[Outpost VII] Zero's #1-07: Flooded King's Court (Inactive)

Game Master Super Zero

RPG Chronicles
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low tier - 12 CP

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Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Go ahead and dot in. The game begins March 4th.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺
A Note from Dangle Dreng wrote:

Greetings fellow seekers of knowledge!

The Society has been presented with a unique opportunity and I think you’re just the ones to help out. As you have likely heard, Absalom has recently become the home of a group of goblin refugees displaced by the Whispering Tyrant’s armies. They have settled in the Puddles, quite content to live in some of the abandoned buildings there.

We’ve also learned from Ziraya al-Shurati, a Muckrucker in the Puddles, that the goblins have been digging around in the basement of the old playhouse that belonged to the Greater Absalom Performing Arts Guild. They’ve claimed this building as their own. In the process, they stumbled across some manner of beast they could not defeat but instead managed to seal away. With the local guards, the Muckruckers, unwilling to help, we have a perfect opportunity to step in and learn something new about the history of Absalom.

Several of our more experienced goblin Pathfinders have been working hard to build inroads into the goblin community, and this has led to an offer by “king” Zusgut to hear our plea. Your job is to meet Zusgut, explain that we wish his permission to explore beneath his playhouse, and then perform an initial exploration and assessment. You’ll likely not have much time for exploration given the tides probably flood the chambers below each day, but do your best!

Drandle Dreng
P.S. I almost forgot! Eando Kline of the Vigilant Seal is watching this mission closely. He’s worried about ancient evils being released into the world by Pathfinders and what that will do to the public’s mpression of us. While I know such things can’t always be avoided, it would be best if you either destroyed anything dangerous that you find down there or if you must bring it back to the Lodge, be very discreet!

Note handout also available on the Slides.

Upon receiving notes from Dandle Dreng, a group of Pathfinder agents make their way to the old playhouse to meed with the self-proclaimed goblin king.

Why don't you start by introducing yourselves?

And if you want to see if you already have some relevant information, you can learn about the goblins with Diplomacy to Gather Information or Society to Recall Knowledge. Or to know about what might lie beneath the Puddles District, you can make a Lore (Absalom History or similar) or Society check.

Horizon Hunters

Male Elf CG Fighter / 3rd | HP:39/39 | AC:20 | DC: 18 | F:+6 R:+9 W:+4 | Init:+8 | Per: +6 | Hero: 1

Meeting his three companions outside the playhouse, a tall cloaked dude, with a bow slung over his shoulder, pulls back his hood to reveal long, flowing white hair and a face with sharp Elven features. He smiles broadly upon recognizing one of them, bowing deeply to the only lady amongst them. ”Relia Delain; I had hoped our paths would cross again,” he murmurs as he takes her hand and brushes his lips lightly upon the back of it. ”Tis always a pleasure to see you, m’Lady; you look stunning as usual…”

To the Orc and Kobold, he gives a friendly nod. ”Alanossë, at your service…”

Diplomacy to GI: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Society: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Vigilant Seal

Male Kobold Core Fighter 4 | HP 50/50 | AC 21/22 | Fortitude +8, Reflex +12, Will +10 (Bravery) | Perception +10 | Speed 25 | Darkvision | Default Exploration: Scout +10 | Hero Points 1 | Provisions: Lesser Healing Potion 1/1 | Active Conditions: None | ◆◇↺

A kobold with silvery scales rushes towards the rest of the group. "Am I late? I'm usually late. But maybe first this time? Tooth came out much easier this time, and less screaming!"

He flicks a razor open and closed inattentively as he continues, "I am Tieri. I will care for your medical and grooming needs on this trip." He lowers his voice slightly, "...and maybe dentistry? If it comes up. Just need to ask."

Checking to make sure I updated everything when Tieri switched to Core. Sheet should be fully accurate by tomorrow.

Horizon Hunters

Male Orc Barbarian 1 | AC 18 | HP 26/26 | For +7; Ref +5; Wil +6; Per +6 | Darkvision

A very tall and very thick-bodied orc walks into the room, ducking his head to get through the doorway. He's wearing hide armor with a hide shield, a battle-ax and a flail strapped to his back. He's also wearing enormous metal gauntlets that look like they could be used as hammers.

He initially has a typical orc scowl on his scarred face, but when he sees the others, he recognizes them from the Society and smiles, revealing huge tusks but also a kind personality. "How is everyone today? A pleasure to meet you, Ms. Delain. Gorog Orok."

Horizon Hunters

| HP 24/24 | AC 19; w/cape 20 | Fort +5; Ref +10; Will +7 | Perception: +7 (E); Darkvision, Low-light vision | Hero Point 1/3 | CN Female Elf (Changeling) Scoundrel Rogue 3

A slender red-haired elf arrives when called by the society, long locks not always able to hide the fact that one of her eyes is a yellow-gold color not uncommon in Kyonin, but the other is crystal-blue like the color of the inner sea on a bright day. Her armored leather jerkin is intentionally tight in all the right places to show off her lithe form, sheaths for daggers strapped to various places on her thighs, belt, and ankles. She wears a necklace of a female silhouette dancing with scarves that dips low on her chest, and a bright purple cape trails in the wind behind her.

