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I don't know if anyone is reading this thread any more or not but I have a question about the warlock.

At 4th level a warlock can take the Summon Monster school ability which is just like Summon Monster II except that the duration has been changed to one day.

Since school abilities are usable at will and Summon Monster II is not a concentration spell, what would stop the warlock from spending an few hours every morning summoning a personal army of giant spiders?

Warlock school abilities are based on wizard school abilities, some of which are "always on" and others are at will. Energy Absorption, for example is an 8th level wizard school ability which is "always on". Likewise Enchanting Smile and Physical Enhancement.

Are certain warlock abilities "always on" such as Physically Fit (since no duration is listed) or can you only have one school ability active at a time? If I take Heroic Touch at 4th level do I automatically have that +2 bonus all the time unless I transfer it to someone else? If I take See Invisible does that mean I'll always be able to see invisible creatures from now on or does it go away if I don't remember to turn it back on every 10/minutes per level (or if I want to use a different school ability)?