Pathfinder Adventure Path Ongoing Subscription

5.00/5 (based on 10 ratings)

Subscription Price: Cover Price + Free PDF

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Pathfinder Adventure Paths are the premiere resource for your tabletop roleplaying campaign! Each 96-page volume belongs to a series of interconnected adventures that together comprise a fully developed campaign of sweeping scale and epic challenges. Players have the opportunity to develop deeply customizable characters, meet interesting NPCs, and visit fantastic locations within the Lost Omens setting. Each installment is forged by some of the best authors and artists in fantasy gaming. What's more, every Pathfinder Adventure Path volume includes an NPC gallery, several new monsters, and detailed support articles.

Paizo releases Pathfinder Adventure Paths monthly in three or six-volume arcs, meaning each year sees the release of at least two Adventure Path campaigns. With your ongoing Pathfinder Adventure Path subscription, we'll send you each new Pathfinder Adventure Path volume and charge your payment method automatically as we ship each product. You only need to sign up once, and never need to worry about renewal notices or missed products. You can cancel your subscription at any time.

Aside from being up to date on the latest adventures, you'll also receive:

  • A free PDF version of each release shipped as part of your Pathfinder Adventure Path subscription
  • Your free PDF unlocks discounts through Paizo Connect at participating Paizo licensed partners, such as Demiplane, Hero Lab, Fantasy Grounds, and Roll20.
  • The Pathfinder Adventure Path is one of the subscriptions which can help you qualify for the Paizo Advantage, a 15% discount on tens of thousands of gaming items from! More details about Paizo Advantage can be found here.

By starting a Pathfinder Adventure Path subscription, each release will be automatically bundled with any other Paizo subscription items you're subscribed to that are releasing in the same month. When you start a new subscription, any existing preorders for products covered by that subscription are automatically canceled (or have their quantity reduced by one if you've preordered more than one of an item). If you have more questions about subscriptions, check the Paizo Subscriptions FAQ for more details.

Start your subscription today
Pathfinder Adventure Path #213: Thirst for Blood (Shades of Blood 1 of 3) Pathfinder Adventure Path #213: Thirst for Blood (Shades of Blood 1 of 3)

Available now

Start with this Product
Pathfinder Adventure Path #214: The Broken Palace (Shades of Blood 2 of 3) Pathfinder Adventure Path #214: The Broken Palace (Shades of Blood 2 of 3)

Preorder, expected approximately 7 May 2025

Start with this Product

You may change your starting volume during checkout.

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5.00/5 (based on 10 ratings)

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Been using the subscription for years now


the easiest and frankly economical way to get my Pathfinder fix. The discount from the adventure path, the subscribers advantage and the 10 discount on shipping over 100$ makes this a no brainer. I see myself being a subscriber for many years to come.

Value, value, value


I started subscribing with the release of Kingmaker and have not been disappointed. With 25 years of gaming experience to draw from, I've found the AP subscription to be among the very best RPG products out there. Each issue is packed with an incredible amount of useful goodness, all for less than 20 bucks (including shipping). Content generally includes a 50ish page adventure wth a bunch of additional material (e.g. description of a region, mini-bestiary, new rules, short stories, etc). Highly recommended!

The subsciption that changed the face of gaming


At least it did for me. Ages back I took a chance with this product when the first issue of "Rise of the Runelords" began. Since then I have looked forward to checking my mail. Each book contains a portion of a massive plot arc that advances players 3 levels (so book one takes you from level 1 to the start of level 4, book two from level 4 to level 7 and so on). After the adventure path portion you will find an in depth look at some portion of the Pathfinder RPG that pertains to the adventure path, be it a detail on a particular god or location. Up next is a delightful story written by a member of the Pathfinder Society, then a mini bestiary.

If that was everything, then it alone would be worth the subscription cost. But like an infomercial at 3am, they do not stop there. You get it all at a discounted 30% off, and they throw in a free pdf AND 15% off other purchases. Seriously, click and subscribe right now.

