Welcome To The Veskarium!

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

The galaxy of the Starfinder RPG expands with this month’s release of Starfinder Near Space, which details dozens of planets and civilizations in this region of the galaxy and includes new starships and a wide selection of character option as well.

Among the many worlds located within Near Space are not only the allied planets of the Pact Worlds, but also the core worlds of the Veskarium, the interplanetary empire of the warlike vesk. While vesk are a relatively common sight in the Pact Worlds and throughout the galaxy, their home system has remained something of a mystery. But no longer! Starfinder Near Space takes us into the Veskarium for the first time, so let’s take a brief look at the vesk empire and its diverse worlds.

The Veskarium

Centered around a blue sun called Ghavaniska, the Veskarium is an autocratic empire and military dictatorship with one overarching goal: conquest. Long before the onset of the Gap, the vesk conquered all of the planets of their home system, renaming these worlds after themselves and numbering them in order of their distance from the sun. When the Gap ended, the vesk turned to their well-organized pre-Gap military archives and set about relearning the boundaries of their ancient empire and re-establishing the Veskarium’s dominion over their subject worlds in less than a decade. Vesk dominate the empire and make up the majority of its inhabitants, but the Veskarium encompasses dozens of planets, and their native inhabitants enjoy full citizenship in the empire. Vesk believe they have an obligation to care for their conquered vassals, and while the Veskarium’s laws are strict and draconian, standards of living are high, and most residents of the empire, vesk or not, are content with their lives and support—or at least tolerate—their government.

Vesk Prime

The closest planet to the sun, Vesk Prime is the vesk home world and the imperial capital of the Veskarium. It is the most densely populated world in the empire, with large, modern cities—like the sprawling metropolis and vast military installation Command Prime—surrounded by huge tracts of cultivated lands and wilderness reserves. Under the leadership of High Despot Vindaskayo Swarmripper, Vesk Prime remains the center of the empire, both politically and culturally. The Veskarium originated here in ages past, when the vesk defeated the other native sapient species of their home world, the caiagaras and the skeraskens, and first proclaimed their empire before expanding to the other worlds of the Ghavaniska system.


Ghavaniska’s second planet, a calm, watery world with a shallow, salty ocean covering much of its surface, was the Veskarium’s first extraplanetary conquest. The squid-like ijtikris are native to Vesk-2, and after centuries of vesk rule, they are highly integrated into Veskarium society. Strange, ancient ruins that predate ijtikri culture dot the scattered islands of Vesk-2 and are an enduring mystery on the planet, hinting at the possibility of another sapient species that inhabited the world in the distant past. Ijtikris have an instinctive aversion to these sites, but vesk have no such compunctions and have explored many of them. The flooded swamp-forests of Vesk-2 are also a center of domesticated defrex ranching in the Veskarium.


A garden world with expansive forests, abundant nutrients from constant volcanic activity, and warm, shallow oceans, Vesk-3 is saturated in a constant, rainy spring. Ostensibly a paradise, Vesk-3 remains one of the Veskarium’s most difficult planets to rule, thanks to its indigenous population of ever-helpful skittermanders. Although they far outnumber their vesk overlords, skittermanders generally don’t seem to understand the significance of their conquest. Their obsequious nature grates on the practical-minded vesk, who commonly joke that skittermanders will eagerly “help” tear down your engine unless you eat them, and even then they’ll stick around and help chew your food. As a result, vesk presence on the planet is mostly confined to one of the planet’s two primary continents, leaving skittermanders largely autonomous in their native lands.


Nicknamed “the Glutton” by early vesk conquerors for its tendency to pull celestial bodies—such as its own moons—into its powerful gravitational field, Vesk-4 is a dense planet with a single landmass teeming with lush jungles, sodden swamplands, and volcanic mountain ranges. Home to an indigenous species of sapient mole‑like creatures called talphi, Vesk-4 is an important hub for mining useful minerals, left behind by millennia of meteorites crashing into the planet. Recently, however, the Veskarium has begun harvesting crystals that can be refined to power solarian weapons, and Vesk-4 now supports an academy specializing in training solarians. Life on Vesk‑4 is generally difficult. Citizens lead austere, regimented lives focused on labor and service, and seismic activity, radiation, and frequent meteorite collisions constantly threaten settlements.


