
Zak, Fey Eidolon's page

16 posts. Alias of Super Zero.

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Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Anything unusual mechanics for your character I should know about (Dubious Knowledge, That's Odd, etc.)?

In the event that a player is expected for more than 24 hours in combat or another situation where we're waiting on that person, I may bot you. I will not use any consumable resources unless asked. If you'd like to share some bot instructions in your profile, great!

On the Slides (linked in the header), you'll find space to add your character information and token and to set a general marching order. If you have a token, go ahead and add it. We can use your forum avatar if you don't have any other token art you prefer.
There's some information and images for you there, as well.

Make sure there's a character sheet accessible in your profile.

Any GM Glyphs to distribute?

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Our adventure begins in the Events Hall of the Grand Lodge a few hours after midday, as the festivities are in full swing. The hallways are chock full of agents and guests filing in and out, jovially introducing themselves, discussing recent ventures, and swapping stories. In one of the offices of the Envoy’s Alliance faction lounge, a team gathers at the behest of Fola Barun (CG female half-elf ambassador). Fola and several other familiar agents are in the middle of undoing and resewing some gilded letters stitched onto a large green banner when the field agents arrive. She momentarily stops her needlework to greet them.

But before we get to that, why don't you introduce yourselves?

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Anything unusual mechanics for your character I should know about (Dubious Knowledge, That's Odd, etc.)?

In the event that a player is expected for more than 24 hours in combat or another situation where we're waiting on that person, I may bot you. I will not use any consumable resources unless asked. If you'd like to share some bot instructions in your profile, great!

On the Slides (linked in the header), you'll find space to add your character information and token and to set a general marching order. If you have a token, go ahead and add it. We can use your forum avatar if you don't have any other token art you prefer.
There's some information and images for you there, as well.

Make sure there's a character sheet accessible in your profile.

Any GM Glyphs to distribute?

Looks like we're in high tier with a level 1 character. Make sure to share your Mentor Boons!

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

The Pathfinders arrive with Kreighton Shaine (inscrutable male elf scrollmaster), having traveled to the city of Nantambu via riverboat. As they disembark at the Speaker’s Stage on the western edge of the Magaambya, the Scrollmaster herds the group toward a similarly-sized group that’s waiting on the dock. Shaine asks the field agents to give him a moment while he speaks with his counterpart, Takulu Ot (friendly male human Cascade-Bearer teacher).

The two instructors have a brief exchange off to the side with pleasantries and expectations being discussed. Takulu Ot has brought an equal number of Magaambya students as there are Pathfinder agents.

But before we get to them, why don't you introduce yourselves?

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

This is a PaizoCon game! Make sure you have a ticket for this session before joining.

Anything unusual mechanics for your character I should know about (Dubious Knowledge, That's Odd, etc.)?

In the event that a player is expected for more than 24 hours in combat or another situation where we're waiting on that person, I may bot you. I will not use any consumable resources unless asked. If you'd like to share some bot instructions in your profile, great!

Please sign in on RPG Chronicles (linked in the header). Make sure to include some contact information so that I can send your Chronicle after the game.

On the Slides (also linked in the header), you'll find space to add your character information and token and to set a general marching order. If you have a token, go ahead and add it. We can use your forum avatar if you don't have any other token art you prefer.
There's some information and images for you there, as well.

Make sure there's a character sheet accessible in your profile.

Any GM Glyphs to distribute?

Roll for prizes! That's normally done after the session, but for pbp games we're asked to roll in advance so I can report any winners. Roll a d20, and on a 19 or 20 you can receive a $15 paizo.com gift voucher. You must give an e-mail address to receive a prize.
Prizes!: 1d20 ⇒ 1 No win for me, but maybe you'll get luckier!

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

This adventure begins with the Pathfinders aboard the Saranggola, a paraw boat owned by Arong Magsanay, a native Minatan and the field agents’ guide to Binoco Isle. Before setting sail, Arong enthusiastically introduces himself while giving each Pathfinder a high five, or a respectful wave should someone refuse or seem uncomfortable. He then passes over a parcel containing the following: a brief from Valashinaz, a letter from Taiwalei, and a bag of holding (type II).