"Relia Delain. Enticed to meet you." She says with a sultry tone that suggests she truly means that. She gives a wry smile upon seeing Alanossë, giving him a little wink. "My lord...the pleasure is all mine." She also gives Gorog a wink as well when he greets her.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
Society: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

Relia is clearly distracted by meeting her fetching and diverse companions, not isn't focused on the task at hand.

Envoy's Alliance

Lady Alya De-Quinn
Initi +7 | AC 18 |Fort +4, Ref+9, Will+7| Perception +7 /Arcane Sense 30'/ Trap Finder / LLV 120'| Speed 30' | HP 2/3
Noble Rogue/Archetype Bard

A carriage speeds down the street and pulls up outside the playhouse. On the side of it is the leverage of House De-Quinn. The door flys open and a tall, gold/white haired Elf jumps. She has on black uniform with gold trimmings. Under her long coat you see the flash of a fine duelling sword, and fine fighting knifes in each of her black riding boots. She slams the carriage and calls up to her driver.

"Tom get back to the house pronto before my brother notices I have slipped away. Say nothing understood"

The driver nodded and was soon gone. The elf turned as faces you all her pail blue eyes showing a sparkle of enjoyment. Starting her uniform that also has House De-Quinns insignia on it and marked her as an house Guard officer.

Image of her here

She walked towards you saying.

"I take it your my fellow pathfinders, Its a pleasure to meet you all. Im the lady Alya De-Quinn, here to assist, I'm the trap finder that was requested."

She will greet you one by one.

Diplomacy 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26 well she is very well spoke and seems nice
Society: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10 But she has no idea who you are.

"So I take it your a team and know each other, Sorry I'm new in town and well, don't know that many of my fellow pathfinders here. Sooo would you like to fill me in on the plan?"

She says expectantly.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Alya knowsthat the Crookedtoes goblins are led by Zusgut, who is obsessed with performance and acting. His tribe has taken over an old playhouse in the Puddles district that no one else wants because the Puddles are slowly sinking.

Furthermore, she knows that Zusgut is frustrated with the lack of enthusiasm from his tribe toward theater and would love extra help from anyone who is interested.

Alanossë knows that the wererats who once ran the criminal activities in the area were pushed out long ago and replaced by a gang of weresharks who found the waterlogged nature of the location to their liking. Members of the gang can be identified by their teeth, which appear to be filed to points.

Horizon Hunters

Male Elf CG Fighter / 3rd | HP:39/39 | AC:20 | DC: 18 | F:+6 R:+9 W:+4 | Init:+8 | Per: +6 | Hero: 1

Alanossë gives a friendly bow to the latecomer. ”Alanossë, at your service, Lady Alya. To sum up, we are to make inroads to the goblins that reside here, helping them get rid of some mystery beast, in turn getting access to explore beneath his playhouse and thus learn more of the history of Absalom…”

In turn, the Elf tells his companions of what he knows of the criminal activity nearby. ”A gang of were-sharks have taken over control from the wererats in the area; you can recognize their members by their pointy teeth…”

Vigilant Seal

Male Kobold Core Fighter 4 | HP 50/50 | AC 21/22 | Fortitude +8, Reflex +12, Will +10 (Bravery) | Perception +10 | Speed 25 | Darkvision | Default Exploration: Scout +10 | Hero Points 1 | Provisions: Lesser Healing Potion 1/1 | Active Conditions: None | ◆◇↺

"...pointy teeth, you say?"

Horizon Hunters

Male Orc Barbarian 1 | AC 18 | HP 26/26 | For +7; Ref +5; Wil +6; Per +6 | Darkvision

Gorog returns Relia's wink, although his is much less practiced and smooth. He smiles at his own futile attempt to flirt, his large canines protruding from his lower jaw. Relia is thinner than he would prefer but he still finds her attractive and enjoys flirting with women, even if most are repulsed by orcs.

When the noble woman appears, he bows his head with a quick nod to Alya, "Lady De-Quinn. Gorog Odok. My pleasure."

Then he listens to Alanosse describe the situation in the Puddles. "Goblins in a playhouse in an area controlled by were-sharks with pointy teeth. This should be fun."

He's not sure how much he will be able to help with any performance this group attempts, but he can certainly be useful in ridding the building of a mystery beast.

Horizon Hunters

Male Elf CG Fighter / 3rd | HP:39/39 | AC:20 | DC: 18 | F:+6 R:+9 W:+4 | Init:+8 | Per: +6 | Hero: 1
Tieri the Tooth Faerie wrote:
"...pointy teeth, you say?"

”My apologies…not naturally pointy teeth, their teeth have been filed down…”

Vigilant Seal

Male Kobold Core Fighter 4 | HP 50/50 | AC 21/22 | Fortitude +8, Reflex +12, Will +10 (Bravery) | Perception +10 | Speed 25 | Darkvision | Default Exploration: Scout +10 | Hero Points 1 | Provisions: Lesser Healing Potion 1/1 | Active Conditions: None | ◆◇↺

"That not healthy... lose all the enamel, nothing protects squishy insides of tooth. Gets gross, and if you can turn kobold's stomach..."

Horizon Hunters

| HP 24/24 | AC 19; w/cape 20 | Fort +5; Ref +10; Will +7 | Perception: +7 (E); Darkvision, Low-light vision | Hero Point 1/3 | CN Female Elf (Changeling) Scoundrel Rogue 3

Relia remains quiet for the most part, except to nod to Lady Alya when she arrives and listening to what the others have heard.

