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A goblin dressed as a wizard comes in. His getup is complete with red robes and a pointed blue hat with silver stars all over them. He wears a mask of a rodent. He carries a large spellbook with him. You'll notice, I'm sure at some point while he is 'studying' his spells, that each page appears to be a drawing in crayon.
"I'm BakBat. I'm a mighty wizard!"

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An older Ulfen male dressed in a slightly odd mixture of traditional Ulfen and Talden fashions gives a salute. While he isn't wearing it now, in addition to the unquitous backpack, Griss is carrying a breastplate and huge flail. Unless we are getting hot-dropped, then he is wearing the armor and his fashion is less obvious.
"Greetings all. I am Griss Thisslethorn, warrior of the norther lands and Pathfinder of some standing. I hope the tale of our adventure is as epic as I beleive we are."

GM Super Zero |

Our adventure begins in a grand meeting hall in Iadara, the capital of the elven nation Kyonin.
The air in this cavernous room holds a palpable excitement as Pathfinders fill it, joining together in small groups as they evaluate supplies and whisper excitedly about why everyone has been summoned to Kyonin. Representatives from all the nations of the Inner Sea and beyond have come, gathering together amid the haphazard assortment of tables and chairs, seemingly pulled together in support of this unprecedented mustering.
Please continue introducing yourselves! We'll begin Part 1 tomorrow night.
You'll have an opportunity to Gather Information or Recall Knowledge after the House GM's announcement then to see if you're aware of any relevant information. If you'd like to take those actions, go ahead and post your bonus Diplomacy, Society, Pathfinder Society Lore, Kyonin Lore, or other relevant Lore, or roll checks in a spoiler box (you can make two checks). Make sure to mention any relevant special abilities you have, such as Dubious Knowledge!
I've also added the list of Part 1 missions to the Slides. You haven't heard them in character yet, but as I can't ask you in real-time over pbp I'm giving you the list early so you can tell me which task you'd prefer to start with and I can have that ready for you as well.

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Joining the party a little late is a very old elf, more than venerable even! His pure white hairs framing a wrinkled face with two eyes shinning with wisdom and intelligence.
At his heel a burning panther!
His clothing are very simple, brown or deep green, the colors of the forest. No obvious weapon except for the beautiful carved staff that helps him walk and for a large wooden shield on his back. Numerous potions and alchemical items are disposed in his double bandolier.
Sorry for my lateness youngsters! My legs are not as quick as they used to be, or as Flame's. He says looking at the burning panther next to him.
My name is Crafty Herb, it's a pleasure to meet you all. And this is Flame, my friend that warms me during the cold night!
Looking around him, he says It's been a while since I was there... maybe your age!
Elven Lore +11
Pathfinder Society Lore +11
Forest Lore +11 (getting it with Ancestral Longevity)
Beeing level 5, may be I could have a level bump? If this is the case adds at least +1 to these

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A tall, bulky Tian man is being led, slowly, towards the group. Slowly as he isn't really paying any attention to his guide, instead trying to stare intently at every single thing that he can see along the way.
He finally notices that he has reached his assigned team, and after thanking the guide, approaches.
"Hello, fellow pathfinders. Is it not interesting to see Kyonin? Apologies. I'm afraid I have not brought pastries today."
He is dressed simply for travel in explorer's clothing, and is carrying only a backpack which appears to be filled with cookware, so the pastries comment isn't too odd. He also appears to have a staff tucked away in the pack, and seems to be wearing Handwraps, so presumably does do something more than cooking.
After a moment, during which you find it easy to believe that he was thinking about the pastries that he did not bring, he remembers to add:
"I am Nagaikaze."
For Gathering Information Nagaikaze has Diplomacy at +15.
He has a lot of Lores for Recall Knowledge that probably will not be relevant:
Gladiatorial, Cooking, Alcohol, and Tea Lore at +10 (Trained), and Herbalism Lore at +14 (Master)
He also has Untrained Improvisation so could try Society or any other Lore at +8.
Without additional information I'd be inclined to try Diplomacy +15M and Kyonin Lore +8U.
Finally, he has no real preference regarding the order of the Part 1 missions and would be happy to work through them in numerical order or any other order that anyone might prefer.

