[Outpost VII] Zero's #3-99: Fate in the Future (Inactive)

Game Master Super Zero

RPG Chronicles
Slides Tabletop

5-8 High Tier
22 CP

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Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Go ahead and dot in. The game begins March 4th.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

A large group of Pathfinders gather at the Woodsedge Lodge in Galt. Something about the Maze of the Open Road?

The Venture-Captain isn't working alone to get the group organized. She's accompanied by several others, including a few faction leaders.

For now, at least, a few Pathfinders gather together. A team, potentially!

The leadership team will be around soon enough, with tasks to help get the entire company organized and prepared, but for now the team has a moment to introduce themselves...

Please start doing character introductions!

Grand Archive

male human aiuvarin alchemist 6 | HP 74 | AC 24 | F +12, R +14, W +10 | Perc +10, Low-light Vision | Stealth +12 | speed 25 ft | Exploration: Avoid Notice | Advanced Alchemy: mod acid flask 2/6, mod alch fire 4/6, mod blight bomb 0/6, mod frost vial 6/6, lesser elixir of life 2/4

A tall, slightly awkward Garundi man approaches. His hair and beard both seem "wispy", perhaps a little unkempt. His dark brown eyes are eerily almost completely black. As he strode you could hear the clattering of glass and other vials concealed in the inside pockets of his long, dark green coat.

He starts to introduce himself, halts, and then laughs sheepishly. Smiling warmly, as part of an attempt to start over, he tries again.

H-hello. I'm Elsha. I think I'm with this group?

Envoy's Alliance

Female Aasimar Thaumaturge Init +13| AC 26 (27 with Shield) | HP 78|78 | Fort +13, Ref +11 (+3 Bulwark), Will +15 (Resolve); Per +13 (E)
Implement Interruption, Retributive Strike

A short, stocky, dark haired woman approaches. She wears odd looking grey coloured plate armour with an unusual flail at her side. She carries a small, metal cup which seems to be continually filled with ale no matter how much she gesticulates with it. Various bags, pouches and bandoliers are strapped to her with packets of crystals, dust, small gems and scrolls scattered about.

Looks like I am going to be working with you. The name's Cassandra, I've been a Pathfinder for ever. Grew up as as a Society brat in the Sothis Lodge. Parents are both Pathfinders so it was inevitable I would join up in time. Anyone got any idea what we are going to be doing here?

Envoy's Alliance

♥️ 96 | AC 26 | Saves 14/15/12|Focus Points □ | PFS# 133608-2001 | Male Human Bard (Level 8) | | ☘️ 1 | Spells DC 26 (Occult)-/3/3/3/1 (Divine) - | Perception +12 |◆◇↺ |

Man, Galt is fun.

Everyone's got something to talk about. Taxes, nosy neighbors, taxes, revolution parades, taxes, open demonstrations, and taxes.

And taxes.

But Manny knows how to throw a concert and get everyone on the same page, at least for the evening. Alas, duty calls.

A blonde human man arrives to the Woodsedge Lodge, wearing a fine coat for the city but much too gaudy out here. Still, he makes it rock.

"Sup everybody. I'm Emmanuel Holysmith, but you can call me Manny. Nice to see ya, Eisha. Hi Cassandra. No idea what's going on, you know how secretive they are."

Grand Archive

male human aiuvarin alchemist 6 | HP 74 | AC 24 | F +12, R +14, W +10 | Perc +10, Low-light Vision | Stealth +12 | speed 25 ft | Exploration: Avoid Notice | Advanced Alchemy: mod acid flask 2/6, mod alch fire 4/6, mod blight bomb 0/6, mod frost vial 6/6, lesser elixir of life 2/4

Elsha always appreciates when he sees someone familiar. Being honest, uncertainty makes him rather anxious.

He smiles warmly back.

G-good to see you too Manny.

He turns to Cassandra.

Well m-met. I have no idea what our mission m-might be.

