jimibones83 |

Er. You do know that primitive weapons are technology, right? Not anti-technology, whatever that is? I mean, yeah, it's not as advanced as the technology we have currently, but it's still technology...that's kind of like saying a steam engine or a musket is 'anti-tech'.
Personally, if there was an Ultimate Technology book, I'd also like it to cover all levels of technology, from stone age to speculative futuristic stuff. It wouldn't be appropriate for this book because this Technology Guide is specifically about the technology associated with the spaceship that crashed in Numeria, not because stone axes are somehow not 'technology'. Just like we probably won't have stuff related to radical genemodding and similar things in this book, because that's technology more appropriate to the Dominion of the Black.
You don't have to point out the obvious to me. I'm quite aware that primitive weapons are examples of stone-age technology. What I want in an Ultimate Technology guide is high tech. My term anti-tech was meant to illustrate how that is the exact opposite. If you think it's a stupid term then that's fine, but there's no reason debating what I meant because that was obvious.
So anyway, do you know what else is an example of primitive tech? Swords and fullplate armor! And we are freaking drowning in it. Take your pick, there are representations of primitive weapons everywhere. The bronze and stone-age are rep'd in Ultimate Combat. High tech on the other hand is nearly absent and deserves its own book.

Poldaran |

Poldaran wrote:Aside from needing proper labs, will the items have crafting requirements that will favor any particular classes? As it stands, it's not all that hard to pick up Master Craftsman as a martial, but a caster that can provide pre-req spells has a lower DC(sometimes much lower) unless the martial gets creative.Not really, although I guess classes who gain Knowledge (engineering) as a class skill will have a slight advantage.
That sounds incredibly reasonable.
Poldaran wrote:It's officially August. Time to start fidgeting uncontrollably.If you think that'll help, I'll start taking on HFCS and espresso intravenously until I'm fidgeting like a chihuahua in a paint shaker.
I'm not sure it'll help, but I can't imagine it'll slow it down any, either. I'm just not good at waiting for things.

Luthorne |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Luthorne wrote:Er. You do know that primitive weapons are technology, right? Not anti-technology, whatever that is? I mean, yeah, it's not as advanced as the technology we have currently, but it's still technology...that's kind of like saying a steam engine or a musket is 'anti-tech'.
Personally, if there was an Ultimate Technology book, I'd also like it to cover all levels of technology, from stone age to speculative futuristic stuff. It wouldn't be appropriate for this book because this Technology Guide is specifically about the technology associated with the spaceship that crashed in Numeria, not because stone axes are somehow not 'technology'. Just like we probably won't have stuff related to radical genemodding and similar things in this book, because that's technology more appropriate to the Dominion of the Black.
You don't have to point out the obvious to me. I'm quite aware that primitive weapons are examples of stone-age technology. What I want in an Ultimate Technology guide is high tech. My term anti-tech was meant to illustrate how that is the exact opposite. If you think it's a stupid term then that's fine, but there's no reason debating what I meant because that was obvious.
So anyway, do you know what else is an example of primitive tech? Swords and fullplate armor! And we are freaking drowning in it. Take your pick, there are representations of primitive weapons everywhere. The bronze and stone-age are rep'd in Ultimate Combat. High tech on the other hand is nearly absent and deserves its own book.
But stone age weaponry is all we have for that particular period, and there should be a more thorough discussion about gear, equipment, a discussion about society in a stone age or bronze age culture, suggestions for how the flavor of classes might change, and possibly even archetypes meant to evoke a more stone age or bronze age theme. I'd want a book like Ultimate Technology to be way more than just a bunch of alternate weapon lists, myself...
And it wasn't really obvious, honestly...I'm continually shocked and appalled by what some people on the internet seem to think science and technology is...usually magic that operates off of pixie dust as far as I can tell.

Axial |

Axial wrote:How about a Technomancer lich whose phylactery is a hard drive filled with the blueprints and source code for all his technology? You want to destroy it, but in doing so, you'd risk losing all of the data stored on it; inventions that could potentially control the balance of power across the Material Plane. Oh, and by the time you're done cracking the encryption, he's already scried and fried you.Pfft... a real Technomancer would invent the Internet and upload his phylactery up to the Web. Once it's on the internet, it lasts forever. The ultimate Computer Virus.
[Edit] The only way to destroy the Phylacernet would be to destroy the internet. But doing that would piss off so many people that an adventuring party would form for the express purpose of hunting down and killing the monsters that destroyed the internet. NEW CAMPAIGN!
Can he actually do that? I understand that the phylactery is a non-living object, but the internet is a bit too...abstract. I don't know, maybe James can answer this question.

