
Dabnabit's page

41 posts. Alias of stuart haffenden.


Anyone else?

Let me get this right, Spell Scars basically allows you to prepare extra spells (assuming you have the time - using scribe scroll rules).
You can either cast them straight off your body and then they're gone, or prepare spells for the day using them as if they were in your spellbook, thus increasing your repertoire.

Is that correct?

Do the scars cost the same as scribe scroll?

Can you prepare a scar at any level you can casts - like a 3rd level shield at 3rd level?


If one were using the Cabalist archetype where you become a spontaneous caster I assume the spell scars would effectively increase your spells known? or would you only be able to make scars of your known spells?
Also perhaps the scars would still be used up (vanish) if used, effectively increasing your spells known only on the days where you have had time/gold to create them? Or would you be able to keep using them indefinitely until replaced?

Let me get this right, Spell Scars basically allows you to prepare extra spells (assuming you have the time - using scribe scroll rules).

You can either cast them straight off your body and then they're gone, or prepare spells for the day using them as if they were in your spellbook.

Is that correct?

Do the scars cost the same as scribe scroll?

Can you prepare a scar at any level you can casts - like a 3rd level shield at 3rd level?

If one were using the Cabalist archetype where you become a spontaneous caster I assume the spell scars would effectively increase your spells known? or would you only be able to make scars of your known spells?
Also perhaps the scars would still be used up (vanish) if used, effectively increasing your spells known only on the days where you have had time/gold to create them? Or would you be able to keep using them indefinitely until replaced?

Yeah I was hoping for the opposite to guarantee a ranged touch attack hits with my pitiful dex of 11!

I'm sure I read a guide to some arcane class that was ranting about true strike from a familiar but I can't find it now.

What are the best spells for your faerie to use on you?

Can a Wizard with a Faerie dragon familiar (they have sorcerer levels)get the dragon to use a wand of true strike on the Wizard?
Share Spells says the wizard can cast on the dragon but not the other way round and true strike has range: personal and target: you ??

Can I buy magic items for my familiar, which item slots would a faerie dragon have? Headband seems reasonable, as does rings but I'm not sure about the others.? ?

What other cunning stunts can wizards pull off with a faerie!

So could you use Fast Learner to take both elf and half-elf favoured class bonuses?

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So I'm a constrictor snake and I bite you. Because I have grab I get a free attempt to grapple you, let's say I roll high enough.
So do I get to add constrict damage at the same time? Yes/no why?

In my next turn, can I bite you? Or do I have to maintain the grapple, and if successful, then just do constrict damage again?

Can I maintain the grapple and bite someone else?

Is it better to let go and start over so I can get bite and constrict damage again?


So in Trog form its better to cast Frostbite separately and then discharge the damage the following round with the 3 natural attack. These attacks target regular AC and don't suffer any addition penalties other than the natural ones based on the form you're in, right?

So with a Trog that has 3 attacks bite, claw, claw all of which are primary I would use my full bab + strength + misc bonus on all 3 and deal Trog damage + strenght + 1d6 + level on any that hit, right??

So with that in mind would it be worth considering using a Race like Tengu with 3 natural attack rather than a Tiefling [my current choice]

So I cast Alter Self and now I'm looking like a Troglodyte and have 3 natural attacks [bite, claw, claw].

Frostbite states that your melee touch attacks deal 1d6+1/level cold non-lethal damage and you get your "level" number of them.

If I'm a 3rd level Magus can I use the Trog natural attacks to administer the 3 Frostbites?

Are they Touch attacks?

Another way of putting it would be...

Can natural attacks count as touch attacks?


Do I use Spell Combat to administer the 3 frostbites through my sword because I now have 3 attacks [I'm a Trog]


I'm under a greater invisibility spell but standing next to a monster. If I stay still I get +40 to my stealth, if I've moved a bit I get +20 to my stealth, but what happens if I'm using a vocal form of inspire courage? Or to a lesser effect, casting a spell.

Id assume inspiring in this manner would make my position obvious and leave me with a 50% miss chance. But could I use stealth to help?

I plan on using gr.invisibility as my main form of defence ( my AC sucks) because mirror image/blur/displacement don't really do much when you're invisible!