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John Boucek wrote:

I thinking about started the subscription for pathfinder 2e but it looks like its in the middle of the current path. Is there anyway to start the subscription from the start of Age of Ashes (1 OF 6) Hellknight Hill?

No. Subscriptions aren't retrospective - the only way to get the benefits is to be subscribed when an issue hits. It remains "live" until the next subscription goes out (so you can start with AP #147 at the moment, but in the next few days they'll spawn orders for AP #148 and then that will be the earliest a new sub can commence).

Just wanted to make sure I have this right, because I started my subscription this month with Age of Ashes #3. The benefits for subscribing have changed, and therefore I will not receive 30% off cover price, correct?
I read about Paizo Advantage, but I definitely don't have the means to subscribe to 4 different lines.

Customer Service Representative

Hello Nixie,

That is correct. During PF1 Adventure Path subscribers got the Paizo Advantage discount. We did grandfather that for folks who were already subscribed, but otherwise you only get the discount if you have 4 or more qualifying subscriptions.

Are the books in this subscription paperback or hardback?

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The Adventure Path volumes are all softcover.

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Also, they are all 96 pages. (So a bit small to be hardcover.)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Just checking, cos' your release order is all screwy at the moment; if I restart subscription with Quest for the Frozen Fame (Jan), am I also going to get book 6 of Strength of Thousands (which I don't want), when/if it drop mid-Feb? Thanks. :)

Marketing & Media Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.
mikeawmids wrote:
Just checking, cos' your release order is all screwy at the moment; if I restart subscription with Quest for the Frozen Fame (Jan), am I also going to get book 6 of Strength of Thousands (which I don't want), when/if it drop mid-Feb? Thanks. :)

Please coordinate your preference via email to

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

if I start the subscription with Alkenstar and then want the Foundry VTT ... will I get full credit for the PDF ... or no credit since I got it free?

Marketing & Media Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Shea Hoarfoot wrote:
if I start the subscription with Alkenstar and then want the Foundry VTT ... will I get full credit for the PDF ... or no credit since I got it free?

You get the credit.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Is there a way to get PAthfinder 1st Edition products in a subscription?

Marketing & Media Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ft_Hood wrote:
Is there a way to get PAthfinder 1st Edition products in a subscription?

Paizo is not making new Pathfinder First Edition products. We keep most of the rulebooks in stock.

What are the shipping costs looking like to the UK now?

I want the hard copy as my husband and I like to play at home, but mostly we play play by post online with groups, so would like the pdf too.

Obviously the cheaptest way should be to buy the hard copy and the pdf, however when I subscribed previously, the shipping often ended up being more expensive than just buying the hard copy on amazon and the pdf on here.....

TLDR: Please can I have an update on UK shipping costs.

inara14 wrote:

What are the shipping costs looking like to the UK now?

I want the hard copy as my husband and I like to play at home, but mostly we play play by post online with groups, so would like the pdf too.

Obviously the cheaptest way should be to buy the hard copy and the pdf, however when I subscribed previously, the shipping often ended up being more expensive than just buying the hard copy on amazon and the pdf on here.....

TLDR: Please can I have an update on UK shipping costs.

You can generate this yourself and know it is specifically to your location and exactly the order you will place:

Put the latest available item(s) in your sidecart, then click checkout and go to the second step - that will show you the various shipping options available and the cost of each.

After that you can head back to step one, return to your cart and empty it.

The advantage of this method is you can play with volumes, bundles of differing items in a piecemeal way that general advice can never replicate.

Long story short though - subscribing isnt a cheap option for international customers. If youre concerned with costs, the strategy you allude to is best - buy the pdf here and the hardcopy from an online retailer with cheaper shipping.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

yeah i donated the money for the box set and Pdf for starfinder and never got my products

Director of Marketing

Slug79 wrote:
yeah i donated the money for the box set and Pdf for starfinder and never got my products

If you mean a Humble Bundle purchase, kindly email Humble Bundle and or Paizo customer service to get your codes and redeem them.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I used to be an AP subscriber back in the PF1 days. It seems things have changed a bit. APs are now 3 books as opposed to 6? Do they still cover levels 1-20?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Ok, I see now that some are 6 part and some are 3. Is there somewhere that describes or explains the difference?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Curmudgeonly wrote:
Ok, I see now that some are 6 part and some are 3. Is there somewhere that describes or explains the difference?