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Being level 5, maybe I could have a level bump? If this is the case adds at least +1 to these
Nagaikaze has Magical Mentor for anyone who is getting a Level Bump and who wants it.

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The raucous excitement that has filled the room comes to a calm as four figures step to the center. Fola Barun and Eando Kline are accompanied by a scholarly elven man and a lithe, hooded figure. Eando clears his throat and begins.
“Agents, thank you for braving the not-quite-so safe trip to join us here in the heart of Iadara. While publicly still unwelcome within Kyonin, when we received a cryptic message bearing her majesty’s seal, asking us to come here and lend aid, we took the chance. One of our foundational principles is cooperation, and in doing so here we have opened the door to an opportunity to foster mutual respect, loyalty, and trust; perhaps even to rebuild a bridge long burnt. However, this is better explained by the envoy the queen has sent to us.”
With that, the hooded figure takes the center of the floor. A feminine voice begins to speak from behind the cowl that obscures their face. “Thank you, Pathfinders, for obliging the request to come. You see, things here in Kyonin are not what they seem... And, let me start by clearing some of the confusion by introducing myself properly.”
As the elf lifts her hood, it starts to shimmer, and then falls back upon her shoulders. She lifts her head, making eye contact with the audience surrounding her, all the while the crystal in the center of the circlet encircling her fair forehead glows with the new day’s dawn.
“I am Queen Telandia, and I hope you will accept my apologies for concealing my identity, but there are many here in Iadara, in Kyonin as a whole, who still hear the title Pathfinder and find a bad taste in their mouth. For them to find me meeting with you would be very... bad for my health. However, I know this opinion doesn’t need to stay the case—even if the glacial pace of elven politics seems nigh impossible to change. After speaking with your former Venture-Captain of Kyonin,” she gestures to the other elf in the entourage. “I have come to ask a great favor from your society, one that is surely dangerous, though I’m still trying to discern how much so. I am certain that your success at this mission will help me to prove your worth as allies to others, possibly even speeding up politics.
“As for why I have called you to this place: the Tanglebriar at the edge of Kyonin is a horrid place. A twisting swamp filled with abyssal energy and other horrors one dares not speak of. Thankfully, the corruption within Kyonin has been kept to there—that is,until now. My agents have found information that indicates an individual named Nathatel Zephon is actively working to spread the message of his ‘elves first’ manifesto and is possibly involved with the spreading corruption.”
Amplifying his voice for the room to hear, Venture-Captain Ciobanu comes into the explanation. “There are pockets of woods in Kyonin that are starting to resemble places that have been tampered with, not the least of all my hometown of Folien. Reports state the area around the town has become darker, more sinister. You can never take the same way home as how you got there, and the shifting navigation has made it nearly impossible to get through if you don’t already know exactly where it is you’re going.”
The queen continues, “I’m certain something is messing with the town, working to find a way to take control of it and the ley lines running through there. What I need from you is to find your way to the town, find out exactly what is causing these concerns, and neutralize it with whatever means you must.”
Fola looks to the agents gathered in the large underground tavern, and then back to the queen. “Your Highness, I believe this is a challenge we can take on, and we’re grateful you’ve determined we’re the right people to help you.”
Eando smiles. “Of course we are. Containing power from being accessed by an evil enemy? This happens to be my area of expertise.” Venture-Captain Ciobanu looks at the rest of the agents in the room. “What say you? Are you with us?” As a cheer erupts from the crowd, he smiles. “Well, we have but a few moments for questions, feel free to come and ask, but then we must be on our way.”
Table GMs, please begin Part 1

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Clad in dun and forest, a human male looks about the room. He carries a longbow and his eyes seem to fall on the goblin, as if he knows him.
Society +7, but a Crossover (if one fails on a K check, roll the other) with Nature for +14

