GM Super Zero |

The letter from J. Dacilane to the Pathfinder Society didn’t specify much: “Pathfinder team requested for mentorship opportunity at Dacilane Academy tomorrow, 9 bells. Sense of humor suggested.” With scant else to go on, the team arrives in front of the newly constructed auditorium doors, festooned with a ceremonial ribbon, to find the students milling about in front of the building.
The auditorium has been defaced--the sign for the Dacilane Academy Auditorium has been vandalized, with “Dacilane” changed to “Dandy-lion.” Beneath it, the doors have been painted with a picture of a catfolk wearing a foppish exaggeration of an Eagle Knight uniform. The feline freedom fighter has been hit in the face with a meringue pie by an unseen assailant and is making a comically shocked face.

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...A ysoki of medium proportions emerges from behind a cluster of barrels, munching on some dried salted cheese, and feeding little bits to a rat upon his shoulder, who snatches the pieces and crawls back into one pocket or another.
Looking left then right then left then right ”I think we are the first people here, Freerat!” wrinkling his nose causing his whiskers to whisk to and fro...

Freerat |

...popping out from the pocket once more, hunk of cheese in cheek, the tiny rat looks left then right then left then right and nods his head before scurrying back into the pocket...

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"I think you were. You look like a Pathfinder. Kirana." the mid-height human woman offers a hand to Bangy. She has long, dark hair in one long plait down her back and wears flowing blue clothes. Around her neck you see a Wayfinder, as well as an Eye of Aroden and a small silver longsword.
On her head sits a tricorn with a feather in it.
Her accent seems a little old fashioned.

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Swayaah looks at the academy. She recalls her mother enrolling her in all sorts of "vocational" schools. Nice on the outside, brutal from within.
She flexes her wings a bit, to get them to fold easily upon her shoulders and keeps her tail limp as she approaches. "Pathfinders. You gotta be. I'm also assigned for this. I'm Swayaah Maelerant-i. I'm a tief-"
A young girl with pale white skin and batlike wings tugs Swayaah's arm, to interrupt her. "Right. Sorry. I'm Swayaah, this is my assistant Fae. We're Nephilim. My mom's from the Abyss. Long story."
She looks at the banner and grins. "Now we're talking. This school is much more my type. Hopefully with fewer duels to the death."

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A little girl, with a rag doll in her arms approaches. She 'discusses' quietly with her doll, and says, "I'm Alice. And this is my doll, Alice." She makes a little curtsy. "We're pleased to meet you."

Freerat |

...>pops head<...
...>peeps Alice (the smaller)<...
...>ventures forth, approaches slowly<...

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"You look like a pirate!" he takes her single hand in both of his - shakes vigorously "Kirana of Aroden? Bangy Piper! I spent a long time on the sea, and know my way around a boat" his eyes roll, conjuring memories in his mind, and he awkwardly quiet a moment, then "Say, maybe we can talk ship, well, not that it'll be useful at a school - I actually don't know why I am here. I am no teacher. But I know a few things I suppose"
Offers to Mentor (+1 to skills)
"You talk funny!"

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"Never a pirate, but I served on merchant ships a long time ago. I'd happily talk about sailing with you! As for my speech, I'm trying to pick up modern mannerisms, but it is quite difficult."
She smiles at Bangy then looks around.
"We seem to be getting quite the group together. What do we all do? I channel the Plane of Water these days." She has a slightly distant look in her eyes. "I'm able to heal people and make things cold. I'm also excellent at dousing fires."

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A massive and well muscled goblin, at least 3' 3" walks up. He wears a breastplate and carries a heavy pick. A rapier and daggers are at his waist. He is dark green skinned but actually appears to be much neater than the average Goblin. He also has a pack across his back and what appears to be two small casks on his back and the back of his belt. You also see a metal flask riding above a dagger on one hip and another one stuck in a sash on his armor. Greetings! Me be Grog! Always nice to meet fellow pathfinder! Me brew good beverages, want a drink?”
With that he pulls a bottle out of his pack, uncorks it and passes it to over. ”Nothing fancy this time, just honey mead. Not best work…” He looks around, Huh. Someone had a party here!.”
When he gets close you also notice he is nowhere as, well, fragrant, as the usual Goblin. In fact he may even be wearing some light cologne. You also notice a wooden symbol of a tankard around his neck.

