Tome of Secrets (PFRPG)

3.00/5 (based on 13 ratings)

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Adamant's first release for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game!

The Tome of Secrets is a collection of advanced and optional rules for players and game masters of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

    This 192-page rulebook features:
  • 8 new classes, including the Artificer, Knight, Priest, Shaman, Spellblade, Swashbuckler, Warlock and Warlord
  • 3 new races, including the Half-Ogre, Ratkin and Saurian
  • Rules for character occupations (what your heroes did before they were heroes)
  • A system for character drawbacks, fleshing out your heroes with flaws
  • New rules for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, including Chases, Morale, Stunts, and more!
  • Game Master tools including a random adventure generator, a monster modifier, and a generator capable of creating over one million magic items!

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3.00/5 (based on 13 ratings)

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Other than perhaps individual/personal opinion getting in the way... I have no clue why people have given this title such low ratings.

Tome of Secrets was the first 3PP product I bought for Pathfinder (in late 09, early 2010) and I must say that it's still one of my go-to's for ideas.

Tome of Secrets covers a lot of ground. From ways to modify your favorite monsters, unique races (Saurian have become one of my favorites), Tinker Mages (Artificer) and the best Swashbuckler I've seen for 3.5... to interesting flaws and awesome chase rules. You or your party can take this book to enhance roleplaying (instead of just roll-playing, like many supplements).

Not to mention they will give you a free PDF even if you bought the book from a local store! Now that's service!

I would give Tome of Secrets 4 stars, but I feel that many of the reviews here are very unfair. Especially the 2 and one star ratings that people left NO INFORMATIVE CRITICISM for.

Gamers! Give Tome of Secrets a shot. It's definitely worth it.

Paizo, please crack down on this stuff. Objective and Unbiased versus Ignorant and Careless.


A ok book for 3.5 or pathfinder


My review is to big for the room given. So I will post it as a forum post below.

Hoping for an update or errata...


Although I liked the base classes and some of the content, there is a lot in need of fixing. I can stand typos and such, but I really feel too much of this is still stuck in 3.5 edition. I was most excited about the million item list (3 d100 lists) as the Diablo II: Awakening book from 2nd ed had this, and I liked it there, but there really isn't 1 million items. It felt a little ripped out of the diablo list without much change (which I kinda liked), but in the prefixes alone are missing entries 18 and 42, and the +1 to attributes are repeated, making the list feel a little underdone. I don't care that this list is unbalanced, but I got annoyed having to reroll this. I'm giving it 2.5 stars because I happened to get it on sale really cheap, which made the price an okay trade-off. This book came out around the time the final rules did and was one of the first third party to give something substantial. I just caan't understand with all these errors and reviews pointing it out why there iesn't an updated file.

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DarkWhite wrote:

The reason this originally came up was because I was telling my players about the new Tome of Secrets and showed them my PDF. I hadn't even read the Drawbacks section yet when one of my players started bringing these issues up, claiming he could choose 8 different "Drawbacks" that would have no tangible impact on his character for 16 bonus skill points.

Of course, he was testing the system, and didn't think for a moment that he could get away with it, but it does give some insight into the way that some players think when they see options like these.

I did mention that GMs should probably limit PCs to two or three drawbacks... :-)

Sovereign Court

Gene wrote:
MerrikCale wrote:
it seems there are quite a few people who are not thrilled with this book. am I wrong?

There are some parts that need errata (namely the classes portion of the book) and one of the races (half-ogre) is kind of overpowered; but beyond that, I've been incredibly satisfied with the book.

The random magic item generator alone was enough to sell me on it. But then, I'm a huge fan of Diablo's magic item system so that's probably got something to do with it.

Coming from you, Gene, that is quite an endorsement. I initially looked the other way on this, but I will look again based on that comment. Thanks.

Walt Ciechanowski wrote:
DarkWhite wrote:

The reason this originally came up was because I was telling my players about the new Tome of Secrets and showed them my PDF. I hadn't even read the Drawbacks section yet when one of my players started bringing these issues up, claiming he could choose 8 different "Drawbacks" that would have no tangible impact on his character for 16 bonus skill points.

Of course, he was testing the system, and didn't think for a moment that he could get away with it, but it does give some insight into the way that some players think when they see options like these.