Encircled by bands of red and purple gases, Vesk-5 is the largest planet and the only gas giant in the Ghavaniska system. The planet’s atmosphere surges with powerful lightning storms and pounding hydrogen rain, and its dense, unstable core constantly ejects valuable ore that the Veskarium monopolizes. Nevertheless, daring adventurers called stormrunners dodge military patrol craft and brave Vesk-5’s dangerous atmosphere to “mine” these profitable minerals using gigantic energy nets deployed from their ships, causing the Veskarium to brand them outlaws—a label that many stormrunners adopt as a badge of honor. Vesk-5’s only native sapient species, formians, reside in orbiting hives in the planet’s small, rocky ring system, and most other inhabitants live on the gas giant’s largest moons.


Though distant from the sun, Vesk-6 is an inexplicably warm jungle world with relatively low gravity, towering trees, gigantic insects, and other titanic flora and fauna that struggle ruthlessly with one another to survive. A powerful magnetosphere helps the planet retain its atmosphere, but the magnetic winds it generates devastate many forms of technology, with the result that Vesk-6’s surface remains mostly untamed. The planet’s dominant sapient species, the catlike pahtras, initially resisted the vesk invasion, but they were eventually conquered and incorporated into the Veskarium. Most pahtra nation-states signed treaties with the Veskarium that grant them an unusual amount of autonomy, but some groups of pahtra guerillas continue to battle vesk peacekeepers for the liberation of their home world.

Vesk-7 and Vesk-8

The distant, icy worlds of Vesk-7 and Vesk-8 are the outermost planets of the Ghavaniska system, and a posting to either of them is usually a punishment for dishonored vesk or those exiled for controversial or troublesome political views. The two worlds share virtually the same orbit, though Vesk-7’s orbit is retrograde, and twice each planetary year, the planets’ shared moon, Traverse, transfers its orbit from one world to the other. Magical gates linking the planets and their moon activate at these times, allowing the native kothamas of Vesk-7 and Vesk-8 to travel between them. Vesk-7 hosts a small, nominally independent city of people who want to leave their pasts behind them, while Vesk-8 holds a penal colony established to mine the planet’s valuable shimmerstone deposits.

Conqueror’s Forge

Initially constructed to address a perceived technological gap between the Veskarium and the Pact Worlds, this massive space platform and shipyard—with a distinctive silhouette reminiscent of a doshko—has the full status of one of the Veskarium’s core worlds, with its own high despot in command. Equipped with banks of mighty thrusters (and even a powerful Drift engine, if rumors are to be believed), Conqueror’s Forge travels throughout Veskarium space, collecting resources for research and production, manufacturing weapons and starships for the Veskarium’s military, and selling its technological developments to other species to fund additional research. One section of the station, officially denied by the Veskarium government and known only by the codename Vesk-9, is devoted to confidential research, advanced experimentation, and other secret projects that remain classified to all but those with the highest security clearances.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this glimpse of the worlds and peoples of the Veskarium. If you’d like to learn more about the Veskarium (or other Near Space cultures), pick up a copy of Starfinder Near Space and keep your sensors locked on the Paizo blog and Paizo’s Twitch stream for more previews and behind-the-scenes details of Near Space and Starfinder!

Robert G. McCreary
Starfinder Creative Director

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Now that's a sweet star system!

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber


So the Formians are now native to two different solar systems?

Three new race names and no new races in Near Space. Hoping we get an announcement for AA4 in the near future. :)

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Sparrowhawk_92 wrote:
Three new race names and no new races in Near Space. Hoping we get an announcement for AA4 in the near future. :)

I hope AA4 has multiple playable robots, or a racebuilder so I can make my own robot races.

