GM Super Zero |

Our adventure begins in the Events Hall of the Grand Lodge a few hours after midday, as the festivities are in full swing. The hallways are chock full of agents and guests filing in and out, jovially introducing themselves, discussing recent ventures, and swapping stories. In one of the offices of the Envoy’s Alliance faction lounge, a team gathers at the behest of Fola Barun (CG female half-elf ambassador). Fola and several other familiar agents are in the middle of undoing and resewing some gilded letters stitched onto a large green banner when the field agents arrive. She momentarily stops her needlework to greet them.
But before we get to that, why don't you introduce yourselves?

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"Greetings, Fola. I am Siyokoy Sa Lupa." A bluish-skinned azarketi wearing a sankeit introduces himself to the faction leader. Phosphorescent spots pattern his exposed skin.
He then looks around the place. "You have called us for a mission. It looks like you have a party here. Aren't we invited? Just kidding." He says with an expression of amusement.

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Heavy footfalls follow the centaur shortly, but instead of someone else of comparable size, as the noise would imply, a figure just over three feet tall enters the lodge. Most of their body is covered by bronze-colored metal plating, with vines creeping around the edges, and where their head should be is a jet-black pumpkin with two large circular holes for eyes that faintly glow red. A dwarven-made warhammer is slung over their shoulder.
They move to stand with the other agents, movements mechanical and accompanied by the faint clicking of clockwork. They nod to the other agents. "Hallow Orevine."

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A giggle of laughter erupts as a petite elven woman pauses at the door. "Of course I'll come by later! I want to know all about that date with Jaxon. You always did like a bad boy!" She giggles again and looks into the room in mild surprise before giving a final parting wave. "Gotta go. Fun never stops!" She grins cheekily before stepping inside.
"Sorry for the chatter. Girl talk." She flips a lock of burgundy hair back and you see her mismatched eyes, one a soft brown and the other a vibrant green. She carries little more than a dagger and wears no armor. Instead, she is sporting a pastel sundress with dark boots and a leather belt. A multi-colored scarf is tied around her neck.
She spots Fola sewing the banner the pretty face breaks into a grimace. "Hi, I'm Gwen. Oh, are we doing needlepoint? I hope not. I really stink at needlepoint."

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She spots Fola sewing the banner the pretty face breaks into a grimace. "Hi, I'm Gwen. Oh, are we doing needlepoint? I hope not. I really stink at needlepoint."
The leshy shakes their head. "I can do sutures, I can do clockwork, I cannot do needlepoint."

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A somewhat scruffy human man walks in the door, dressed in trousers and a well worn leather jacket.
"Ah the meeting within the gathering - the perfect way to hide something in plain sight! Fernán Mironescu here as requested!" and he nods at the group and then at the gathered agents behind the desk.

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The ongoing party is in celebration of the Pathfinder Society's defeat of the night hag Aslynn. And what better way is there to celebrate than to host a weeks-long festival at the Grand Lodge with agents and guests from all corners of Golarion?
Fola waves hello as she approaches. Once she arrives, she places hands together before her face. Thimbles cover the tips of all her plaster-bandaged fingers. “I sincerely apologize for pulling you away from all the fun, but as you can see, we have something urgent to remedy.” She nods in the direction of the green silk banner. One of the agents yelps, having stabbed themselves with a needle. “The seamsters misspelled a crucial word and I only caught it this morning. Originally at this hour, I was scheduled to give a fellow Envoy’s Alliance member, Taiwalei, a guided tour of the Maze of the Open Road. Since I’m unable to part with my duties, however, I would like you all to act as his guide instead. Of course, this counts as a regular Pathfinder mission, so you will be compensated. It also shouldn’t take very long. I informed Taiwalei there’s an event here he must attend around late afternoon. You have three hours before the event starts. Once the time is up, you can all return to the ballroom in the Event Hall to join the party and consider your mission complete. Any questions?”

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"I haven't met this fellow member before. Who is he? What does he look like? Is he waiting already inside the Maze?" Siyokoy initiates to bring the first questions to the faction leader.

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Fernán frowns and rubs his chin "Only three hours? Hmm, we won't be able to fit too much in then. Where there any particular landmarks you wanted us to show him in the maze?" he then lowers his voice a little "Is there anything we should make sure he doesn't see? Any parts of the party we should steer clear of? I take it you are whisking him away for a reason..."

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Hallow cocks their head. "Is there anything we should know about in the maze? Seems like you wouldn't need a whole team for a single tour."