Handout #1: Mission Brief from Valashinez:

I, Valashinaz, officially task you with the retrieval of a portion of my hoard in the Temple to Valashinaz near the center of Binoco Isle. This trove boasts a potent glyph of warding to deter thievery. However, you have my permission to deactivate the enchantment. Utter the following phrase in Tien: “To wit or wise, to value without understanding is to have none at all.” This hoard contains an abundant collection of skymetals, so to facilitate its movement, I have provided one bag of holding to be utilized during this mission for the convenience of all parties involved. Once you have acquired my treasure, deliver it to my assistant, Purepurin, at your earliest behest.

May you succeed.


Handout #2: A friendly letter from Taiwalei:
Dear fellow Pathfinders,

I hope this letter finds you well as ready to sail for Binoco Isle. While I give this advice to all willing to receive it, I’d hope those less familiar with island adventuring will be especially open to my words.

Avoid meddling with your guide’s vessel unless asked; trust and calmness during the voyage will go a long way. There’s no shame in admitting when seasickness is about to take you; this openness will only allow those around you to better prepare.

Perhaps above all else, we must remember that just as we are explorers, we’re also visitors who must respect the places we tread. This is particularly important in these self-contained islands. Strive to leave no greater a footprint of your presence than is necessary to your mission. To those inclined to alter the battlefield with fire and similarly destructive elements, note the presence of (non-hostile) fauna and flora as you go about adventuring.

And, given the appropriate circumstances, I hope you take joy and come to appreciate the sights that await you among the islands of the Okaiyo.

To your best efforts,

But before we get to that, why don't you introduce yourselves?

Feel free to dot in.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

This is a PaizoCon game! Make sure you have a ticket for this session before joining.

Anything unusual mechanics for your character I should know about (Dubious Knowledge, That's Odd, etc.)?

In the event that a player is expected for more than 24 hours in combat or another situation where we're waiting on that person, I may bot you. I will not use any consumable resources unless asked. If you'd like to share some bot instructions in your profile, great!

Please sign in on RPG Chronicles (linked in the header). Make sure to include some contact information so that I can send your Chronicle after the game.

On the Slides (also linked in the header), you'll find space to add your character information and token and to set a general marching order. If you have a token, go ahead and add it. We can use your forum avatar if you don't have any other token art you prefer.
There's some information and images for you there, as well.

Make sure there's a character sheet accessible in your profile.

Any GM Glyphs to distribute?

Roll for prizes! That's normally done after the session, but for pbp games we're asked to roll in advance so I can report any winners. Roll a d20, and on a 19 or 20 you can receive a $15 paizo.com gift voucher. You must give an e-mail address to receive a prize.
Prizes!: 1d20 ⇒ 11 No win for me, but maybe you'll get luckier!

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

A brisk wind cuts across the deck of the Grinning Pixie, the impressive, three-masted carrack that serves as one of the Pathfinder Society’s most famous mobile lodges. Venture-Captain Eras the Needle, a half-elven man who looks as much a scholar as a sailor, greets the agents assembled on the ship’s sterncastle with a calm smile. Beside him stands Venture-Captain Calisro Benarry, a half orc woman equally dressed in the outfit of a seasoned captain. She’s tapping her foot impatiently and seems about to start the briefing herself when Eras clears his throat.

“Welcome aboard Pathfinders,” Eras begins.

But before we get to that, why don't you introduce yourselves.

Feel free to dot in.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Have you played/GMed/read this before?
Anything unusual mechanics for your character I should know about (Dubious Knowledge, That's Odd, etc.)?

In the event that a player is expected for more than 24 hours in combat or another situation where we're waiting on that person, I may bot you. I will not use any consumable resources unless asked. If you'd like to share some bot instructions in your profile, great!

On the Slides (also linked in the header), you'll find space to add your character information and token and to set a general marching order.
There's some information and images for you there, as well.

Make sure there's a character sheet accessible in your profile.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

The Pathfinders gather in Iceferry, where they meet with Venture-Captain Bjersig Torrsen. Venture-Captain Torrsen is deaf, and his service dog Mahki alerts him to the presence of visitors or sounds of danger.