Envoy's Alliance

Lady Alya De-Quinn
Initi +7 | AC 18 |Fort +4, Ref+9, Will+7| Perception +7 /Arcane Sense 30'/ Trap Finder / LLV 120'| Speed 30' | HP 2/3
Noble Rogue/Archetype Bard

Alya adds

"The note I was sent, hold on"

She digs it out a pocked,

"Had some added intel. it says, Crookedtoes goblins are led by Zusgut, who is obsessed with performance and acting. His tribe has taken over an old playhouse in the Puddles district that no one else wanted because the Puddles are slowly sinking. Well that sound bad, long as we dont go underground we would be fine."

She says.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

The structure seems to have proven resilient to the daily flooding. It is roughly square‑shaped and measures 120 feet on each side of the outside walls. The stone foundation is in rather good condition considering the earthquake 20 years ago, and the wooden walls are still solid, but the exterior’s paint is mostly chipped away, many windows are broken, and the wooden shingles rotten and failing. A few creeping plants grow along the exterior. Inside is a vestibule, a smaller theater‑in‑the‑round “black box” theater, several rooms that were once offices, storage, and dressing rooms, and a large auditorium‑style theater with a raised stage, orchestra pit, and balcony. These spaces are filled with goblins.

Flickering torches fail to fully illuminate this large auditorium within the mostly-ruined playhouse. Hints of the former beauty and majesty of the building are marred by the smell of mildew and ever-present water puddles. The northern end of the space is occupied by a raised stage, with a large chair that must have once been used as a throne in a theatrical production long ago.

Goblins move throughout the room, some gathered in small clusters roasting food over open fires, others sleeping in what remains of the auditorium’s chairs. On the crumbling balcony, a goblin choir rehearses, each member singing a different song, or perhaps the same song with different words, lyrics, and tempo. Goblin children chase each other about, their leashes dangling from their necks as they screech and shout. Occasionally a leash catches on a bit of furniture or rubble, bringing the wearer crashing to the ground while their companions laugh

From atop the throne a voice rings out, cutting across the chaos, clear and annunciated, although obviously still a goblin’s. “Oho, what’s this! Another group looking to throw their hats into the ring, as it were? Probably the Pathfinders I was expecting.” There is an angry yell from a group of humans wearing armor and bearing sheathed weapons dimly visible near the stage. The goblin turns and addresses the interruption from the grousing warriors. “Now, now. I never said anything about exclusive rights, did I? Hah!

“So, Pathfinders. I’m sure you’ve heard about our trouble with a creature in the basement. What is it your organization is willing to do for my kingdom, and why should I let you go instead of these fine folks?” he asks, gesturing to the warriors.

Images added.
And you can each make a DC 17 Perception check to Sense Motive:

Sense Motive success:
The king seems to have already made up his mind.

Sense Motive critical success:
The king doesn't seem impressed with the mercenaries and has already agreed to work with the Pathfinders. However, he's eager for the team to play along and doing so may help foster a strong relationship.

Horizon Hunters

Male Elf CG Fighter / 3rd | HP:39/39 | AC:20 | DC: 18 | F:+6 R:+9 W:+4 | Init:+8 | Per: +6 | Hero: 1

Alanossë tries to get a read on the king…

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

Vigilant Seal

Male Kobold Core Fighter 4 | HP 50/50 | AC 21/22 | Fortitude +8, Reflex +12, Will +10 (Bravery) | Perception +10 | Speed 25 | Darkvision | Default Exploration: Scout +10 | Hero Points 1 | Provisions: Lesser Healing Potion 1/1 | Active Conditions: None | ◆◇↺

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

Horizon Hunters

1 person marked this as a favorite.
| HP 24/24 | AC 19; w/cape 20 | Fort +5; Ref +10; Will +7 | Perception: +7 (E); Darkvision, Low-light vision | Hero Point 1/3 | CN Female Elf (Changeling) Scoundrel Rogue 3

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

Relia whispers to Alanosse and any of the others who speak her native tongue...

"Ο βασιλιάς φαίνεται να μας ευνοεί..."

"The king seems to favor us..."

If no one else speaks up, she will do so in reply to the goblin monarch.

"As friends of goblins everywhere, the Pathfinders would be willing to rid you of this scourge in your basement, and help you shore up this place so that you may make it more of a grand home for your court, majesty. We enjoy our society's allies being stable, secure, and very comfortable."

Horizon Hunters

Male Orc Barbarian 1 | AC 18 | HP 26/26 | For +7; Ref +5; Wil +6; Per +6 | Darkvision

Gorog tries not to step on any of the goblins as he enters the theater. Once in the auditorium, he looks to the throne on the stage and addresses the goblin's remarks.

"We are here only to help Zusgut. If there are others, we can all help."

As long as that doesn't seem to upset the goblin leader, he asks a couple of questions.

"We heard you trapped a terrible beast under here. How did you do it?"

He hopes to get the goblins talking about the encounter so he can ask questions about the creature and environment.

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

"Oh," says the goblin with broad smile, "we'll get to that I'm sure. But why should I choose you? Make your case!"

Each PC can make one check. You can always use Diplomacy, or alternatively...

The Pathfinders have a pretty good read on Zusgut and some insight into what he's thinking. It's not hard, since he's pretty blunt with the hints and some of the young goblins around are whispering additional advice.