I did mention that GMs should probably limit PCs to two or three drawbacks... :-)

Is there a built-in method for assigning drawbacks randomly? That's probably the tack I'd take if my players appeared to be trying to "work the system."

Or, I'd pick the drawbacks for them myself .... muahahahaha .... >:)

Carnivorous_Bean wrote:
Is there a built-in method for assigning drawbacks randomly? That's probably the tack I'd take if my players appeared to be trying to "work the system."

No, there isn't. We did do random charts for occupations.

yoda8myhead wrote:
cpt_machine wrote:
Is this ever going to see print or a pdf only?
There were print copies at GenCon. I believe it was just a limited run for the con and pre-orders, but I recall hearing that it will have a full print run in the fall, releasing in October or November.

Ah good to know...I will get it then.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Ok. Posted a review. Not the most shining, but I was trying to be honest, not brutal.

Dark Archive

I'm disappointed with the Tome of Secrets. While the art and layout is fine, the descriptive content is pedestrian and terminally generic.

An example from the Warlock background description demonstrates the uninspiring prose throughout the book: "It is not known how or why the magic picks them; it just does."

Design suffers as well. As an example, the Warlord is capable of improving the fighting capabilities of fellow party members within a specified distance. That is all well and good. However, the designers then unnecessarily complicate the class by basing area of effects on different formulas:

Combat Leader: 10 feet per Charisma modifier + 1/2 class level.
Commanding Presence: Within seeing distance.
Inspiration: 30 feet.
Rallying Presence and Onward to Victory: 10 feet per Charisma modifier.

There is so much clean up work needed here that I can't practically used Tome of Secrets in my game.

From ToS Warlock

/snip/ Damage Reduction: As the warlock increases in
level, he becomes resistant to certain effects. At
3rd level, the warlock receives damage reduction
2 against physical attacks. The warlock must also
choose three effects from the following list: cold,
cold iron, electricity, fire, or silver. The damage
reduction does not count against the three chosen
effects. /snip/

Perhaps I'm being dense but could someone explain to me how cold bypasses DR... Cold is an energy type and isn't impacted by DR at all to begin with. The same goes for fire and electricity... I understand how cold iron and silved can bypass DR can someon clear this up for me?

Thank you

Grand Lodge

Simple, any weapon that deals cold or fire damage negates the DR. If it doesn't deal cold or fire, the damage is reduced by the DR. A little unusual, but hey. It's kind of similar to trolls regeneration being stopped by fire.

Edit: Hey, that sounds pretty nifty actually. Choose electricity, cold, and fire, and your DR will count against any non-elemental weapon. Nice.

Once past my unfortunate "knee jerk" reaction to change....I find myself liking most of what I have read in Tome of Secrets.

The wording of some of the abilities in the new classes is less than clear (I am assuming that this is slowly being addressed as people ask questions)but all in all I'm rather pleased.

I am hoping that there will be further support for these classes.

Sovereign Court

I had a pre-order for this. When is the hard copy being shipped, does anyone know?

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Bagpuss wrote:
I had a pre-order for this. When is the hard copy being shipped, does anyone know?

Mine arrived yesterday. Strangely the address lable said 'mongoose games' threw me for a loop.

Matthew Morris wrote:
Mine arrived yesterday. Strangely the address lable said 'mongoose games' threw me for a loop.

Isn't that due to the printing partner, Cubicle 7? Mongoose and Cubicle 7 are under the same corporate umbrella now...

TriOmegaZero wrote:

Simple, any weapon that deals cold or fire damage negates the DR. If it doesn't deal cold or fire, the damage is reduced by the DR. A little unusual, but hey. It's kind of similar to trolls regeneration being stopped by fire.

Edit: Hey, that sounds pretty nifty actually. Choose electricity, cold, and fire, and your DR will count against any non-elemental weapon. Nice.

Hm, now you're getting me interested in the warlock, too! ;)

MerrikCale wrote:
what is the spellblade?

spellblades (from what I remember) are wizards that channel their magic through their swords. at least... thats them most basically. to my knowledge they can use any touch attack through their blades

Liberty's Edge

The Spellblade is actually much cooler than that. They are a fighter/mage type. Cleric BAB, full access to the Sorceror/Wizard spell list, ability to enchant their own blades, and a few other perks. Best "gish" type class I've ever seen, even after the errata fixed some of the abilities to a more standard level.