Vigilant Seal

F Human (dromaar) witch 8 | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F +15 R +13 W +14 | Perc +12 (+14 for Initiative) | Stealth +13 | Exploration: Detect Magic | speed 25 | Hero 1/3 | focus 3/3 | spells 1: 3/3 2: 3/3 3: 3/3 | 4: 3/3 | ◆◇↺ | Active Conditions: none

"Hmp. Whatever it is, it had better go off with fewer hitches than our last mission, eh, Manny?" Along stumps a hunched, grouchy-looking half orc dromaar woman, her heavy cane thumping loudly as she limps toward the group. She nods to the group and introduces herself. "Hmp. Itka Biklest."

Envoy's Alliance

♥️ 96 | AC 26 | Saves 14/15/12|Focus Points □ | PFS# 133608-2001 | Male Human Bard (Level 8) | | ☘️ 1 | Spells DC 26 (Occult)-/3/3/3/1 (Divine) - | Perception +12 |◆◇↺ |

"Sup Itka!" Manny motions for a high five but then pauses as she leans on her cane. "Shylye says hi, she said she's keeping me out of trouble." He grins. "Most of the time."

"Oh! And she's helping me cast angelic magic, too." A Vitality Lash surges out his hands. "Best way to fight undead, right?"

Grand Archive

Human Sorcerer (rogue) 8 | AC 26 (27 wShield) | HP (10)72/72| F +13 R +13 W +12| Spells: 1: 4/4 2: 4/4 3: 4/4 4: 4/4 | SP: 2/2 | HeroPoint: 2/2

As part of the large group of Pahtfinder stands out a human male, handsome and extravagantly well dressed. His fine multicolored outfit, his big feathered hat and bright smile are in total contradiction with his cold eyes that sparks of electricity.

He moves gracefully into the room, his armor clinging lightly as he walks. He carries at his side a blade of Tian origin.

Greeting, Kamil Durus, Master of Blade and Art.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Pathfinders hustle about the grounds of Woodsedge Lodge, checking in, mustering in units, unloading and delivering supplies, cooking, and socializing. The atmosphere is tense but excited. The Maze of the Open Road is a place of legend that few Pathfinders have had the honor of traversing. Once dangerous, the Maze was recently repaired by Eliza Petulengro of the Decemvirate, and news that the Maze is once again malfunctioning has led to intense speculation among the gathering Pathfinders. Cutting through chaos and gossip alike, Venture-Captain Armeline Jirneau takes the lead, ensuring everyone gathers in their assigned units and tends to their duties.

She and the other leaders are working to make sure everything and everyone is fully prepared... and they could probably use a hand.

Urwal, the lizardfolk philosopher and leader of the Verdant Wheel faction, is looking for Escorts.

Calisro Benarry, the half-orc corsair who is faction leader of the Horizon Hunters is concerned about the Last Meal before the group leaves.

Ashasar, a suli druid who is a planar specialist and liaison between the Pathfinder Society and the Concordance of Elements, is conducting Magical Investigations.

Venture-Captain Armeline Jirneau, a half-elf detective, is trying to finalize the Mustering.

Head Initiate Janira Gavix, the halfling instructor, is seeking some Reassurance for inexperienced field agents.

Eando Kline, the human explorer and faction leader of the Vigilant Seal, is checking and re-checking the Supplies.

And we're off! During this intro, we'll have a little while to work on these tasks while any real-world mustering issues are resolved.
You can attempt any of the tasks in any order, so just pick the one you'd like to start with. You can earn benefits that might help you later in the scenario.

Grand Archive

male human aiuvarin alchemist 6 | HP 74 | AC 24 | F +12, R +14, W +10 | Perc +10, Low-light Vision | Stealth +12 | speed 25 ft | Exploration: Avoid Notice | Advanced Alchemy: mod acid flask 2/6, mod alch fire 4/6, mod blight bomb 0/6, mod frost vial 6/6, lesser elixir of life 2/4

Elsha looks at his mission invitation again and looks at the current table. A sudden look of worry comes over his face.

O-oh! I've got the wrong place. S-sorry!

The reticent alchemist suddenly hurries off to find the right mission briefing.

Envoy's Alliance

♥️ 96 | AC 26 | Saves 14/15/12|Focus Points □ | PFS# 133608-2001 | Male Human Bard (Level 8) | | ☘️ 1 | Spells DC 26 (Occult)-/3/3/3/1 (Divine) - | Perception +12 |◆◇↺ |

"See ya, Elsha." Manny watches him run off. "He must be late for his date, eh?" He wiggles his eyebrows at Kamil. "Nice hat."