The field agents are greeted by a gnome named Lirall, who prominently wears a wayfinder. After letting the Pathfinders into the Lodge, she selects one cord labeled “Office” from a bundle of colored cords near the door. The loud howl from a dog echoes throughout the building, followed by a trio of scampering, blue-skinned goblins dashing down the hall. A large husky bursts into the hallway, snarling at the goblins until a tall half-orc emerges a moment later and lays a calming hand on her back. He gestures for the Pathfinders to follow him into a meeting room, seemingly ignoring the goblins.

But before we get to all of that, why don't you introduce yourselves?

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

This game is part of Outpost VII. Don't sign up here--sign up here first!

Any GM Glyphs to share?
Anything unusual about your character I should know?

In the event that a player is expected for more than 24 hours in combat or another situation where we're waiting on that person, I will bot that character. I will not use any consumable resources unless asked. If you'd like to share some bot instructions, please include them in your profile!

On the Slides (also linked in the header), you'll find space to add your character information and token and to set a general marching order.
Please also fill out RPGChronicles. Paizo is offering door prizes for the con, but you must include an email address on RPGChronicles to be eligible to win.

Make sure there's a character sheet accessible in your profile.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Go ahead and dot in. The game begins March 4th.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

This game is part of Outpost VII. Don't sign up here--sign up here first!

Any GM Glyphs to share?
Anything unusual about your character I should know?

In the event that a player is expected for more than 24 hours in combat or another situation where we're waiting on that person, I may bot you. I will not use any consumable resources unless asked. If you'd like to share some bot instructions, great!

On the Slides (also linked in the header), you'll find space to add your character information and token and to set a general marching order.
Please also fill out RPGChronicles. Paizo is offering door prizes for the con, but you must include an email address on RPGChronicles to be eligible to win.

Make sure there's a character sheet accessible in your profile.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Go ahead and dot in. The game begins March 4th.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

This game is part of Outpost VII. Don't sign up here--sign up here first!

Any GM Glyphs to share?
Anything unusual about your character I should know?

In the event that a player is expected for more than 24 hours in combat or another situation where we're waiting on that person, I may bot you. I will not use any consumable resources unless asked. If you'd like to share some bot instructions, great!

On the Slides (also linked in the header), you'll find space to add your character information and token and to set a general marching order.
Please also fill out RPGChronicles. Paizo is offering door prizes for the con, but you must include an email address on RPGChronicles to be eligible to win.

Make sure there's a character sheet accessible in your profile.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Go ahead and dot in. The game begins March 4th.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Any GM Glyphs to share?
Anything unusual about your character I should know?

In the event that a player is expected for more than 24 hours in combat or another situation where we're waiting on that person, I may bot you. I will not use any consumable resources unless asked. If you'd like to share some bot instructions, great!

On the Slides (also linked in the header), you'll find space to add your character information and token and to set a general marching order.
There's some information and images for you there, as well.

Make sure there's a character sheet accessible in your profile.

It looks like we're in high tier with a few minimum-level characters. Remember the level 5s get a level bump, and they can each choose two of the Mentor Boons their higher-level teammates have. So share your Mentor Boons too! (And go purchase them if you haven't. They're free, you just need 20 Reputation with any one faction!)

Have you played this before? Like many Repeatable scenarios, it has some variables so that it plays a little differently each time. If you remember how things played out before, let me know by spoiler boxes or PM and I'll try to make sure you see something different.

Feel free to start introducing your characters.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

The Pathfinders are called into the Grand Lodge for a briefing by chief archivist Zarta Dralneen. They convene in the vaults beneath the lodge, in an office lined with bookshelves and ancient relics in glass cases. An ornate treasure chest rests at the foot of the solid oak desk where Zarta is busily writing.

...but before we get to that, why don't you introduce yourselves?

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Any GM Glyphs to share?
Anything unusual about your character I should know?

In the event that a player is expected for more than 24 hours in combat or another situation where we're waiting on that person, I may bot you. I will not use any consumable resources unless asked. If you'd like to share some bot instructions, great!

On the Slides (also linked in the header), you'll find space to add your character information and token and to set a general marching order.
There's some information and images for you there, as well.

Make sure there's a character sheet accessible in your profile.

