Tally-Ho's page

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thanks nightskies, as a first time GM, I'm posting to get a feel if others have been placed in same situation, I like the player but the synthesist is a nightmare, 20 str and 20 cha, middle aged to boost his mental stats and resummoned every 10 minutes to boost his eidolon suit, with evolutions reoptimised every level, he doesn't the source book to hand and with so many clarifications and errata online the game stalls very often. I've had make several house rules on the fly.

the barbarian can only rage for so long, and the alchemist mutagens are limited, but the synthesist has 2 pools of hitpoints. and a one in 11 minute chance of being caught with his stats down.
I'll check out GameMastery Guide

I'd be happy with that, I like it when players think about their characters rather than numbers on a character sheet, giving your GM something to apply leverage to, to get the ball rolling.

Using a troop of tiny goblin children rogues, armed with a reach nonlethal weapons, pounding the players senseless and making off with their loot.
The nonlethal reach weapons i will call Bunnybashers (stockings with copper pieces inside) which break and fling shrapnel in a random direction on a natural 1.
reach allows them to flank and sneak attack.
against 6x level 1 PCs how many orphans would be necessary, given that they will have almost no HP

I've some questions about swashbuckler
1 Some bonus feats (weapon specialization) require fighter levels, do I really have to multiclass in order to take them?
2 What's the order of stacking with Keen/Improved Critical (x2) and Find The Mark (+1) does the order you take feats matter?