GM Super Zero |

Right now we're Low Tier. There is supposed to be one more player, which would put us into High Tier. That different really needs to be resolved, so I'm sending them a last-chance PM.
But nothing about the relationship between Kyonin and the Pathfinder Society that seems important right now.
Kyonin and the Pathfinder Society have been on uneasy terms for many years.
When the elves returned after Earthfall, they found many of their artifacts had been looted from their homes, and with the Society’s reputation for taking first and asking later the residents of Kyonin have trouble trusting them.
Unknown to many, the reason the lodge in Kyonin was shut down wasn’t due to speculation, but evidence gathered by the Queen’s agents that they had been transporting Kyonin treasures out of the country to the Society’s vaults in Absalom and beyond. With the elven members of the lodge seen as traitors, they were silently shut down, seemingly overnight.
Kyonin and the Pathfinder Society have been on uneasy terms for many years.
When the elves returned after Earthfall, they found many of their artifacts had been looted from their homes, and with the Society’s reputation for taking first and asking later the residents of Kyonin have trouble trusting them.
Unknown to many, the reason the lodge in Kyonin was shut down wasn’t due to speculation, but evidence gathered by the Queen’s agents that they had been transporting Kyonin treasures out of the country to the Society’s vaults in Absalom and beyond. With the elven members of the lodge seen as traitors, they were silently shut down, seemingly overnight.
Kyonin and the Pathfinder Society have been on uneasy terms for many years.
When the elves returned after Earthfall, they found many of their artifacts had been looted from their homes, and with the Society’s reputation for taking first and asking later the residents of Kyonin have trouble trusting them.
Unknown to many, the reason the lodge in Kyonin was shut down wasn’t due to speculation, but evidence gathered by the Queen’s agents that they had been transporting Kyonin treasures out of the country to the Society’s vaults in Absalom and beyond. With the elven members of the lodge seen as traitors, they were silently shut down, seemingly overnight.
Rumor holds that Venture-Captain Ciobanu was leading a covert operation with members of an elite team from his lodge when he disappeared. The stories say they were ambushed, with everyone in the group was assassinated by order of Queen Telandia. It wasn’t until recently that anyone even knew Ciobanu was still alive.
Kyonin and the Pathfinder Society have been on uneasy terms for many years.
When the elves returned after Earthfall, they found many of their artifacts had been looted from their homes, and with the Society’s reputation for taking first and asking later the residents of Kyonin have trouble trusting them.
And that's one vote for missions in numerical order. Anyone else?
Nagaikaze (Diplomacy): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (3) + 15 = 18
Anjo (Society): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25 or Crossover Nature: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (2) + 14 = 16
BakBat (Diplomacy): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (13) + 15 = 28
Griss (Society): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29
Crafty Herb (Elven Lore: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15
Nagaikaze (Diplomacy): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (20) + 15 = 35
Anjo (Society): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19 or Crossover Nature: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (18) + 14 = 32
BakBat (Diplomacy): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (18) + 15 = 33
Griss (Society): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26

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Nagaikaze mutters to himself: "Ciobanu...Cio-banu...Ci-o-baaa-nuuu."
He shakes his head and turns to his companions. "I do not believe I have heard of him before. I have heard it said that the closure of the Kyonin lodge was not without foundation. I was told that evidence was gathered by the Queen’s agents showing that members of the lodge had been transporting Kyonin treasures out of the country to the Society’s vaults in Absalom and beyond. With the elven members of the lodge seen as traitors, they were silently shut down, seemingly overnight.
I wonder if there is more to that story...and what the former Venture Captain would have to add on the subject.
His gaze turns to Flame and bounces between the Panther and his Elven companion. "Is it okay to pet your companion? Should I be asking Flame? Is it okay to pet you? I have a ring that helps me resist heat."
You suspect that Nagaikaze is imagining cracking an egg on the panther to see how well it would cook.

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Without additional information I'd be inclined to try Diplomacy +15M and Kyonin Lore +8U.
I’ve just realised that I put +15M when it should be +15E. Sorry about that. Hopefully it makes no difference.

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Appologies for the lateness, Labor day provided a huge 'honey do' list that exhausted my day.
"I know a little bit about it myself." Griss begins, "And while I agree there is more to the story, but the Elves did leave Golarian with possibly no sign that they intentded to return."
"As for the Venture Captain, he was presummed dead. He was presummed assasinated while leading a convert mission. That he is still alive is a very recent discovery."
Griss would have no preference for order, whatever is easiest on the GM."