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I spooked the people in my house when i laughed the moment i read abot Vesk-3!

Adorable helpful fluffy Skittermanders.

Tymin wrote:
Sparrowhawk_92 wrote:
Three new race names and no new races in Near Space. Hoping we get an announcement for AA4 in the near future. :)
I hope AA4 has multiple playable robots, or a racebuilder so I can make my own robot races.

We already have four techno-construct races that are playable. I want a straight up golem race if we're adding more.

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David knott 242 wrote:


So the Formians are now native to two different solar systems?

I wondered about that too, but then we do have the gap and who knows why some species are spread around the galaxy some other are not so widespread.

In another sci-fi system there is the mystery about a very old species who took [insert widespread species and some others] and planted them into various solar systems and did who-knows-what to them or just abandoned them like the more grown puppy that the now bored child is abandoning at a random far away place.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Sparrowhawk_92 wrote:
Three new race names and no new races in Near Space. Hoping we get an announcement for AA4 in the near future. :)

I think we may have more than three, unless I missed an Alien Archive entry somewhere:

New races: Caiagaras, Skeraskens, Ijtikris, Talphi

Old races: Vesk, Skittermanders, Formians, Pahtras

Franchisee - Game Kastle College Park

Veskarium AP announcement at PaizoCon?

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David knott 242 wrote:
Sparrowhawk_92 wrote:
Three new race names and no new races in Near Space. Hoping we get an announcement for AA4 in the near future. :)

I think we may have more than three, unless I missed an Alien Archive entry somewhere:

New races: Caiagaras, Skeraskens, Ijtikris, Talphi

Old races: Vesk, Skittermanders, Formians, Pahtras

Iktijri are in AA3 already. So the other three are new and the rest are legacy.

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David knott 242 wrote:
Sparrowhawk_92 wrote:
Three new race names and no new races in Near Space. Hoping we get an announcement for AA4 in the near future. :)

I think we may have more than three, unless I missed an Alien Archive entry somewhere:

New races: Caiagaras, Skeraskens, Ijtikris, Talphi

Old races: Vesk, Skittermanders, Formians, Pahtras

Ijtikris are on page 55 of Alien Archive 3

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Strange, ancient ruins that predate ijtikri culture dot the scattered islands of Vesk-2 and are an enduring mystery on the planet, hinting at the possibility of another sapient species that inhabited the world in the distant past.

Please let this be Grippli and be detailed in the book...

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What's up with the two target-looking things orbiting Vesk-5? You can't just put those in the art, not explain anything about them, and not expect me to be curious.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Good question. The easiest explanation is that they are eternal storms over valuable mineral deposits at the poles, but I am just guessing here.

I eagerly await this book, and not just because one of my players is playing a Vesk.

Sovereign Court Creative Director, Starfinder

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Captain collateral damage wrote:
What's up with the two target-looking things orbiting Vesk-5? You can't just put those in the art, not explain anything about them, and not expect me to be curious.

They're explained in the book! :)

But they're called "Ibra's Auroras," and are a byproduct of the planet's magnetic field.

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David knott 242 wrote:


So the Formians are now native to two different solar systems?

Based on their bestiary entry in PF1, the Formians were colonizing new planets long before just about any other species. That's probably why they're all over the galaxy.

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Can't wait to read all about it - this is gonna be a great book for sweet new lore :)

Also, is it just me, or is the Conqueror's Forge the eventual conclusion of the classic "Board With A Nail In It" bit?

I always thought the Veskarium had more then one system.

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Gamerskum wrote:
I always thought the Veskarium had more then one system.

According to this they do, but this is just their main system. A bit like how the Pact Worlds have a bunch of rando colonies out there.

Of course, the Pahtra have a planet on the edge of the system...they think they're too cool for the rest of the Veskarium

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Those Formians, they do get around...