"While we wait for our teammates, we may as well run a few errands." He stretches a bit.

"Hey, Janira Gavix. Good to see you're still in one piece. You wouldn't believe how many initiates think that minotaur got ya!" He laughs. "I heard you wanted help reassuring newcomers?"

Envoy's Alliance

Female Aasimar Thaumaturge Init +13| AC 26 (27 with Shield) | HP 78|78 | Fort +13, Ref +11 (+3 Bulwark), Will +15 (Resolve); Per +13 (E)
Implement Interruption, Retributive Strike

Cassandra heads over with Emmanuel and shakes Janira firmly by the hand. Good to see you again Janira, I hope all is well. No more accidents with the initiates? I hear some of them need a bit of reassurance. Perhaps we can help knock them into shape eh? We wouldn't want to lose any of them...again.

She grins good naturedly at the halfling Master of Initiates.

Vigilant Seal

F Human (dromaar) witch 8 | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F +15 R +13 W +14 | Perc +12 (+14 for Initiative) | Stealth +13 | Exploration: Detect Magic | speed 25 | Hero 1/3 | focus 3/3 | spells 1: 3/3 2: 3/3 3: 3/3 | 4: 3/3 | ◆◇↺ | Active Conditions: none

Do we all have to do the same one each time, or can we split up?

"Hmp." Heaving herself off her seat, Itka limps after Manny and Cassandra to speak to Janira. "Hmp. We are well qualified to ensure their commitment to the cause." Her voice grates like a granite boulder grinding over gravel; her glowering expression might cause some of the newer recruits to need a change of pants.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

One at a time, but there are no penalties for failure. And feel free to state which one you'd like to do next.

Head Initiate Janira Gavix smiles and waves at the sight of the team, then hurries over to say hello. “No, no accidents. Yes, I could use a hand if you have a second. I brought along a few dozen newly graduated Pathfinders, but they’re worried about the upcoming mission. I know they’re ready for this, but the scale of it all is setting them on edge. Could you talk to the rookies? Some conversation and encouragement will help settle their nerves.”

"Lose them again?" squeaks one of the recruits.

You can each attempt a Deception, Diplomacy, or Performance check.

Vigilant Seal

F Human (dromaar) witch 8 | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F +15 R +13 W +14 | Perc +12 (+14 for Initiative) | Stealth +13 | Exploration: Detect Magic | speed 25 | Hero 1/3 | focus 3/3 | spells 1: 3/3 2: 3/3 3: 3/3 | 4: 3/3 | ◆◇↺ | Active Conditions: none
New red-shirt recruit wrote:
"Lose them again?" You can each attempt a Deception, Diplomacy, or Performance check.

Hmp. Well, this will be easy. Itka glares severely at the recruit in the red shirt. "Hmp. We found them all. Eventually. But not all in one piece, which wouldn't have happened if they'd followed their instructions and heeded more seasoned agents."

Deception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14

Itka's preferred options wrote:

Ashasar, a suli druid who is a planar specialist and liaison between the Pathfinder Society and the Concordance of Elements, is conducting Magical Investigations.

Eando Kline, the human explorer and faction leader of the Vigilant Seal, is checking and re-checking the Supplies.

Grand Archive

Human Sorcerer (rogue) 8 | AC 26 (27 wShield) | HP (10)72/72| F +13 R +13 W +12| Spells: 1: 4/4 2: 4/4 3: 4/4 4: 4/4 | SP: 2/2 | HeroPoint: 2/2

Kamil looks at the new recruits. His cold pale eyes meeting their look.

Recruits! Stand up. You are Pathfinder! Be Proud. Follow your orders. Don't falter facing danger. Brave men, women and others have already given their life, don't join them.

Intimidate: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (16) + 18 = 34

Agreed with Itka for the following order

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Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

The recruits seem a little unsure about what Bikta is saying, but stand up a little straighter and more confidently when Kamil barks at them. Or, at least, they're faking it well enough.