6 parters are 1-20, 3 parters are either 1-10 or 11-20; the shorter APs apparently sell much better than the longer ones, so expect to see more of them going forward.

Age of Ashes, Extinction Curse, Agents of Edgewatch, Strength of Thousands, and Blood Lords are all 1-20s.

Abomination Vaults, Quest for the Frozen Flame, Outlaws of Alkenstar, Gatewalkers, and the upcoming Sky King’s Tomb are all 1-10s.

Fists of the Ruby Phoenix and the upcoming Stolen Fate are 11-20s.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
keftiu wrote:
Curmudgeonly wrote:
Ok, I see now that some are 6 part and some are 3. Is there somewhere that describes or explains the difference?

6 parters are 1-20, 3 parters are either 1-10 or 11-20; the shorter APs apparently sell much better than the longer ones, so expect to see more of them going forward.

Age of Ashes, Extinction Curse, Agents of Edgewatch, Strength of Thousands, and Blood Lords are all 1-20s.

Abomination Vaults, Quest for the Frozen Flame, Outlaws of Alkenstar, Gatewalkers, and the upcoming Sky King’s Tomb are all 1-10s.

Fists of the Ruby Phoenix and the upcoming Stolen Fate are 11-20s.

Thanks, that's helpful. Any there any of the 3 parters that go well with others as sequels / prequels?

They’re all pretty distinct, with the assumption that you’d make a new character for any of the 11-20s, but you can make it work. FotRP is a fighting tournament for heroes on the far side of the world, so if they seek glory after their 1-10 adventures, it’s certainly an option. Stolen Fate seems like a pretty classic adventure (find the magic relics, stop the evil schemes!) that lots of heroes could get swept up into.

Just want to clarify - I believe book 1 of Gatewalkers is being shipped right now. If I purchase the subscription, will I get the book AND the PDF? Or did I miss the chance to get the PDF already? Thank you!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Starfinder Superscriber

If you ask customer support nicely they may be able to fit you in.

CC605 wrote:
Just want to clarify - I believe book 1 of Gatewalkers is being shipped right now. If I purchase the subscription, will I get the book AND the PDF? Or did I miss the chance to get the PDF already? Thank you!

During the checkout phase of purchasing, you're given a choice of which product to start your subscription with. Usually your options are the currently available product or a pre-order option for the next release.

If you can't select the first module, send an email to and they'll start you on that first one.

Dancing Wind wrote:
CC605 wrote:
Just want to clarify - I believe book 1 of Gatewalkers is being shipped right now. If I purchase the subscription, will I get the book AND the PDF? Or did I miss the chance to get the PDF already? Thank you!

During the checkout phase of purchasing, you're given a choice of which product to start your subscription with. Usually your options are the currently available product or a pre-order option for the next release.

If you can't select the first module, send an email to and they'll start you on that first one.

Yeah, I know that - I'm asking if I missed the chance to get the PDF when I start my subscription.

CC605 wrote:

Yeah, I know that - I'm asking if I missed the chance to get the PDF when I start my subscription.

If the print item is part of your subscription, you will get the PDF for free.

That's why I'm suggesting that you start your subscription with the first volume. If you can't do that*, then email customer service and ask them to do you a favor.

*The print edition just started shipping a few days ago. It is highly likely that you'll be able to start with that first volume.

Or, if you don't want to take the advice of a rando on the internet, contact customer service.

Director of Marketing

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It is not too late to get the complementary PDF for Gatewalkers. Thank you all for helping answer each other’s questions; the answers look like what I would’ve said myself!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

^^not some internet rando^^

Just getting turned on to Pathfinder. I am interested in the subscription but am a little unclear.
1. I understand all products are shipped as they release. Thats the only time you pay correct?