Thanks, those are great options.

Is it better to go for a tank or a monster with spell-like/spells?

None, yet.

I don't know where to start. What's a good option? What's a bad option?

Are they no planar ally users?

I've never used, or seen used, any of the 'calling' spells but I'd like to use them in future.

So for those that have used these spells...are they any good and what does one call?

I was looking at the Bard and noticed there was an ability that used performance to mimic planar ally and that each spell has a HD cap but any extraplanar creature was a legal target, like protean or Archon, for example.
Assuming I want to call for help clearing a dungeon - What should I call?

Horses, always horses, I hate them.

Show your love for the cows, post moo now. Without cows we wouldn't have milk! Yes it's true, really...look it up if you don't believe me.

That's more like it! Keep them coming!

Well Samurai are basically Cavaliers so either builds are of interest.

This Feat

The character is for a home Game, 20pts, level 11.

There is a Feat that avoids the penalties for squeezing (can't remember the name). I would have thought it would be in every build thus allowing for large sized mounts being used.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm interested in trying to create a Cavalier but I'm not sure what the best route is.
If you're playing a Cavalier please can you post your build to give me some ideas?
One other question - How much time does your character actually spend mounted?

Is that like 26?

James Jacobs wrote:


We're still solidifying how level progression and the addition of mythic content works out, but my GUESS is that by the end of this one, the PCs will be 6th level and mythic tier 1.

What does that mean? Can someone translate please!

james maissen wrote:

It's a tough call, but with so many feats.. a level of fighter might be in your future at some point to help get things on line quicker.


Not a bad idea, it's only really going to delay 1 point of DR by a round and although that would be a little painful the extra Feat plus +2 Fort would make it a lot less painful!

The key to the LoH's is the ability to move without losing your Stance boons. Obviously I don't know if and how often I will want to move position in combat but I would probably want to cover myself for perhaps one move per encounter worthy of a Stance. That could be anything between once and three times [I figure/blindly guess] each day.
On that basis I guess I only need three LoH's at level 6, one of which could come from a Headband which means I can lower my CHA to 8 [0 points spent] giving me another 5 points to spend. I couldn't drop as low as 5!

As for CON, why so high? A d10 hit die, a Favoured Class bonus, DR and a decent AC should be more than enough to survive, I hope!

The Cleave Feats are going to increase the number of attacks I get each round and it would be great to combine that with Combat Reflexes but I don't have room!

Unexpected Strike was going to be my first power but I'm tempted by more DR even though I know that's probably a bad option.

Any min/max character build forsakes sensible stat point allocation for min/max. We both know you know that.

blackbloodtroll wrote:

I would just combine a Dwarven Longhammer, or Dwarven Longaxe, with a Dwarven Boulder Helmet.

Threaten adjacent, and at reach, all while using effective, and flavorful weapons.

If I Cleave/Great Cleave I can't swap between different weapons and wont that make things expensive?

asthyril wrote:
combat reflexes and a good position on the battlefield, with allies staying behind you

I was thinking more along the lines of Great Cleave, Goblin/Orc Feats, Enlarge Person, my reach weapon and not missing anything within 10-15ft of me!

Its an Orc, one of the very few things it brings to the table is a starting Str of 22.


Not before you get there you wont. I build to be playable at all levels, not at a snapshot.


Umbranus wrote:

As a dwarf never is slowed by armor I like to give them the armor mod that gives +2 AC vs crit confirmation rolls.

Combined with the dwarf boulder helmet that's +4 AC vs crits.
The boulder helmet gives a circumstance bonus, the vital guard just treats the AC as being 2 higher so both should stack.

Combined with the stonelord fortification ability this means you'll rarely be crited.

I'm not all that worried about the crits. With high AC, DR and decent hit points it shouldn't be an issue.

Need to maximise the number of hits I get each round.

I've changed the stats to...

Str 21, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 12

The AC, DR and LoH should easily cover my health. A +1 bonus to Dex & Wis help saves. Its a better all round distibution.

Yeah that is odd.

any feat suggestions?

so I take a -2 to hit with a small sized reach weapon but I can threaten 10ft and 5ft without having to use a move action to adjust?