Ikta fails. Intimidation isn't a perfect fit, but it's a reasonable alternate. I'll say "Sure, at a slightly higher DC." That's surely a success, but not a critical success. Anyone else can still make these checks to try for the crit, but Kamil earns for the party:
Once during the adventure, each PC can receive a +1 circumstance bonus to one skill check or attack roll, representing a rookie Pathfinder succeeding at a check to Aid them. The PC must decide to use this benefit before rolling.
Noted on the Slides.

Ashasar stands outside a magnificent hedge maze, examining it with interest. “This is the fabled Maze of the Open Road. Our divinations indicate the maze’s misalignment is due to an outside source beyond the maze and not a problem with the maze itself. Still, I prefer to conduct a second assessment to ensure nothing’s changed. I’d like you to assist by gathering magical readings—just don’t enter the maze!”

You can take these readings by attempting an Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion check.

Envoy's Alliance

Female Aasimar Thaumaturge Init +13| AC 26 (27 with Shield) | HP 78|78 | Fort +13, Ref +11 (+3 Bulwark), Will +15 (Resolve); Per +13 (E)
Implement Interruption, Retributive Strike

Cassandra steps up next to Kamil to address the recruits. Now, now, Kamil, lets not start off by terrifying the poor young things. You are Pathfinders, that means going into danger, into places most sane people wouldn't dare to go. But here's the thing, its exciting! The danger, the wonder at seeing things no-one has seen in centuries, the chance of some amazing new find, the FAME! Oh yes, being a Pathfinder brings all kinds of excitement but you must work together and watch each others backs. Otherwise there's the running and the screaming and worse...

She grins at the young agents to make clear that is kidding, probably, mostly, or maybe not...

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (3) + 16 = 19

Oh well, my dice hate me

Envoy's Alliance

Female Aasimar Thaumaturge Init +13| AC 26 (27 with Shield) | HP 78|78 | Fort +13, Ref +11 (+3 Bulwark), Will +15 (Resolve); Per +13 (E)
Implement Interruption, Retributive Strike

Ashasar stands outside a magnificent hedge maze, examining it with interest. “This is the fabled Maze of the Open Road. Our divinations indicate the maze’s misalignment is due to an outside source beyond the maze and not a problem with the maze itself. Still, I prefer to conduct a second assessment to ensure nothing’s changed. I’d like you to assist by gathering magical readings—just don’t enter the maze!”

You can take these readings by attempting an Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion check.

Cassandra heads over to the entrance to the Maze. Marvellous things, gifted to the Society centuries ago by some mad Druid King. No wonder its started to fall apart a bit. Probably hasn't been properly maintained she mutters to herself as she examines the magical auras.

Check: 1d20 ⇒ 13
Religion and Nature are +11 however if it counts as Recall Knowledge (doubtful but you never know) then she will use her +15 Esoteric Lore (includes the -2 from Diverse Lore)

Envoy's Alliance

♥️ 96 | AC 26 | Saves 14/15/12|Focus Points □ | PFS# 133608-2001 | Male Human Bard (Level 8) | | ☘️ 1 | Spells DC 26 (Occult)-/3/3/3/1 (Divine) - | Perception +12 |◆◇↺ |

Reassurance with Janira Gavix

"Hey hey, welcome to the Pathfinder Society!" Manny waves to the group. "Now I'm not going say it's easy. And sometimes you have to make difficult decisions. But it's worth it. Making the world a better place, learning more about your history, and putting down big bad guys. Have you heard of Aslynn the Night Hag? She was a big deal back in the first edition of the Society. She's gone now." He winks at Itka. "A lot of teamwork, conversation and power went into defeating her. None of us could do that alone."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (18) + 16 = 34

"Anyway, if ya'll want any advanced tips we can talk later."

Envoy's Alliance

♥️ 96 | AC 26 | Saves 14/15/12|Focus Points □ | PFS# 133608-2001 | Male Human Bard (Level 8) | | ☘️ 1 | Spells DC 26 (Occult)-/3/3/3/1 (Divine) - | Perception +12 |◆◇↺ |

Ashasar's Magical Investigations

Manny stands outside the maze. "Uh-huh, uh-huh... Shylye, help me out here. Is anything wrong with the maze?"

Religion: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15

"I think she's laughing at me."