GM Super Zero |

Well, that gives "maybe numerical order" as the only vote. In that case, please vote for what task you'd like to take on second, unless it's the second one on the list.
Incidentally, when you have a chance please let me know whether your character finds elf women attractive. I'm assuming BakBat probably does not find elves of any kind attractive, but most of the others might.
Venture-Captain Ciobanu approaches, the concern in his voice tinged with fear. “Our forward scouts report a group of elves trapped in the woods. With all this ever-changing overgrowth, I’m not surprised, but I do worry what will happen if we don’t help them out. I need you to go and escort them back to the road so they can get to somewhere safer, away from whatever power is affecting the forest.”
The directions from the scouts to where the group of elves is trapped are straightforward, and the Pathfinders are able to make it without complications.
They find the group of elves sitting around a simple campfire. Most of them wear simple clothing and look a little disheveled, though they do carry shortswords. One of them is a pretty woman in an elegant gown. Despite the fact her dress is entirely inappropriate for being lost in the woods, she seems more put together than the rest.
Before the Pathfinders have time to take in that oddity, though, she's turned to face them and clasped her hands together. "Oh thank the stars, someone's come to save us!" she cries. But then she grins wickedly and lunges. It's an ambush--an ambush which most of the party is ready, having caught sight of the other elves "sneakily" drawing their swords...
Crafty Herb, Naikaze, and Anjo's turns. Map on Slide 5.
Crafty Herb
Red Elven Fence
Pink Pretty Elf
Blue Elven Fence
Yellow Elven Fence
BakBat: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11
Griss: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17
Nagaikaze: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24
Craft Herb: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (18) + 13 = 31
Accursed Succubus: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15
Red Elven Fence: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20
Blue Elven Fence: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16
Yellow Elven Fence: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12

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@GM Of course Crafty is attracted by beautiful elf!
Are we playing up or down?
==== Before ====
I remember that Venture-Captain Ciobanu is from the town of Folien, and was the leader of the lodge in Kyonin, known as the Leaves of Talhindir. The Society had been making great headwinds in gathering information about the history of Kyonin prior to Earthfall when suddenly he disappeared... unfortunately, my memory is not as good as it was and I don't remember more, sorry youngsters.
==== Now ====
It's a trap!
Crafty calls for the power of Nature and casts electric arc on yellow and purple then commands Flame to attack Purple.
Electric Arc (Basis Reflex Save DC21): 3d4 + 4 ⇒ (2, 3, 2) + 4 = 11
Flame, attack this one!

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A woman being an elf wouldn't improve or diminish how attractive she was for Anjo. Given his mediocre appearance, he reserves his emotions until the woman expresses a real interest.
Sensing the woman to be the leader of this ambush, Anjo sets her as his prey, and fires off a series of shots.
Hunted Shot 1 vs elf woman: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (8) + 16 = 24 Damage: 2d8 + 4 ⇒ (6, 8) + 4 = 18
Hunted Shot 2 vs elf woman: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (7) + 13 = 20 Damage: 2d8 + 4 ⇒ (6, 5) + 4 = 15
Strike 3 vs elf woman: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13 Damage: 2d8 + 4 ⇒ (3, 8) + 4 = 15
And in case their is a will save vs Elf woman
Will: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (16) + 14 = 30

GM Super Zero |

The elf in yellow mostly evades the electrical spell, though the woman in the purple dress isn't quick enough as she is instead focused on avoiding the elemental attacking her.
Pink fails her save, but Yellow succeeds. Flame's attack misses.
She glares at Anjo as his first arrow *thuds* into her. She actually flinches at the second one and growls menacingly. "I'm a poor lost civilian!" she cries, "Stop shooting me with arrows!"
The fact that she's still on her feet after the assault puts the lie to her claim--as does the oddly thick, dark blood that shouldn't be coming out of an elf--but she's clearly starting to hurt all the same.
Anjo hits twice. The second hit bloodies (shorthand for half HP, if you're not familiar) her.
Nagaikaze's turn.
Crafty Herb
Red Elven Fence
Pink Pretty Elf (-44, bloodied)
Blue Elven Fence
Yellow Elven Fence (-5)
Yellow Reflex: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (16) + 12 = 28