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Fola smiles when Fernán suggests she may be trying to keep Taiwalei away from the party. “There are many details which I must personally see to because we have... a surprise planned. A pleasant one!” That last remark is quite welcome given the Pathfinder Society’s natural affinity to disruptions, particularly during celebrations. “Taiwalei mentioned in his last correspondence that he is looking forward to making some new friends. You should take the opportunity to get to know him.” Fola winks when she gives her suggestion.
“Taiwalei is one of the Envoy’s Alliance’s most esteemed recruiters, and one of several recently promoted venture-captains. He comes from the eastern Okaiyo Ocean and is quite the accomplished seafarer.
“He is human, male, quite well-built and tan, as most seafarers are, and he should be easily identified by the traditional tattoos on his right shoulder and neck.” Fola hesitates, “Unless he’s decided to wear a tunic today. Let’s hope he’s just in his usual white sash."
Image of Taiwalei unveiled.
“We agreed to meet before the heads of Baphory’s Walk. Knowing him, he should have come this way when I didn’t show up on time, but there is quite a crowd to mingle with between the statues and here. So, he’s likely somewhere among the crowd.” Fola smiles a little awkwardly. “Maybe we planned too many distracting attractions during this event...
“The Maze contains portals to places on and off Golarion, and some guardian creatures about. But there are new sites to be found today. In recent years, there had been some trouble with portal instability, but that has since been repaired. Whenever the magical energy suffusing the maze surges, instead of disrupting existing portals, the maze now creates new portals. And such a surge occurred just this past week. This is why Taiwalei is so interested in exploring it further, you see. He loves diving the unknown as much as Calisro.” As she steps away, the
leader of the Horizon Hunter’s faction thus referenced sneezes and scratches her ear.
"You should start with the main entrance to the Maze at Woodsedge Lodge in Galt. After that, I suspect Taiwalei will have an idea of what he'd like to see."
If anyone would like to see if they know anything else useful about Taiwalei, they can make a Pathfinder Society Lore (easier) or Society check.
If anyone would like to see if they know anything else useful about the Maze of the Open Road, they can make an Arcana (easier) or Pathfinder Society Lore check.
And we still seem to be missing one...

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"Oh a pleasant surprise.. ok. Well, we'll keep him out of the road for the three hours then."
Fernán tries to recall what he knows of Taiwalei and the Maze but comes up pretty blank. 'must have slept through those classes' he muses
Pathfinder Society Lore (trained): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11 on Taiwalei
Arcana (trained): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8 on Maze of the Open Road

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"I see." Siyokoy ponders with the details, his hand under his chin. "Let's hope he is wearing his usual attire, as you say."
Pathfinder Society about Taiwalei: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Pathfinder Society about Maze of the Open Road: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

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"Oh, Taiwalei is a sailor? He's sounds quite fit! I love a little tattoo work." The elven girl gives a grin and to your surprise, it's a bit predatory.
Society: 1d20 ⇒ 1
Arcana: 1d20 ⇒ 16
Gwen's not really a knowledge type girl...

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"Hm." Hallow attempts to scan the crowd, quickly noting a major difficulty. "...Perhaps Dakon will have the best chance of picking him out in the crowd."
Society: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Arcana: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

GM Super Zero |

Gwen believes that Taiwalei once defeated a kraken with a well-placed punch to the enormous cephalopod’s beak. The experience left him quite wary of all cephalopods after, including as a food.
Siyokoy knows that Taiwalei became a Pathfinder Society agent while exploring Tian Xia with his cousins, having sailed there from their home islands in the eastern Okaiyo Ocean. He is known for generously offering free passage to those who wish to join the Society. Siyokoy is also certain that Gwen is mistaken, recalling the incident she mentions. Taiwalei once fended off a megalodon by himself with his bare hands. The experience didn’t decrease his love for sharks, who he advocates are usually harmless.
Gwen and Hallow both also know that Forest King Narven (who gifted the Maze to the Society centuries ago) did not, in life, pass much knowledge on about how to maintain the Maze’s condition. The hedge maze thus declined after his death. The planar fabrics were frail in certain areas, which led to gradually worsening instabilities that have only recently been resolved. Eliza Petulengro, a member of the Decemvirate that leads the Pathfinder Society, took point on the recent stabilization efforts.
"You're right that you shouldn't need a full team," says Fola, "but this involves exploration of portals, so it's best to be prepared. Be sure to buy and prepare any supplies you need now, as there is always the risk that stepping into a portal becomes a one-way trip. That said, I am confident that Taiwalei and your group will find a way back in time for the surprise."
There's a handout for tracking time, which I'm adding to the Slides.
As the party makes their way out into the... party to look for Taiwelei, they find quite a crowd including some familiar faces. In fact, they soon run into...
A familiar face?: 1d3 ⇒ 1
...an elderly Garundi woman who some might recognize as Alyreha.
If anyone has encountered Alyreha before, possibly by playing Pathfinder Society Intro: Year of Boundless Wonder, Pathfinder Society Scenario #4-05: The Arclord Who Never Was, or Pathfinder Society Scenario #4-10: Arclord’s Abode with any of their characters, they've heard of Alyreha and gain a +1 circumstance bonus to interact with her. +2 if you played any of them with this character.
She is a magical genius with a habit of making corny puns, and she's looking to visit a particular vault but has lost her way.
The Pathfinders might be able to distract her from her current task and get her to help with theirs instead (Diplomacy to Make a Request), or alternatively they could try to secure her aid by helping with her problem first (Survival or Pathfinder Society Lore).
"Pathfinders, huh? Of course, you're all over this party for Pathfinders for some reason. Couldn't help me find my path? I just can't get ahead." She laughs to herself, apparently under the impression that this is a joke of some kind.