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"Why not?"
Kirana takes a drink of the mead.
Well, it's early but she does have the Con of a Kineticist!

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A goblin with big red eyes wearing a dinosaur costume arrives the chaotic scene.
"What a meshshy plache ish thish!" Griphook exclaims after pausing in playing his flute. "Griphook is my name, everyone." he gives a courteous bow in front of them.
"Sho, what happened here, exhactly? The lasht time I wash here, it ish not thish chaotic."

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Bangy Piper looks at Grog, then at Griphook, and knows trouble is afoot...
"Persnickety wickets!"
He feeds Freerat some mead, who, sips vigorously, hiccups, and immediately passes out back into the pocket from which he emerged.
"Someone vandalized the place" he points to the eagle and pie "I think we are the cleanup crew!"

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"Griphook." Swayaah gives a wave, trying to downplay her claws. "And Groggggg..." She quickly takes a swig of the mead. "Oh that's good, we're going to get along well."
She looks at Fae and shakes her head, returning the mug to Grog. "When you're an adult, kid."

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Grog smiles happily as multiple people enjoy his mead."I LIKE this group! Now, anyone know why we here? Grog not bring broom an mop on adventures. That be weird..."
Grog's batch of honey mead was the result of... a 19 on his crafting skill so... take that as you may. Glad I decided to keep track of that! Also, I had to take Grogggg as his name as the one with 1 to 3 'g's on the end were already taken. :)

GM Super Zero |

A human figure bearing a remarkable resemblance to the catfolk graffiti steps atop a crate and claps to get the students’ attention. Pathfinders might recognize him as J Dacilane, the Academy’s primary benefactor.
J Dacilane stands in front of the students with a stern look, though there is a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. “Students, someone has taken it upon themselves to attack the very name of this school, an act so serious that I can only consider it to be a declaration of war: the Dacilane Academy’s very first prank war.” He holds up a hand to quiet the outburst of excitement from the gathered students. “Classes will be cancelled for the remainder of the day, as conflict is a powerful teacher. You will have until 10 bells to organize yourselves, make your plans, and prepare for battle, and until 12 bells to prank with impunity. There will be no teams; you must make your own alliances and be on the lookout for betrayals. These Pathfinders will serve as impartial observers, mentors, and judges. For those of you who need competitive motivation, a winner will be selected by our judges to win the Dandy-Lion Medal of Foolery for the team that embodies the spirit of the competition the best, but the satisfaction of besting your opponents will be your truest reward. Keep your wits about you. War is chaos; enemies can unite against a greater foe; neutral parties might get involved--take nothing for granted. And remember--whatever mess you make, you will be responsible for cleaning up tomorrow morning, including this.” He points to the leonine painting behind him. “Go prepare. Good luck and have fun.”
As the students cross back across the cobbled street to the Academy in whispering knots and clumps, J approaches the Pathfinder party and is happy to answer any questions they have.
"So sorry, running late and had to get right to addressing the students without meeting with you first. But I'm sure you got the gist of it?"

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Grog just raises one eyebrow as he processes the information. He was expecting some evil was afoot and attacking the school. He expected terror, fear and blood. A prank war?
Eventually he shrugs and quietly says "Eh, Lord Cailean would appreciate this.."

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Swayaah laughs as the children break to make more messes. "Oh man, this is exactly like my education, but less blood."
She turns to J Dacilane. "What's the grading scheme? What inspired the prank war, anyway? How do we pick a winner? When should we intervene? I assume if it gets too violent we should step in?"

