Jakaw Razorbeak

Wei Ji's page

820 posts. Organized Play character for Wei Ji the Learner.

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1/5 5/5

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber


1/5 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I realize that the better option would be to go to AoN an inquire, but is there some reason the link they have to Organized Play Foundation goes to an apparent Indian (subcontinent) slots site?

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

One of the things that was an incredible draw (for me, at least) to Starfinder was the diversity and variety of different species that one would encounter.

In fact, at one point it was referred to as 'that Cantina feel'.

With the launch of a new edition, are we going to see the nearly two hundred species introduced in PF1 once again 'gated' behind new content releases, or is there going to be an omnibus with shorthand indicating how all the species now interact in the new edition?

We've already seen that pahtra are going to be one of the iconic species -- are we going to see other changes to that lineup?

Starfinder has incredible breadth of lore and history for characters right now in the current edition, it would be painful to say the least if this was erased.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Unless I've missed my numbers, Shifter was announced in roughly 2017, and PF2 was announced in roughly 2018.

Subsequently, Evolutionist was announced in 2021, and SF2 was announced in 2023.

Both classes were under-whelming and under-delivering of what a chunk of players were expecting...

Shifter --- Expectation: "My character can shift from form to form like Beast Boy as utility requires it."

Reality: Very combat situational capabilities that were exceptionally limited in use and utility and penalized the user in some cases.

Evolutionist -- Expectation: "My character is slowly turning into another type of being"

Reality: AGAIN very combat situational capabilities that shut *off* outside of combat and do literally nothing to uphold the idea of 'evolving' into a new creature type.

Is a utility form-changing character the bottom of the 'creative' barrel?

Is implementing it the sign that a 'new edition' is required?

This is NOT a rip on the creative team at Paizo -- they've created incredible content.

It is, however, a concern if we see yet another under-whelming version of Shifter in upcoming Paizo products will that be a herald of yet another edition release?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Please Cancel Order 37478954 the website borked and said it was in sidecart and would not allow me to apply PaizoCon discount

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

In PF1, Shardra Getl was a Shaman who happened to be the transgender iconic.

Are there any iconics in PF2 that fit this bill?

I have a friend who is interested but asked me the question for PF2 and I *cannot* find any in my searching.

Please help.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I'm on Firefox 95.0.2 64 bit on a Windows 10 Home machine

When I make a post, it does not appear right away, and sometimes it requires a reload or two of the page to make the post appear.

Is this an undocumented design feature?

Are others having the same or similar experiences?

This used to be an issue years ago, but it stopped being so for a while.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Now THAT is how you throw down some magic in the Starfinder 'Verse!

Great read, and thank you!

11 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Recently it was announced that there was going to be a Restructuring of the site to get rid of the Customer Service and Website Feedback forums.

Both of these have been the front-facing bulwark of Paizo relations. Both have been the strength of the site in terms of support for necessary items and part of why I have maintained a subscription to Starfinder despite recent issues.

This raises the concern that the company is attempting to shift from being front-facing and engaging with customers in a proactive fashion to resorting to unseen email. Email responses are hidden, unseen, and therefore 'silent' in terms of 'fixing things'. It becomes a lot harder to get Quality Customer service via email.

This also feels in no small way like a level of vengeance against the most loyal customers who are willing to say something important rather than just let a thing lie.

An 'Announcement' forum doesn't help if we can't use the forums to communicate valid concerns over subscriptions, shipments and the like.

Is my take on this in error?

EDIT: Concern deepening, because I CANNOT find a phone number to contact Paizo on the site -- and that has been my secondary method of contact after putting forth a post on the Customer Service forums!

Paizo Employee

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oooh I loved this! Great choreography and intrigue in a neat little package; Would love to learn more!