They know that Zusgut is interested in artistry, and a story or case presented in poetry or other artistic form may find favor with the goblin. Performance, easier than Diplomacy.

He's certainly susceptible to bribery, and anyone who offers a monetary or otherwise valuable donation can earn his respect. 20 sp to succeed without a check.

He does seem to be a little full of himself. Appealing to Zusgut's ego might be a winning move. Diplomacy is easier if you talk about how great he is.

What Zusgut really seems to need is someone working on the repairs to the theatre. An offer to come back after the mission to work on some of those longer maintenance tasks could certainly impress him.
You can offer to spend four day of downtime helping out at the theatre to succeed witout a check.

Horizon Hunters

Male Elf CG Fighter / 3rd | HP:39/39 | AC:20 | DC: 18 | F:+6 R:+9 W:+4 | Init:+8 | Per: +6 | Hero: 1

Alanossë nods as Relia whispers in his ear; he smiles slightly as he thinks best how to put her keen insight to good use…

Envoy's Alliance

Lady Alya De-Quinn
Initi +7 | AC 18 |Fort +4, Ref+9, Will+7| Perception +7 /Arcane Sense 30'/ Trap Finder / LLV 120'| Speed 30' | HP 2/3
Noble Rogue/Archetype Bard

DC17 Sense Motive 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15




Horizon Hunters

Male Orc Barbarian 1 | AC 18 | HP 26/26 | For +7; Ref +5; Wil +6; Per +6 | Darkvision

"Oh Great Zusgut. I am sure you are wise and will pick the right group. The Pathfinders want us to help, so that is what we will do. Perhaps afterwards I can help with some of the repairs around here. I respect goblins, especially your dogslicers and horse choppers, but sometimes it's nice to have an orc for carrying things and reaching repairs higher up."

"This is a beautiful auditorium, but I'm sure keeping the tides at bay is a constant challenge."

Gorog is not volunteering to work for 4 whole days, but leaving that possibility open, while hopefully buttering up Zusgut enough.

Diplomacy: 1d20 ⇒ 11

Envoy's Alliance

Lady Alya De-Quinn
Initi +7 | AC 18 |Fort +4, Ref+9, Will+7| Perception +7 /Arcane Sense 30'/ Trap Finder / LLV 120'| Speed 30' | HP 2/3
Noble Rogue/Archetype Bard

Seeing Gorog struggling Lady Alya pulls on her hears of working for her house and the meetings with other such as the king.

In Goblin she says, to goblin king.

"მე ვარ ქალბატონი ალია დე-ქუინი, ო დიდი გობლინის მეფე, როგორც ჩანს, ეს ყველაფერი ხელთ გაქვთ. თ ეა ბთეამ ფვჟრნჲ, ნვ მთჟლწ, ფვ მჲზვქ ეა ნთ თჱოჲმჲ. მე უფრო იაფი ისინი გამოიყურებიან... . და თუ გსურთ ყველა საშუალებით აიღოთ რესკი, ველლი მაშინ გამორთული იქნება, კარგი იყო თქვენთან შეხვედრა. "


"I am the lady Alya De-quinn, O great goblin king, seems you have this all in hand. And to be honest I don't think you can Alford us really. Pathfinder are renowned and we cost. I would stick with the cheaper less known option. And they so look adequate I suppose."

Society 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

She turns to leave, takes a few steps and stops looking back at him she adds.

"ეს არის თუ არ გსურთ აჩვენოთ მსოფლიოს, თუ რა მდიდარი და ძლიერი მეფე ხართ. იმისათვის, რომ მათ იმუმონ სიმღერები თქვენს შესახებ, გააკეთეთ პიესები თქვენს საქმეებზე, გობლინის ერთგვარი ასეთი ძალა და დასვენება, რომ თუნდაც ბილიკები მოდიან, როდესაც ის დარეკავს. მე ვფიქრობ, რომ ეს ბევრად უკეთესია ზღაპარი მაშინ მან დაიქირავა რამდენიმე ხორცის ხელმძღვანელები გაუმკლავდეთ საუკეთესო გამყიდველი. "


"That is unless you want to show the world just what a rich and powerfull king you are. For them to sing songs about you, make plays about your deeds, A goblin kind of such power and respect that even the pathfinders come when he called. I think that is far better a dramatic tale then... he hired some cheap meat heads to deal with rats in the seller. Don't you."

Performance 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17

She says now with a grin pointing at the others.

"რას იტყვით, რომ ჩვენ გვაქვს სიმღერა, გამოყენება და მათ, ვისაც შეუძლია უკეთესი შოუ, კუდი და სიმღერა თქვენი სიდიადის შესახებ."


"How about we have a play off, use and them, Song* music* dance* Jests and Story*, which of us can put on a better show about your greatness."

Diplomacy 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

There are 5 of us and 5 I think of them, What she is proposing as a performance off with the other group, to pick who will deal with the problem and also show him in a good like, while entertaining his subjects. They did say he likes shows.

Horizon Hunters

Male Elf CG Fighter / 3rd | HP:39/39 | AC:20 | DC: 18 | F:+6 R:+9 W:+4 | Init:+8 | Per: +6 | Hero: 1

Playing upon Relia’s insight, Alanossë approaches the goblin king and bows low.