Grand Archive

Human Sorcerer (rogue) 8 | AC 26 (27 wShield) | HP (10)72/72| F +13 R +13 W +12| Spells: 1: 4/4 2: 4/4 3: 4/4 4: 4/4 | SP: 2/2 | HeroPoint: 2/2

Ashasar's Magical Investigations

What Magical Investigation are you doing? You know, I'm a Master in the Art. I could help

Arcana: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19

But Kamil is quickly lost in Ashasar's explanations!

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Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Emmanuel's additional reassurances about teamwork have fully rallied the new recruits. They're entirely prepared to assist the senior agents.

Emmanuel and Kamil have some trouble following Ashasar's confusing instructions. Cassandra is able to help collect some useful readings, though.
The druid is helpful, and opens a satchel towards the team. "Thank you, that's very helpful. I have some extra talismans and scrolls here. You can each take one!"

Emmanuel's Diplomacy is a crit, which improves that one-time bonus per character to +2.
Cassandra succeeds at the magical check, though Itka can still try for a crit.
You each receive your choice of a murderer's knot, swift block cabochon, scroll of fly, or 4th-level scroll of restoration.

Once they've assisted Ashasar with his readings, the Pathfinders spot Vigilant Seal faction leader Eando Kline sifting through crates and wagons, divvying gear up into piles. "Help me sort this equipment according to the supply list," he says, "then deliver it to the assembling teams. We need to ensure everyone is well-equipped for the upcoming mission."

Athletics, Society, or Survival

Envoy's Alliance

♥️ 96 | AC 26 | Saves 14/15/12|Focus Points □ | PFS# 133608-2001 | Male Human Bard (Level 8) | | ☘️ 1 | Spells DC 26 (Occult)-/3/3/3/1 (Divine) - | Perception +12 |◆◇↺ |

"No problem, boss!" Manny snaps his fingers as his fancy dress folds and warps away into rugged worker duds.

Athletics: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (12) + 16 = 28

"Alright, I got this!" He hefts some of the items overhead. "Which way? Hopefully to someone attractive? I said the quiet part out loud again, didn't I?" He marches off and away from Kline's disapproving look.

Vigilant Seal

F Human (dromaar) witch 8 | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F +15 R +13 W +14 | Perc +12 (+14 for Initiative) | Stealth +13 | Exploration: Detect Magic | speed 25 | Hero 1/3 | focus 3/3 | spells 1: 3/3 2: 3/3 3: 3/3 | 4: 3/3 | ◆◇↺ | Active Conditions: none

Ashasar's Magical Investigations

"Hmp. The calculations for a star shift have an obscure effect on the auras." Itka muses as she applies her studies to her observations of the maze.

Occultism: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (2) + 15 = 17
Cue sad trombone.

Eando Kline's Supply List

"Hmp. One to each, even if they're half as pretty as me, Manny." Itka grumbles.

Society: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (9) + 13 = 22

Envoy's Alliance

Female Aasimar Thaumaturge Init +13| AC 26 (27 with Shield) | HP 78|78 | Fort +13, Ref +11 (+3 Bulwark), Will +15 (Resolve); Per +13 (E)
Implement Interruption, Retributive Strike

Lugging boxes of supplies, sure I can handle that says Cassandra as she joins Emmanuel to carry stuff.

Athletics: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (17) + 14 = 31

Grand Archive

Human Sorcerer (rogue) 8 | AC 26 (27 wShield) | HP (10)72/72| F +13 R +13 W +12| Spells: 1: 4/4 2: 4/4 3: 4/4 4: 4/4 | SP: 2/2 | HeroPoint: 2/2

I can help. Says Kamil

Athletics: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (7) + 13 = 20

Vigilant Seal

male HP 92/92| AC 25 | Fortitude** +14, Reflex** 13, Will* +11| Perception** +11 + initiative | Stealth* +5 speed 25 | Focus 2/2| Active Conditions: ---Neutral Good Human Magus (Inexorable Iron) 7

Let me help, says Grunthar too
Athletics: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (17) + 14 = 31

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Eando disapproves of the suggestion that he's not attractive, but he approves of the work the Pathfinders do. "Great, don't forget to take your share there."

No crit, but several successes. Each PC gets their choice of a moderate antidote, a moderate anti-plague, a moderate cheetah's elixir, or a moderate eagle-eye elixir.
Where to next?