1/5 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Mwangi Expanse, pg 67 wrote:

Being a mercantile people, Mbe’kes welcome strangers easily and often.
Anyone who comes to the Terwa Uplands willing to work can find a place
among them, and non-dwarves make up a sizable minority in the Mbe’ke
realm. Humans are common, particularly Bekyar and Bonuwat, but one can
find Kallijae elves, Song’o halflings, or even iruxis, Matanji orcs, or gnolls
dwelling in Mbe’ke communities. As far as Mbe’kes are concerned, all of
these people are also Mbe’ke, [u]with all the same rights and responsibilities as
native dwarves.[/u] Underline for emphasis
Nowhere is this clearer than with the Mbe’ke kobolds of the Terwa
Uplands. Both ancestries venerate dragons, both live underground by
preference, and both possess a strong work ethic, a love for crafting, and
a certain militaristic streak. Friendly relations took several centuries and
several wars, but these days kobolds make up a valued part of Mbe’ke
society, with their own fellowships, clan daggers, kings, and votes in
Mbe’ke affairs.

Does this make folks who are from the Terwa Uplands eligible for clan daggers?

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

This past weekend got lucky and obtained two vouchers.

Attempted to enter the vouchers for orders and then later under my account and the system did not recognize them.

Please advise.

Event was Winter WolfCon '21, not providing further details for security reasons.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

ALRIGHT! That was heart-poundingly AWESOME!

May or may not have been considering creating a shobhad character for SFS recently...

1/5 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Ancestral Adoption I:
Choose leshy, lizardfolk, or hobgoblin when taking the Adopted Ancestry feat.

Since kobolds have established a lengthy working relationship with the Pathfinder Society, would it be possible to add them to this Boon OR create a different one to reflect that?

Leshy and ~~Lizardfolk~~ Iruxi have already had their ACP costs eliminated and/or reduced significantly due to story developments, this would help reconcile the outlier that is our small scaly brethren.

Thank you very much for your time in advvance.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Why couldn't this have appeared five years ago? *cry* I'm trying to downsize all the things I have and really want to get this... but...

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

When I attempted to update my payment method, it completely erased all payment methods from the user-side.

This is crucial, as I have one remaining subscription and would not like to lose it at the moment.

This is not the first time that payment methods have become an issue -- when I changed to the previous method it required Customer Service intervention to add/use the new payment method.

Please advise, but be mindful away from computer for next week at a convention.

Thank you for your time in advance!

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I'm putting together a character concept for SFS inspired by RL events (don't worry, it WILL be respectful).

However, I keep running into a bit of a stumbling block of finding the right theme for a labor/union organizer that fits -- Corporate Agent doesn't seem to fit as it's more 'Corporate' than 'Union'.

Are there any thoughts or ideas out there?

1/5 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Playtest Points allowed the option of purchasing a level or two for a starting character.

About half of the 'starting' scenarios I've played (1-01, 99-01, a couple of others I've blanked out on) have had the difficulty cranked out the wazzoo.

Rather than risking a brand new character in those deathtraps, would it be possible to come up with a Boon of modest pricing for folks who want to avoid them, perhaps as much ACP as one would have earned playing that 12exp worth of scenarios or modestly more?

1/5 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Recently during a scenario I played a Boon was unlocked for a weapon that has a Common Ancestry as one of the notes on it.

Does the Boon supersede the Ancestry requirement?

If not, to use said Boon, does it require the utilization of Adopted Ancestry and 'Ancestry' Weapon Familiarity?

It directly impacts the development of the character that played the scenario providing the Boon that isn't the Common Ancestry.

Thank you very much for your time in advance!

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber


I have been sent an email with a link to USPS regarding these two shipments.

When I attempt to utilize it, it says that there is no information available on the shipments.

Realize that things are probably quite heavily in flux at the moment, but confusion indicated after a week on the first one and 72 hours on the second.

Please advise at your earliest convenience, will post update if shipments arrive.

Thank you very much for your time in advance.

1/5 5/5

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Thank you for fixing the Boon page so the Boons can be hidden or revealed at a click of the button, and for simplifying the interface a bit.

No longer will I be fighting migraines trying to scroll back and forth and *think* I've gotten the right character selected only to find out I used the wrong drop-down and have to start over again from scratch (hopefully!).

1/5 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

In previous Season Guides, there were restrictions on what a character could purchase:


You may always purchase the following items or equipment as long as you’re in an appropriate settlement (see above).

