Dwarf Fighter

Fafhrdnorseman's page

Organized Play Member. 35 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 2 Organized Play characters.


Oh my god.. The taverns! "WOOOOOO PARTAY!" And off she goes to blow the entire party's money on booze, illicit drugs, and high-priced clothing.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

You know... The rage works really well. Have you ever seen what happens when you piss a valley-girl off? They go from Alicia Silverstone to Large Marge in the blink of an eye, and really do just about grow claws and start tearing flesh off people. I can really see this. She has GOT to have rage issues. Like maybe she's been sent to anger management classes a couple times, or got booted from the family because of an 'incident' and that's why she's adventuring now? Just spitballing backstory ideas here...

Amiri - Michelle Rodriguez all the way. right build, and attitude.
Ezren - Liam Neeson.
Harsk - I still can't think of anyone better than Rhys-davies, but hey, there's probably a great no-name out there somewhere
Kyra - I'm with Azhagal, Sheetal Sheth is best.
Lem - I like Simon Pegg, or Paul Bettany
Lini - Umm.. I'm surprised this one is so hard. Dakota fanniny totally
Merisiel - Lucy Liu,
Sajan - Arnold Vosloo, or his counterpart Billy Zane
Seelah - I like miss Williams, but don't know if she can act.
Seoni - I like Scarlet Johansson
Valeros - Sam Worthingtion. Have you seen him as Perseus? Best person I can think of short of going back in time to bring Mad Martigan back.

I completely agree with the idea of Alexander Skarsgaard He'd be perfect at it

Two Words... Google Wave. Ok maybe a few more. Fighty, an extension that lets me make and drop maps into my wave, and anyone in the wave to move markers on said map, and dicey, which lets everyone roll dice similar to the way you can do it on this BBS. That coupled with some up-front work is pretty all I need to do now. And it works beautifully.

In that case... I would love love LOVE to have the Skinsaw Man. Also, I would really like to see some of the tieflings from Bastards that appeared in the book as figs. My players, and I, love the new tiefling traits and such, and its just hard to find good half-demons.

Ok so a word of warning to anyone reading this. It almost entirely deals with AP #27 What Lies in Dust. If you are playing this, and do not want to know what is coming, you know what not to do

So I was running What Lies in Dust AP #27. And In it there is this thing called the Devildrome. Where the party has to take on a conjurer and his lemures. And I thought to myself.. Hrm.. This is the perfect opportunity to try out the summoner!!! So, I kept the stats, and equip of the original baddy, but made him a summoner. Let me tell you was he ever a hit. The 8th lvl summoner I created, and his attendant Eidolon, plus the hordes of lemures he summoned were an absolute blast! He worked extremely well in the framework of the encounter. Better, even, than the conjurer would have worked. And it lead to a fantastic finish, when, after easily defeating the hordes of lemures, my party's champion fighter had to do single combat with the Eidolon I had created for the occasion. The battle lasted for a full 18 rounds! (unheard of in my games, when most combats are resolved in 3-10 rounds maximum) The Party's Main combatant, a Swordsage/Psychic warrior very nearly died a few times, which he loved, and the rest of the party was stretched to bursting trying to find ways to keep him alive, and to keep him from getting hit. They did finally take the Eidolon down, with a few good crits, and then took on the weakened summoner himself. I, for one, am a fan of the Summoner as is, and see no real balance problems. And 8th lvl summoner, by himself was a CR7. That was right as I saw it, and cannot wait to play one in the next game I am not DM'ing. Thank you Paizo, for this awesome new class

Ah shields. They make people so angry. They really are every bit as much an offensive as defensive weapon. But I agree with the two-feat plan. Really the offensive part takes more training than just getting it in the way of an oncoming blow. And I'm surprised people don't understand why someone would want to fight with weapon and shield. anyone who's seen troy, or Kingdom of Heaven understands that shields rock when used properly. They are weapons. Its why the feats were changed in Pathfinder so that a board and sword fighter can fight as well as a two-weapon fighter. Better really, since he can get his shield ac bonus

I think I have to a gree with the adding o-lvl and the spellbook style recipebook.

