Pathfinder Adventure Path #73: The Worldwound Incursion (Wrath of the Righteous 1 of 6) (PFRPG)

4.50/5 (based on 22 ratings)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #73: The Worldwound Incursion (Wrath of the Righteous 1 of 6) (PFRPG)
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Chapter 1: "The Worldwound Incursion"
by Amber E. Scott

For more than a hundred years, the demon-infested Worldwound has warred against humanity, its Abyssal armies clashing with crusaders, barbarians, mercenaries, and heroes along the border of lost Sarkoris. But when one of the magical wardstones that helps hedge the demons into their savage realm is sabotaged, the crusader city of Kenabres is attacked and devastated by the demonic hordes. Can a small band of heroes destined for mythic greatness survive long enough to hold back the forces of chaos and evil until help arrives, or will they become the latest in a long line of victims slaughtered by Deskari, the demon lord of the Locust Host?

This volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path launches the Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path and includes:

  • “The Worldwound Incursion,” a Pathfinder RPG adventure for 1st-level characters, by Amber E. Scott.
  • A gazetteer of the crusader city of Kenabres on the border of the Worldwound, by Amber E. Scott.
  • The search for an infamous demon hunter in the Pathfinder’s Journal, by Robin D. Laws.
  • A complete outline of the Wrath of the Righteous campaign.
  • Four new monsters by James Jacobs, Jason Nelson, David Schwartz, and Jerome Virnich.

Each monthly full-color softcover Pathfinder Adventure Path volume contains an in-depth adventure scenario, stats for several new monsters, and support articles meant to give Game Masters additional material to expand their campaign. Pathfinder Adventure Path volumes use the Open Game License and work with both the Pathfinder RPG and the world’s oldest fantasy RPG.

ISBN–13: 978-1-60125-553-2

"The Worldwound Incursion" is sanctioned for use in Pathfinder Society Organized Play. The rules for running this Adventure Path and Chronicle sheet are available as a free download (1.6 MB PDF).

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscription.

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4.50/5 (based on 22 ratings)

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The Standard for AP Openings


As the title, this book is everything I love about Pathfinder and the best opener of any AP I’ve played. For context, I have played one other AP from beginning to end, 4 books of another, and the first book of another.

There’s challenge! There’s scale! There’s memorable NPCs! There’s such an energy and drive here that has kept me stoked for more. Yes, I am biased by my love of paladiny lawful goodness, but that’s just a small part of what makes this book work so well for me.

As a final note, anyone who wants to whine about LGBT-inclusion can kiss my transgender lesbian ass. This book rocks.

Pathfinder or politics?


The adventure is fun, if you can get past the writers doing their best to ram the most hot-topic controversial political issues of the day down your throat at every turn. I've had to dramatically modify the fluff of two major NPCs in order to avoid political conversations I don't care to have with my party.

Stick to writing stories, guys. You're not going to attract new fans like this.

A good start


Just to get this out of the way, let me start with the following obligatory advice:

Advice on adjusting the difficulty level of this AP:
Before running this AP, I was warned that the power of mythic PCs quickly outpaced the difficulty of the encounters the AP provides. Despite taking a number of precautions to mitigate this (having players use a 10 point-buy, applying advanced templates to every mythic creature, etc), I found this to be true.

In light of our experiences, and those reported on the boards, the consensus seems to be that there are two generally viable ways to deal with these problems:

Option 1: Power-down the PCs.

(a) Don't give the PCs mythic ranks.

(b) [Optional:] Use the Hero Point system introduced in the APG, and give the PCs a number of Hero Points per day equal to the number of mythic ranks they're supposed to have. (This makes players a bit more robust.)

(c) More or less play the AP as is. (Though there are a couple of encounters in book 6 that will probably need to be made a bit easier).

Option 2: Power-up the encounters.

(a) Give the PCs mythic ranks as the AP suggests (possibly with the nerfs suggested in Mythic Solutions).