All equipment listed in the Starfinder Core Rulebook with an item level equal to your character level + 1.

All equipment listed in sanctioned Starfinder content with an item level equal to your character.

Any equipment listed on your character’s Chronicle Sheets with an item level equal to your character level + 2.

All items and services purchased with Fame.

My question is simple, because I spent nearly a day trying to find it on the brand new fancy swanky OrgPlay Site's Starfinder Guide and I couldn't find it.

Where are the limits for purchasing posted on the new super-duper online Guide?

Thank you very much for your time in advance!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Been trying to favorite some posts tonight, and each time I've tried, the page I'm on reloads and puts me at the top of the thread.

1/5 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

With the decision to not create Pregens of higher level in PF2, has anyone noticed a drop-off in the number of players that are able to be seated at a 9-12 scenario(If such exist)?

There's been a similar concern over in SFS, with several tables of higher level scenarios not filling/folding due to a lack of pregens/players able to play them.

Are there any plans to remedy this in the future, looking ahead? Or is the plan to turn L9-12 into 'Seeker' Tier scenarios?

1/5 5/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.


Today I (re)learned that Horizon Hunters are the 'default option' after having forgotten that.

As a GM, though, I'd probably suggest PFS2 #1-06 Lost on the Spirit Road -- despite being in Tian Xia, it'd be a lot easier to get three other players to show up to fill out the table. :)

1/5 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Woot! Congrats AJ and Juan on getting to 5 Stars!

1/5 5/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Grats to the 5-Novas!

Likes how for PaizoConOnline for Staff it says Yes :>

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

The write-up for the cybernetic implant refers to how exactly Darkvision Capacitors work -- namely by shooting beams out to provide the vision.

Does *all* Darkvision work like that, or only the implant?

Does it stop shooting the beams if adaptive biochains are used but is still functional?

Apologies if this is a bit confusing, I'm kind of confused and am looking at getting them for a character but if they are the *only* thing that shoots the beams (if the natural eyes don't do it, for example) the capacitors seem like it'd be a very silly thing to ever get?

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

The order has a valid payment method and this is the third time this year since COVID started that I've had serious issues with my payment method not being accepted.

There may be lingering artifacts in the system seeing an older mode of payment - it's what caused the previous two issues, despite the mode of payment being changed.

I would call, but unfortunately it's the weekend and I have to get to work at my ESSENTIAL job of... customer service.

Please advise on this soonest, I was hoping for the shipment for holiday gifts!

Thank you for your time and consideration in advance!

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I want to play a human character with Darkvision at L1.

Is there a PFS-legal way to do this?

If so, what are the hoops that have to be jumped through?

Can it be done without a particular class via an ancestry?

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Were almost all of the Xenometric androids created by humans for theme park or other reasons?

Now that the humor part is out of the way...

The Xenometric Android trades away the Upgrade Slot and Exceptional Vision traits of Androids for the ability to have some aspects of a given alien race.

For Length:

Starfinder Core Rulebook options are dwarf (darkvision, slow but steady), elf (elven immunities, low-light vision), gnome (gnome magic, low-light vision), half-elf (adaptability, low-light vision), half-orc (darkvision, intimidating, self-sufficient), halfling (keen senses, sneaky, sure-footed), kasatha (four-armed, natural grace), lashunta (lashunta magic, limited telepathy), shirren (blindsense, limited telepathy), vesk (low-light vision, natural weapons), and ysoki (cheek pouches, darkvision).

Starfinder Alien Archive options are dragonkin (draconic immunities, flight), formian (limited telepathy, natural weapons), haan (firespray, slow fall), kalo (kalo movement, kalo vision), maraquoi (blindsense, prehensile tail), nuar (natural weapons, swift), verthani (skill focus, skin mimic), and wrikreechee (snag, wrikreechee movement).

Starfinder Alien Archive 2 options are hobgoblin (fearsome, sneaky), orc (fierce survivalist, orc ferocity), pahtra (nimble, talented), and vlaka (cold resistance, perceptive).