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Nagaikaze could be attracted to Elf ladies. It would depend on the particular Elf. He is more likely to have his head turned by a new recipe for Chanko Nabe. Or an egg frying on a Panther.
Nagaikaze scowls at the ambushers, wondering if they are the first to be targetted or if others have fallen prey before.
Steeling himself for combat he rushes to provide a flank for anyone closing with the "Pink Pretty Elf", and attempts to stop the "Red Elven Fence" before he can act with a barrage of clubbing blows.
Action 1 ◆ Enter Mountain Stance (AC increases to 27, movement decreases to 40 feet)
Action 2 ◆ Move (N, N, N, N, NW - provoking Pink)
Action 3 ◆ Flurry of Blows
Falling Stone Strike#1 vs Red: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (9) + 16 = 25 forbludgeoning, Nonlethal, Forceful: 2d8 + 6 ⇒ (4, 5) + 6 = 15
Falling Stone Strike#2 vs Red: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23 forbludgeoning, Nonlethal, Forceful: 2d8 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (5, 4) + 6 + 2 = 17
If either hits and damages I will attempt to use Stunning Fist - Fort save DC 23

GM Super Zero |

Nagaikaze pummels the elf, and leaves him reeling and looking disoriented.
Two hits, and a critical failure against Stunning Fist.
It takes the elf in red several precious seconds to reorient himself, and by that time Griss is already moving.
Red skips his turn due to being Stunned 3, which makes it Griss's turn.
Crafty Herb
Red Elven Fence (-32)
Pink Pretty Elf (-44, bloodied)
Blue Elven Fence
Yellow Elven Fence (-5)
[spoiler=GM Dice]Fort: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12

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Smiling with the engagement of battle, Griss rushes forward and strikes the closest elf with a suddenly darkly glowing weapon
Action 1: ◆Rage (selecting negative damage through Spirit Rage) AC decreased, gains 10 Temporary HP.
Action 2: ◆◆Sudden Charge move to current square then strike
War Flail: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (17) + 16 = 33Damage: Bludgeoning+Negative: 2d10 + 6 + 7 ⇒ (2, 10) + 6 + 7 = 25

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Nagaikaze is ready to use his Stand Still reaction.

GM Super Zero |

Griss lands a devastating blow. The traitor buckles and falls to the ground, but doesn't break. Quite.
That's a crit, but he's still up. Well, he's not up up because of your critical specialization. But he's not out.
The woman in pink glowers at Nagaikaze, then suddenly smiles. Her smile is radiant. "Let's not fight," she says, throwing her arms open, "Give me a hug!"
It's a very odd thing to say in the middle of battle. But she really is stunning... which wouldn't normally make a difference in this kind of situation, but her suggestion is strangely compelling. There is clearly some kind of enchantment mixed into her words. Unfortunately, just because he realizes that doesn't make him immune, and he finds himself wrapped tightly in her arms without having physically resisted at all.
"Oh peeerfect," she sighs, and he can feel her nails (claws?) biting into his back as she squeezes him tighter, "Let's just stay exactly like this..."
Her nails don't quite pierce him, but he feels a little weaker all the same. In contrast, she's looking a little better.
Pink uses her Embrace ability, which lets her Grapple using her Diplomacy instead of Athletics. Due to her Seductive Presence aura, any creature within 10 feet who might find her attractive takes a -2 penalty to checks and DCs to resist her social skills and mental spells. This penalty means her Grapple attempt is a crit, so Nagaikaze is Restrained.
She then uses her Passionate Kiss ability, dealing 11 negative damage (which I see you resist 1) and inflicting Drained 1. She also makes a suggestion that you don't attempt to Escape; it might have an immediate consequence I need to resolve, so I rolled the save for you for a 14 and a failure (still feel free to reroll if you want to, though). Her third action is a claw attack, which fails.
In a whirl of movement, the elf in blue slides past Griss as he slides his weapon from its sheath. The move is almost quick enough to work, but his sword doesn't quite pierce his target's armor. Griss's own reactions, however, are quick enough. The fence steps back away from him, wincing at coming off worse in the exchange.
Blue Tumbles Through Griss (successfully) and uses his Quick Rummage ability to draw and Strike as one action. Griss is Flanked and Raging, but he still misses by 1. He then Steps so that he's not flanked himself.
That provokes an AoO from Griss, but since he also knows Yellow will be I'm not sure if you want to take it. If you do:
The wounded elf in yellow gets to his feet. He makes to bolt, but then strikes with a sword that's suddenly in his hand.
Stand, Feint (successful, and lasts until the end of his next turn due to his Scoundrel's Feint ability), Strike with Quick Rummage (which hits for 12 piercing damage, 4 of which is precision if it matters).
BakBat, Crafty Herb, Naikaze, and Anjo's turns.
Crafty Herb (41/41)
Nagaikaze (89/99, Drained 1, Restrained, suggestion: don't Escape)
Anjo (92/92)
Red Elven Fence (-32)
Griss (118/120, Raging, Flat-Footed to Yellow's attacks)
Pink Succubus (-34)
Blue Elven Fence
Yellow Elven Fence (-55, bloodied, prone)
BakBat (62/62)
damage: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 6) = 11
Will: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14
Claw: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19
Blue Tumble Through: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23
Attack: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21
War Flail: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (8) + 16 = 24Damage: Bludgeoning+Positive: 2d10 + 6 + 7 ⇒ (4, 6) + 6 + 7 = 23
Deception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (17) + 13 = 30
Attack: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (11) + 12 = 23
Damage: 1d6 + 5 + 2d6 ⇒ (3) + 5 + (1, 3) = 12

