Nadya Petska

Zealotux's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Regardless of how his AC is calculated: Xavra is absolutely insane to fight for a CR 10 encounter, 31/32 AC, high save rolls, energy resistance at 15, 170hp... And on top of that a +22 to hit for 4d8+15? Not even mentioning Hybeki's fight right before that who was already quite challenging.

My party is made of quite good players, experienced with Pathfinder and role playing games in general and I still had to nerf that fight quite a lot to avoid a TPK, I feel like it has been a constant with that AP, the Garaggakal in book one was a ridiculous encounter already, I know that it's the GM's job to balance the content but does anyone at Paizo actually playtested these AP before release?

Not my thing to complain in that way but I honestly believe that the balance check is very poor on that one and it's frustrating to see that in an otherwise decent adventure path, hoping to see some improvement in future releases.

I'm a bit lost on the amount of knowledge the players are supposed to have on the Nejeor system and Nejeor VI: how much of the adventure background can they know with knowledge checks? Istamak seems to be kind of a unknown territory to them: can they know anything about it before landing?

That book looks great, lots of possibilities for encounters in Istamak.

However I'm a bit lost on the amount of knowledge the players are supposed to have on the Nejeor system and Nejeor VI: how much of the adventure background can they know with knowledge checks? Istamak seems to be kind of a unknown territory to them: can they know anything about it before landing?

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I did some maps for Maiden Mother Crone and I was thinking that it could be useful to some GMs over here, these maps don't have any doors as I add them on Roll20, tell me if you want some higher resolution versions of them:

Maiden Mother Crone - The Maiden
Maiden Mother Crone - The Mother
Maiden Mother Crone - The Crone