Grand Lodge

yoda8myhead wrote:
cpt_machine wrote:
Is this ever going to see print or a pdf only?
There were print copies at GenCon. I believe it was just a limited run for the con and pre-orders, but I recall hearing that it will have a full print run in the fall, releasing in October or November.

yep heard that as well. or, for the truly desperate to have it now in print there is

Matthew Morris wrote:
Bagpuss wrote:
I had a pre-order for this. When is the hard copy being shipped, does anyone know?
Mine arrived yesterday. Strangely the address lable said 'mongoose games' threw me for a loop.

Mine arrived last Friday; I was suprised to see the same label. I was even more surprised to see it coming out of Kettering, which is a Dayton suburb. I was expecting it to come from distances much further. At one moment, I was scrambling trying to think what the heck I had ordered and didn't put two and two together until I opened up the contents.

My next thought was ... is there a brick and mortar store out there that has more stuff to check out if I'm ever in those neck of the woods?

So just found this thread, and am totally stoked to get this book. I love the new Pathfinder system,and can't wait to play with all the new toys in this book.

Urizen wrote:
Matthew Morris wrote:
Bagpuss wrote:
I had a pre-order for this. When is the hard copy being shipped, does anyone know?
Mine arrived yesterday. Strangely the address lable said 'mongoose games' threw me for a loop.

Mine arrived last Friday; I was suprised to see the same label. I was even more surprised to see it coming out of Kettering, which is a Dayton suburb. I was expecting it to come from distances much further. At one moment, I was scrambling trying to think what the heck I had ordered and didn't put two and two together until I opened up the contents.

My next thought was ... is there a brick and mortar store out there that has more stuff to check out if I'm ever in those neck of the woods?

There is a store called Krystal Keep in Kettering OH that is a gaming store. It has quite a lot of space, but quite a bit of it is devoted to wargaming. If you just like browsing brick and mortar game stores it would be worth a visit. I did buy my copy of Pathfinder RPG there via a preorder.

Forgive me if this question has already been answered.

One of my players was looking at the Warlock and it says that he gets 2 School Powers at first level and another at second.

However, unless I'm missing something, there is only one School Power (Evocation) available below level 4...

Did I miss some other school powers?

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

gigglestick wrote:

Forgive me if this question has already been answered.

One of my players was looking at the Warlock and it says that he gets 2 School Powers at first level and another at second.

However, unless I'm missing something, there is only one School Power (Evocation) available below level 4...

Did I miss some other school powers?

You use the wizard school powers in the core RPG.

Hope that helps.

Matthew Morris wrote:
gigglestick wrote:

Forgive me if this question has already been answered.

One of my players was looking at the Warlock and it says that he gets 2 School Powers at first level and another at second.

However, unless I'm missing something, there is only one School Power (Evocation) available below level 4...

Did I miss some other school powers?

You use the wizard school powers in the core RPG.

Hope that helps.

Thanks, I'll reread that again.

I appreciate the quick answer. I just started reading the TOS today.

The spellblade draw from the sorc/wiz list. Does that mean he is limited to 6th level spells since that is all the description gives him or does it mean he can use a higher level spell as long as its in a staff?

yoda8myhead wrote:
cpt_machine wrote:
Is this ever going to see print or a pdf only?
There were print copies at GenCon. I believe it was just a limited run for the con and pre-orders, but I recall hearing that it will have a full print run in the fall, releasing in October or November.

I just saw a print copy in a store in England...

Has anyone tried to print out the PDF?

I made the mistake of ordering the PF core rulebook as PDF and tried to print it out...never again!

Does this one print out without problems, or does it take forever due to art/text/layering/whatever?

Heliocentrist wrote:

Has anyone tried to print out the PDF?

I made the mistake of ordering the PF core rulebook as PDF and tried to print it out...never again!

Does this one print out without problems, or does it take forever due to art/text/layering/whatever?

Are you printing in black and white or color? It also depends on what you're using as your printing device (inkjet, laserjet, xerox mfd, etc.). If you're printing in color on an inkjet, then yes, it'll be a pain.