(b) Use the (vastly) upgraded stat blocks presented in Sc8rpi8n_mjd's modified stat blocks document to upgrade encounters, and then further multiply the HPs given in the stat blocks by something like (creature's mythic rank+3)/3. (For more optimized players you may need to multiply HPs even more.)

Our experience, FWIW: We played books 1-4 more or less as is, and (despite my efforts to boost and combine encounters) found books 3 and 4 to be far too easy to be fun. We then adopted something like option 2 for books 5 and 6, and found that to be much more challenging and enjoyable. But we also found that combat can take forever -- don't be surprised if you find yourself needing to spend more than one session to get through a fight.

This is good start to the AP, with an epic event to kick things off, a number of interesting NPCs to roleplay with, and a decent dungeon crawl to work through.

--Fun of playing this leg of the AP, as written: 4.5/5
--Fun of the story of this leg of the AP: 4.5/5
--Total score: 4.5/5 (rounded up).

A Solid Foundation for the Entire Campaign


The Worldwound Incursion is an extremely good start to an epic campaign. This module of the Adventure Path builds a solid foundation on which the rest of the campaign rests.

The start of the module effectively not only shows what is at stake in the campaign and what will happen if the PCs fail, it also manages to build solid relationships with many of those who will be the PCs' closest allies as the campaign progresses. The NPCs have clear, strong and differing personalities which together with their background stories make for believable and likeable (or at least entertaining) NPCs.

Furthermore the AP manages to shine a light on not only the physical corruption demonic taint brings to mortals and nature itself, but also shows how the corruption of crusaders, mercenaries and in general fallible mortals slowly destroys the very nature of the crusades and crushes all hope of victory.

Add that the story is brilliant, the combats appropriately challenging and the rewards are very good as well, and the module offers plenty of good roleplaying opportunities, whether one prefers the more serious, the over the top and funny (with a touch of the dramatic) or a mixture of both.

The only negative I can add is that for any moderately competent group the mythic rules being introduced in the end pose quite a challenge for the GM in future modules. Mythic is overpowered, there is no way around it, and in my group even the suggested alternative stat increases make for too strong a party if one wants to play the entire AP exactly as written. As the campaign has progressed I've needed to increase the CR considerably to keep combats challenging (or just at a point where they drain PC resources), but luckily the Paizo forums have an amazing reworking of higher ranking enemies/allies/neutrals. Personally I find that those reworked stats and the stronger enemies being allowed to use mythic while the PCs aren't makes for an appropriate challenge, but it would depend a lot on how experienced the players are.

All in all The Worldwound Incursion is a brilliant start to a very, very good campaign, although later modules do need a bit more mechanical tweaks from the GM's side than the average AP. The help found on Paizo's forums helps a lot in this regard though.

Excellent Start


My group and I finished this book yesterday after playing nine sessions roughly averaging 3 ½ hours a pop. We play online with 6 players.

Story: The story is great. Starts off with the big bad guys making a powerful statement. This gives the GM a chance to play up that the demons are no joke and over the course of the book, the descriptions emphasize just how rotten they can be. The writers rarely miss a chance to speak to their taste in graffiti, vandalism of statues and desecration of monuments. The story really falls into two parts, the first one isolates the PCs from the larger events but that works great to force them to build as a team, the later part of the story opens up the scene to allow the players to explore the destruction and claim some victories. I liked how that worked out

Role-Play: This was also really well integrated into the story. The book has some NPCs thrust upon the PCs right off the bat. They are all well flushed out and easy to adapt and challenge the PCs to interact and help them find their voices with these brand new characters. Later on there are more interesting NPCs presented to the PCs each of them also well flushed out with clear goals and easy personalities to interpret. Also, the story has a number of decision points that should challenge members of the party to consider their own motivations and cooperate and negotiate upon those ideas.

Combat Encounters: These were mostly good. I had to modify a little bit here and there given the size of my group and emphasis upon them to build powerful characters. My intention being to run this without mythic rules means I will frequently be forced to modify encounters so this did not bother me. If it were a standard 4 person party, I think a good amount of the encounters would be challenging.