The Starfinder Pact Worlds option is the strix (nightborn, strix mobility).

The reason I asked the above question:

Exceptional Vision is Lowlight and Darkvision for androids normally, but is traded out as part of the Xenometric price.

Dragonkin, formian, haan, maraquoi, nuar, verthani, wrikreechee, hobgoblin, orc, pahtra, vlaka, strix all seem to lack either racial Darkvision or racial Lowlight vision as xenometrics.

Is this a gross conceptual error on my part, or is it an intentional design feature? If they were designed by the race they were emulating, wouldn't they have the same senses as that race?

Thank you very much for your time in advance

1/5 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I am not trying to be bitter, or even whine about things as they are and have been determined to be for PFS2


I have played Quest 10: The Broken Scales and for two hours of play earned... 1 exp, 1 treasure bundle.

I have played Little Trouble in Big Absalom and for five hours of play earned... 1 exp, 2 treasure bundles.

This morning I had the honor and privilege of playing at a table of an actual PFS2 scenario and for five hours of play earned.... 4 exp, 6 treasure bundles.

Despite this morning's five hours of play being somewhat intense, it was less challenging than either the Quest or the module.

To 'level up' my character to Level 2 will take *at least* another seven hours of play (2 for a Quest, 5 for a Scenario).

That would be a total of 19 hours for 12 exp under ideal circumstances.

Contrasted with the prospect of playing 15 hours for 12 exp under PFS2 (for Scenarios) or PFS1 for 3 exp over three scenarios (or six exp given how some evergreen modules can run).

It doesn't feel like I'm getting anywhere, and it also feels like I have to 'sit' on my IC money (such as the bundles provide) because there's nothing that can be bought to improve survivability while still languising at L1.

The level bump is a novel solution, but ultimately feels like it helps about as much as a 'four player adjustment' from PFS1.

I want to give PFS2 a chance, but it also feels like such a grind that the fun is being sucked out of playing, along with the stressors of 'way overtooled encounters' that L1 characters have to face.

Is it wrong to feel like that?

1/5 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I'm trying to create a custodian-type character that would be SFS-legal (and avoid the Icon theme).

Unfortunately, I'm kind of hitting a brick wall here in terms of Themes and Classes.

Does anyone have thoughts as to how it could be done?

Thank you for your time in advance

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber


I had to change payment types while this order was being held in electronic limbo and now the website will NOT allow me to update the payment method for the remaining items that have not been fufilled on this order.

As this order contains the pre-order for the APG, this is an incredibly TIME SENSITIVE issue.

Please use the *most current* method of payment to expedite this process (what is being used for the other two orders in process.

Thank you for your time in advance!

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I have been trying unsuccessfully for the past twenty minutes to place an order for the Starfinder Core Pocket-size book.

Order keeps hanging up at 'Place Order', the 'waiting' indicator appears, then nothing happens.

Please advise at your convenience.

((Cleared cookies, cleared browser history, logged out then back in, nothing seems to have worked thus far. Running Firefox Quantum ESR 68.10.0esr (64bit) ))

Second Seekers (Jadnura) 1/5 5/5

Opportunities --Starfinder Edition:

With apologies to the Pet Shop Boys...

♫Let's make lots of money
You've got the looks I've got the brawns
Let's make lots of money
I've had enough of scheming and messing around with jerks
my ship's is parked outside I'm afraid it doesn't work
I'm looking for a partner someone who gets things fixed
Ask yourself this question do you want to be rich.
You've got the looks I've got the brawns
Let's make lots of money
I've got the brawns You've got the brains
Let's make lots of money
I can tell you're educated you studied at the Lorespire
Doctored in mathematics you could have been a hire
You can programme a computer choose the perfect time
If you've got the inclination I have the crime.
I've got the brawn you've got the brains
Let's make lots of money
You've got the looks I've got the brawns
Let's make lots of money
Oh if you know when to take them you know
There's a lot of opportunities if there aren't
you can make them make or break them.
You can see I'm single-minded I know what I could be
How'd you feel about it come take a walk with me
I'm looking for a partner regardless of expense
Think about it seriously you know it makes sense.
You've got the looks I've got the brawns
Let's make lots of money
I've got the brawns You've got the brains
Let's make lots of money
Oh if you know when to take them you know
There's a lot of opportunities if there aren't
you can make them make or break them.
You've got the looks and I've got the brawns
Let's make lots of money
I've got the brawn You've got the brains
Let's make lots of money♫

