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Organized Play Member. 1,136 posts (1,172 including aliases). 5 reviews. 2 lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.

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Devout Suffering


Content: 0.5 stars Many of these feats are neat ideas. Almost all of them are unbalancing or inappropriate as feats, with a handful pulling double duty. As is the standard with the Undefeatable series, many of the game mechanics are ill-defined and betray a lack of playtest and/or familiarity with PFRPG.

Grammar & Presentation: 1 stars This one is fraught with grammatical and editing mistakes. Also, the LPJ Design standard of italicizing anything in parenthesis is downright annoying to read.

The value of the Undefeatable series is underminded by a marked lack of design see-through; you may find a few good ideas, but you won't be able to use them without conversion/updating/tweaking.

Our Price: $1.25

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A Fit of Rage


Conent: 1 star If you go through the effort of converting these feats to alternate rage powers or alternate forms of rage, then there is a veritable gold mine of content here. As feats, however, they're substandard, being either wasteful or unbalancing, most falling under the former.

Grammar & Presentation: 3 stars There are only a handful of grammatical errors, which is understandable from a small-press product, but several repeated errors point to a lack of an editorial pass. The LPJ Design standard of italicizing anything in parenthesis is downright annoying to read.

The value of the Undefeatable series is underminded by a marked lack of design see-through; you may find a few good ideas, but you won't be able to use them without conversion/updating/tweaking.

Our Price: $1.25

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Missed the Mark


Content: 0.5 stars There are almost no usable feats in this supplement. Most of the feats duplicate commonly-used arcane archer spells, rendering the feat a wasteful overlap. Many of the feats make use of fuzzy mechanics language, indicating a a lack of familiarity with the Patfhinder rules and/or a lack of playtesting; there are even references to game mechanics that don't exist in PFRPG (e.g. facing). Of the 28 feats presented, I found two of them useful as presented.

Grammar & Presentation: 2 stars For a 6-page document there are far too many grammar mistakes to instill confidence of having been edited. Also, the LPJ Design standard of italicizing anything in parenthesis is downright annoying to read.

The value of the Undefeatable series is underminded by a marked lack of design see-through; you may find a few good ideas, but you won't be able to use them without conversion/updating/tweaking.

Our Price: $3.99

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One scene, One Fight


The biggest problem with this scenario (as other reviewers have mentioned) is merging encounters, which can be problematic for the players. If the GM isn't careful to take steps to break up the encounters, it can end up like one long battle.

The story is cohesive and entertaining, but doesn't lend itself to much in the way of non-combat encounters.

I also liked the non-linear aspects... in theory. In running them, I found it difficult to remember what encounters trigger where/when. This would have been a serious problem, if not for the sidebar that explained the where/when for me.

Our Price: $2.00

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A Good Buy


Content: 4 Stars As a setting-only product, I didn't have high hopes. Usually setting stuff that's intended to be used piecemeal gets used peicemeal, meaning that I only use parts of what is presented. But Rel-Draxa is a cohesive city that I *want* to use as a whole. The descriptions of the city's districts are a solid framework for conveying a living city. I would have liked to see some more specific info about a location or two within each district. I would have also liked to see some tiny bits of crunch: a few traits or regional feats perhaps, but these are small concerns against a great showing of setting development.

Presentation: 3 stars Each page is clean and readable, and the text is formatted in the best possible way for ease-of-reading. The art inside is sketchbooky, but not in a bad way. Some color would have been nice, but I print b/w anyway so not a big deal. The maps are top-notch in design, but presented in b/w it becomes just a collection of lines and names. Color here is a must.

Grammar: 4 stars There's far less to complain about here than in most other small press releases. (There are a few mistakes, naturally, which is why no 5 stars.)

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Our Price: $4.25

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