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Seeing that the beautiful elf woman leading the group doesn't seem to be really an elf, he tries to see of the other ones are not under the influence of her.
(◆) Perception +13 to see if the elf are under some sort of compulsion to fight.

GM Super Zero |

They seem to be acting under their own power, willing allies of the fiend.

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Fools! You will pay for such depravity! Says Crafty who calls again for the power of Nature to punish the traitor's elves.
Electric Arc (Basis Reflex Save DC21): 3d4 + 4 ⇒ (1, 4, 4) + 4 = 13 vs Red & Yellow
(◆◆) Cast A Spell: Electric Arc

GM Super Zero |

The foe in yellow is quick enough to avoid most of the blast, though his companion is not and looks the worse for it.
Batlike wings suddenly unfurl from the woman's back, throwing off Flame's attack.
Red fails his save, Yellow succeeds. Narrow miss.
BakBat, Naikaze, and Anjo's turns.
Crafty Herb (41/41)
Nagaikaze (89/99, Drained 1, Restrained, suggestion: don't Escape)
Anjo (92/92)
Red Elven Fence (-45, bloodied)
Griss (118/120, Raging, Flat-Footed to Yellow's attacks)
Pink Succubus (-34)
Blue Elven Fence
Yellow Elven Fence (-61, bloodied)
BakBat (62/62)
Yellow: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24

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BakBat will take a five foot step back.
BakBat will shout, "Brenen Pilke Foon Fayer"
A small bead lands behind Red, Pink, and Yellow and explodes into a fireball catching all three of them in its blast.
DC 25 Reflex save
Fourth level Fireball (+2 from Burn It!): 8d6 + 2 ⇒ (5, 2, 6, 6, 2, 5, 3, 4) + 2 = 35

GM Super Zero |

The bead explodes, and sets jets of fire in all directions. Several members feel the heat of the spell the flashing flames get very close to them--but they remain unharmed.
The ambusher in yellow attempts to block the flames with his face, which fails dismally. The other two duck away from the hottest part at the center of the fire, but they're still looking much worse for the ware.
Red and Pink make their saves. Yellow critically fails, which is an unfortunate fall of the dice given that he was hanging on by a thread and would have dropped on anything less than a critical success.
Given that you dealt more damage to her than she healed, Pink is obviously bloodied once more. Oh whoops, I made an error: She never healed enough not to be bloodied in the first place.
Naikaze and Anjo's turns.
Crafty Herb (41/41)
Nagaikaze (89/99, Drained 1, Restrained, suggestion: don't Escape)
Anjo (92/92)
Red Elven Fence (-62, bloodied)
Griss (118/120, Raging, Flat-Footed to Yellow's attacks)
Pink Succubus (-51, bloodied)
Blue Elven Fence (-23)
BakBat (62/62)
Yellow Reflex: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14
Pink Reflex: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31

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Anjo takes a moment to cast gravity weapon, and then lets his arrows fly at his prey.
Hunted Shot 1: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (4) + 16 = 20 Damage wGW: 2d8 + 7 ⇒ (8, 8) + 7 = 23
Hunted Shot 2: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (3) + 13 = 16 Damage: 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (5, 3) + 3 = 11
Strike 3: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28 Damage: 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (6, 2) + 3 = 11
"A shame a thing of such beauty can be so cruel."
OOOPS! My damage should be +3 without Gravity Weapon and +7 with.