The Exchange

I haven't tried printing out the whole book, just the pages with the swashbuckler so I could have it with me for my game. It printed off just fine for me.

One thing that I do when printing stuff like this is to use the efficiency/fast printing mode. Uses less ink. The image isn't presentation quality, but who cares.

I would be printing in B&W off a copy machine/printer in my office. Sounds like it should be ok.

Heliocentrist wrote:
I would be printing in B&W off a copy machine/printer in my office. Sounds like it should be ok.

In that case, no it won't be a problem. What I end up doing is just doing the front/back print in color on a deskjet and then print the remainder of the PDF over to the copier in b/w 2-sided. Three hole punch 'em and throw them in a binder.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

This product is 193 pages long. (first 5 pages, cover, ToC, intro etc)

Chapter 1 - Character Options. (60 pages)
It starts with a few new races. (5 pages)
Half-Ogre - The do well in a abilities with a total of +6 to -4 and would excel as fighters. They are light on other race abilities with only a bonus to intimidation and 60ft dark vision. They still seemed a bit strong to especially if a fighter class is taken.
Ratkin - A race of rat people, looking like a wererat. This race seems pretty well balanced, they have a interesting history if it is short. Though I would likely devise my own if I used them.
Saurian - Seems well balanced racial abilities. A race of reptile people. From the text they sound like they came more dinosaurs, but it isn't clear. I liked that this was a race finally not coming from dragons for a change.

New Classes (31 pages) There is 8 new base classes, 20 levels each.
Artificer - d6, 5 skill, medium BaB, simple weapons/light armor. The core of the class is they can mimic any spell and build devices. (levels 1-4) They get a number of weird science points for each spell level they have access to. They can then build a device with one or more spell effects(up to their max number known of all levels if they want). Once built it has a number of uses before a reliability DC check must be rolled. (1 use + half class levels) Once the DC check fails the device stops working. They can also make true magic items. I love the concept of this class but not so sure about how they went about doing it.

There is no cost for making the items(for balance reasons I am sure) But I would have liked to have seen them have a cost and allow them to repair broken items in the field. Then with time and a shop able to salvage items(make new items in their place and recoup much of the cost). I just felt this class could have been better.

Knight - d12, 2 skills, high BaB, all weapons/armor. Some social abilities, some bonus feats, some mounted combat abilities, some defend other abilities, fear bonuses. All and all I liked the class. Not great but solid.

Priest - d6, 6 skills, low BaB, simple weapons/light armor. Channel energy is d8 instead of d6, 1 extra domain spell, and 1 more spell per level for most levels of spells. This is a slightly better divine caster than a cleric but martially weaker, with the bardic Lore. I found this to be a nice variation to the existing cleric for a more studious cleric.

Shaman - d8, 4 skills, medium BaB, simple weapons, padded, leather, hide armors. cast spells like a Sorcerer. Uses the druid spell list. Spirit Energy (like channel energy but only works on spirits) Spirit guides (allows shamans to get access to domain spells which count as spells known) it is not clear how a shaman does this or how many spirit guides they can have. Personally I feel the class is a little weak, a few things are unclear and it really should have had it's own spell list.

Spellblade - d8, 2 skills, medium BaB, all weapons, light/medium armor. This is gish class Sorc/Fighter. It cast spells like a Sorc(up to level 6 eventually) gets new level of spells every 3rd level. Can cast as many spells eventual for the level of spells known as a sorc and knows more. While they can wear armor only the first 20% of spell failure is ignored. There only class abilities can temporally enchant weapons, eventually added special abilities a few times a day for a few rounds each time. I am honestly not sure how I feel about this class. In some ways it feels to good and in others to weak.

Swashbuckler - d10, 4 skills, high BaB, all weapons, light armor. Evade (adds to AC eventually a +5) while in light armor, Thrust similar to backstab but only if oppenant denied Dex bonus, uncanny dodge/evasion learned like rogue. A option for a lightly armored fighter. But I think it is a bit weak, it really needed a ability to allow it to use thrust more often.

Warlock - d8, 2 skills, Medium BaB, simple weapons/light armor. Eventually they can wear heavy armor, they get DR(either making it higher or removing things that bypass it), instead of spells they can learn the school powers of wizards(in addition to a few new ones in this book). I think a better gish class for those that want just a little magical ability.