Another question.. was/is it fun to play?

Thanks for the insight.

The reason I'm drawn toward the Goblin/Orc cleave feats is that I want to be able to hit more often with my highest attack. Cleave and Gr. Cleave are great but the enemy doesn't always stand next to each other and I figured the Gob/Orc stuff would really help. It's only a guess [no spoilers please] but I'm in Jade Regent and I figured that there will be lots of human sized foes to fight.

If I drop those add-ons to Cleave, do you recommend Gr. Cleave, and what would you suggest as an alternative?

Yes level 6, Fatigue Mercy - nice of them to leave that one in!

I have this dude as a back-up in case my current char dies. We can use anything Paizo published [Core, APG, Ultimates, Campaign stuff etc.]. We use 20 point buy.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Dwarf [no s*%#!]Stonelord LG

Level 5

Str 20 +5 [24 +7 In stance]
Dex 10 +0
Con 15 +2 [19 +4 In stance]
Int. 7 -2
Wis 10 +0
Cha 14 +2

1st Power Attack
3rd Cleave
5th Goblin Cleaver
7th Orc Hewer
9th Great Cleave
11th Darting Viper
13th Steel Soul?

Attack: +1 Dwarven dorn-dergar
Normal Attack +11 (1d10 +8)
Power Attack +9 (1d10 +14)
Defensive Stance+Power Attack+Stone Strike +13 (1d10 +19)

Hit Points 49 (+/-10 Defensive Stance)

Saves {in Defensive Stance} not including +2 from Race vs Spell/Spell-like
fort 7 {9}
ref 2 {2}
will 5 {7}

I'm not used to playing Paladins but saw the Stonelord and it looked like it would be a lot of fun to play. I need help with this build because I'm not sure whether my stat/feat/weapon options are solid or not.
I like the idea of having a pet Earth elemental but it doesn't look all that great until level 8 when it becomes medium sized.

Any thoughts?

gustavo iglesias wrote:
Adamantine Dragon wrote:

In our group we have decided that over the long haul the +1/shocking sword with strategically cast "Greater Magic Weapon" spells satisfies the need for overcoming DR in the uncommon circumstance of encountering DR, while still providing the extra damage against all the mooks and minions, meaning they go down much faster.

Well, under your group house rule it might be better, as it is a free +1d6. RAW is different, though, as Greater Magic Weapon does not help to overcome DR.

"This spell functions like magic weapon, except that it gives a weapon an enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls of +1 per four caster levels (maximum +5). This bonus does not allow a weapon to bypass damage reduction aside from magic."

However, I concede that this is one of the best arguments for the pure bonus over the elemental effects. I just think it is not nearly as common at least in my own gaming experience as people make it out to be. And even when it is, the difference in DR potential between a +1/shocking and a +2/+2 sword is exactly 1 point of damage per hit, with a total of hitting once more per 20 attacks.

That vary largely with the DR. If the enemy has DR 10/cold iron or 10/silver, having a +3 weapon means you ignore the DR at all, while having a +2 shocking, or a +1 flaming corrosive, does not.

Also, Energy resistance is at least as common as Damage reduction. Unless your campaign is about fighting only humanoid NPC, it's quite probable that you face some kind of energy resistance. Even a mild energy resistance 5 makes the +1d6 weapons useless.


But for the type of gaming I do, (and I suspect it is much more common than the level 20 gaming that is so prevalent on these boards) that extra d6 against the 90% of enemies who don't have DR is pretty nice.
Lots and lots of CR 9 monsters have damage reduction and energy resistance, you don't need to play at 20. Right in the AP I'm running now, Way of the Wicked, in the route from lvl 5...

Well put. +1

I don't think Rogue is your best option! They suck with a party, but without one...oh man!

If you don't mind granting sneak attack damage all the time, or maybe on anything that has already taken damage...hmmm.

Get some more players?!!

Apart from keeping trees warm, I just can't get excited about Druids.

Assuming the Druid is the Cleric replacement and everyone at the table has come to terms with the fact that he isn't a heal-bot...

What do they do in combat? How do you play your Druid [assuming anyone is playing a Druid!]?