Extras: The maps of the underground could have been a bit more interesting. As it is they look pretty generic. The maps of the city however are very compelling visually. Give you a really good sense of the damage that was done. Additionally the introduction to Kenabres allows you to set up some stuff before the events of the AP kick off, so if you feel like you need to invest your players into the city more, there is ample material to do so. The monsters at the back are also good. Mostly they flush out the ranks of the demons giving multiple options across all CRs.

Overall: Great start to the AP. I’ve noticed some complaints of this being too railroady, but I don’t think so. In fact there is a large portion of the second half of the AP which asks the PCs to explore the ruins of Kenabres. A GM could easily add or subtract encounters into this portion as he wants. So the characters have room to develop, the plot sets the stakes really high and invests the PCs into the books to come.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

"Level range" as in which span the adventure occurs, normally 1st through 4th level. But, checking other APs, you guys are actually right, as in that normally only the starting level is mentioned in the product blurb. I guess I am used to seeing the second module immediately and knowing until which level the first module went. So, sorry, for the confusion.

Ah, but you see, we have mythic levels complicating what the level range might be. Has the Mythic Adventures book been sent to the printer yet? If not, there could still be some final revisions to the rule content, which could influence the final level range of the first volume of the adventure path.

Just a thought...

Carry on!

-- C.

Dark Archive

So who are the Iconics for this AP?

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

Level ranges are going to be harder to predict until each chapter is received and actually developed. Here's why: mythic tiers allow parties to fight tougher bosses. Tougher bosses equal more experience points, which in turn mean faster level gains.

You might find each chapter is slightly off traditional level ranges, leaning towards being higher. In fact I am certain of it. They're probably playing it safe, so no one calls them on it later.


11 people marked this as a favorite.

Thank you, everyone! Yes this is my first AP and while I'm no stranger to long, complex projects, an AP installment was certainly a dragon of a different color. The Paizo team gave me a tremendous amount of support and guidance, as always, and I think this series is going to be amazing. Can't wait to see it in print!!

Dark Archive

Kevin Mack wrote:
So who are the Iconics for this AP?

and will there be mythic icons?

I won't lie, the idea that this is the first real outing for the Mythic rules makes me want to own this for no other reason than having something to eyeball for recources.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My girlfriend and I are completely psyched for this campaign. It sounds legen-wait for it cause its going to be massive, and mythic in proportion because of a massive holy war versus the Abyss-DARY!

Liberty's Edge

I've called running this one for the podcast group, so I'm really looking forward to it! Hopefully, I will have our Age of Worms: Re-Rolled campaign done by about the time this AP is fully released, so it's with much anticipation that I am awaiting this one.

Silver Crusade

Will this be out before or after GenCon?

Webstore Gninja Minion

Danubus wrote:
Will this be out before or after GenCon?

The first volume releases this year at GenCon 2013.

Webstore Gninja Minion

chopswil wrote:
Kevin Mack wrote:
So who are the Iconics for this AP?
and will there be mythic icons?

I think you can probably count on Seelah's sword being in this AP...If she's not, I'm going to go downstairs and pout at Jacobs's door.

Whether they will be mythic or not remains to be seen, though.

Sovereign Court

Mythic art in the playtest was the normal iconics in action poses.

Any hints as to who the first demon lord is? And yay for Amber E. Scott! I loved Secrets of Xen'drik!

Sovereign Court

Cat-thulhu wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Shalafi2412 wrote:
Will there be info on how to play it sans mythic?

Yes, but doing so will require a fair amount of work on the GM's part, I suspect. The advice on how to "un-mythic" it will probably consist of a sidebar's worth of advice in each volume. That may change as I get into the development... but this adventure path is very much one of the main reasons why we're doing Mythic Adventures in the first place, not the other way around.

I'm assuming that the mythic adventures won't overun the standard AP. ARe we likely to look at 1 of each per year or will mythic paths be a little more scarce than this?

James Jacobs posted that they will wait for feedback on Mythic and the Mythic AP before deciding to do it again.

Because the APs are planned far in advance, the next two after Wrath of the Righteous cannot be mythic.