”Oh great and wise King Zusgut, we Pathfinders excel in such tasks as these, as I am sure you already know. We will do this deed for you as we value the friendship of such a powerful king and would ally ourselves with you and your noble tribe of goblins. We will dispatch this scourge for you as homage to your greatness and as a token of our friendship…”

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18

Vigilant Seal

Male Kobold Core Fighter 4 | HP 50/50 | AC 21/22 | Fortitude +8, Reflex +12, Will +10 (Bravery) | Perception +10 | Speed 25 | Darkvision | Default Exploration: Scout +10 | Hero Points 1 | Provisions: Lesser Healing Potion 1/1 | Active Conditions: None | ◆◇↺

"Ooh, theater. Never worked at one before. Need someone to make or repair fake teeth?"

4 days of downtime at this level is only likely to be 2 sp...

Envoy's Alliance

Lady Alya De-Quinn
Initi +7 | AC 18 |Fort +4, Ref+9, Will+7| Perception +7 /Arcane Sense 30'/ Trap Finder / LLV 120'| Speed 30' | HP 2/3
Noble Rogue/Archetype Bard

"Or we could fix the place, I like a bit of plastering every now and then"

She says in common.

Horizon Hunters

| HP 24/24 | AC 19; w/cape 20 | Fort +5; Ref +10; Will +7 | Perception: +7 (E); Darkvision, Low-light vision | Hero Point 1/3 | CN Female Elf (Changeling) Scoundrel Rogue 3

Relia can't help but sway a bit as she describes ideas for performances that could be hosted in this place, by Pathfinders and others.

"Surely, an out-of-the-way district in Absalom would be perfect for "after dark" type shows, wouldn't it?" She grins mischeviously.

Performance: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

Envoy's Alliance

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lady Alya De-Quinn
Initi +7 | AC 18 |Fort +4, Ref+9, Will+7| Perception +7 /Arcane Sense 30'/ Trap Finder / LLV 120'| Speed 30' | HP 2/3
Noble Rogue/Archetype Bard

Seeing Relia Perform Lady Alya cast, Musical Accompaniment. Goes up to Relia and with farm hands takes her around the waste and leads her in a dance. Taking the male roll. Uniform and maiden drift with light steps to the music in he air.

Performance, 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21

As she dances with Relia and sings in Goblin.

Music and song HERE

At the end spins Relia leaning her back and pulling her in close, two spin apart once more, art arms length. She holds up Relia hand to her lips and kiss the back of it. Bowing her head to her fine dancing companion, as a prince would to his princess at a state ball. As she head comes up after she gives Relia a wink. Spins and bows to the king still holding Relia's hand.

Then says to the king.

"Performances in the dark, of mystery and cultures not seen in the bright lights of up town. Think of it great king, you, presiding over a true play house. Where others come in glee to see what can't be seen elsewhere."

Sorry Relia just trying to sell this to the king, If you have not come heard the original Mack the knife in german before you in for a treat, and its sooo a Goblin song.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

The goblin leader sits thinking for a while, then springs to his feet and points a finger high in the sky. “I know!” he says. “We should have a contest to see who goes! You can read lines from my play.” The surrounding goblins cheer. He squints at the mercenaries. “Since you got here first, you can go first! Show starts in two minutes!” At this news, another cheer goes up from the Crookedtoes goblins and they begin to crowd toward the stage.

Fortunately, the mercenaries are rather terrible in their performance: not funny‑terrible, just plain terrible. They read in a wooden way and mostly just stand on the stage looking uncomfortable, as if reciting lines a teacher has required them to memorize. The goblins are unimpressed and begin throwing bits of rotten fruit and pieces of wood (some of it on fire) at the performers as they boo loudly. The mercenaries leave the stage in a huff.

If the PCs wish to make trouble for the mercenaries during that group’s reading, they certainly may, although the goblins do a good job
on their own. A PC who describes a sufficiently disruptive activity and succeeds at a Deception check causes enough trouble for the mercenaries to earn an additional Favor Point for the PC’s group. No PC may attempt this check more than once, and the DC increases for each success.

The excited goblins usher the Pathfinders towards the stage, where Zuthgut's assistants distribute handwritten scripts.
Script added to the Slides, though I'll put the text here as well:

Rise of the Goblin Heroes, a True and Accurate Account by Zusgut, King of the Goblins in Absalom
Act V, Scene 1
Enter ZUSGUT, CRIMSI, GRENEK, SIATHORN, MITZI (a wolf, not a dog), PIZAZZ, and ULTHUN (a human).
ZUSGUT (from atop his throne): I see the great heroes have returned! But who is this with you?
Speak, brave knight.
ULTHUN: Oh mighty chief of the goblins, whose wit and skill are unsurpassed, I am called Ulthun, Watcher-Lord of Lastwall. Alas, that land has been overrun by undead and is no more!
GRENEK (hops forward): Is true. Undead everywhere.
SIATHORN: But we helped them escape! The longshanks. Not the undead.
MITZI: Woof!
CRIMSI: I helped collapsed the tunnel behind us. It was great!
PIZAZZ (huffily): I found people who appreciate my singing. Here, let me show you. (clears throat)
GRENEK: Quiet! Chief’s speaking!
ULTHUN (to ZUSGUT): Please, my lord, we beseech you and ask the help of your mighty tribe. We are but mere humans and lack the cleverness and skill needed to escape the clutches of the undead.
Will you aid us?
ZUSGUT: Of course, of course! Crookedtoes, my people, harken to me! Now is the time foretold, the time when the longshanks would come before us in desperate need.
GRENEK: We help too! We know how to fight undead longshanks!
SIATHORN: Yes, Mitzi will tear them apart with wolfish fierceness!
MITZI: Bark!
PIZAZZ: And I will compose a war song to lift our hearts.
(ALL except PIZAZZ groan.)
CRIMSI: No, no, no. We need my catapult!
ZUSGUT: I think we need to hurry; no time for catapults or songs. Prepare for the journey south and into our destiny! Now, WE be heroes!
ALL GOBLINS (cheering together): We be heroes! We be heroes! We be heroes!