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"Alyreha? Oh, you are Alyreha aren't you? My friend Desmond told me about your house! It sounded so fun, and what an amazing aesthetic!"
"Tell me, you're a master of portals and magicks, right? Could you spare a moment? Oh, it would be so delightful to have someone with your experience to consult with."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 8 + 1 = 21

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None of those on Dakon.
Not quite following but Dakon knows when somebody needs a good laugh and manages to give a chuckle in return and tries to remember his best Pathfinder pun.
"If we found your path, we might end up ahead of you. Maybe you can help us out instead."
PFS Lore: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

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"Sure, yes, we can help you." Siyokoy recalls the twists and turns of the paths around the lodge, oblivious to the joke Alyreha is trying to impress on them.
"Tell us where are you going and we will lead you there." he asks the old woman.
"You look familiar actually, so this is what you look like?" after giving the woman a second look.
Pathfinder Society Lore: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 4 + 1 = 9

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((Played 4-01 a few times and played 4-05 and 4-10 - fun series, but none of them on this character))
Fernán has heard of Alyreha before and as a result gets totally focused on coming up with a good pun and forgets the way to the vaults entirely.
"We could show you the vaults but we would need to get the skeleton key before we could get in.
The pun isn't so great either!
Pathfinder Society Lore: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 6 + 1 = 9

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Played all of them but not with this character.

GM Super Zero |

Siyokoy and Fernán aren't quite sure where the vault is located either, but Dakon is able to locate it. Though Gwen has already masterfully redirected Alyreha's attention to locating Taiwalei instead.
"Yes, I though for a nice party I'd put on my face, you know? Hm. Taiwalei... Yes, I passed him a few minutes ago, he was over that way with..."
Trapped.. ?: 1d3 ⇒ 3
"...the Waterfall. I understand she wants to get to know new Venture-Captains, but she did seem little aggressive. You might want to help take the pressure off--oh, you found it for me! I'd lose my head if it wasn't attached. HA!"
It takes a few more minutes to navigate the crowd to find Taewalei in the Founder's Garden, along with a woman in an elegant blue dress that flows like water and a crown from which cascades a veil (or perhaps actual water?) that obscures her face.
Taiwalei is starting to look a little uncomfortable as she grills him about "what his ambitions are next."
While the party could always simply explain their mission and ask her to excuse him (Diplomacy to Request), perhaps they might help Taiwalei make a quick exit by creating a better excuse for him to leave (Deception), distracting her and hiding him (Stealth to Hide), or cleverly maneuvering the conversation so that the Waterfall is forced to break off her questions lest she be perceived as impolite (Society).
Or maybe they have a different idea?
Again, anyone who has played a scenario featuring the Waterfall (such as #4-17: Trapping the Hag's Claw) gains a +1 circumstance bonus. +2 if you've encountered her with this character, though I don't think that's actually possible given the levels...

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Joigning very late her comrades, is a young human. She's a well built Ulfen woman, wearing light armor and shield. At her side, an axe and a sword. Around her neck, she has symbol representing a shadowed golden owl eye.
Greetings, I'm Solveig, Shield Maiden, nice to meet you all! And sorry for my lateness.
She immediately tries to help Taiwalei getting out of the conversation.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Good evening, Master Taiwailei, I'm sorry to seems rude, but I think that we have a mission to pursue.
But don't find the right words...