6 people marked this as a favorite.

The Vesk really don't sound friendly. I expect that in the future they will become a serious problem to the Pact Worlds . . . .

A word of advice to any Pact Worlders or Terrans visiting the Veskarium: DON'T look at Ghavaniska! The blue-white color means that this star has a higher temperature than Earth's Sun or Golarion's Sun (it is probably spectral class F or maybe even A), and will therefore have much higher high surface brightness, which will be concentrated into a smaller field of view from the perspective of planets in the habitable zone, which means that looking at Ghavaniska on a normal day would be like looking at a Sun-class star during an advanced partial eclipse, but do its dirty work even faster. The UV emission will also be much more intense, so unless the inhabited planets have exceptionally robust ozone layers, be sure to equip yourself with plenty of high-grade sunblock and UV-absorbing sunglasses (which won't be able to protect you from the previous problem, but at least will preserve some of the life of your corneas).

From a personal perspective, what constitutes a "shallow" ocean?

Brilliant! Can't wait for the book :)

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UnArcaneElection wrote:

The Vesk really don't sound friendly. I expect that in the future they will become a serious problem to the Pact Worlds . . . .

A word of advice to any Pact Worlders or Terrans visiting the Veskarium: DON'T look at Ghavaniska! The blue-white color means that this star has a higher temperature than Earth's Sun or Golarion's Sun (it is probably spectral class F or maybe even A), and will therefore have much higher high surface brightness, which will be concentrated into a smaller field of view from the perspective of planets in the habitable zone, which means that looking at Ghavaniska on a normal day would be like looking at a Sun-class star during an advanced partial eclipse, but do its dirty work even faster. The UV emission will also be much more intense, so unless the inhabited planets have exceptionally robust ozone layers, be sure to equip yourself with plenty of high-grade sunblock and UV-absorbing sunglasses (which won't be able to protect you from the previous problem, but at least will preserve some of the life of your corneas).

They were a serious problem, and then the Swarm showed up. I presume they'll either be an issue again later, or maybe we'll get a sweet Space Cold War thing. Dibs on playing Space Putin much later.

Inquisitive Tiefling wrote:
From a personal perspective, what constitutes a "shallow" ocean?

I think it means that at least some sunlight reaches the bottom. At least, that's how I read that kind of statement.

pithica42 wrote:
Inquisitive Tiefling wrote:
From a personal perspective, what constitutes a "shallow" ocean?
I think it means that at least some sunlight reaches the bottom. At least, that's how I read that kind of statement.

On earth: Shallow seas are defined as marginal or inland extensions of ocean with average depths of about 200 m.

That's significantly shallower than I was thinking (some sunlight penetrates as deep as 1km), but if that's the official designation, I stand corrected.

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I mean, I bet Kalo have a different definition of a shallow sea than... like, a Bantrid. So who knows? I just looked it up because I'd never tried to define it before.


This made me think "What do Bantrid swim fins look like?" and my brain gave me an image of something like a wearable circular paddle from old timey river steamships. Yet another "Dude, why are you laughing so hard?" I don't feel like answering at work.

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
UnArcaneElection wrote:

The Vesk really don't sound friendly. I expect that in the future they will become a serious problem to the Pact Worlds . . . .

A word of advice to any Pact Worlders or Terrans visiting the Veskarium: DON'T look at Ghavaniska! The blue-white color means that this star has a higher temperature than Earth's Sun or Golarion's Sun (it is probably spectral class F or maybe even A), and will therefore have much higher high surface brightness, which will be concentrated into a smaller field of view from the perspective of planets in the habitable zone, which means that looking at Ghavaniska on a normal day would be like looking at a Sun-class star during an advanced partial eclipse, but do its dirty work even faster. The UV emission will also be much more intense, so unless the inhabited planets have exceptionally robust ozone layers, be sure to equip yourself with plenty of high-grade sunblock and UV-absorbing sunglasses (which won't be able to protect you from the previous problem, but at least will preserve some of the life of your corneas).