Warlord - d10, 4 skills, high BaB, all weapons/armor. They can a few feats but mostly gain abilities that give bonuses to themselves and any allies. A solid leader type class that holds it's own well.

Character drawbacks (6 pages)
These are a list of flaws one can take at character creation. For the most part they feel like anti-feats for balance. For each one taken the character gets 4 more skill points. I actually liked this, it allows for more skill points to flesh out a character and they themselves all for that. Now if a player wants to play a one eyed fighter they get something for that RP flaw.

Occupations (14 pages)
These are a chart of occupations a PC can have come from. You can choose to allow PC's to just pick instead. There is 41 occupations to choose from. It replaces the starting money(you get some based on your occupation and some based on class), they get 1-4 extra class skills choosen from a list(if the class already has it, it adds a +1 bonus to that skill instead), some occupations also gain feats(mostly ones that add skill bonuses). honestly some seem better than others but not to bad. I really liked this section a lot actually.

Chapter 2 - Game Master Options
This adds in some optional rules.
Moral Points (14 pages) - Similiar to hit points but for moral. When you run out you take penalties to actions until you heal them.(being cowering, leader rallying, winning etc) A interesting mechanic for those wanting a more gritty or horror based game.

Skillful Stunts (7 pages) - using skills to get a advantage in combat. It is a pretty complex system and very open to interruption, with more guidelines than hard fast rules.

Temporary Enchantments (4 pages) - 4 new spells that allow for weapons to be temporarily enchanted.

Hot Pursuit - (40 pages) a set of rules for running chases if you want them to be dynamic and interesting. It includes about anything you want, they are a bit complex but chases will no longer be just moving your max movement.

One Million Magic Items (16 pages)- A set of random tables to roll random magical effects and random base item.

Alchemy Items (14 pages) - A couple of dozen new alchemy items. I really liked most of these and found them interesting. My big complain is not cost chart like you normally see for equipment. Cost, items required to make it and what it does is all there. Just a easy to use chart at a glance is missing.

Monster Modifier (12 pages)- A list of monster abilities, that can be picked or rolled randomly to change existing monsters. CR adjustment including in descriptions. Not something I would use but a friend of mine loved it. Not sure how balanced the CR adjustments are.

Random Adventure Generator (7 pages) - Of charts and advice on how to use it to random create adventure idea's/hooks.

Flintlocks and Fantasy (7 pages) - About guns in DnD, there is a list of guns, some options, a couple of spells and a few magic guns.

Closing thoughts, normally i don't talk about art. I find art as long as it is not horrible to be fine, good art is just a bonus to me. This book has some of the better art for a 3pp publisher i have seen. It goes from fair to good, there is plenty of art and several full page drawings. For the price I considered this a good product, it has a bit of everything and most everyone will likely find at least a few things they like. The biggest draw back is that this product doesn't always follow the established design goals of Pathfinder.(such as 5 skill points etc.) Other reviews have touched on this already.

The product felt a bit rushed and like it fails to totally fit with pathfinder. But since it does fit 3.5 and Pathfinder works with 3.5 it is still very usable. How much you like the book will depend a lot on how useful you find a lot of the parts in the GM section. I gave it a 3 star, I was tempted to give it a 2 star but the art is a nice bonus and there is a few very good things in the book, to good for me to give it a 2 star, so I settled on a 3 star. Yes this breaks with my trend of rounding down in reviews, I feel it is more of a 2.75 star.

I found the Artificer class last night and cannot discern two things about the class.

First: When you Combine spells in your Inventions does it take up an invention of each spell level or only the highest used?

Second: What ability score are the saving throws for these invention spells based on? I would assume Intelligence.

Dark_Mistress wrote:
This product is 193 pages long. (first 5 pages, cover, ToC, intro etc)

You're reading the Thrust description wrong. It applies when opponent is Flat-footed OR flanked. The only caveat is that it has to be with a piercing weapon.

I don't know if anyone is reading this thread any more or not but I have a question about the warlock.

At 4th level a warlock can take the Summon Monster school ability which is just like Summon Monster II except that the duration has been changed to one day.