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Picking up on the play Dakon is making, Fernán will carefully assess the sightlines from The Waterfall and usher Taiwalei away from behind the shrub and deeper into the garden while keeping him out of sight of the Waterfall. "She does get a bit .. enthusiastic apparently. Now, if you'd prefer we've been asked to give you a tour of the Maze. If that sounds agreeable, please come with me! I'm Fernán by the way."
Stealth: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

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Deception: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 8 + 1 = 23
While Fernán tries to hide Taiwalei away, Gwen sweeps in to distract Waterfall. "Ma'am, that dress is absolutely stunning! Is that a special design by Master Cinna? I mean, it's obviously a one of a kind, yes? Would you allow me to touch it? Does it actually have water flowing around it?" Gwen moves to block Waterfall however she turns and steps close in an effort to see the material better.

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Uncertain on what to do at this point, Siyokoy watches over his allies as they try to distract Waterfall from Taiwalei. When the coast is clear, he takes the chance to pull out Taiwalei from Waterfall's view.
Untrained on the skills mentioned, but will try Athletics if allowed
"Come with me, good sir," he tells Taiwalei and pulls his tan and tattooed arm.
Athletics: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

GM Super Zero |

"Well, yes. Of course!" Gwendolyn distracts the Waterfall for a few moments, while the rest of the Pathfinders helps Taiwalei.
Soon, he has accomplished everyone's dream: Simply leaving while his boss's back is turned.
It takes only 20 minutes for the party to collect the Venture-Captain and arrive at the entrance to the Maze. When the party and Taiwalei arrive at the portal, four dozen agents step through from the sailing lodge, the Grinning Pixie, with an incredible amount of luggage and crates. While they wait for the crowd to pass, Taiwalei takes the brief waiting time to formally introduces himself and learn the Pathfinders’ names.
“Taiwalei of the Eastern Okaiyo Ocean, pleasure to meet you all.” The charming seafaring venture-captain gives a slight bow. “I leave myself in your care! So, who are you all? What’ve have you done lately? Fola must be really impressed with your work to ask you to be my guides!”
Taiwalei is currently unarmored (as predicted), with only a dagger for personal defense and the set of expanded healer’s tools that his experiences as a venture-captain have taught him never to leave at home.
"The path to the Woodsedge Lodge is supposed to be pretty easy, because it's marked by statues that literally point the way. Let's start there!"
After the party and Taiwalei enter the portal, they follow a series of five pointing statues to arrive at the main entrance of the hedge maze that is the Maze of the Open Road. Across a vast paved garden courtyard is the two-story stone manor that serves as the Woodsedge Lodge. When they first arrive, Taiwalei exclaims in awe and spends a few seconds taking in the sights.
“This place really is like the rumor says. Vast distance covered but with a few minutes of walking!” Taiwalei pulls three slips of paper from within his sash. “I managed to collect the routes for three different lodges before I arrived in Absalom, namely Heidmarch Manor in Varisia, Nexus House in... Nex, and Starrise Spire all the way in Mendev. I can’t decide which I want to visit first, so how about you
take your pick?”
Looking at the notes Taiwalei offers them, the Pathfinders notice that they seem to have been written by different people and suggest different methods of navigation, which means they may have an easier time getting to a given lodge.
If all goes well, it should take about ten minutes to locate the portal to any of the three lodges.
While exploring in the Maze, someone should take the lead and use the special Navigate the Maze of the Open Road exploration activity. (Others can use other exploration tactics as they like.)
You can always use Survival or Scouting Lore to Navigate the Maze. You can also use PFS Lore to find any of the three lodges. Due to the jargon used with each instruction, you can also use the following skills: Society and Athletics for Heidmarch Manor; Arcana and Acrobatics for Nexus House; Religion and Stealth for Starrise Spire.
You spend 10 minutes following instructions given to you to locate a specific location or portal in the Maze of the Open Road. Attempt a Survival check to Sense Direction, a Scouting Lore check, or another skill check which the text specifies can be used in place of Survival. The DC of most skill checks is 15. Based on the results of your check, you gain additional effects when you arrive at the location you seek.
Critical Success As success, plus you make a major discovery.
Success You make a discovery.
Failure You make a normal discovery but take an additional 10 minutes to reach your destination.
Critical Failure You make a mistaken discovery and take an additional 10 minutes to reach your destination.

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Fernán will pore over the instructions with a frown and then speak up "Well, the instructions for Nexus House seem clearest to me - any objections if we got that way? I could lead."