Allright, So, I have this awesome new thing called Google Wave, maybe you've all heard about it, maybe some of you haven't. Well, I've been using it with a couple of my friends as a format for keeping track of my games, and to discuss rules out of game, that deal with the individual gaming group I'm a part of. And I had an idea I thought would be wicked cool. I've got a bunch of invites, 23 right now. And last I checked Google wave is still invite only. I was thinking it would be awesome to invite some fellow Paizo Messageboarders in, and kickstart something. I really Like the wave, and, I really really like Pathfinder, so I thought I'd meld the two. It would work so well for rules creating, etc. Anyway, If someone wants to join the wave, and doesn't have a wave acct. Let me know. I can only invite 23 people right now, so its first come first serve, but I'd like to see a Community of us there. We can share character ideas, things like that. leave a msg in here and we'll find a way to share contact information in a responsible way.

Mauril wrote:

The problem arises in that the charge attack from the rider comes at the end of the charge, while the trample/overrun happens in the middle. So, I would rule that, no, the rider does not get an attack on an overrun by the mount. At least not a charge attack.

I would rule (should the rider have the Ride-By Attack) that he/she could make an attack mid-charge, but could not then make an attack at the end of the charge.

So, according to the book, The rider only gets a charge attack if the horse charges. that would rule overrun out, as a method of getting a charge attack, because like power attack, it cannot be used as part of a charge, as it is itself a standard action. I'm not sure how this changes if you are using a Cavalier or Paladin, as their mounts are a little different than normal and have their own feats. They have their own actions and are a little more complicated. I have houseruled that moving more than 15ft on horseback gives you the double dmg personally, but that is a houserule. The book does not say that. I also went so far as to allow the mount to practically be a seperate entity all together. Its more like real mounted combat that way, and man, does it make combat fun. Lots of hoofing, and awesome blow for a horse has created a new sport.. Hobgoblin bowling.

CRUSH!!! 7-10 Split!

Zurai wrote:
How do you figure that almost anyone can survive it? Level 1 Commoners are going to have at most a +2 Fortitude save (and that's if they have the elite array with a +2 Con bonus), meaning their chance to save on any given day is only 45%, and the disease doesn't go away until you make two consecutive saves. Since every two failed saves reduces the character's Fort save by 1, it's a death spiral.

What he said. As Far as what james created this virus will kill almost any non-hero it hits. Sure, your character will likely survive, but then, how often do average people survive sword-wounds, axe-blows, nearly severed arms and arrow punctures to various tender portions of the human anatomy,(inside or out), in a feudal/medieval environment?

I think I'd like to see more combat style feats. The ones that are in the core book are good, but really only capitalize on stunning the enemy. I'd like to see some other combat maneuver feats dealing with trip, grapple, disarm, and bull rush. Let the monk own combat maneuvers and make people have to worry about their CMD more. Otherwise, I like the monk. And Don't see problems with it. I do like scaling the dmg on monk weapons, but don't really see it as necessary. Still, it would be nice to see monks able to use weapons without having to give up that wicked damage.

I decided that for crafting nonmagical items the crafting time was day-based instead of week-based. it seems to have worked out well, and is now something like real-time.

Xum wrote:
Floyd Wesel wrote:

In response to some of the posts, which is some of the same things we discussed at the table, one of my players (effectively) said...

"Why would anyone be stupid enough to Break or Escape a grapple, when something could just attack a couple times and kill the grappler? Or, in the case of the monk, make three attacks in a round and just kill thing thing that grapples him?"

(In the player's defense that exact thing occurred in game. Monk got grappled. Monk said screw escape/break. I spend the Ki point for an extra attack, hit three times with flurry...and killed it. Problem solved.)

It seems that allowing anything more than a Standard Action (across the board) seems to go against the spirit of the set-up for grapples?