"This scene is a drama-zation of when the goblin heroes came to me to report their discoveries and accomplishments. I'll just read for myself, since there are only five of you."
He points around at the Pathfinders assigning them roles. He gives Alya the role of Ulthun, Relia Crimsi, Alanossë Grenek, Gorog Siathorn, and Tieri Pizazz.
"And someone will have to read Mitzi. Ulthon is easy, he's a human, so you can take Mitzi too." He points at Alya, "She's a wolf, so she doesn't have a lot of lines."

He doesn't wait for a reply before hopping up on the throne and loudly saying "I see the great heroes have returned! But who is this with you?
"Speak, brave knight."

Okay, reading a script in pbp sounds super annoying. Definitely read through it, but go ahead and just post your lines or some description of how you perform them. You... already got enough Favor Points, so you don't need to worry about making checks here.

At his next cue, Zuthgut adds, "Of course, of course! Crookedtoes, my people, harken to me! Now is the time foretold, the time when the longshanks would come before us in desperate need."

And then, "I think we need to hurry; no time for catapults or songs. Prepare for the journey south and into our destiny! Now, WE be heroes!"
He then chants more quietly, looking expectantly at the Pathfinders reading for goblin heroes: "We be heroes! We be heroes! We be heroes!"

Envoy's Alliance

Lady Alya De-Quinn
Initi +7 | AC 18 |Fort +4, Ref+9, Will+7| Perception +7 /Arcane Sense 30'/ Trap Finder / LLV 120'| Speed 30' | HP 2/3
Noble Rogue/Archetype Bard

Lady Alya takes the script and give it the once over, says her lines a few times to herself As she walks to the side of then stage. Then again she cast Musical Accompaniment, but this time to her herself a dramatic entrance. As a fanfare plays, She strides and and drops to bended knee, before ZUSGUT hand on her chest, she looks up at him and in a clear voice, says.

"Oh mighty chief of the goblins, whose wit and skill are unsurpassed, I am called Ulthun, Watcher-Lord of Lastwall. Alas, that land has been overrun by undead and is no more!"

She says with a imploring voice, yet with a slight tone of hope in her reverent request.

Permanence 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 7 + 1 = 15

Vigilant Seal

Male Kobold Core Fighter 4 | HP 50/50 | AC 21/22 | Fortitude +8, Reflex +12, Will +10 (Bravery) | Perception +10 | Speed 25 | Darkvision | Default Exploration: Scout +10 | Hero Points 1 | Provisions: Lesser Healing Potion 1/1 | Active Conditions: None | ◆◇↺

Tieri patiently waits for his turn, and then calls out with enthusiasm when it's his turn.

"Found people who appreciate my singing. Here, let me show you..."

He puts all his disappointment for the dental surgeries he never gets to perform into the grumbling when he is interrupted.

Performance: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10

It may be more loud than skilled, but at least he remembered his cue.

Horizon Hunters

Male Elf CG Fighter / 3rd | HP:39/39 | AC:20 | DC: 18 | F:+6 R:+9 W:+4 | Init:+8 | Per: +6 | Hero: 1
Relia Delain wrote:

Relia can't help but sway a bit as she describes ideas for performances that could be hosted in this place, by Pathfinders and others.

"Surely, an out-of-the-way district in Absalom would be perfect for "after dark" type shows, wouldn't it?" She grins mischeviously.

Alanossë arches an eyebrow as Relia sways convincingly, then nods in agreement with her words…

Lady Alya De-Quinn wrote:
Seeing Relia Perform Lady Alya cast, Musical Accompaniment. Goes up to Relia and with farm hands takes her around the waste and leads her in a dance. Taking the male roll. Uniform and maiden drift with light steps to the music in the air.

…and his other eyebrow arches as Lady Alya joins in the performance with Relia…

After King Zusgut suggests a play-off with the mercenaries, when it’s their turn, seeing in his role of Grenek a ‘hop’ is required, Alanossë improvises and tumbles forward with a back flip and a twist…

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20

…and upon landing, bows and then says, ”Is true. Undead everywhere.”

…and then, after others speak and it’s his cue again, the Elf puffs his chest out, speaking with authority. ”Quiet! Chief’s speaking!”

…and then, upon his next cue, flexing his muscles, speaks his last line. ”We help too! We know how to fight undead longshanks!”

Horizon Hunters

Male Orc Barbarian 1 | AC 18 | HP 26/26 | For +7; Ref +5; Wil +6; Per +6 | Darkvision

Gorog reads his first line rather flatly. He's not the best actor but at least he can read.

"But we helped them escape...The longshanks... Not the undead."

He reads his second line with much more enthusiasm.

"Yes, Mitzi will tear them apart with wolfish fierceness!"

And follows this with an impromptu growl.