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"How I wish I could join them!" Griphook is somewhat excited about the thought, unfortunately, they are there to be impartial observers.
"I thought shomething bad happened here, with all the meshsh we are seeing." he approachte J. "Yeah, what are we going to do? Like how are we going to judge them?" Griphook tries to think words to mean the same thing Swayaah is asking.

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"The best pranks, of course!" Bangy answers his allies' questions.
"I tried school for one day once. You pick a letter and cut it out of parchment and give it to them as a way to mark who is doing what how good!" Indeed, our ysoki hero's memories of kindergarten are distant, but this experience seems to have stood out to him.
"I am ready!"

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"I anticipate someone taking things too far. Or an unseen force joining in. We have our work cut out."

GM Super Zero |

Still need Alice and Grog on the Slides.
Grog, Alice, and Swayaah all notice some tiny winged sprites fluttering high above the school. When spotted, they immediately flee.
"Well," says J, "let's keep things in the spirit of friendly competition. Anything that might hurt someone is certainly off-limits. Other than that, you're the judges, so use your... judgement.
"In addition to being judges, I was hoping you could be mentors. The students often have grand ideas but may need help to make them appropriate for one another. Just remember you’re here to assist, not do the tasks for them—please provide them with your expertise and wisdom but allow them to engage with the experience themselves.”
Anyone who wants to see if they know anything useful about the school can make a Society or Absalom Lore check.
Any player who has a Chronicle sheet for #2-09: The Seven Secrets of Dacilane Academy or #3-18: Dacilane Academy's Delightful Disaster will also get some information--more if it's with this character.
Alice: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27
Bangy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13
Swayaah: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26
Kirana: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
Griphook: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

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Oops. Completely missed the slides. My bad. :)
Grog cocks his head to one side and tries to remember if he knows anything about this place...
society: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12
He shakes his head, feeling like HE might need a lot of his current stock of adult beverages to get through this..
He puts on a brave and confident looking face.
"Grog happy to mentor!"

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I've played 2-09, but not with this character.
"Did anyone see that? Tiny wings? Sprites, probably? More fey..." Swayaah points a clawed finger up, but they're gone already.
Society: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24
"Alright, let's meet some students and make some mischief." She grins and flexes her fingers.
GM, I have the >Trap Finder< feat, so I always get a check when nearby a trap, even if I'm not searching. I also get a +1 circumstance bonus against traps (Perception, AC, Saves)
GM, I will >Pursue A Lead< on those Sprites, if possible. I get a +1 circumstance bonus to Perception and Skill Checks. If I ever >Devise A Stratagem< and I know they're my subject, DaS is a free action.
Swayaah keeps quiet as they enter. Exploration Mode: Avoid Notice, Stealth +8

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Bangy digs into his pocket...
Society (Trained): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13

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Absalom Lore: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

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I have played #2-09: The Seven Secrets of Dacilane Academy with this character, and also played #3-18: Dacilane Academy's Delightful Disaster but with another character.
Society: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
"The lasht time I wash here, we were tashked to shearch for shomething..."

GM Super Zero |

Most of the Pathinders are aware that the Pathfinder Society purchased the manor housing the Academy decades ago. In recent years, J Dacilane has donated substantial resources and efforts to guaranteeing a high-quality education for the students.
Kirana and Griphook also know that Pathfinder agents investigated an alleged haunting inside the Academy a few years back and determined that the uncanny events in question were caused by an akizendri—a chaotic extraplanar being of the sort known as proteans. Then, a more powerful pelagastr protean made a deal with a teacher that culminated in a magical mishap during a field trip to Woodsedge Lodge that temporarily shunted the Pathfinder chaperones to a different plane of existence.
"Sprites?" asks J, confused, "Oh, of course! I see you're already getting into the spirit of things. Well, if there's nothing else you probably want to check on what the students are working on." He indicates the campus across the street.
10 bells sounds.
A tidy lawn surrounds this stately single-story brick building beyond the academy’s iron gates. Three stone steps and two ramps ascend to the front entrance. The doors stand ajar, revealing the main hallway. Walking around the building leads to the grounds at the south side.
Near the door of the academy is a halfling girl in an outfit oddly reminiscent of J's Eagle Knight uniform. She doesn't seem to be doing anything mischievous.
Rather unlike the gaggle of students at the nearby shed. Giggling, whispering, and poking sticks into the room, they're clearly up to something.