"I'm in a bit of a quandry. It seems the Starfinder Society will not allow me to participate on missions until I can find someone to team up with. Given logistical concerns especially of late this has been... an issue. So in the efforts of working together with my fellow Starfinders, I am attempting to recruit a partner... someone who could complement a brawny sort as myself. MIght there be candidates that would be willing to step up, so that this might become a possibility?"

Player Note: I have a Dragonkin Boon. Part of the wording behind it (of which I was not aware prior to getting it) is that a fellow SFS member MUST be designated as 'the partner' before said dragonkin can enter play. As it is exceptionally unlikely that I'll be able to find someone locally to play off of with this character, I'm turning it to the community to see what sort of folks might be willing to be Ronath's partner, regardless of expense. I would be willing to participate in PbP or over R20 as necessary, provided schedules could be arranged with said partner (ideally in the L1-2 range, as this character has not been played yet).

Given recent events, something with a bit more levity felt like it was in order, and may this appeal to the creative thoughts of SFS members! Thank you very much for your time and consideration in advance!

Figured we could give it until April 14th for applications, barring the unforseen.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

To whom it may concern;

At a convention I recently attended, playing and GMing several different PFS events, I became the lucky recipient of two 15$ Vouchers.

I know in the past that the ones earned from volunteering AT PaizoCon are not valid during the convention, but will these others be useful in the on-site store at the convention?

Thank you very much for your time in advance!

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

There are seven 'hidden' reviews on the product #10-06 Treason's Chains.

If folks were 'tanking' the review rating with 'blank' reviews, that's a disservice to the product and to Paizo.

If the hidden aspect was due to violations of TOS, that also a disservice to the product and to Paizo.

Please examine this item at your convenience and remove any spurious 'blank' reviews.

Thank you for your time in advance!

1/5 5/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

As per the header, because the term 'rebuild' has some loaded connotations, what sort of framework can we reasonably put together outside of the box to figure out how to fairly balance the introduction of newer options that fit established characters better?

For those who have already made their minds up that 'Once a character is created, it is The Character and inviolate' it is humbly requested that those be kept clear of this thread. This is about implementing newer options that fit a character better while preventing abuse of said new options.

The point of this thread is to try and come up with a fair balanced system that's approachable from the most casual to the most veteran of players. In so doing, we'll hopefully 'future-proof' SFS versus the patchwork methodology that permeated PFS1.
And yes, I'm trying to put something together, solicit thoughts, and maybe hack something together that the OrgPlay team can use moving forwards for not only SFS but maybe even PF2.

Thank you very much for your time in advance!

My first thought on the topic: Tying it to Fame/Reputation/Credits -- while it seems like it would be a good idea, it doesn't help those who play rarely enough that they don't have a lot of same.

With leveled items, it's hard to spend the wealth that needs to be carefully guided to higher levels.

Solution: Instead of linking it to an in-game currency or meta-currency, what if there's a given number of scenarios that would allow such a rebuild, to prevent a 'rebuild every scenario to answer the mission needs'?

Possible Drawback: Still doesn't help folks who don't play enough to reach said given number of scenarios if the number is set too high.

If this is out of line and OrgPlay already has a Plan, please forgive the ignorance of this student.

EDIT: The new material implementation process will also hopefully be more robust than 'just rebuild boons given out at major conventions for those who can make them'.

1/5 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

What are the options for retraining in Starfinder Society, and how available are they?

Where is this information located?

With the recent release of a *lot* of AR that will be helpful to characters I have that are past the L2 'blob' stage, there's a hope of adjusting to some of the new AR.

Thank you for your time!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

First off, thanks to Lyz Liddell and the Paizo team for coming up with the things being brought to the Playtest and (possibly) the future APG.

