant somewhere in The Vast that features ancient floating cities that have largely fallen into ruin. It’s a classic SF concept, and one can imagine groups getting a lot of mileage out of jumping to different cities and exploring.

The short entry on Nejeor VI is complemented by an eight-page entry on Istamak, a particular floating city on Nejeor VI. Istamak was once a metropolis colony of the highly-advanced alien empire of the kishalee, but the city fell into decline as the empire did. Now, less than 10,000 descendants of the empire dwell in Istamak, knowing their great past only through legend and myth. With no understanding of their ancestors’ technology, the current inhabitants (called kish) have resorted to hunting and gathering to survive. Again, a classic SF concept, but everything is fleshed out nicely with an interesting backstory—though perhaps it all comes across as too earth-like (with old amusement parks, stadiums, restaurants, etc.) The entry provides an overview of the city’s history, current society, conflicts, and notable locations. There’s also a couple of pages on kish weapons and armor (all archaic, but still potentially deadly!) and some new magic items. It’s a bit weird to see listings for prices (and levels) for apparently ancient alien technology in a place so far removed from any store, but I guess it’s a necessity for the game.

Another entry in the back matter is on The Drift, and it’s extremely useful. It talks in greater detail than the Core Rulebook about how locations pulled into The Drift maintain their native properties, why ships that enter The Drift at the same time and from the same place can have vastly different journeys, why planets can’t simply secure Drift vectors from attack, and much more. I like the little mention of The Moored, activists who refuse to use The Drift because of the consequences of it eating up bits and pieces of various planes every time a ship enters it (I can envision a good story set around them). The entry includes a great list of notable locations in The Drift, which is a real boon for GMs looking to spice up a long journey with what could be a random encounter or a full-fledged side trek. The entry also spends a few pages on Alluvion, home of the tri-part god Triune. It sounds really cool, and I’d love to see an adventure that takes the PCs to it.

Seven new monsters are introduced in the Alien Archives section. First up is “acrochors”, which are essentially just constrictor snakes. I honestly don’t see why they were introduced, even if they have a little flavour tied to Nejeor VI. However, “atrocites” are much cooler—they’re agents of the Devourer and often assist cultists in carrying out special missions. I really like the connection to the entry on the Cult of the Devourer in the back matter of Chapter Two, and they have a creepy look and some cool abilities. The third monster we get are “eohis”—basically, wolves. Meh. “Kish” are written up as a playable race, and the bonus feat at level 1 could make them attractive to players. I really like idea of “living holograms”, a sort of tech-ghost tethered to their projectors. One can imagine a lot of story possibilities here. “Rebuilt” fill a good role as creepy, mindless monsters that aren’t undead, and the included template allows them to be easily customised for any setting. Last up are “writher swarms”, which is a plant swarm that just isn’t very interesting. So overall, we get a few good ones and a few not-so-good ones.

Now, on to the adventure.


A background section summarises a lot in a nice, concise package. The stellar degenerator was created by an ancient alien race called the Sivvs who were at war with another ancient alien race called the Kishalee. Kishalee commandos captured the stellar degenerator and the Sivvs were defeated. Realising just how destructive the stellar degenerator was, the Kishalee decided to hide it away in a secure demiplane, the location of which was a closely-guarded secret in a military-industrial complex called The Foundry on a planet called Nejeor VI. Millennia pass, the Kishalee empire degrades and breaks apart, and the inheritors of Nejeor VI (the kish) know little about their ancestors or how they commanded technology. Just days or weeks prior to the PCs starting Chapter 4, the Cult of the Devourer comes to Nejeor VI, rough up the kish, break into the Foundry, and abscond with the location of the stellar degenerator. The PCs won’t have any hope of following the Cult unless they too can obtain the location. In Dead Suns, the PCs are always one step behind!

Part 1 (“Aeons in the Drift”) starts with the PCs in the Drift, on their way to Nejeor VI. It seems like every chapter of Dead Suns must have a starship combat, so the PCs are assaulted by a Klokworx Prism (from the inside front cover). Like every starship combat to date, there aren’t actually any consequences if the PCs lose. In addition, the writer goes to *extraordinary* length to ensure that the PCs get no information or technology from the Azlanti ship—it’s not exactly rail-roading, but it’s another heavy-handed way to limiting the PCs.