Since school abilities are usable at will and Summon Monster II is not a concentration spell, what would stop the warlock from spending an few hours every morning summoning a personal army of giant spiders?

Warlock school abilities are based on wizard school abilities, some of which are "always on" and others are at will. Energy Absorption, for example is an 8th level wizard school ability which is "always on". Likewise Enchanting Smile and Physical Enhancement.

Are certain warlock abilities "always on" such as Physically Fit (since no duration is listed) or can you only have one school ability active at a time? If I take Heroic Touch at 4th level do I automatically have that +2 bonus all the time unless I transfer it to someone else? If I take See Invisible does that mean I'll always be able to see invisible creatures from now on or does it go away if I don't remember to turn it back on every 10/minutes per level (or if I want to use a different school ability)?

I've some questions about swashbuckler
1 Some bonus feats (weapon specialization) require fighter levels, do I really have to multiclass in order to take them?
2 What's the order of stacking with Keen/Improved Critical (x2) and Find The Mark (+1) does the order you take feats matter?

Grand Lodge

I know this was made early in the release of Pathfinder, but something I would love to see is a supplement for various races for taking this class as a favored class. Instead of just the standard +1 hp or +1 skill point, lets have a race or two get some awesome benefits from taking 20 levels. Say perhaps a human warlock gets +1/5 d6 additional Arcane Bolt. That'd be nice.

Maybe some more feats for each of the classes, and a proper 20th level capstone for the Knight.

One question I have for the warlock is, when you choose your Arcane Bolt, is it permanent, or can you change it every day, or with every shot?

Was an errata ever released for this? Particularly for the Warlock.

The NPC wrote:
Was an errata ever released for this? Particularly for the Warlock.

And more importantly, the artificer.

Cheapy wrote:

And more importantly, the artificer.

Artificer, Warlock, either way things go Boom.

Grand Lodge

Even more importantly, is Cubicle 7 even looking at this give us answer? It's been some time now.

kevin_video wrote:
Even more importantly, is Cubicle 7 even looking at this give us answer? It's been some time now.

Cubicle 7 won't give an answer. They just publish the hardcover.

Adamant Entertainment is the one to ask.

Grand Lodge

Cheapy wrote:
kevin_video wrote:
Even more importantly, is Cubicle 7 even looking at this give us answer? It's been some time now.

Cubicle 7 won't give an answer. They just publish the hardcover.

Adamant Entertainment is the one to ask.

Fair enough. Still though, it'd be nice if someone checked this place out.

Some errata was issued, but there's still a whole host of problems remaining

Tome of Secrets Errata

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Apologies if this isn't the appropriate place to ask a question like this, but I'm not sure where else would be appropriate.

I'm considering adding a few NPCs of the Artificer class into my current campaign and I've just thought of something qith regards to their weird science devices.

Because they don't, exactly, cast the spells themselves, how do things such as focuses and material components , especially expensive ones, interact with their devices? Are they just not needed, or would the artificer need to provide the components like any other spellcaster. This doesn't seem to be addressed in the class description or the errata from what I can see...

Grand Lodge

Caedwyr wrote:

Some errata was issued, but there's still a whole host of problems remaining

Tome of Secrets Errata

Unfortunately, that errata's not any good for the pdf. That's more for the print version they sold at conventions. Back when the Spellblade had Fort and Will as strong saves. Which I still don't think needed to get changed to just Fort. Not when bards and the magus have even more stuff, just as many spells, and get better special abilities. But whatever.

If you are thinking of making an artificer-type character or NPC, but the Tome of Secrets rules are giving you some problems, you might want to consider the Machinesmith by Louis Porter Jr. Design. It's gotten some good reviews, and scratches a similar itch.

There's also roughly a million artificers linked here, some of which are a lower tech level than the Machinesmith.

Webstore Gninja Minion

Update from the publisher: There is an expected reprint of this product, but no firm dates yet.

I have a question in regards to the "Additional Combat Style" feat..

How does it work? It states you gain the benefits of the additional style..

But does that mean I can pick from that list of feats as well, or do I gain bonus feats from that style..? I'm going to assume the first, but I wanted clarification.

Grand Lodge

A revised edition is coming out? That makes me happy.

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