Envoy's Alliance

♥️ 96 | AC 26 | Saves 14/15/12|Focus Points □ | PFS# 133608-2001 | Male Human Bard (Level 8) | | ☘️ 1 | Spells DC 26 (Occult)-/3/3/3/1 (Divine) - | Perception +12 |◆◇↺ |

"'Sup Grunthar. Thanks for helping. Know any good taverns around here?"

Checklist wrote:

Urwal, the lizardfolk philosopher and leader of the Verdant Wheel faction, is looking for Escorts.

Calisro Benarry, the half-orc corsair who is faction leader of the Horizon Hunters is concerned about the Last Meal before the group leaves.

Ashasar, a suli druid who is a planar specialist and liaison between the Pathfinder Society and the Concordance of Elements, is conducting Magical Investigations. DONE

Venture-Captain Armeline Jirneau, a half-elf detective, is trying to finalize the Mustering.

Head Initiate Janira Gavix, the halfling instructor, is seeking some Reassurance for inexperienced field agents. DONE

Eando Kline, the human explorer and faction leader of the Vigilant Seal, is checking and re-checking the Supplies. DONE

"Hey Urwal, anyway we can help you? Something about Escorts?"

Envoy's Alliance

Female Aasimar Thaumaturge Init +13| AC 26 (27 with Shield) | HP 78|78 | Fort +13, Ref +11 (+3 Bulwark), Will +15 (Resolve); Per +13 (E)
Implement Interruption, Retributive Strike

Cassandra rolls her shoulders, working out the kinks from lugging around so much stuff. Urwal, good to see you again, you need help with smething?

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Verdant Wheel faction leader Urwal walks amidthe gathered Pathfinders. He checks each person’s face before shaking his head and moving on to the next. “There are Pathfinders unaccounted for. Although the upcoming mission will be dangerous, Galt is not a land it would do to get lost in. Find our wayward companions and bring them here so no one gets left behind.”

Nature, Perception, Survival

Envoy's Alliance

Female Aasimar Thaumaturge Init +13| AC 26 (27 with Shield) | HP 78|78 | Fort +13, Ref +11 (+3 Bulwark), Will +15 (Resolve); Per +13 (E)
Implement Interruption, Retributive Strike

Cassandra jots down a list of the missing Pathfinders. She heads out into the camp and begins bellowing names, looking for signs of people reacting to their name being called.

Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (20) + 13 = 33

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Cassandra immediately finds all of them. One might think Urwal might be embarrassed at overlooking them, but he happily hands out a batch of healing potions to the team.

Everyone gains two moderate healing potions.

Horizon Hunters faction leader Calisro Benarry clutches her stomach as it grumbles loudly. "Just in time!" she calls, as though the Pathfinders had been looking for her, "I'm starving! Go lend the Lodge's serving staff a hand so everyone can have a proper meal before this mission gets underway. We can't set out on an empty stomach!"

Cooking Lore, Society, Survival

Envoy's Alliance

♥️ 96 | AC 26 | Saves 14/15/12|Focus Points □ | PFS# 133608-2001 | Male Human Bard (Level 8) | | ☘️ 1 | Spells DC 26 (Occult)-/3/3/3/1 (Divine) - | Perception +12 |◆◇↺ |

"Right away, Urwal." He turns to his teammates. "Hey, maybe we can canvas the region, buy some maps and-"

Cassandra is already off, directing the rest of the group.

Manny shrugs. "You got this, lead the way."

Vigilant Seal

F Human (dromaar) witch 8 | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F +15 R +13 W +14 | Perc +12 (+14 for Initiative) | Stealth +13 | Exploration: Detect Magic | speed 25 | Hero 1/3 | focus 3/3 | spells 1: 3/3 2: 3/3 3: 3/3 | 4: 3/3 | ◆◇↺ | Active Conditions: none
GM wrote:
No crit, but several successes. Each PC gets their choice of a moderate antidote, a moderate anti-plague, a moderate cheetah's elixir, or a moderate eagle-eye elixir.

Itka will take a moderate eagle-eye elixir.