I can see Vesk having poor eyesight in dimmer systems having evolved on such a Bright world, maybe even a bonus save vs things like Flash Bangs. Hmm could also explain their aggressiveness too. Blue Stars burn bright and fast. This system will not survive for long. To quote, "Big, brief, unstable, violent lives." - this totally sounds like a Typical Vesk. :)

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

If the Vesk sun is actually blue, it would be class B or even O. Class A is white and class F is yellow-white.

And, since we can safely assume that the sun and planets in the Veskarium solar system are not drawn to scale but that the system should be comparable in size to the Pact Worlds system, its main star would have to be a blue sub-dwarf. For a blue main sequence star, the habitable zone would be about 50 AU out. I doubt that the length of Vesk Prime's year would be compatible with that, let alone the lengths of the years of planets farther out.

Anyway, if their sun is brighter than ours, then one or more of the following three things must be true of the Vesk:

1) They evolved underground.
2) They evolved as nocturnal predators.
3) They should not have low-light vision.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
David knott 242 wrote:

If the Vesk sun is actually blue, it would be class B or even O. Class A is white and class F is yellow-white.

And, since we can safely assume that the sun and planets in the Veskarium solar system are not drawn to scale but that the system should be comparable in size to the Pact Worlds system, its main star would have to be a blue sub-dwarf. For a blue main sequence star, the habitable zone would be about 50 AU out. I doubt that the length of Vesk Prime's year would be compatible with that, let alone the lengths of the years of planets farther out.

Anyway, if their sun is brighter than ours, then one or more of the following three things must be true of the Vesk:

1) They evolved underground.
2) They evolved as nocturnal predators.
3) They should not have low-light vision.

But if it was a Blue Sub-Dwarf, the chance of it having an intact planetary system would be almost nil, right?


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A somewhat under-developed Vesk female with thick glasses and a suit of almost comically over-sized Lashunta Ringwear opines....

Oh, great, now the Jocks got their propaganda out there about how austerity via practical bullying works. Was hoping for just a few more years before they started stinking up the spacewaves....

"So, ah, um, yeah, that's the ah, Veskarium ah, main system. It's ah, almost like they, um, decided to copy the Pact Worlds in some ways. It's really um, ah, BORING place and no one ah, needs to ah, go there."

EDIT: Player thoughts:
Unlike my character here, I for one welcome more information about her home system! Looking forward to learning a lot.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Anorak wrote:
David knott 242 wrote:

If the Vesk sun is actually blue, it would be class B or even O. Class A is white and class F is yellow-white.

And, since we can safely assume that the sun and planets in the Veskarium solar system are not drawn to scale but that the system should be comparable in size to the Pact Worlds system, its main star would have to be a blue sub-dwarf. For a blue main sequence star, the habitable zone would be about 50 AU out. I doubt that the length of Vesk Prime's year would be compatible with that, let alone the lengths of the years of planets farther out.

Anyway, if their sun is brighter than ours, then one or more of the following three things must be true of the Vesk:

1) They evolved underground.
2) They evolved as nocturnal predators.
3) They should not have low-light vision.

But if it was a Blue Sub-Dwarf, the chance of it having an intact planetary system would be almost nil, right?

I think the odds of there being an inhabited planetary system with a blue central star would be almost nil regardless. But then again, scientific accuracy is not really important to Starfinder.

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

(Star) Hot Take: Ghavaniska being blue doesn't mean it follows the same physics as our corner of the galaxy. It runs roughly as hot/bright as Sol, Mataras, or other yellow stars, but the Stellar Colour Coding Committee (standing members Desna, Ibra, Cthulhu, and Shelyn) decided it'd be fun for this one to be blue for a change.
(Desna originally campaigned for it to be an ever-changing rainbow kaleidoscope, but Pharasma talked her down from that ledge because, "ever-changing kaleidoscopes are so last metaphysical reality.")