It looks like we're in high tier with a few minimum-level characters. Remember the level 3s get a level bump, and they can each choose two of the Mentor Boons their higher-level teammates have. So share your Mentor Boons too! (And go purchase them if you haven't. They're free, you just need 20 Reputation with any one faction!)

Feel free to start introducing your characters.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

The letter from J. Dacilane to the Pathfinder Society didn’t specify much: “Pathfinder team requested for mentorship opportunity at Dacilane Academy tomorrow, 9 bells. Sense of humor suggested.” With scant else to go on, the team arrives in front of the newly constructed auditorium doors, festooned with a ceremonial ribbon, to find the students milling about in front of the building.

The auditorium has been defaced--the sign for the Dacilane Academy Auditorium has been vandalized, with “Dacilane” changed to “Dandy-lion.” Beneath it, the doors have been painted with a picture of a catfolk wearing a foppish exaggeration of an Eagle Knight uniform. The feline freedom fighter has been hit in the face with a meringue pie by an unseen assailant and is making a comically shocked face.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Have you played/GMed/read this before?
Anything unusual about your character I should know?

In the event that a player is expected for more than 24 hours in combat or another situation where we're waiting on that person, I may bot you. I will not use any consumable resources unless asked. If you'd like to share some bot instructions, great!

On the Slides (also linked in the header), you'll find space to add your character information and token and to set a general marching order.
There's some information and images for you there, as well.

Make sure there's a character sheet accessible in your profile.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

“All right, Pathfinders, you’re going on a little bit of a cleanup mission.” Valsin taps his finger on the map of a familiar island, tracing north and west from the giant star marking Absalom to a sketch of a castle near the island’s western shore. “A short while back, a group of veteran agents ventured into the ruins of Citadel Uromaz, where they defeated the lich Hekoz and stopped the ritual she was attempting. After dealing with the undead, they were called away to handle another issue. Frankly we need someone to go back and do the hard work of cataloging the place. Most of the large artifacts and valuable items have been noted and brought back to the Grand Lodge, but the previous agents described a huge mural carved into the stone, and no one even thought to take a rubbing of it.” Valsin sighs, “So, it falls to you to go in and document the site properly."

But before we get to that, why don't you introduce yourselves?

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Have you played/GMed/read this before?
Anything unusual about your character I should know?

In the event that a player is expected for more than 24 hours in combat or another situation where we're waiting on that person, I may bot you. I will not use any consumable resources unless asked. If you'd like to share some bot instructions, great!

On the Slides (also linked in the header), you'll find space to add your character information and token and to set a general marching order.
There's some information and images for you there, as well.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Marcos Farabellus, the Pathfinder Society’s Master of Swords, has received an official challenge from Orlaelia Aldori, an Aldori swordlord of no small renown. Orlaelia proclaims her students to be superior to any currently training under the Master of Swords and welcomes Marcos to prove her wrong. The blademaster has received countless similar challenges, and normally would ignore it outright. The swordlord, however, has sweetened the pot significantly by offering up a weapon as prize should the Pathfinders prevail in the wager—a renown weapon she last used as a crusader, before taking the name Aldori: her old longsword, Inheritor’s Fury. As this is a powerful weapon brought into the depths of the Worldwound during the 5th Crusade, it is a prize the Society can’t simply ignore. Marcos is also keenly aware that the Pathfinders currently have very little influence in Brevoy, and even a friendly rival might be helpful in that regard.

The Pathfinders traveled by river boat up the East Sellen river to Restov, the capital of Brevoy. As they disembark, Marcos Farabellus greets them on the docks. He is a man of sturdy build with a bald head and a full beard.

....but before we get to that, why don't you introduce yourselves?

Or just dot in for now.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Please fill out RPG Chronicles and enter your information on the Slides (both linked above) prior to the start of Gameday on September 4th.

Any GM Glyphs to share, or anything else I should know about your character before we begin?
Please make sure to include an e-mail address on RPGChronicles. In addition to being the easiest way for me to get you your Chronicles after the game, this event offers door prizes--but you can only win if you've submitted an e-mail address.

Feel free to start introducing your characters in the Gameplay thread.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Feel free to dot in or start introducing your characters.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Please fill out RPG Chronicles and enter your information on the Slides (both linked above) prior to the start of Gameday on September 4th.