Itka is the quintessential scary lunch lady. She brandishes a ladle and barks to the assembled throng: "Hmp! Line up, single file! Venture Captains, to the front of the line! New recruits to the back! No grumbling; there's enough for everyone. Wait your turn. Hmp!" She gives the stink eye to a few newbies trying to cut to the front of the line until they sheepishly move back to their proper place.

Society: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (15) + 13 = 28

Grand Archive

Human Sorcerer (rogue) 8 | AC 26 (27 wShield) | HP (10)72/72| F +13 R +13 W +12| Spells: 1: 4/4 2: 4/4 3: 4/4 4: 4/4 | SP: 2/2 | HeroPoint: 2/2

I know some recipes from the Mwangi Expanse!

Society: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22

Envoy's Alliance

Female Aasimar Thaumaturge Init +13| AC 26 (27 with Shield) | HP 78|78 | Fort +13, Ref +11 (+3 Bulwark), Will +15 (Resolve); Per +13 (E)
Implement Interruption, Retributive Strike

I will take an antidote

Cassandra moves around the various pots and pans adding a variety of different herbs she has scavenged from the surrounding area.

Survival: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18

Hopefully none of them are poisonous.

Envoy's Alliance

♥️ 96 | AC 26 | Saves 14/15/12|Focus Points □ | PFS# 133608-2001 | Male Human Bard (Level 8) | | ☘️ 1 | Spells DC 26 (Occult)-/3/3/3/1 (Divine) - | Perception +12 |◆◇↺ |

"Howdy Captain." Manny is back to his blue and gray duds. "As long as I get to sample some of the food, I'll feed 'em myself!"

Society: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12

Itka catches Manny sampling too much of the food and chides him off the line before he makes things worse.

Vigilant Seal

male HP 92/92| AC 25 | Fortitude** +14, Reflex** 13, Will* +11| Perception** +11 + initiative | Stealth* +5 speed 25 | Focus 2/2| Active Conditions: ---Neutral Good Human Magus (Inexorable Iron) 7

Gruntarr takes a moderate eagle-eye elixir and a scroll of fly

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

The nourishing meal fortifies the Pathfinders for their mission. Particularly Benarry, but also everyone else who eats something Itka prepared.

Each PC gains a +1 circumstance bonus on their next Fortitude saving throw.

Venture-Captain Armeline Jirneau proffers a long list of names. “I’ve organized all the Pathfinders into teams of between four and six agents. Take this list and help everyone gather in their assigned units."

Diplomacy, Perception, Society

Envoy's Alliance

♥️ 96 | AC 26 | Saves 14/15/12|Focus Points □ | PFS# 133608-2001 | Male Human Bard (Level 8) | | ☘️ 1 | Spells DC 26 (Occult)-/3/3/3/1 (Divine) - | Perception +12 |◆◇↺ |

"Alright everyone. Come together." Manny moves up to the groups with a nod and a smile.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (2) + 16 = 18 Sigh

"Why are they laughing at to me?" Manny notices the food stain on his shirt. "Oh, that's embarrassing."

Grand Archive

Human Sorcerer (rogue) 8 | AC 26 (27 wShield) | HP (10)72/72| F +13 R +13 W +12| Spells: 1: 4/4 2: 4/4 3: 4/4 4: 4/4 | SP: 2/2 | HeroPoint: 2/2

Kamil remembers his training as an Aspis Agent and quickly explains how to organise by name and team the Pathfinders.

Society: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

Vigilant Seal

male HP 92/92| AC 25 | Fortitude** +14, Reflex** 13, Will* +11| Perception** +11 + initiative | Stealth* +5 speed 25 | Focus 2/2| Active Conditions: ---Neutral Good Human Magus (Inexorable Iron) 7

Gruntarr takes the list and with a fast view of Pathfinders organize then as compact an solid groups
Society: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19

Vigilant Seal

F Human (dromaar) witch 8 | HP 80/80 | AC 24 | F +15 R +13 W +14 | Perc +12 (+14 for Initiative) | Stealth +13 | Exploration: Detect Magic | speed 25 | Hero 1/3 | focus 3/3 | spells 1: 3/3 2: 3/3 3: 3/3 | 4: 3/3 | ◆◇↺ | Active Conditions: none

"Hmp. You're over there." Itka waves her cane around like a cudgel, "gently" shoving, prodding, and whacking guiding folks to their assigned locations and teams.