Marketing & Media Manager

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I did a quick google of the habitable zone of a blue O-Type star and suffice it to say, we should keep the fantasy in science-fantasy. ;)

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I actually appreciate that, while the Veskarium are certainly a hostile civilization, they are one that both other civilizations can potentially coexist with, and players could very readily have adventures within. They are an expansionist military empire, but more Rome or Britain, less Mordor. Alternative phrasing: its quite easy to imagine PCs, even heroic PCs, who are native to the Veskarium, whose primary purpose is not "overthrow the Veskarium", compared to a place like the Azlanti Star Empire.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Aaron Shanks wrote:
I did a quick google of the habitable zone of a blue O-Type star and suffice it to say, we should keep the fantasy in science-fantasy. ;)

Not disagreeing nor criticizing merely using it as an opportunity to speculate on how Life could fantastically evolve under a Blue Star instead of this is a Blue Star System but life evolved the same way as a Yellow Star route. :)

Aaron Shanks wrote:
I did a quick google of the habitable zone of a blue O-Type star and suffice it to say, we should keep the fantasy in science-fantasy. ;)

In any case, I suspect the sunsets in the Veskarium are pretty breathtaking.

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Aaron Shanks wrote:
I did a quick google of the habitable zone of a blue O-Type star and suffice it to say, we should keep the fantasy in science-fantasy. ;)

Yeaaaaah....most of the planetary systems described in Starfinder are cosmic slaughterhouses for carbon-based life.

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I assume various deities found the idea of a goldilocks zone boring and started faffing about with physics.

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thecursor wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
I did a quick google of the habitable zone of a blue O-Type star and suffice it to say, we should keep the fantasy in science-fantasy. ;)
Yeaaaaah....most of the planetary systems described in Starfinder are cosmic slaughterhouses for carbon-based life.
Garretmander wrote:
I assume various deities found the idea of a goldilocks zone boring and started faffing about with physics.

I quietly chalk it up to what I call an "arcanosphere," a fantasy variant of atmospheric layers that mcguffins all the traditionally terminal aspects of planetary physics out of relevancy.

Why is this planet not a charcoal cinder? How would an otherwise frozen world have such greenery? Arcanospheric mitigation of harmful consequence.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

It is obvious that the Pact Worlds and the Veskarium both have far larger habitable zones than any real solar systems do. It is only the more distant solar systems that are at all realistic, and then only because they tend to detail no more than one inhabitable world in that system and omit any information that would make the system unworkable in terms of real world physics.

I guess that the rule is that the gods can freely terraform planets and create life of all kinds in solar systems that have at least one planet with multiple intelligent species worshiping a multitude of gods.

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IIRC, there are references to Positive Energy Plane gateways occurring naturally inside stars. One potential effect of this could be that every star floods its system with an influx of positive energy, making the whole thing more life-amenable than it otherwise would be. After all, positive energy isn't just life, its also anti-entropy. This could easily mean everything from "the atmosphere doesn't dissipate as much as it should" to "that planet doesn't cool down as fast as it should".

Coincidentally, this also could explain why aberrant horrors from outside the universe like to hang out in the depths of interstellar space. All that ambient "energy of the universe" is anathema on at least some level to things not-of-this-universe.

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Metaphysician wrote:

IIRC, there are references to Positive Energy Plane gateways occurring naturally inside stars. One potential effect of this could be that every star floods its system with an influx of positive energy, making the whole thing more life-amenable than it otherwise would be. After all, positive energy isn't just life, its also anti-entropy. This could easily mean everything from "the atmosphere doesn't dissipate as much as it should" to "that planet doesn't cool down as fast as it should".

Coincidentally, this also could explain why aberrant horrors from outside the universe like to hang out in the depths of interstellar space. All that ambient "energy of the universe" is anathema on at least some level to things not-of-this-universe.

This does lead to questions about undead and their immunity to cosmic rays however.