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Ah, I played both of those adventures (2-09 and 3-18) with a different character.
Swayaah pauses as she approaches the door. Fae sticks her head from behind Swayaah. "You sure you don't want to go to school, Fae? Lots of fun, get to meet other students. Get off my back for a minute." The albino Nephilim shakes her head and clings onto Swayaah like a wet leaf.
Swayaah sighs. "Alright, let's see what trouble this girl is getting into..."
Swayaah will maintain Stealth if she can, and move towards the shed. >Trap Finder< and >Pursue A Lead< are still active.

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Seeing Swayaah headed towards the shed in a stealthy manner, Grogg follows, also trying to be stealthy. While he's good at it overall, he still is seen walking on his tip-toes like a children's picture book would use to indicate stealth...

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Bangy follows the tiefling and goblin!
"Why are we being sneaky?"

Freerat |

Freerat pops his head up from a pocket, and instinctively follows Grogggg!
...sniffs him for a bit a food...
...perhaps some will drop off...

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Grog looks back at Bangy, puts one finger, the correct one, in front of his lips and says "Shhh..." quietly. He then notices Freerat and finds some random food in his bag to drop.
He looks back again and shrugs "Me not know. Just following. She seems to know what she's doing."

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Kirana tries to get a better view. "I would prefer to just go and ask them questions."

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"Hello," Griphook approaches the halfling girl, despite the others being sneaky This is a school, not a monster's lair." he tells himself. "My name ish Griphook. What ish your name? It looksh like you are not with your clashshmatesh, having fun ash I can shee. Ish everything all right?"

GM Super Zero |

Academy map and images added to the Slides.
The students at the shed are far too preoccupied to pay any attention to what the Pathfinders are doing.
The ramshackle storage shed is dusty and full of the school’s miscellaneous clutter, including exercise equipment, tools, and
broken furniture. The school’s caretaker maintains a tenuous cohabitation with a family of opossums that have lived in the shed for years; she keeps a few battered old pots on the wall to bang together and scare away the animals when she needs to use her workshop.
The ringleaders here seem to be a kobold girl and a human boy, addressed as Geltra and Tels by the others, but they're surrounded by a sizeable flock of younger students. Their aim seems to be luring the possums out of the shed and into the nearby classroom whose teacher foolishly left the window open.
So far they seem to have succeeded at startling the animals into hiding and hissing defensively.
Any or all PCs can take 10 minutes to attempt to assist Geltra and Tels, making Nature or Intimidation checks--or Diplomacy if they have Wild Empathy or a similar feature to communicate with animals.
The halfling girl looks down imperiously on Griphook, though only barely and only because she's standing on the to step.
"Well met, Pathfider. I am Cass Farsight. And this event is a frivolous waste of time. We could be learning something useful to our futures as Pathfinder Field Agents, like advanced team combat tactics."
Any or all PCs can try to convince the too-serious student to participate, perhaps with arguments about the value of unexpected thinking in combat situations, with 10 minutes and something like Diplomacy, Deception, Pathfinder Society Lore, or Warfare Lore.