Part 2 (“The Forgotten City of Istamak”) makes use of the planet and city from the back matter. Another Starfinder trope is a huge location with only one safe place to land—here, it’s an old starship landing pad covered with lichen being gathered by the native kish. There’s no choice but to fight the kish here, which is probably something of a bummer for any first contact specialists among the PCs. But soon after, through some rather forced circumstances, the PCs can befriend a priest of Taylavet named Herald Tzayl and establish peaceful contact. Herald Tazayl reveals that the Cult of the Devourer was in Istamak recently and desecrated sacred places. After the Cult left, a schism developed among the kish, with one sect remaining optimistic and another barricading themselves in the “Temple Found” (the Foundry) to exclude all comers.

Through a plot contrivance I can’t quite follow, the PCs need to visit two locations (the “House of Renewal”, full of gene therapy devices that have gone awry, and the “Maze of Ghosts”, an ancient museum with a living hologram of the mayor!) to get both halves of a message that, when combined, leads the group to an ancient computer security company (“Securitech”) that can provide the passcode to gain entry to the Foundry. The bit with Securitech is pretty cool, as jumping from floating chunk to floating chunk with the prospect of falling to one’s death in a gas giant below is exciting, and the collapse of the building due to a writher swarm infestation is pretty cinematic. It’s all still a transparently contrived way to get the PCs to visit each location, and there’s not much in the way of accommodation provided for groups that want to do things differently.

Part 3 (“The Temple Found”) has the PCs breaking into the Foundry. They’ll have to overcome the renegade kish leader (a solarian), scavenger slimes, elementals (where my dwarf bit the dirt), and more to find datapads revealing the full history of the stellar degenerator and the coordinates where the entrance to the demiplane that holds it can be accessed. The chapter ends with the PCs once again setting off to a new destination in space, in the hopes of catching the Cult of the Devourer before it’s too late.

Creating a believable alien civilisation is no enviable task, and I thought the writer did a solid job with the kish. With the material in the back matter, there’s plenty that an enterprising GM could do if they were willing to let out the strict “Go to A, then B, then C” nature of the plot a little. Still, I really prefer a less linear adventure design in favour of one that sets out several problems, suggests some different ways PCs might address them, and empowers the GM to adjudicate accordingly. The Ruined Clouds will get the PCs where they need to go, but they probably won’t feel like they’re in control of their fate along the way.

Best one out of four build up books


Closer we get to final book, better my memory works as more recent the run :D

Well anyway, I think players quite enjoyed the book, though they did lot of jokes about Starfinder Society once again intervening in local politics(doesn't help that its not super clear to them how or why Huntmaster Xavra is supposedly evil or bad :D)

My personal pet peeve with the book is that besides it being another "follow the clues!" book and it being unclear to players what they want to do(that being "the devourers got SOMETHING from here, so let's figure out what they found out that is probably in the Temple Found because apparently they left after breaking in"), it does silly Temple Found/Foundry translation shenanigans(from Kishalee to Common/English ;P) and that as first new alien civilization of entire starfinder, this first contact mission doesn't feel so alien. Like yeah Kish have whole post apocalyptic thing going on, but nothing of the ruin sticks out as strange or alien or new. (doesn't help that art for certain chamber uses cross symbol which is apparently universal symbol of healing now ;D ) It doesn't help the familiarity issue that friendly group you meet are recent converts to a Kasatha deity worshiped in Pact Worlds :D

That said it does help to run this after lot of society scenarios with meeting more strange civilizations and I do actually like Kishalee whole lot more than Kish because of how ridiculously advanced Kishalee are and I want to know more about what their government was like and other details I hope we come back to some day. I think I might have liked Kish more if there was space for more interaction with the hostile kish faction in the book, space in book only allows for brief interactions with the newer community.

Also great thing about the book: Even with corrected AC values, Huntmaster Xavra was first boss in entire campaign so far to really challenge my five PC party ;D So they ended up making an impression

They were just like us!


The Ruined Clouds continues the Dead Suns AP into its latter half, where the PCs are hot on the trail of cultists looking for a Death Star Mysterious Ancient Superweapon. To that end, the PCs head for a planet out in the Vast that once belonged to a galactic superpower that has long since met its downfall. The remnants of its people are tribes living within the crumbling ruins of one of its cities. Its an evocative concept for certain, but the adventure's actual contents prove much more mundane in scope and execution.