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Pantshandshake wrote:
UnArcaneElection wrote:

The Vesk really don't sound friendly. I expect that in the future they will become a serious problem to the Pact Worlds . . . .

A word of advice to any Pact Worlders or Terrans visiting the Veskarium: DON'T look at Ghavaniska! The blue-white color means that this star has a higher temperature than Earth's Sun or Golarion's Sun (it is probably spectral class F or maybe even A), and will therefore have much higher high surface brightness, which will be concentrated into a smaller field of view from the perspective of planets in the habitable zone, which means that looking at Ghavaniska on a normal day would be like looking at a Sun-class star during an advanced partial eclipse, but do its dirty work even faster. The UV emission will also be much more intense, so unless the inhabited planets have exceptionally robust ozone layers, be sure to equip yourself with plenty of high-grade sunblock and UV-absorbing sunglasses (which won't be able to protect you from the previous problem, but at least will preserve some of the life of your corneas).

They were a serious problem, and then the Swarm showed up. I presume they'll either be an issue again later, or maybe we'll get a sweet Space Cold War thing. Dibs on playing Space Putin much later.

Now that last part is REALLY scary . . . .

David knott 242 wrote:

If the Vesk sun is actually blue, it would be class B or even O. Class A is white and class F is yellow-white.

And, since we can safely assume that the sun and planets in the Veskarium solar system are not drawn to scale but that the system should be comparable in size to the Pact Worlds system, its main star would have to be a blue sub-dwarf. {. . .}

Is the orbital distance of the Veskarium worlds listed?

Anyway, the color of the spectral classes of stars as seen from Earth is somewhat displaced from their true color, and this includes our Sun. Our Sun's true color is white, but preferential scattering of the shorter wavelengths makes it look yellow (and much of the scattered blue and to a lesser extent cyan light winds up coloring the sky). The same thing happens with the hotter stars. So for Ghavaniska to appear somewhat blue when seen from space, spectral class F is good enough -- although to appear as blue as drawn, you might need spectral class A. Spectral classes B and O would be far overkill for this. Seen from the ground on an Earthlike planet (presumably most of the planets in the Veskarium qualify), it would appear an extremely bright yellow-white or maybe white, although differences in thickness of the atmosphere could throw that off.

David knott 242 wrote:

It is obvious that the Pact Worlds and the Veskarium both have far larger habitable zones than any real solar systems do. It is only the more distant solar systems that are at all realistic, and then only because they tend to detail no more than one inhabitable world in that system and omit any information that would make the system unworkable in terms of real world physics.
{. . .}

On the contrary, we have already found the TRAPPIST-1 system, of which at least 3 and possibly 6 planets are in the habitable zone -- not by the habitable zone being large (TRAPPIST-1 is a near-minimum-mass red dwarf, thus having a very small habitable zone), but due to the planets being crammed so close together that several of them could be habitable with the right composition (including atmosphere). With the right arrangement of planets, a Sun-class star could easily have several habitable worlds, and a super-Sun-class star like Ghavaniska could easily have a whole bunch if you could some how get them to have the right chemical state (including atmosphere) before the star leaves the main sequence; if Ghavaniska was of no more than 2 solar masses (making it be 16 times brighter than our Sun), it would have a total main sequence life of at least 1.25 billion years, which would make the time course merely a stretch rather than being impossible without serious geoengineering.

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I already said this, but I can not wait for this book. It is all hype over here. Hurry up shipping email.

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Doesn't anyone else just assume that if you're on Conqueror's Forge and you ask the DM "What kind of weapons can I buy" the answer would just be "Yes."

Radiant Oath

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
thecursor wrote:
Doesn't anyone else just assume that if you're on Conqueror's Forge and you ask the DM "What kind of weapons can I buy" the answer would just be "Yes."

I think, given the heavily Lawful nature of the Veskarium, the answer would more likely be "Yes, just show me your licenses. All of your licenses. " :P

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