Tels |

Tels wrote:Can he actually do that? I understand that the phylactery is a non-living object, but the internet is a bit too...abstract. I don't know, maybe James can answer this question.Axial wrote:How about a Technomancer lich whose phylactery is a hard drive filled with the blueprints and source code for all his technology? You want to destroy it, but in doing so, you'd risk losing all of the data stored on it; inventions that could potentially control the balance of power across the Material Plane. Oh, and by the time you're done cracking the encryption, he's already scried and fried you.Pfft... a real Technomancer would invent the Internet and upload his phylactery up to the Web. Once it's on the internet, it lasts forever. The ultimate Computer Virus.
[Edit] The only way to destroy the Phylacernet would be to destroy the internet. But doing that would piss off so many people that an adventuring party would form for the express purpose of hunting down and killing the monsters that destroyed the internet. NEW CAMPAIGN!
Hell if I know. Would make for a great villain though if you were playing in a modern or futuristic setting though.

jimibones83 |

@Luthorne My apologies on the obvious thing. I thought everyone knew that technology included low tech as well. Your right though, the internet is full of zombies.
I would want the book to be more than that too, that's why I also mentioned archetypes. That doesn't change the fact that we are already swimming in primitive tech and have very little to rep high tech

Ed Reppert |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I would love to see a hardcover in the RPG line that adds other tech levels to the game for those who enjoy something a little different. I'm envisioning a book that includes more options for everything from the Renaissance era tech we have touched on all the way through this sort of sci-fi tech. Something setting neutral for folks that want different tech levels, be it steampunk or sci-fi or the weird 20th-Century we saw a glimpse of in Rasputin Must Die!. I am sure there would be calamatous uproar from the community, but having a place on the RPG line would remove it from Golarion cannon and put it purely in the realm of optional.
So, the way to make this happen, is to support books like this one and show that something larger and more inclusive would find it's niche and be worth the investment to produce.
While I like some of these ideas, overall it strikes me like trying to turn Pathfinder into GURPS. :-)

Ed Reppert |

^Except its for the pathfinder system. I've passed on all opportunities to play GURPS because I've heard the rule set isn't all that great
One could say that about almost any rule set. It's been years since I played it, and I didn't play it extensively, but as I remember it, it wasn't *that* bad.

The Evil Queen |

James Jacobs wrote:So what you're hinting at is that everyone should buy two of each of these releases? ;)
And if Iron Gods and its support material do well, that will certainly inform us at Paizo as to the demand and interest in a science fiction game.
Yes, and that's what i'm afraid for.
Turning the entire game into a SF fest, and many old products (like bestiary 5) turning into SF fests as well, adding lots of SF elements to those otherwise non-sf books.

Tels |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |

Matt Thomason wrote:James Jacobs wrote:So what you're hinting at is that everyone should buy two of each of these releases? ;)
And if Iron Gods and its support material do well, that will certainly inform us at Paizo as to the demand and interest in a science fiction game.Yes, and that's what i'm afraid for.
Turning the entire game into a SF fest, and many old products (like bestiary 5) turning into SF fests as well, adding lots of SF elements to those otherwise non-sf books.
Was going to post a big rant here, but opted not to. When Jade Regent and 'Asia' material came out, they didn't flood all of their products with Asia-fest material. They included Asian monsters, and Asian items and Asian themes, because Paizo, unlike other companies, supports what they publish instead of releasing a single book and calling it quits.
The same is true for Mythic. There are Mythic Monsters and Mythic items and even some Mythic enemies in encounters they design; but Pathfinder didn't suddenly become "All Mythic, All the time!" or anything.
Even if a theoretical Ultimate Future Technology book came out (as opposed to an Ultimate Technology that covers a diverse series of technologies), the game wouldn't suddenly become "Pathfinder... in spaaaaace!"
It would be the same old Pathfinder it's been for years, except people who wanted options for advanced technology, would have those options. And you know what? People who want fantasy options would still have those options. Everyone wins and everyone gets what they want. Besides, if you don't want it, don't use it. It's pretty simple.

Malwing |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Matt Thomason wrote:James Jacobs wrote:So what you're hinting at is that everyone should buy two of each of these releases? ;)
And if Iron Gods and its support material do well, that will certainly inform us at Paizo as to the demand and interest in a science fiction game.Yes, and that's what i'm afraid for.
Turning the entire game into a SF fest, and many old products (like bestiary 5) turning into SF fests as well, adding lots of SF elements to those otherwise non-sf books.
I don't think the entire game would turn into a Sci Fi fest. A couple more scifi releases won't do that.
Why does everyone discuss it as if these things are incompatible. Some of my favorite properties include He-man, Thundercats, DC Comic's New Gods, Cosmic Marvel, the comic Saga, Flash Gordon and Star Wars. All of which get magic and science fiction all mixed together. In he-man there are spaceships, magic swords, hoverboards, wizards and a guy with a robot head, and its amazing. I think that if Pathfinder can occasionally turn into Heavy Metal then the customers that are into that kind of thing can get a few books to do that.