Envoy's Alliance

Lady Alya De-Quinn
Initi +7 | AC 18 |Fort +4, Ref+9, Will+7| Perception +7 /Arcane Sense 30'/ Trap Finder / LLV 120'| Speed 30' | HP 2/3
Noble Rogue/Archetype Bard

When its her time again, she turns to the gbbings arms out wide before turning back to the King

"Please, my lord, we beseech you and ask the help of your mighty tribe. We are but mere humans and lack the cleverness and skill needed to escape the clutches of the undead. Will you aid us?"

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Zusgut raises his hands for silence, and most of the goblins quiet down or wander off. “Well that was exciting,” he says, “But now it’s time for the tough decision.” The king pauses dramatically, and from somewhere nearby a goblin beats a drum in a rhythm reminiscent of a heartbeat.

“It’s a difficult choice,” Zusgut continues, drawing out the moment. “But I have to say that one performance…” he pauses as the drum continues to beat, “rose above the other.” Another pause. “Today, the winner is…” He stops again, and now the goblins are all paying close attention. “The Pathfinders!” A cheer rises up at his words.

Looking apologetically at the grumbling mercenaries, Zusgut says, "You did very... you did it. And I know you were here first, but they did actually have an appointment. And won the contest."

The mercenaries stomp off, continuing to grumble. They lurk sulkily in a corner of the auditorium, casting occasional aggravated glances at Zusgut and the Pathfinders. "I'm sure that'll turn out fine!" the king says brightly, and the goblins around him laugh, "But let's not worry about them right now.

"Thank you for coming to our aid, Pathfinders--and thank you for playing along. They wouldn't take 'No' for an answer.
"We can show you to the basement, where a gigantic monster has taken up residence. I can try to answer your questions, but I'm afraid I don't know very much. I've just heard that the monster is very, very big, has a giant mouth, sharp teeth, and is green.”

Envoy's Alliance

Lady Alya De-Quinn
Initi +7 | AC 18 |Fort +4, Ref+9, Will+7| Perception +7 /Arcane Sense 30'/ Trap Finder / LLV 120'| Speed 30' | HP 2/3
Noble Rogue/Archetype Bard

Lady Alya takes the Goblin kings Arm.

"Please by all means your majesty lead the way"

Diplomacy 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Zusgut checks a battered old pocket watch. "We had to kill some time before you could get into the basement anyway. It's always wet, but it floods with the tide. Probably a big part of why the building was available for my people to use. Abandoned."

He shows the watch to Alya and points to the current time. "It's safe to go down there now--well, except for the monsters of course. Make sure you come back up within six hours. I don't think it will take you that long anyway, but if you're still down there then, come back up! Once it starts flooding it fills fast."

Anything else before I move you to the dungeon map basement?

Envoy's Alliance

Lady Alya De-Quinn
Initi +7 | AC 18 |Fort +4, Ref+9, Will+7| Perception +7 /Arcane Sense 30'/ Trap Finder / LLV 120'| Speed 30' | HP 2/3
Noble Rogue/Archetype Bard

"Thank you for letting us know, we shall do our best to be back in time for tea."

She says and nods once more to him, Then heads down.

Stealth 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

She takes a look fast around the coroner.

"How doth the little crocodile
Improve his shining tail,
And pour the waters for a while.
On every golden scale!

How cheerfully he seems to grin,
How neatly spreads his claws,
And welcomes little fishes in,
With gently smiling jaws!

She says to the others whole holding up two fingers and point past herself down into the space.

Vigilant Seal

Male Kobold Core Fighter 4 | HP 50/50 | AC 21/22 | Fortitude +8, Reflex +12, Will +10 (Bravery) | Perception +10 | Speed 25 | Darkvision | Default Exploration: Scout +10 | Hero Points 1 | Provisions: Lesser Healing Potion 1/1 | Active Conditions: None | ◆◇↺

Tieri's ears perk up at the mention of 'grin'. He then heads down into the basement.

Horizon Hunters

| HP 24/24 | AC 19; w/cape 20 | Fort +5; Ref +10; Will +7 | Perception: +7 (E); Darkvision, Low-light vision | Hero Point 1/3 | CN Female Elf (Changeling) Scoundrel Rogue 3

Looks like I missed my chance to perform, but Relia would enthusiastically throw herself into the play, while making sure to show off her charms for her fellow Pathfinders and their rivals as well.

Like Alya, Relia would try to Avoid Notice once we descend past the theater and into more dangerous spaces.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

The basement is wet indeed, with several inches of water over the floor. While unpleasant, it's not enough to be an impediment for even the shortest Pathfinders. There isn't any light down there, either. (Though I assume you can manage that.)

Crocodiles, it transpires, were a pretty good guess. Two of the beasts, one a little larger than the other, lurk in the room at the bottom of the stairs.

The crocodiles seem to have heard the Pathfinders coming, and start moving to attack. They don't see Alya, though...

Alya's turn.
Alya (22/22, Stealthy)
Green Crocodile
Alanossë (28/28)
Relia (24/24, Stealthy)
Red Elite Crocodile
Tieri (26/26)
Gorog (26/26)

GM Dice: Initiative:
Red Elite Crocodile: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14
Green Crododile: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Relia: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19
Alanossë: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
Gorog: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Tieri: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13

Envoy's Alliance

Lady Alya De-Quinn
Initi +7 | AC 18 |Fort +4, Ref+9, Will+7| Perception +7 /Arcane Sense 30'/ Trap Finder / LLV 120'| Speed 30' | HP 2/3
Noble Rogue/Archetype Bard

Lady Alya assess the situation fast, they are large and probably would find getting into the small passage she had spotted near imposible, her low light viston helping her she made up her mind.