Just a thought. :)

Agreed. Very much agreed actually. Actually, the grapled guys have a serious advantage on hitting, and I gotta add that if I am a grapler, I would NEVER use an action to deal damage, I would just punch the f!!&er to a pulp, with his reduced AC.

You may, but I've been grappled by things that once they grapple you can do automatic damage; some can poison while grappling you. In that case, there is actually a decision to be made. Am I willing to take the damage/penalties from the non-standard attacks or not? Add to that the fact that you don't have your full dex to your ac against opponents other than the grappler, and I'd say I wouldn't want to be grappled anywhere near a rogue. Also, you're -2 to hit. I mean, its like being sickened, and almost as bad as being stunned. Sure you can act, but...

So, yes, in some cases it is better to wallop the grappler, but in some it totally is not.

Rake wrote:
As the above poster suggested, if you can find a way to generate concealment or cover for yourself, a ranged rogue is the best damage-dealing build. Rapid Shot is Two-Weapon Fighting for archers, and no need to move into melee or flanking means almost every turn is spent full-round-attacking for the maximum number of sneak attacks.

Don't forget that Deadly Aim is power attack for Ranged weapon users, and it gets really, really really nasty. As I learned while playtesting a ranged fighter. As a ranged rogue, if you can generate concealment, you will hit like a ton of bricks

Really this many pages? Because a post about a certain media figure was deleted? What I find myself wondering is.. What does it have to do with Paizo?! And do you really think the moderator wants to take away your "rights"? Nonsense, and more gobbledeegook.

So far, with what I've read, I cannot wait to run my party through the first phases of this adventure tomorrow. I do, however have one thing I'd like to take exception to. Its little, and mostly I think its funny, but It's definately an error.

Movie plot spoiler:
The Description of Robahl and the picture of him do not match at all. In any way. He's described as being short, stout, and red-faced with a walrus moustache. He is shown in the AP as Dark-haired, and looking like Dracula. I don't know how this happenned.

Mind you, I don't care, my party doesn't have to see the picture, and I'm not in the least annoyed or angry with this, but I wanted to let you all at paizo know. Its out of character for you

Ok, so, The barb, is not underpowered. In fact, he's about the best incarnation of it I've found. And unexpected strike almost netted my GM self a TPK by accident. I understand that they're different, but really, I don't find it any less survivable to play a barb than a fighter.

NG all the way. I'm really a shades of gray kinda guy anyway. And neutral good is much more in line with my personality. But, I have to say, that it is absolutely awesome to do neutral evil sometimes. Those people are just terrifying as villians.

Purple Dragon Knight wrote:

Deadly when rolling max damage, yes. But remember that they backfire on a natural one (and on a natural one and two, in the case of the revolver)

James: I have ruled in my campaign that MW versions are one step better (i.e. backfire on a 1 normally does not backfire if MW; bf on a 1-2 normally only bf on a 1 if MW). I'm also tempted to rule that magical firearms do not backfire. Thoughts? comments?



Good thoughts. I've been allowing some limited firearms in The Council of Thieve AP for the rogue in the party. Those ideas will be really useful. Though for balance, if not for realism, I've decided not to use exploding dice. I hadn't thought about masterwork affecting the backfire. I like that. And I think magic could rule it out.

so. Here is how my group did it everytime until we adopted the new 28d6 method from pathfinder: We would roll 4d6, 18 times. We would take the top three dice from each 4d6 that would be the stat. there were three columns of 6 stats, we would go across, choosing the one we liked from said horizontal column. with that method I can tell you that a lot of the time, I was rocking at least one 18, and a 16 or seventeen, and rarely did I have lower than one 10. thats just how I rolled. It wasn't a disconnect, we liked hi-power campaigns. My dad regularly rolls terribly. We always tell him it's because dice-rolling actually takes to ranks to be proficient at. And he only has one.

lastknightleft wrote:
So has everyone seen those XX beer comercials with the most interesting man in the world? Anyone else think he would be a great Ezren?