Odraude |

Best to ignore him. He just does this for attention.
So, I am really psyched about the Gravity clip for melee weapons. I have to wonder how that will work in this game. Also, I wonder if there will be anything for temporal manipulation. Not flat out time travel but, say, temporal stasis or freezing someone.
Also portal gun. Cause :D

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Man, now whenever I play/run this, I'm going to be thinking of Donny Osmond. Thanks Internet :D
You could tweak him so he dresses like a smooth criminal, does moonwalking dance attacks, and transforms into a four-wheeled mechanical conveyance.

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Erik Mona wrote:....Any chance of Unspeakable Futures? ;)Samy wrote:Well, if this product sells ten times the average Campaign Setting book, I'm sure we'll eventually get an Ultimate Technology.Me too.
Not unless I sell it to Paizo.
I've already kind of done that with my fantasy homebrew setting. I'm not yet 100% sure I wanna do it with my postapocalypitc homebrew setting.

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Winfred wrote:Erik Mona wrote:....Any chance of Unspeakable Futures? ;)Samy wrote:Well, if this product sells ten times the average Campaign Setting book, I'm sure we'll eventually get an Ultimate Technology.Me too.
Not unless I sell it to Paizo.
I've already kind of done that with my fantasy homebrew setting. I'm not yet 100% sure I wanna do it with my postapocalypitc homebrew setting.
Paizo could license it from you. Obviously their primary campaign setting requires the to have full ownership, but a secondary thing like Unspeakable Futures wouldn't.

Hitdice |

Winfred wrote:Erik Mona wrote:....Any chance of Unspeakable Futures? ;)Samy wrote:Well, if this product sells ten times the average Campaign Setting book, I'm sure we'll eventually get an Ultimate Technology.Me too.
Not unless I sell it to Paizo.
I've already kind of done that with my fantasy homebrew setting. I'm not yet 100% sure I wanna do it with my postapocalypitc homebrew setting.
No insult, but if you had to ballpark it, how many genre-ready homebrew settings would you say you had exactly? :P

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

James Jacobs wrote:No insult, but if you had to ballpark it, how many genre-ready homebrew settings would you say you had exactly? :PWinfred wrote:Erik Mona wrote:....Any chance of Unspeakable Futures? ;)Samy wrote:Well, if this product sells ten times the average Campaign Setting book, I'm sure we'll eventually get an Ultimate Technology.Me too.
Not unless I sell it to Paizo.
I've already kind of done that with my fantasy homebrew setting. I'm not yet 100% sure I wanna do it with my postapocalypitc homebrew setting.
Baria, my D&D/Pathfidner setting that has largely been parceled off to serve as elements in Golarion (and before that, even a few over to D&D).
Unspeakable Futures, my d20 apocalyptic survival horror game/setting.
If I had more than two "genre-ready homebrew settings" handy, I might be a bit less protective about the one I've not yet sold off.

Ed Reppert |

I'm not yet 100% sure I wanna do it with my postapocalypitc homebrew setting.
Post-apocalyptic? Hm. Sailing with Wolf Squadron would be… interesting. :-)

Winfred |

Winfred wrote:Erik Mona wrote:....Any chance of Unspeakable Futures? ;)Samy wrote:Well, if this product sells ten times the average Campaign Setting book, I'm sure we'll eventually get an Ultimate Technology.Me too.
Not unless I sell it to Paizo.
I've already kind of done that with my fantasy homebrew setting. I'm not yet 100% sure I wanna do it with my postapocalypitc homebrew setting.
Fair enough! I am just very intrigued...it sounds awesome! Very much a sort of storytelling I enjoy and frankly isn't served all that well by RPGs out there now. :)

Tels |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I'm a touch confused; the Iron Gods player's guide says the contents of this book will be available on the PRD... Is that right or is that a misprint? I didn't think things from the campaign setting line ended up on the PRD
The Technology Guide will be on the PRD because the rules in it are necessary for to play the AP.

Zaister |
I'd buy a copy. And maybe another for my girlfriend. She's become interested in Pathfinder after hearing about the transgendered iconic in ACG and NPCs in WotR.
Oh, which iconic is that?

Tels |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Odraude wrote:I'd buy a copy. And maybe another for my girlfriend. She's become interested in Pathfinder after hearing about the transgendered iconic in ACG and NPCs in WotR.Oh, which iconic is that?
Shardra Geltl, iconic Shaman and transgendered dwarf.