The Good:
  • Fun, free roaming exploration of the city of Istamak with a fantastic map of the city filled with odd structures that players will want to check out. The gazetteer in the back has a lot of goodies.
  • Very cool set pieces like the final fight with Xavra and the collapsing Securitech Offices.

  • The Bad:
  • Kish society, tech and history is surprisingly and disappointingly very human. This is a race with office buildings that look like modern day office buildings, hospital waiting rooms that look like hospital waiting rooms, and museums with gift shops. These aliens are just like us, and not only that, but much like the modern day United States. This ends up being cute for a little bit, but robs the adventure of the chance to explore a cool and unique culture and society.
  • Encounters in this book were all over the place. Most kish posed zero danger, considering how they used archaic weapons. On the other hand, a swarm in the middle of the adventure and the final boss felt much too strong. The boss in particular is known to have the incorrect stats as written (AC about 6 points too high for example), and is likely a TPK waiting to happen without adjustment.
  • The token starship combat was even more token than usual, against a foe that isn't relevant to the adventure and which comes completely out of nowhere.
  • The entire plot boils down to "Your princess is in another castle". The Cult is long gone and the PCs are given their location at the end of the Book. It leaves the adventure feeling like a bit of a sideshow to the main plot.
  • The book's entire contents hinges on various contrivances. From the hostile attitude of the Xavra-following kish, which are completely unwilling to listen to reason, to the way the super important information the party needs just happens to be in the middle of a complex the kish are guarding but don't understand, to ancient alien tech being mysteriously compatible with today's hacking kits.
  • Speaking of the enemy kish... there's a big wasted opportunity for diplomatic solutions that gets no page space. Its more than a bit awkward to have the PCs follow in the footsteps of genocidal maniacs, only to be genocidal maniacs themselves simply because the adventure is written to give them no choice.

  • Great module


    This is a great module, why the second one didn't offer a map to discover with encounters and locations like this one, would remain a mystery. Perfect module in a truly alien world.

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    Scarab Sages Webstore Coordinator

    Announced for February! Image and description are provisional and subject to change prior to release.

    Dark Archive

    Sounds great, like a cross between HPLs Nameless City and Serenity the movie and other sci-fi classics.

    Liberty's Edge

    2 people marked this as a favorite.


    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Shisumo wrote:

    Tanelorn, obviously.

    EDIT: Said in jest, but now I'm thinking about trying to do a Second Ether campaign when Starfinder comes out...

    Paizo Employee Editor

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    Shisumo wrote:

    Triune has to live somewhere, right?

    Liberty's Edge

    Jason Keeley wrote:
    Shisumo wrote:
    Triune has to live somewhere, right?

    Well sure, but I kinda thought it would be somewhere less accessible than, "Hey, let's turn on the Drift engine and go see what Triune is up to tonight!"

    Paizo Employee Editor

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Shisumo wrote:
    Jason Keeley wrote:
    Shisumo wrote:
    Triune has to live somewhere, right?
    Well sure, but I kinda thought it would be somewhere less accessible than, "Hey, let's turn on the Drift engine and go see what Triune is up to tonight!"

    Who said it was accessible?

    Jason Keeley wrote:
    Shisumo wrote:
    Jason Keeley wrote:
    Shisumo wrote:
    Triune has to live somewhere, right?
    Well sure, but I kinda thought it would be somewhere less accessible than, "Hey, let's turn on the Drift engine and go see what Triune is up to tonight!"
    Who said it was accessible?

    Totally getting Black City from Dragon Age vibes here. Congratulations Jason! I had almost convinced myself that a month and a half was a bearable wait, and then you had to post this awesome tease that's got my mind spinning abouts again. You cruel, amazing person, you. Can't wait to read what you're cooking up here!

    Paizo Employee Editor

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Opsylum wrote:
    Jason Keeley wrote:
    Shisumo wrote:
    Jason Keeley wrote:
    Shisumo wrote:
    Triune has to live somewhere, right?
    Well sure, but I kinda thought it would be somewhere less accessible than, "Hey, let's turn on the Drift engine and go see what Triune is up to tonight!"
    Who said it was accessible?
    Totally getting Black City from Dragon Age vibes here. Congratulations Jason! I had almost convinced myself that a month and a half was a bearable wait, and then you had to post this awesome tease that's got my mind spinning abouts again. You cruel, amazing person, you. Can't wait to read what you're cooking up here!