I second this! give just a leetle more hair and he's perfect

It is exactly that in north jersey. And thanks for the bard/cleric based on Johnny cash Idea, think I'm going to make it a nemesis for the party I GM. Sooooooo many options there. And pre-written ominous music

toyrobots wrote:


** spoiler omitted **

So, my group generally uses the craft skill = what you can create in a day.. profession = what you can make off of said craft skill. I remember trying to make a regular longbow once, with all the materials on hand and realizing it would take three weeks. That's ridiculous. A reasonably skilled fletcher can make a whole lot of arrows in a day, and a reasonably skilled weaponsmith can hammer out enough normal quality swords in a couple days to equip a small army, if given the materials he needs. (army being defined in medieval terms of any group of 35 or more armed men) It is not strictly as the rules define it. But I've found that it works extremely well for characters trying to craft something useful in their downtime.

KnightErrantJR wrote:

I really liked the "thug" variants of the fighter in UA, and I'd be happy to see a fighter variant with sneak attack, no medium or heavy armor, giving up their extra feats, but gaining a few skill points.

I think the UA "thug" is probably the most workable swashbuckler in 3.5. In fact, it looks like this version of the fighter was very much the inspiration for the swashbuckler in the Tome of Secrets, but I would love to see this version of the fighter "official," and potentially legal for PFS as a result.

So, isn't that just a rogue?

I say wielding is enough. That is using. Its a great way for a duelist to have a proper ac bonus, as any reasonable duelist would use a defending dagger in their off-hand. Like real ones used the main-gauche or sword-breaker as a defensive weapon. However that being said, there is a tendency to go overboard. I agree with the be careful what you wish for line of reasoning. You can use it, but just remember if you do, the DM then has to come up with something that will challenge you, and it just may kill the rest of your party. Also, having made Capt Golarion. I can tell you you don't need all that nonsense. Be a warblade, specialize in using a shield, and then become a bloodstorm blade. You can throw that shield all you want, and not worry about it. And you're not so OP that its ridiculous.

I'm with the "might" camp. As in, it could potentially block see invis, etc. But as someone else had said all it really does it initiate a caster lvl check. If the check succeeds, the nondetection spell is foiled, and the person with it on isn't even aware of what happenned. If check fails, the person isn't detected.

Soraios wrote:

I understand that the Warlock is not OGL and that Paizo can't touch it.

So my question: How would you translate Warlocks into Pathfinder?

* Use them as printed in Complete Arcane?
* Consider them to be Sorcerors and go about your business?
* Create a new class?

I use it as is, but modify skills, etc for pathfinder. Considering them a sorc would just be too complicated.

So to sum up. Yes, minus five sounds perfectly reasonable and yes you can use weapon focus for ray. I do it all the time when I play a blaster wizard.

I'm excited now too. Can't wait to see what they create.

So just found this thread, and am totally stoked to get this book. I love the new Pathfinder system,and can't wait to play with all the new toys in this book.

So I agree with the limitations that were thrown out, but one of the things that I always like about warforged, and want to make sure is kept is the poison immunity. And I liked that they didn't breathe. Made for very interesting roleplay opportunities. As well as party challenges, like why does everyone keep passing out but the warforged in that room???

Hey, Sorry to post this hear but am not having a ton of luck finding another way to contact planetstories. I have some shorts I'd like to submit to them for approval. If anyone can direct me there I will be greatful, and probably utterly ashamed for not having found it myself.

I just read four pages of complaints about the map. Why? The map was fine. I can understand you all wanting some more completeness, but seriously, folks, it was more than enough for my purposes. And allowed me to use a host of both the paizo map-packs and other maps I have stored up over my time playing to flesh out the intricate details of the city. I think it was done excellently and really did capture the essence of the city, it's shape, and the theme perfectly.

"I consider it the nadir of a base perfidy that you should practice your puking sorcery upon me" Fafhrd, to Mouser, Adept's gambit