It's on the Ask James Jacobs thread.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
magnuskn wrote:

Woah, now that is a way to start a campaign with a bang. And the next modules will probably be even more epic. Or should I say, mythic?

I see no level range has been given in the summary. Innnnteresting.

Starts at level 1.

We're still solidifying how level progression and the addition of mythic content works out, but my GUESS is that by the end of this one, the PCs will be 6th level and mythic tier 1.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cat-thulhu wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Shalafi2412 wrote:
Will there be info on how to play it sans mythic?

Yes, but doing so will require a fair amount of work on the GM's part, I suspect. The advice on how to "un-mythic" it will probably consist of a sidebar's worth of advice in each volume. That may change as I get into the development... but this adventure path is very much one of the main reasons why we're doing Mythic Adventures in the first place, not the other way around.

I'm assuming that the mythic adventures won't overun the standard AP. ARe we likely to look at 1 of each per year or will mythic paths be a little more scarce than this?

At this point, both Adventure Paths for 2014 are locked in, and neither one of them are Mythic adventure paths. They MIGHT have a mythic monster here and there, but that's no different than us picking up content from any of our core books to use as appropriate in an Adventure Path.

If the Mythic Rules end up being REALLY popular and if folks love Wrath of the Righteous's mythic elements, the earliest we'll really know that is close to the start of 2014 anyway, at which point the earliest we could get another mythic adventure path up and running would be sometime in 2015.

In the long run, in other words, they may become more common, depending mostly on their popularity, but for the short term, Wrath of the Righteous is it for mythic adventures through 2014 at the minimum.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Kevin Mack wrote:
So who are the Iconics for this AP?

Alain, Seelah, Merisiel, and Seoni.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Andru Watkins wrote:
Any hints as to who the first demon lord is? And yay for Amber E. Scott! I loved Secrets of Xen'drik!

Gargoyles, gluttony, and ruins...

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
magnuskn wrote:

Woah, now that is a way to start a campaign with a bang. And the next modules will probably be even more epic. Or should I say, mythic?

I see no level range has been given in the summary. Innnnteresting.

Starts at level 1.

We're still solidifying how level progression and the addition of mythic content works out, but my GUESS is that by the end of this one, the PCs will be 6th level and mythic tier 1.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Cheapy wrote:

So do cocky Cavaliers and their egotistical horses.

(Damiel is the alchemist :))

Yeah. :( And I noticed right away and deleted the post and of course the board had one of those horrible slow-downs it always gets and bleagh.

Quoting a post that doesn't exist is really weird.

James Jacobs wrote:
Gargoyles, gluttony, and ruins...

Ooh! Book of the Damned Vol. II sold me on Xoveron. Very cool!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Cheapy wrote:
Quoting a post that doesn't exist is really weird.

You don't say. ^^

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

James Jacobs wrote:
We're still solidifying how level progression and the addition of mythic content works out, but my GUESS is that by the end of this one, the PCs will be 6th level and mythic tier 1.

Zowie, that's a going to be a lot of rules real quick. I thought the Mythic rules implementation were an admission that the 3.5-style "Epic" rules were too much numbers. I was looking forward to mythic-style feel-and-play without having to deal with the headaches of high level. Usually, I can get to book 4 of an AP until the game slogs. Now it looks like this one will cap out much sooner for me. :-(

James Jacobs wrote:
Kevin Mack wrote:
So who are the Iconics for this AP?
Alain, Seelah, Merisiel, and Seoni.

I cannot find anything amiss with this setup.

Would it be feasible to play as a Cleric of Asmodeus or prestige into a Hellknight in this campaign? Given the history of the conflict between Hell and the Abyss (the Blood War isn't really a part of the Pathfinder setting, but the Devils and Demons are still described as not getting along very well), it would make sense for a Chelaxian/Devil-worshipping character to have a vested interest in slaughtering demons.

Alain Germande wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Kevin Mack wrote:
So who are the Iconics for this AP?
Alain, Seelah, Merisiel, and Seoni.
I cannot find anything amiss with this setup.