GM Super Zero |

Releasing Nagaikaze to try to stop the arrows, the fiend who had disguised themself as an elf is too slow to prevent Anjo's first arrow from piercing her heart. As she falls, she reverts to her true form. She still looks mostly like a person, though not especially like an elf. A woman who isn't quite an elf or a human or any other specific ancestry, but who is clearly a fiend with batlike wings, vicious black claws, and other demonic signs.
As I'm sure you all realized when you saw her abilities, if not sooner, Pink was a succubus. Anjo's Hunted Shot kills her, if you'd like to redirect that third attack to a different enemy.
"They slew the demon!" says one of the elves, sounding both nervous and awed.
"Then they can't have much more fight in them!" says the other defiantly.
Nagaikaze's turn.
Crafty Herb (41/41)
Nagaikaze (89/99, Drained 1)
Anjo (92/92)
Red Elven Fence (-62, bloodied)
Griss (118/120, Raging)
Blue Elven Fence (-23)
BakBat (62/62)

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I should have done a total of 3 less damage over those three shots that hit. So if she's still dead, then yes, direct it at anyone still alive. AND...I have been completely forgetting that I have Monster Hunter, so every time I use Hunt Prey, I am suppose to get a secret Recall Kn. on the creature. If the check is a crit, everyone gets a +1 on their next attack vs that creature.

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"Then they can't have much more fight in them!" says the other defiantly.
Nagaikaze mutters "I do feel a little drained..."
He really doesn't like Bandits and ambushers.
"But I still have this for you..."
Action 1 ◆ Strike Red
Falling Stone Strike#1 vs Red: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (18) + 16 = 34 forbludgeoning, Nonlethal, Forceful: 2d8 + 6 ⇒ (4, 6) + 6 = 16
Then assuming they fall,
Action 2 ◆ Move (SE, S, S, S, SE, SW - provoking Blue)
Action 3 ◆ Strike Blue
Falling Stone Strike#2 vs Red: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29 forbludgeoning, Nonlethal, Forceful: 2d8 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (3, 2) + 6 + 2 = 13

GM Super Zero |

She only had 14 hp. She's a variant succubus who's a little lower level--she actually had the least hp of the enemies, although not by a lot.
It's moot now, and I don't think Anjo is trained in Religion, but why not:
Anjo thinks this "elf" may actually have been a shapeshifting demon called a succubus in disguise. Like most demons, succubi are vulnerable to silver weapons.
Anjo's arrow grazes the elf in blue as Nagaikaze slams into the other and knocks him hard to the ground. Striding past, he too hits the remaining bandit. He reels, but doesn't fall yet.
That's a crit, which certainly drops Red. And hits Blue.
Griss's turn.
Crafty Herb (41/41)
Nagaikaze (89/99, Drained 1)
Anjo (92/92)
Griss (118/120, Raging)
Blue Elven Fence (-47, bloodied)
BakBat (62/62)

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As you continue your way toward Folien, Fola Barun calls out words of encouragement. “Agents, we are making good time! Keep us moving along!”
Table GMs, the On the Path condition is in effect.

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Griss will glare at Blue menacingly before stepping closer and attacking.
◆Intimidate: Demoralize: 1d20 + 16 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 16 + 1 = 23
◆War Flail: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (8) + 16 = 24Damage: Bludgeoning+Negative: 2d10 + 6 + 7 ⇒ (8, 10) + 6 + 7 = 31

GM Super Zero |

The final criminal glares back at Griss just as fiercely--but it doesn't save him from the tremendous force of his flail.
Well, nobody was actually rescued. But the ambush from attackers pretending to be endangered civilians was thwarted, and that's certainly a success all the same!
Among the attackers' possessions, the group finds two vials of moderate healing potion, along with a stowed cold iron longsword that looks like it's probably magical.
That's a failure to Demoralize, but still a hit and he can't take 31 damage.
Successful encounter reported! You have 10 minutes to rest before the next encounter. I'll continue with Travel Event #2 unless someone says something else!
Final Situation:
Crafty Herb (41/41)
Nagaikaze (89/99, Drained 1)
Anjo (92/92)
Griss (118/120)
BakBat (62/62)

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I have THAT Aeon stone so a 10 minute rest restores 10 HP.
And mission 2 is fine by me.