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"Scaring Opossums?" Swayaah speaks up to Geltra and Tels. "I got this."
Intimidate: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24
With an >Intimidating Glare<, Swayaah spooks the creatures. Scaring is easy, AND fun. Plus it comes so easy to her.
Griphook handles introductions, which is good. Swayaah's bad at that. "You know Cass, if you don't pretend to have some fun you become predictable. Doesn't matter how strong your armor is if thieves know when you aren't wearing it, ya know?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

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Nature (Trained): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21
Scouting Lore (Trained): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23
Seeing Swayaah head frontwards, our ysoki hero heads around back, cutting off the Opposums' second exit back into the shed, forcing them instead to run outside in their moment of panic.
"You got to know your terrain!" he exclaims to "Cass Farsight, I am Bangy Piper" he extends a gentle hand to shake "Hide and Seek for fun is the same as Hide and Seek for life or death. Best to grit your teeth and bear it. It'll amount to something!" trying to warm her up to the entire premise of today's cancellation.

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Alice (the little girl) will hold Alice (the rag doll) on her hands, and the doll will give an impassioned speech about expecting the unexpected and always willing to be flexible in every encounter.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25

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Grog stop sneaking as he realizes not a single child seems to be watching out for their surroundings. Tsk tsk.
He approaches the shed. "Now, now, must respect nature, better carrot than stick!"
With that he pulls a carrot from his pack, breaks off peices and tries to use those to lure the possums out and to their intended target.
nature: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26

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"You never know what will happen on a Pathfinder mission. I know that all too well. Unexpected and weird things are almost a given. You must train yourself to be flexible in thought and action." Kirana adds.
PFS Lore: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

GM Super Zero |

With the Pathfinders helping to lure or startle the possums, the students led by Geltra and Tels soon have the family of marsupials occupying their new home.
Thankfully, the students never got close enough to see the other detail that catches Swayaah's attention--the pool of blood, just visible under some stacked equipment. Behind it she finds the reason the possums were agitated to begin with: A dead possum, neatly beheaded.
You have enough successes to influence Cass including Swayaah and Bangy, but I'm pausing to give Griphook a chance. If he succeeds, you'll have accomplished both tasks in only 10 minutes. Which might not matter, but then it might!
Swayaah: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24
Grog: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

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"I think you are right purshuing to learn about being Pathfinder Field Agents but having can be part of it, I believe." Griphook shares what he thinks about the situation. "It ish not bad to do something fun, I gueshsh." he adds.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12
Hero Point! Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30
"Come, join ush." he motions to the halfling girl and helps those catching the possums.
Nature: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21

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Swayaah is all smiles until the kids leave the shack.
Then she turns to the beheaded creature. Too clean of a cut. "Hey Fae, tell me about this."
Swayaah's Hireling will make a Trained Medicine check at +6 to figure out anything medically interesting about the cut. Swayaah will investigate with her +9 Perception.

GM Super Zero |

Swayaah isn't able to determine anything else helpful about the corpse or the bloodstain, especially after Fae slips in the blood a little and nudges them out of place.
All they can really determine is that it was cut with a sharp blade.
Cass looks as determined as ever as the Pathfinders make their cases. But she starts to nod along. "I understand. This is the chance to practice ambush tactics in a safe environment. But no, I'm not playing with the possums. Geltra and Tels are handling that. No, I shall stick with tradition, the classics! I will set a bucket of water above the entrance to the academy, to douse uncareful passers-by!"
The small halfling child turns to look at the entrance, at the door offering admittance to a building originally used by humans. A door impressively large even by adult human standards. Her head tilts back as she looks up, up, up at the top of the door.
"Um. Can someone help me reach, please?"

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"Hey, hey. We gotta wash your hands. Maybe we can use some of Cass's water." She hides her frown as Fae messes with the evidence.
She moves up to Cass. "Sure, I got it." She kneels down. "I can hop up there or you can climb up my shoulders if you want to do it yourself."
Swayaah has +8 Athletics and >Quick Jump< if needed.

GM Super Zero |

With Swayaah's assistance, Cass is able to reach the top of the door to set up her prank.
There don't seem to be any other students working out in the front yard. There may be some around the building in the back, and there are almost certainly some inside.

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"Shall we carry on doing the rounds?"