I can. As can Seelah, Merisiel, and Seoni, I bet. *sulks*

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Axial wrote:
Would it be feasible to play as a Cleric of Asmodeus or prestige into a Hellknight in this campaign? Given the history of the conflict between Hell and the Abyss (the Blood War isn't really a part of the Pathfinder setting, but the Devils and Demons are still described as not getting along very well), it would make sense for a Chelaxian/Devil-worshipping character to have a vested interest in slaughtering demons.

I suppose.

There's not a lot of Hellknight action in the region at all, but there might be a few. And while there are some worshipers of Asmodeus fighting against the Worldwound demons, those who are closely associated with Cheliax actually kind of don't mind the fact that the demons are diverting attention from the "good guys" away from Cheliax...

James Jacobs wrote:
Axial wrote:
Would it be feasible to play as a Cleric of Asmodeus or prestige into a Hellknight in this campaign? Given the history of the conflict between Hell and the Abyss (the Blood War isn't really a part of the Pathfinder setting, but the Devils and Demons are still described as not getting along very well), it would make sense for a Chelaxian/Devil-worshipping character to have a vested interest in slaughtering demons.

I suppose.

There's not a lot of Hellknight action in the region at all, but there might be a few. And while there are some worshipers of Asmodeus fighting against the Worldwound demons, those who are closely associated with Cheliax actually kind of don't mind the fact that the demons are diverting attention from the "good guys" away from Cheliax...

In the long term, though, isn't getting rid of the Worldwound in Asmodeus's best interests? What happens to Rovagug's prison if the Abyss "eats" Golarion?

Liberty's Edge

magnuskn wrote:
Enlight_Bystand wrote:
magnuskn wrote:

Woah, now that is a way to start a campaign with a bang. And the next modules will probably be even more epic. Or should I say, mythic?

I see no level range has been given in the summary. Innnnteresting.

That's not unusual for these mockup descriptions. They normally only have a (provisional) starting level on them, updated once they've gone to the printers.
Correct, they normally always have a provisional starting level on them. Which was left out completely for this module. So I find that interesting.

This isn't the final description, we won;t get that till this issue is written and/or when the final cover is revealed.

Ahhhhhh Demons all over! But I don't mind! As long as it ain't good creatures and robots i'm extremly happy!

And thanks thanks thanks for that Babau picture on the cover! Is that the artwork of the bestiary box babau?

Liberty's Edge

GeraintElberion wrote:
Mythic art in the playtest was the normal iconics in action poses.

No there not, there slightly different.

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:
Axial wrote:
Would it be feasible to play as a Cleric of Asmodeus or prestige into a Hellknight in this campaign? Given the history of the conflict between Hell and the Abyss (the Blood War isn't really a part of the Pathfinder setting, but the Devils and Demons are still described as not getting along very well), it would make sense for a Chelaxian/Devil-worshipping character to have a vested interest in slaughtering demons.

I suppose.

There's not a lot of Hellknight action in the region at all, but there might be a few. And while there are some worshipers of Asmodeus fighting against the Worldwound demons, those who are closely associated with Cheliax actually kind of don't mind the fact that the demons are diverting attention from the "good guys" away from Cheliax...

James, I just don't get that last bit about "good guys". Don't buy into that Taldorian or Andoran propaganda; we are the good guys!

Anyway, I'm really excited about this... a Worldwound AP at last! YES! Perhaps Numeria will be next? :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Whoo! Go Medesha! I will personally campaign for a run of this at Cafe Mox. ; D

James Jacobs wrote:
Axial wrote:
Would it be feasible to play as a Cleric of Asmodeus or prestige into a Hellknight in this campaign? Given the history of the conflict between Hell and the Abyss (the Blood War isn't really a part of the Pathfinder setting, but the Devils and Demons are still described as not getting along very well), it would make sense for a Chelaxian/Devil-worshipping character to have a vested interest in slaughtering demons.

I suppose.