    Thanks! While I am writing the majority of this volume, the Drift article is in the capable hands of Joe Pasini, who I'm sure will live up to your expectations!

    Web Production Manager

    Updated with final description and cover image!

    Dark Archive

    This will probably be available february 28th, same as the Map-Pack-Starship-Decks.

    6 people marked this as a favorite.

    Living holograms!

    You fools!! They're just going to put on period costumes and kill us all!!!

    Players are loving the hell out of this AP so far and as a GM this is the installment I've been looking forward to the most! There's something about traveling into the unknown and finding a less advanced culture with crazy ancient ruins that makes me shout for joy.

    Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

    Mid-February? We finished Volume 3 last week, 2-3 weeks is the same as 10 years at this point :) The players are going to rip me apart...

    Dark Archive

    rixu wrote:
    Mid-February? We finished Volume 3 last week, 2-3 weeks is the same as 10 years at this point :) The players are going to rip me apart...

    If february 2018 shipping will be similiar to january 2018, it will be shipping between 13th and 23rd to subscribers, as the street date is the 28th of february.

    Personally i will get it on march 1st the earliest, probably a week later here in germany.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Jason Keeley wrote:
    Triune has to live somewhere, right?

    I thought Triune lived in The Cloud.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Order gone through! Now the painful wait until I get my hand on the pdf...

    Anybody got their hands on this bad boy yet? The suspense is killing me!

    Nope, although I don't really look through them until I get the physical copy.

    Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

    I have it. :)

    Zaister wrote:
    I have it. :)

    Nice! What are your general thoughts on it so far?

    Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

    Unfortunately I haven't had time to do more than just flip through it. The Drift article seems interesting, though. We do get a new humanoid race, though, the kish (the character on the cover is one of them).

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I'm chomping at the bit. Darn this Pending status!

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

    A bit more on the contents:

    The ship on the inside cover is a tier 6 Klokworx Prism, an Azlanti Star Empire ship, and it is used in the adventure.

    The additional articles come with maps for Istamak and Alluvion, the holy city of Triune in the drift. The Istamak article also has some new kish weapons and armor, and a pageful of magic and hybrid items.

    The Alien Archives have the following creatures:

    • Acrochor, CR 8 Medium animal – a kind of serpent
    • Atrocite, CR 10 Medium outsider – agents of the Devourer
    • Eohi, CR 6 Small animal - looks monkeyish
    • Kish, CR 4 Medium humanoid – descendants of an ancient civilzation
    • Living Hologram, CR 8 Medium incorporeal(!) construct
    • Rebuilt, CR 7 Medium aberration – including a template graft
    • Writher swarm, CR 9 Fine plant swarm

    Zaister wrote:

    A bit more on the contents:

    The ship on the inside cover is a tier 6 Klokworx Prism, an Azlanti Star Empire ship, and it is used in the adventure.

    The additional articles come with maps for Istamak and Alluvion, the holy city of Triune in the drift. The Istamak article also has some new kish weapons and armor, and a pageful of magic and hybrid items.

    The Alien Archives have the following creatures:

    • Acrochor, CR 8 Medium animal – a kind of serpent
    • Atrocite, CR 10 Medium outsider – agents of the Devourer
    • Eohi, CR 6 Small animal - looks monkeyish
    • Kish, CR 4 Medium humanoid – descendants of an ancient civilzation
    • Living Hologram, CR 8 Medium incorporeal(!) construct
    • Rebuilt, CR 7 Medium aberration – including a template graft
    • Writher swarm, CR 9 Fine plant swarm

    Are the Kish statted as playable? They seem like a potentially interesting option and they also look cool as hell!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

    Yes, they are. The get the usual "Racial Traits" sidebar for playable races.

    Scarab Sages Contributor

    I’m very interested in the Atrocite and Kish - what interesting abilities do they have?

    Dark Archive

    Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

    Hmm, I'm liking so far this book better than the last ones, but I do feel like they could have made new alien culture feel more alien.