She points at herself and hand signals her moving, then you attacking.
Then from her hidden spot she fired a magic bolt at the front crock [red] and then moved fast just out of reach of the beasts, and into the small passageway. If she could get them to go for her, then the other could flank attack before the bests could relise what was going on. The passage ways was small they where large, that should hold the bests at the entrance. She put her back to the wall and looked both ways checking her plan was working.

◆1+2] Phase Bolt 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23 DMG 3d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 2) + (6) = 11 Added Surprise Attack. Magical Trickster, cant see her so they are flat footed I take it, then all is piercing damage
◆2+3] Move.

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

Yes, you have both Stealth and Surprise Attack going for you, so it's certainly Off-Guard.

Alya hits the larger crocodile with her magic before ducking down a side passage. From this new vantage point, she can see into the next area.
The strong scent of saltwater hints at the daily flooding that washes through these sewers from the nearby sea, as do the occasional stranded fish or crustacean. The walkways alongside the sewer are slick and damp, although relatively clear of the normal waste found in a sewer. The flowing water looks to be about two feet deep (and is difficult terrain).

The smaller crocodile is quicker to react, following Alya as she retreats. The passage is indeed a tighter fit for it, and doesn't leave it much room to maneuver. But it can still fit its head and long jaws in after her, and tries to clamp down. After that fails, it tries to catch her off-guard by swinging its tail. It would have been a very good trick if it had worked, but instead it just slaps against the wall.
* Stride (the narrow passage is difficult terrain for the Large creature), * Strike Jaws: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16, * Strike Tail (Agile MAP): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9 (a crocodile's tail... is Agile? Okay, if you say so statblock.)

Allanosse and Relia's turns.
Alya (22/22)
Green Crocodile
Alanossë (28/28)
Relia (24/24, Stealthy)
Red Elite Crocodile (-11)
Tieri (26/26)
Gorog (26/26)

Horizon Hunters

| HP 24/24 | AC 19; w/cape 20 | Fort +5; Ref +10; Will +7 | Perception: +7 (E); Darkvision, Low-light vision | Hero Point 1/3 | CN Female Elf (Changeling) Scoundrel Rogue 3

Assuming we had weapons out once we got into the more dangerous realm. If not, Relia's first action is to draw a weapon and she won't be able to set up the flank.

Relia will take a deep breath and give Alanosse a wink. "Join me in the throng?" before launching forward, striding (twice) between the two crocodiles to help Alya set up the green one for a more devastating blow. But since she has the Red one caught off-guard, she takes a stab at it to hopefully drop it before it can act!

(Stride ◆) (Stride ◆)

Dagger: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11 vs. Off-Guard Hero Point
Dagger: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12 vs. Off-Guard (cries)
Piercing & Sneak Attack: 1d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + (3) = 7

(Strike ◆)

Relia will use Nimble Dodge as a reaction if either crocodile tries to attack her while flanking her for a +2 (21) to her AC.

Horizon Hunters

Male Elf CG Fighter / 3rd | HP:39/39 | AC:20 | DC: 18 | F:+6 R:+9 W:+4 | Init:+8 | Per: +6 | Hero: 1

Alanossë grins as he nods to Relia, moves 20’ (◆), gets in a PBS stance (◆) to cover Relia, and fires at the red croc (◆)…

To hit: Base+DEX, Magic, IC
Damage: Base, PBS, IC

Magic Shortbow: 1d10 + 10 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 10 + 1 + 1 = 22
Magic/Piercing Damage: 1d6 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 2 + 1 = 7

Pathfinder Provisions ◆◇↺

IC = inspire courage? There isn't any active. And that's a d10. But that's still a hit... I kind of hate to reroll it, since I'm more likely to turn it into a miss than a crit, but...
Shortbow: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31 Okay, never mind. deadly damage: 1d10 ⇒ 3

Relia isn't quite able to penetrate the crocodile's thick hide, but she distracts it enough for Alanosse to land a near-perfect shot.
That crit reduces it to below half HP, which I shorthand as "bloodied" in the initiative list.

The large, wounded animal writhes, and lashes out at the person helpfully close to it. After nearly crushing Relia with its bite, it moves to go after the person who shot it, swiping its tail in his general direction. To no effect.
* Strike Jaws: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31 for piercing damage: 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15 (a crit while Off-Guard even with Nimble Dodge), * Stride, * Strike Tail (Agile MAP: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13

Tieri, Gorog, and Alya's turns.
Alya (22/22)
Green Crocodile
Alanossë (28/28)
Relia (0/24, Dying 2)
Red Elite Crocodile (-26, bloodied)
Tieri (26/26)
Gorog (26/26)

Horizon Hunters

Male Orc Barbarian 1 | AC 18 | HP 26/26 | For +7; Ref +5; Wil +6; Per +6 | Darkvision

Gorog gets angry. He says nothing, only growling at the creatures. He moves over to the giant red lizard, maneuvering to get his best shot, and swings his axe at it.

1. Rage
2. Move to flank
3. Battleax: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 111d8 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17 (does not include +2 for off-guard)

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