There's not a lot of Hellknight action in the region at all, but there might be a few. And while there are some worshipers of Asmodeus fighting against the Worldwound demons, those who are closely associated with Cheliax actually kind of don't mind the fact that the demons are diverting attention from the "good guys" away from Cheliax...

But if the defense of the Worldwound were to fail, then Cheliax (along with the rest of Golarion) would be overrun by hordes of demons. Queen Abrogail wouldn't be very happy about that.

Eh, I just think it would be kind of cool to have a devil-follower as a "Token Evil Teammate" in a campaign that's about fighting demons.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
In the long term, though, isn't getting rid of the Worldwound in Asmodeus's best interests? What happens to Rovagug's prison if the Abyss "eats" Golarion?

Who are we to second-guess what Asmodeus's best interests are?

And Rovagug's prison is more complex than "just the core of the world."

And if the Worldwound "wins," it doesn't necessarily "eat" Golarion anyway.

Anyway, questions that'll need to wait until January 2014 for answers in the Wrath of the Righteous Continuing the Campaign article.

James Jacobs wrote:


We're still solidifying how level progression and the addition of mythic content works out, but my GUESS is that by the end of this one, the PCs will be 6th level and mythic tier 1.

What does that mean? Can someone translate please!

Is that like 26?

It means the characters will have six character levels, and one mythic tier.

Read the playtest document for the mythic rules and it'll make perfect sense. :)

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

We don't have many demonic minis in the PF line (3 by my count), can we expect one of the major upcoming minis sets to be supporting Wrath of Righteous? :D :D

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Curmudgeonly wrote:
We don't have many demonic minis in the PF line (3 by my count), can we expect one of the major upcoming minis sets to be supporting Wrath of Righteous? :D :D

We'll be doing more minis of demons now and then, but the ordeal of doing the Shattered Star set at the same time we were writing and developing that Adventure Path (even though the minis just came out recently... we started working on them before we even assigned the first adventure to an author) was harrowing and frustrating. We're unlikely to try that again anytime soon, so there isn't going to be a Wrath of the Righteous minis set coming out anytime soon.

Curmudgeonly wrote:
can we expect one of the major upcoming minis sets to be supporting Wrath of Righteous?

You mean, like in the upcoming PF AP mini series supporting this AP?

EDIT Ninja'ed and corrected.

Product description wrote:
(including the first of six demon lords that will be presented during the campaign!)

Will this be the flavor from the SD AP plus stat blocks using Mythic Rules?


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Man, going to level 20 ( which I assume this AP will do ) will make deciding between Reign of Winter and this AP quite difficult for my players. On one hand, two of them want to play paired witchhunter Inquisitors ( based more than just a bit on the Hansel and Gretel: Witchhunters movie ), but on the other hand, they have been asking for a full 20 level campaign since I started running Paizo APs. Oh, well, their decision.

Liberty's Edge

magnuskn wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
Quoting a post that doesn't exist is really weird.
You don't say. ^^

Sure, but:

Charles Dickens wrote:

I would totally write for Paizo if I were still alive.

... so it's all good.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
magnuskn wrote:
Man, going to level 20 ( which I assume this AP will do ) will make deciding between Reign of Winter and this AP quite difficult for my players. On one hand, two of them want to play paired witchhunter Inquisitors ( based more than just a bit on the Hansel and Gretel: Witchhunters movie ), but on the other hand, they have been asking for a full 20 level campaign since I started running Paizo APs. Oh, well, their decision.

Reign of winter will be a better choice due to the fact they will have a lot more use of their abilities then in wraith of the righteous. Winter has alot more witches them Wraith does.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I should probably clarify that I didn't necessarily mean the Witchhunter Inquisitor archetype, but rather that their character focus will be on hunting witches. ^^

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
magnuskn wrote:
I should probably clarify that I didn't necessarily mean the Witchhunter Inquisitor archetype, but rather that their character focus will be on hunting witches. ^^

I see, then it an probably work in both campaigns but you will find a lack of witches in the wraith campaign where in winter, you will face a witch right in the first adventure and have a witch as the BBEG.

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