    I mean, picture for Chamber of Renewal uses several symbols we use on Earth(white cross on green background, yellow triangle that has biohazard symbol and yellow triangle that has electricity symbol)... Like pretty sure artist was told what to draw, but wasn't told to draw it for context of "ancient alien machine"

    More I read though, more questions I have like

    How does "Foundry becoming known as Temple Found because exterior sign was damaged" make sense in context of translated alien language. Like, that only makes sense if aliens actually speak English or if kishalee word for "foundry" with few less letters is coincidentally kishalee word for "Found" as in "Found something"

    Dark Archive

    UllarWarlord wrote:
    I’m very interested in the Atrocite and Kish - what interesting abilities do they have?

    They've got a handful of Spell-Like Abilities, including weekly world/dimension hopping, 3/day bestow curse, and at-will mirror image. They've got vacuum immunity and short-range lifesense. In terms of unique powers, they can invoke words of devastation to give 1/day Devourer cultists within short range a 3-round buff that gives them additional Critical wounding effects; if the Atrocite takes any damage, the power shuts off. They also have a ranged attack where they throw bolts of void that deal force damage and can apply severe wounds on crit.

    They get a bonus feat and are good at using Survival to deal with inclement weather.

    That book looks great, lots of possibilities for encounters in Istamak.

    However I'm a bit lost on the amount of knowledge the players are supposed to have on the Nejeor system and Nejeor VI: how much of the adventure background can they know with knowledge checks? Istamak seems to be kind of a unknown territory to them: can they know anything about it before landing?

    Grand Lodge

    Why does this not already have the Chronicle sheets available?

    So is the Rebuilt more like Virus (90's sci-fi/horror cult classic starring Jamie Lee Curtis) or Dead Space, or something both new and terrifyingly adorable by Dominion Standards?

    Dark Archive

    Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

    Its what happens when medical equipment malfunctions and puts body back together incorrectly.

    I must admit I find that hilarious. almost like the scene in Mars Attacks when the Martians put that ladies head on that dog's body

    Liberty's Edge

    Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

    Very minor nitpick: The menu sidebar on page 63 is from the Temple of the Twelve. but as that page is the coming soon secion, it makes no difference to the adventure itself.

    Zealotux, I would assume they know next to nothing about it. Pure Terra Incognita. Play up the strangeness and alienness for all you can.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    I was wrong, rebuilt are horrifying.

    Dark Archive

    Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
    AmbassadoroftheDominion wrote:
    I was wrong, rebuilt are horrifying.

    Kek :D

    Grand Lodge

    Again, I humbly submit: Why are the chronicle sheets not released at the same time as the AP's? Very frustrating. I've got a game that is following these as they come out, and we are constantly having to wait to know what the Chronicle sheets are for SFS. Since this AP was immediately sanctioned for SFS play, then the sheet should be figured out and released at the same time as the AP.

    Paizo Employee Starfinder Society Developer

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Brilde Phelon wrote:
    Again, I humbly submit: Why are the chronicle sheets not released at the same time as the AP's? Very frustrating. I've got a game that is following these as they come out, and we are constantly having to wait to know what the Chronicle sheets are for SFS. Since this AP was immediately sanctioned for SFS play, then the sheet should be figured out and released at the same time as the AP.

    Due to internal timing on when I got these files vs. what other tasks were on the go, the sanctioning on this document has to wait a bit longer. As always, our priority is making sure that our monthly Society Scenarios get out the door on time. Since we've just made the change to two scenarios per month, some items had to slide as we re-adjusted schedules and arranged to bring on new help; sadly, sanctioning for this adventure was one of those items.

    I'm working on it, however!

    Grand Lodge

    Thurston Hillman wrote:
    Brilde Phelon wrote:
    Again, I humbly submit: Why are the chronicle sheets not released at the same time as the AP's? Very frustrating. I've got a game that is following these as they come out, and we are constantly having to wait to know what the Chronicle sheets are for SFS. Since this AP was immediately sanctioned for SFS play, then the sheet should be figured out and released at the same time as the AP.

    Due to internal timing on when I got these files vs. what other tasks were on the go, the sanctioning on this document has to wait a bit longer. As always, our priority is making sure that our monthly Society Scenarios get out the door on time. Since we've just made the change to two scenarios per month, some items had to slide as we re-adjusted schedules and arranged to bring on new help; sadly, sanctioning for this adventure was one of those items.

    I'm working on it, however!

    I appreciate the response. Are you going to go ahead and produce the Chronicle sheets for the other two at the same time similar to #3, or will it be on a one-by-one basis?