GM Super Zero |

Upon approaching Eando Kline, he folds a piece of paper and puts it in his pocket as he begins to pace. "There are a few of our number who have, for lack of a better description, decided this mission doesn't emphasize our core values as Pathfinders and have instead opted to desert. Due to your repeated dedication to the Society, I am sending you to catch up to them and convince them to come back--remind them of who the Pathfinders really are."
To find the deserters, the PCs need to succeed at two DC 18 Survival checks or two DC 20 Perception checks. Only one PC can attempt each check, though others can attempt to Aid at the same DC. Success or failure will determine how long it takes to find them.

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Nagaikaze seems baffled by the idea of deserters and asks Eando for more details:
”Who are these people who would do this? I’m sure Anjo will have no problem tracking them whoever they are.”

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Anjo uses the 10 minutes to gather herbs for his natural medicine skills...as many applications as he can muster. He refocuses while doing so.
When the group is ready, he asks for Guidance from any who know the spell and begins to search for tracks.
Survival: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (19) + 17 = 36 Anjo sets the owner of the tracks as his prey.
Survival 2: 1d20 + 17 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 17 + 2 = 30 Added +2 for tracking prey
Anjo concurrently tries to seek out his prey.
Perception (+2 from Hunt Prey for Seeking): 1d20 + 16 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 16 + 2 = 35
Perception (+2 from Hunt Prey for Seeking): 1d20 + 16 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 16 + 2 = 27
Technically get a Recall K check on Prey. And FYI, I have the Human feats that let me use any untrained skill as though I am trained, adding my level and stat as a bonus.

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Griss sighs and follows the hunters, knowing this isn't something he can really help that much with.

GM Super Zero |

Eando winces a little at the question. "I can't actually say. With every traveling through the woods and coming upon all different obstacles, I don't know who's still here and therefore who's gone. I just know it was reported to me that a few people where planning on deserting, and that they were seen sneaking away from the rest of the group."
Anjo, it transpires, has no difficulty tracking them.
The group comes upon them by the bank of a river, deep and swift-flowing. They're a pair of elves, both archers by the looks of it, and they look surly and wary at being approached.
To convince the deserters to come back, the Pathfinders need to improve their attitude toward the Pathfinder Society. Finding them so quickly before their attitudes had even more time to sour will probably make it easier...
Each character can attempt one check. Diplomacy and Pathfinder Society Lore can work, but any skill can potentially be used if it relates to your argument.

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Nagaikaze approaches slightly, hands out in a placating "I'm unarmed" pose.
He thinks to himself that the symbolism looks better to people that aren't likely to be familiar with his unarmed proficiency and hopes that these Pathfinders aren't aware of it.
"Greetings fellow Pathfinders. I apologize that I have not brought pastries. Please do not rush to separate your efforts from ours. We are at our best when we Cooperate. Do you not wish your opinions to be heard? I would hear why Elves do not wish to assist Elves. Please Report, and we can Explore a way to work through our differences."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (8) + 15 = 23

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Pathfinder Society Lore: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20
Speaking in elven, Crafty tries to convince the deserters to come back
Youngsters! It’s not a shame to be afraid and to not trust strangers. But I can assure you, given my old age that the Pathfinder Society is a good ally and a good place to be.
I’ve joined the Society not so long ago, may be like 10 or 20 years ago, and I do not regret it! Yes, we need to Report what we find, but we have so many opportunity to Explore! And meeting so many new people from so may different places makes the need to Cooperate together. That’s a wonderful experience. Please, come back.

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Nagaikaze wonders if this is anything to do with "they were silently shut down, seemingly overnight" and then being presumed dead.

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BakBat pushes up his demon mask, exposing his goblin face, and says, "The society has its ups and downs, and BakBat has found that being friendly with the society is beneficial in the long run."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (4) + 16 = 20