Any GM Glyphs to share, or anything else I should know about your character before we begin?

Grand Lodge

NG Male Human Educator

The Pathfinders are awoken early in the morning by an urgent summons from Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin. As they arrive they are shown directly into his private office, where he and the Grand Lodge’s head archivist, Zarta Dralneen, are examining a list of items.

But before we get to that, why don't you introduce yourselves?

For now, feel free to dot in.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Please fill out RPG Chronicles and enter your information on the Slides (both linked above) prior to the start of Gameday on September 4th.

Any GM Glyphs to share, or anything else I should know about your character before we begin?

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Several Pathfinders have received a summons from Venture-Captain Evni Zongnoss requesting their
presence at the Vodavani Lodge in Caliphas (on the Slides). The streets of Caliphas are bustling with activity due to an influx of refugees from the former nation of Lastwall.

When the team enters the Vodavani Lodge, they are met with a cacophony rising from dozens of Pathfinders discussing missions, sharing documents, and gathering supplies for their quests. At the center of it all is VentureCaptain Evni Zongnoss. Despite the destruction of her home lodge in the capital of former Lastwall, Vigil, Evni remains resolute in carrying out her tasks from her temporary headquarters in the Vodavani Lodge. When the agents enter, Evni is directing various Pathfinders and delegating tasks while simultaneously preparing weapons and gear for her own quest.

But before we get to that, why don't you introduce yourselves?

For now, feel free to dot in.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Please make sure you have RPG Chronicles filled out, and add your information to the Slides, prior to the beginning of Gameday XII on September 4th.

I've been running PFS for a while now, but this is my first time GMing a SFS game and I have a lot less experience GMing Starfinder in general. Please bear with me and/or yell at me about everything I'm doing wrong as you feel is appropriate.

This is a Repeatable adventure with same variations available. Please let me know if you've played it before, and check this spoiler box:

Repeatable Variables:
Do you remember the Drift Event, Khyyros Biome, or Khyyrent Attitude you encountered? If so, let me know and I'll make sure to pick different ones for you.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Today’s the day!
The streets and corridors outside of Lorespire Complex on Absalom Station bustle with activity, with many of the passersby being Starfinder Society agents leaving on or returning from missions. It’s a scene that can’t help but inspire excitement and anticipation.

Signs direct the way to the assigned meeting room, whose far wall is lined with a bank of gently-humming servers in matte black cases. The building’s temperature control system audibly struggles to keep the room only a degree or two warmer than the hallway outside. A holographic image of a featureless humanoid form projects from a lens in the server; after a moment, it comes into focus, resembling an avuncular old human man wearing a tan sweater-vest.

But before we get to that, why don't you introduce yourselves?

For now, feel free to dot it.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

So, first question: Should I recruit for additional players?

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Our adventure begins with the Pathfinders in the Sedeq Lodge, waiting to speak with Venture-Captain Esmayl ibn Qaradi. A scholarly hijabi halfling enters the lodge, burdened with a carefully wrapped package, peering out from behind it to catch her bearings. She leans her face against the silk wrapping to straighten her glasses before noticing anyone.

“Ah, hello? Is Esmayl ibn Qaradi here? I brought a gift to welcome you all.”

Most of the Pathfinders recognize Casira bint Meji, whom they rescued from a lava-filled library, and are recognized by her in turn. She greets those she knows, blushing a bit around Mimi.

She shares that her package contains The Bones of Paresh, a contemporary Qadiran perspective on the Taldan counter-offensive across the Plains of Paresh in 4324 ar, with details on ancient battlefields. Seeing the Pathfinders also waiting to speak with the Venture-Captain, she asks them to deliver the package while she peruses the library and waits for them to finish.

Shortly after, two agents talking about chartering a boat to Okeno exit the meeting room and send the team inside--but before we get to that, why don't you introduce yourselves?

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

As the Pathfinders muster in a temporary pavilion outside a ruined temple, Vigilant Seal faction leader Eando Kline greets them and offers them a drink of water before inviting them to sit with him and Gol Amri. Gol represents Prince Zinlo, ruler of the nearby city-state of Aspenthar.