Society: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (20) + 13 = 33

Society issued item: 4th rank scroll of Fly

Venture-Captain, Online PBP


A hush falls over the gathered Pathfinders as Venture-Captain Armeline Jirneau ascends a podium erected outside the entrance to the Maze of the Open Road. “Welcome to Woodsedge, Pathfinders! Thank you for coming. As many of you know, the Maze of the Open Road is an interdimensional pathway built long ago by Forest King Narven Feathereyes as a gift for the Society. Time was not kind to the maze, but thanks to the efforts of Eliza Petulengro and other Pathfinders, it was repaired.

“Recently, the maze’s paths realigned and now all point to a single location. Our investigations indicate this isn’t a problem with the Maze of the Open Road but an outside source—a beacon—that’s attracting the paths. The maze is of critical importance to many missions and must remain available. Our mission is to fix this strange anomaly.

“We traverse the Maze of the Open Road to an unknown destination. Although this is an exciting opportunity to explore new horizons, our mission is not exploration. Our mission is to find the beacon and sever its connection to the Maze of the Open Road. Prepare yourselves! We leave shortly.”

After a few minutes to allow for any last-second preparations, Venture-Captain Jirneau leads the assembled Pathfinders into the Maze of the Open Road. ”Stay close, we won’t be here long.”

Armeline guides the Pathfinders through the maze with confidence, while Eando Kline, faction leader of the Vigilant Seal, takes the rear, ensuring no Pathfinders get left behind. Armeline hesitates only a moment before plunging through a shimmering portal, out of the Maze and into the unknown.

Following her lead, the Pathfinders arrive in a large stone chamber with red stone walls and polished tan floor tiles, lit by a luminous arch rising from a central raised platform. The chamber has three side chambers and one exit. “Fan out, Pathfinders!” Venture-Captain Armeline orders. “Secure the area.”

Table GMs, please begin Part 1

Envoy's Alliance

♥️ 96 | AC 26 | Saves 14/15/12|Focus Points □ | PFS# 133608-2001 | Male Human Bard (Level 8) | | ☘️ 1 | Spells DC 26 (Occult)-/3/3/3/1 (Divine) - | Perception +12 |◆◇↺ |
Preparation Rewards wrote:

Once during the adventure, each PC can receive a +2 circumstance bonus to one skill check or attack roll, representing a rookie Pathfinder succeeding at a check to Aid them. The PC must decide to use this benefit before rolling.

Each PC gets their choice of a moderate antidote, a moderate anti-plague, a moderate cheetah's elixir, or a moderate eagle-eye elixir.

Everyone gains two moderate healing potions.

Each PC gains a +1 circumstance bonus on their next Fortitude saving throw.

"Hmm... give me that moderate anti-plague." Manny picks one from storage.

He catches up to his teammates. "Okay, where to next?"

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Itka is brutally effective (or perhaps effectively brutal) at directing the mustering Pathfinders.
Meeting their fellow Pathfinders instills the team with a lingering sense of responsibility for their fellow field agents.
You each gain a +2 circumstance bonus on your first Will save.

The Pathfinders emerge from the portal into ancient ruins. They suddenly feel very light on their feet.

The chamber is illuminated by a large arch, 15 feet wide and 25 high, composed of a luminous crystal.
In addition to the arch, there are three other features of this large chamber the Pathfinders may wish to investigate: A side chamber containing a fountain, a side chamber with rows of wooden hooks, and a chamber partially blocked by a circular stone door.

There is also a massive exit door made of pitch-black stone. Who knows what's beyond there?

Also choose a first mission: Sanctum Guardians, Pathfinder Found, Time Travel, Library, or Ascension.

Envoy's Alliance

♥️ 96 | AC 26 | Saves 14/15/12|Focus Points □ | PFS# 133608-2001 | Male Human Bard (Level 8) | | ☘️ 1 | Spells DC 26 (Occult)-/3/3/3/1 (Divine) - | Perception +12 |◆◇↺ |

"Cool. Let's make sure no Pathfinders are lost, eh?"
My preferences: Pathfinder Found, Sanctum Guardians, Time Travel, Ascension, Library

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