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It also affects the Arcane Trickster's Surprise Spells ability.

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An odd note.
Because Uncanny Dodge explicitly states "cannot be caught Flat Footed" a Barbarian may be immune to the sneak attack from a rogue at the start of combat but if, during the same fight the rogue hides and fires again the barbarian would be "Denied his dexterity bonus" as a function of the stealth skill, resulting in a sneak attack. That is, unless the rogue also happened to be invisible because uncanny dodge protects from that.

This doesn't seem quite right to me.

Because Uncanny Dodge explicitly states "cannot be caught Flat Footed" a Barbarian may be immune to the sneak attack from a rogue at the start of combat but if, during the same fight the rogue hides and fires again the barbarian would be "Denied his dexterity bonus" as a function of the stealth skill, resulting in a sneak attack. That is, unless the rogue also happened to be invisible because uncanny dodge protects from that.

Is this a typo?

I'm not sure if this is in the right place but I don't think y'all have quite the right definition of flat footed.
As worded "A character who has not yet acted during a combat is flat-footed, unable to react normally to the situation."

This seems to be lacking that crucial "unaware of an attacker" clause.
This gets weird when you look at abilities like uncanny dodge.

Because Uncanny Dodge explicitly states "cannot be caught Flat Footed" a Barbarian may be immune to the sneak attack from a rogue at the start of combat but if, during the same fight the rogue hides and fires again the barbarian would be "Denied his dexterity bonus" as a function of the stealth skill, resulting in a sneak attack. That is, unless the rogue also happened to be invisible because uncanny dodge protects from that.

This doesn't seem right at all but I can't find where to put a typo.

I found the Artificer class last night and cannot discern two things about the class.

First: When you Combine spells in your Inventions does it take up an invention of each spell level or only the highest used?

Second: What ability score are the saving throws for these invention spells based on? I would assume Intelligence.