But before we get to that, why don't you introduce yourselves?

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Please fill out the Slides linked at the top, and introduce your character in the Gameplay thread.

Any GM Glyphs?
Anything unusual about your character you think I should know before we get started?

This adventure is a Repeatable, and like many Repeatables it has some variable encounters.
If you've played it before, what colors did you play? ...or, if you don't remember what I'm talking about, describe what you encountered in a spoiler box.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Our adventure begins off the shores of the island of Burozi, a week after the Kingfisher set sail. Venture-Captain Muesello has called the Pathfinders to the deck, where he is assembling a strange clockwork contraption.

But before we get to that, why don't you introduce yourselves?

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

I don't have Slides together yet, and RPG Chronicles will have to wait until I'm home later tonight, but here's a thread!

I thought the thread might be useful even without those things so we can discuss together. Things like if anybody has leveled out of tier and if we might need to recruit an additional player. I need something to link to!

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Now that the lodge in Sedeq has been rescued, it's time for the Grand Opening party!

But before we get to that, why don't you introduce yourselves?

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Welcome new player(s)!

First of all, you all requested a "low-level scenario" and I have proposed a specific one. If you don't like that choice (particularly Amperex, the person who requested it in the first place), speak up and I may have an alternative.

There is a link to RPG Chronicles at the top left of this page. It should be pretty self-explanatory to fill out, but I am aware that you're seeing an awful lot of new information at the same time so please feel free to ask if you're unsure.
There will be a link to a tabletop on Google Slides joining it, but... probably not until tomorrow at the earliest.

Amperex, do you have a character ready or do you need help? Not-new players, what kind of characters are you bringing?
Since this game was requested by a new player, I would like to request that we try to keep it low-tier.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

We begin our adventure in the gladiator city of Tymon, at Smine’s Weaponworks, famed smithy and clandestine Pathfinder lodge run by the friendly dwarven Venture-Captain and smith, Holgarin Smine.

But before we to Smine's briefing, why don't you introduce yourselves?

Or just dot in.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Discussion thread.

This game filled up fast! I haven't created the Slides tabletop yet--that'll have to wait until I'm home from work in at least four hours. But we can start to get ready.

Like many Repeatable scenarios, this one has variable elements. So, if you've played it before, can you tell me what Stella Fane's favorite bar is? If possible, I'll pick a different one.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Venture-Captain Calisro Benarry invites the Pathfinder agents to meet her at the helm of the Glorious Payoff, where she navigates the vessel down the Garundi coast. This crew has been traveling together for several days now and have had ample time to get acquainted.

So, before we begin, why don't you introduce yourselves?

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

As this game has a strict deadline, I may be more aggressive about botting to keep things moving--as requested by Con staff.

Please ensure your profile includes a complete character sheet, and ideally botting instructions for me.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

This is a PaizoCon game. You must be registered on the Warhorn to play.
If you are, feel free to dot and delete.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

As this game has a strict deadline, I may be more aggressive about botting to keep things moving--as requested by Con staff.

Please ensure your profile includes a complete character sheet, and ideally botting instructions for me.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

This is a PaizoCon game. You must be registered on the Warhorn to play.
If you are, feel free to dot and delete.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

As this game has a strict deadline, I may be more aggressive about botting to keep things moving--as requested by Con staff.

Please ensure your profile includes a complete character sheet, and ideally botting instructions for me.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

This is a PaizoCon game. You must be registered on the Warhorn to play.
If you are, feel free to dot and delete.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Discussion thread.

Please share:

1) Character Name
2) Ancestry and Class

3) Perception Bonus
4) Any additional Initiative bonus, or other passive modifiers to how things work (Dubious Knowledge?)
5) Preferred Exploration Activity
6) Have you played/GMed/read this before?
7) Anything I forgot to ask?

In the event that a player is expected for more than 24 hours in combat or another situation where we're waiting on that person, I may bot you. I will not use any consumable resources unless asked. If you'd like to share some bot instructions, great!

On the Slides (also linked in the header), you'll find space to add your character information and token and to set a general marching order.
There's some information for you there, too.

1 to 50 of 73 << first < prev | 1 | 2 | next > last >>