2. Can I start with the core rule set and then go through the core books 1 a month or some such?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Khyron69 wrote:

Just getting turned on to Pathfinder. I am interested in the subscription but am a little unclear.

1. I understand all products are shipped as they release. Thats the only time you pay correct?

2. Can I start with the core rule set and then go through the core books 1 a month or some such?

Hi Khyron and welcome!

1) Correct. There isn't a monthly fee or anything of the such. You'll get an email from Paizo when the shipment has been authorized, and then a follow up email once it has actually shipped. You'll be charged on that 2nd email when the product has shipped.

2) Unfortunately no. Nothing stops you from just buying a book a month, but the subscription covers the most recent book, and then the upcoming books in that category.

Worth pointing out that this subscription is for the monthly adventure paths. You mentioned Core Books. If your looking for the Core Rulebook subscription, you can find that HERE

All subscriptions can be found HERE

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Think of it like a magazine subscription (which is what it started as). When you subscribe you get the current issue, plus future issues each month. A free PDF is also included with the subscription. Though many people would like one, there is currently no PDF-only subscription.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Fumarole wrote:
Think of it like a magazine subscription (which is what it started as). When you subscribe you get the current issue, plus future issues each month. A free PDF is also included with the subscription. Though many people would like one, there is currently no PDF-only subscription.

There are the PFS and SFS subscriptions, but they probably wouldn't exist if many people were not getting them as a free benefit from having enough other subscriptions.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
obryn wrote:

I'm interested in subscribing, but I'm wondering what the commitment is for the subscription, and what the terms are for cancellation? I'm game to give this a shot - it seems really cool - but don't want to be stuck perpetually paying $14/month if I end up not enjoying the product. :)



14$ a month? are we talking about the adventure path subscription here? Mine is bloody 32$ a month (cover price plus PDF)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
wyrmhaven wrote:
obryn wrote:

I'm interested in subscribing, but I'm wondering what the commitment is for the subscription, and what the terms are for cancellation? I'm game to give this a shot - it seems really cool - but don't want to be stuck perpetually paying $14/month if I end up not enjoying the product. :)



14$ a month? are we talking about the adventure path subscription here? Mine is bloody 32$ a month (cover price plus PDF)

The post you’re responding to is over 16 years old. Prices have gone up just a bit since then.

I've been a subscriber for more than a decade. I'm having trouble with a payment method that is not being accepted. Rather than switching to another of my listed payment methods, you are refusing my subscription.

I have gotten several email messages from you about fixing my payment method, and I've tried to use your %#%#$ site to fix it. All it will allow me to do is add a new method, it won't switch from the one that has the problem.

You have sent me emails telling me how to fix the problem. I followed the instructions and they didn't work. I've even attempted to eliminate all payment methods and start rebuilding from scratch. NOTHING WORKS!!!

I would like to continue with my subscriptions, but your system won't charge my old payment method, won't switch to an alternative method, won't allow me to delete a non-working method, won't respond to the instructions you've suggested, wont' display my current payment methods, and won't leave an apparently endless loop of frustratingly stupid messages.

Pleas help me.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I'm a new subscriber and I subscribed to Pactbreaker yesterday! Until now, my order status is still pending and I want to know how long it will take for my order status to change to shipped!

Do you know if your UK customers are getting hit by import duties or are the shipments coming OK?

I Would like to know before I pull the trigger on the subscription.

Thank you

Bluefenix wrote:

Do you know if your UK customers are getting hit by import duties or are the shipments coming OK?

I Would like to know before I pull the trigger on the subscription.

Thank you

I'm in the UK and having no issue with import duties.

Shipments usually arrive about 2-4 weeks after shipping.

Is it possible to pause a subscription during the trade war the U.S. president is starting and pick up with the same issue once the U.S. president stops attacking allies' economies? The price is about to go up as the Canadian dollar dips, so I may have to stop, but I love what you have coming up so I'm reticent.

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