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"Take the lead, sir" Siyokoy motions at Fernan to move to the front and do the navigation through the Maze.
"And I suggest going to places in order that you mentioned: Heidmarch Manor, then Nexus House, and finally Starrise Spire." he tells Taiwalei. "How about that?" Siyokoy then asks his allies about his suggestion.

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"Very well, off to Nexus house then" and Fernán will follow the directions through the maze. Apparently it involves a lot of nimble footwork.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

GM Super Zero |

Fernán leads the group through the Maze. It takes a little meandering through an indirect path (it is a maze), but they find the portal to Nexus House without too much difficulty.
The lodge's grounds are silent, and while Taiwalei seems pleased for a moment to have successfully traveled through the Maze of the Open Road again, his smile soon falters. "I know the entire Society is at the party right now," he says slowly, "but surely the lodge shouldn't be entirely abandoned? There should be a guard near the portal, or near the entrance to..."
His voice trails off as his eyes fall on the door to a large central building. The door is not properly closed but stands ajar. The venture-captain draws his dagger and signals the Pathfinders with Napsu-Sign, which all of them learned a little of at Pathfinder training.
He intends to look around the grounds to see if he can locate the missing guards, and instructs the party to investigate the open building.

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Siyokoy keeps his eyes peeled for the unusual. He then draws moisture from the atmosphere and creates a disc of hovering water that can deflect attacks. Hydraulic Deflection

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Fernán will draw his rapier and move stealthily forward towards the doors on his left (think it is north on the map) and then will listen (perception +6)

GM Super Zero |

Directly opposite the main door on the wall is the coat of arms of the lodge, which everyone recognizes: Nexus House’s red with an orange band that bears four lotuses and a book.
Fernán notices faint tracks on the floor, shoeprints indicating that several human-sized creatures passed through here recently.

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The Pathfinders move forward, and the door is opened. This large exhibition room is lined with 3-foot-tall shelves. A center display stands on a 1-foot-tall platform. On the far end of the room is a set of stairs that goes up three feet to an elevated corridor, which is fenced off by 2-foot-tall guard rails. At a glance, most items on exhibit are tastefully expensive.
Though several of them are also missing, having been shoved into bags by the team of thieves currently looting the place.
There are five human robbers visible. Three of them wear hide armor and are working on carefully removing displayed items to their bags. They have small knives among their tools, but nothing that looks like an actual weapon. Two others look a little more well-built. They wear leather armor and hold daggers that they have definitely used before. One is standing in the middle of the floor, overseeing. The other stands in front of a door in the exhibition hall's north side, like a guard.
When the doors start to open, they all turn back towards the foyer. "More Pathfinders? Grab 'em!" shouts the one in green. But Solveig reacts faster than any of them do.
Solveig (18/18)
Blue Novice Robber
Fernán (16/16, Stealthy)
Gwendolyn (20/20, Stealthy)
Yellow Robber Novice
Green Tough Robber
Red Robber Novice
Hallow (17/17)
Dakon (17/17)
Siyokoy (32/32)
Purple Tough Robber
Hallow: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Dakon: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
Fernán (Stealth): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
Solveig: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Green Tough Robber: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
Purple Tough Robber: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Red Robber Novice: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
Blue Robber Novice: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
Yellow Robber Novice: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18

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Solveig starts singing!
In the cold mist of morning, we rise with the dawn,
Our swords held high, as the battle is drawn.
With thunderous roars and hearts made of steel,
To Valhalla we march, our fate to seal.
Inspire Courage: +1 status bonus to attack and damages
Ash she sings she tries to make it last in the heart of her fellow Pathfinders.
Lingering Performance: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
Then she moves and raises her shield.
◆ Inspire Courage
◇Lingering Performance
◆Raise a shield

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"Hey! Stop that singing!" shouts one of the unarmed robbers. He moves forward. Solveig notices that he still doesn't draw a weapon. Apparently he doesn't think he needs it, as instead he throws a punch. She ducks under it easily enough.
◆ Stride. ◆ Step. ◆ Strike fist: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11; misses.
Fernán and Gwendolyn's turns.
Solveig (18/18, lingering inspire courage)
Blue Novice Robber
Fernán (16/16, Stealthy)
Gwendolyn (20/20, Stealthy)
Yellow Robber Novice
Green Tough Robber
Red Robber Novice
Hallow (17/17)
Dakon (17/17)
Siyokoy (32/32)
Purple Tough Robber