    Jason Keeley wrote:
    Shisumo wrote:
    Jason Keeley wrote:
    Shisumo wrote:
    Triune has to live somewhere, right?
    Well sure, but I kinda thought it would be somewhere less accessible than, "Hey, let's turn on the Drift engine and go see what Triune is up to tonight!"
    Who said it was accessible?

    Now i'm imagining a wacky side path where the adventurers find out where Triune (one any other god) lives, and decide to ding-dong-ditch them for luls.

    Shadow Lodge

    Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber
    Brilde Phelon wrote:
    Thurston Hillman wrote:
    Brilde Phelon wrote:
    Again, I humbly submit: Why are the chronicle sheets not released at the same time as the AP's? Very frustrating. I've got a game that is following these as they come out, and we are constantly having to wait to know what the Chronicle sheets are for SFS. Since this AP was immediately sanctioned for SFS play, then the sheet should be figured out and released at the same time as the AP.

    Due to internal timing on when I got these files vs. what other tasks were on the go, the sanctioning on this document has to wait a bit longer. As always, our priority is making sure that our monthly Society Scenarios get out the door on time. Since we've just made the change to two scenarios per month, some items had to slide as we re-adjusted schedules and arranged to bring on new help; sadly, sanctioning for this adventure was one of those items.

    I'm working on it, however!

    I appreciate the response. Are you going to go ahead and produce the Chronicle sheets for the other two at the same time similar to #3, or will it be on a one-by-one basis?

    ... one month and waiting...

    Grand Lodge

    Still no chronicle sheets for #4, which has been sanctioned and out for...almost two months now.

    Thurston Hillman wrote:
    Brilde Phelon wrote:
    Again, I humbly submit: Why are the chronicle sheets not released at the same time as the AP's? Very frustrating. I've got a game that is following these as they come out, and we are constantly having to wait to know what the Chronicle sheets are for SFS. Since this AP was immediately sanctioned for SFS play, then the sheet should be figured out and released at the same time as the AP.

    Due to internal timing on when I got these files vs. what other tasks were on the go, the sanctioning on this document has to wait a bit longer. As always, our priority is making sure that our monthly Society Scenarios get out the door on time. Since we've just made the change to two scenarios per month, some items had to slide as we re-adjusted schedules and arranged to bring on new help; sadly, sanctioning for this adventure was one of those items.

    I'm working on it, however!

    All parts of Dead Suns mentioned as legal (sanctioned) in SFS in special document in Additional Resources.

    I understand that creating one page so important as Chronicle Sheet is a lot of balancing work, especially for the adventure book as large as 64 pages and it can take even two months in case of Dead Suns Part IV.
    But what about such small thing as related switch/option in paizo event reporting form? Looking how in-time they create such entries for SFS/PFS scenarios each month - why Dead Suns 4 and 5 entries are absent?


    Why is it necessary at this point to report DS IV let alone V? It is reasonable to have a level 7 character at this point but definitely not a level 8. Seeing as you can apply credit of IV to a level 8, where is the rush? You can't even utilize a level 9-10 chronicle. You would apply it and then get to stare at it for who knows how long until they come out with 7-10 scenarios. Which, after attending Paizocon, I suspect will be another several months at least, if not until 2019. I believe they have more pressing matters during the 'con season'. Come June 27th, DS IV actually becomes relevant.

    "Dr." Cupi wrote:
    Why is it necessary at this point to report DS IV let alone V? It is reasonable to have a level 7 character at this point but definitely not a level 8. Seeing as you can apply credit of IV to a level 8, where is the rush? You can't even utilize a level 9-10 chronicle. You would apply it and then get to stare at it for who knows how long until they come out with 7-10 scenarios. Which, after attending Paizocon, I suspect will be another several months at least, if not until 2019. I believe they have more pressing matters during the 'con season'. Come June 27th, DS IV actually becomes relevant.

    It is necessary because my VO cant close ended event for couple months - because I cant report.



    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I can understand your point Fedor

    Now that a 5-8 has come out, the need for the chronicle and reporting this has in fact become a need. I pleasantly request that this be addressed as soon as efficiently possible. Though, I do understand that this is 'con season'.

    Sovereign Court Creative Director, Starfinder

    Sanctioning for Adventure Paths is handled by our Organized Play team. If you haven't done so already, I'd recommend heading over to the Organized Play forums and mentioning this issue there. They pay a lot more attention to those threads than product threads like this one. :)


    Thanks Robert

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