Secondly, I unfortunately did not have the opportunity to test this class out in play.

Thirdly, a thought occured to me today, that I hadn't seen mentioned any other place, and then it started meandering into the Force (of Star Wars fame) and kind of brought it back.

What if the Oracular Curses have three different types, with a 'slow-burn/always on(PF1)' sort, a 'use with increasing penalties(PF2PT)' type and a 'Moar Dakka, moar damage(PF1 Kineticist)'?

This would help those looking at Oracle differentiate the class from 'cookie cutter' syndrome, and it would also cater to a much broader base of playstyle. Desires in character choices would still have meaning, but it would be variable (and possibly prevent the 'useless after *x* uses issues).

In addition, if a broader range of choices were allowed for each Mystery/Revelation/Curse (perhaps not all, perhaps only one or two) then the choices involved could be much more significant -- ie, the 'angry healer' who gradually becomes more and more enraged as their team gets hurt, the fire combatant that starts leaking life-stuff everywhere if they take too much damage, or the melee combatant that starts to see less far as their eyes begin to cloud with unnatural rage (not a barbarian rage, mind, just the 'tunnel vision' that some folks can get when truly irate).

Thank you for your time.

Earned SFS first Nova over the weekend, and it IS displaying on my profile but not when I post.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration!

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

...got annoyed there for a second because I'm going to be GMing Starfinder for OrgPlayFound at a local convention and saw 'Black Friday'.

...then I read the description of two weeks, and my concerns were set at ease!

...may the things you have thanks for be awesome!

25 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

This is a level of Humility and Understanding that has NEVER been highlighted in Iomedae's write-up that I can recall.

It changes a significant perception that I had of her as a deity.

Thank you very much!

1/5 5/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

So I had a very hard time during the PF2 Playtest 'getting into' the game. In part because of the nature of the beast that a playtest is, and in part because there were very few venues to play that I could get to/have time to enjoy.

The hope was that was the only concern when I went to go create my first PF2 character 'for realsies' using one of my GM credits from GenCon.

...and I lost pretty much all interest or desire to design the character.

It's taken about a month or so to try and unpack some of the concerns and why they are concerns.

1. Sanctioning of new product for PFS is still using the PFS1 model. While it is the safe option, and the time-proven one, it limits availability as well as what I am willing to purchase.

2. There is a dearth of new playable product for PF2. As a result, there is a reluctance to start *any* sort of character because the play options will be exceptionally limited for at least two or three years. No, do not tell me to 'just GM it'. I did that at GenCon and felt miserable and horrible at the bad play experience I provided my tables. I'm going to need a year or two of play experience at least to feel comfortable enough with the rules to run PF2 again.

3. Tengu/kobold ancestries are allegedly due out in the Advanced Players Guide (July 2020). If the above concern in 1. about sanctioning follows suit, it will be at least a year and a half before I will have an ancestry I will be eager to play. Possibly even close to two years since the launch of PF2.

That is IF they are of Common/Always Available status, and not time-gated behind 'play time'. I've been trying, the CORE races just *aren't* doing it for me, and I don't want to lose 'play time' on a limited commodity of scenarios on a character I may ultimately want to discard.

4. The worst part about this is a double-edged sword. I want to see PF2 prosper (at least enough to get to tengu and kobolds) but due to not feeling confident on system mastery and not wanting to waste play opportunities, I find myself not playing and/or GMing. If there are others who are likewise in the same boat, that has a ripple effect in a given community.

With all the above being said, my apologies for not being more supportive of PF2.

I will continue to work on GMing for SFS and PFS1 as my time and work schedule permit, but I cannot commit to the new system at this time.

Am I missing crucial information or thoughts here to help grow and learn? Please let me and any others who may feel they are in the same boat know.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I am looking for a character creator that is not HLO, as the program seems to have a serious issue with my use of Firefox as a browser (and it's been an issue since Starfinder HLO, so it's nothing new).

I am NOT going to change the browser I use to support one piece of software from one site.

Especially when it works fine for pretty much everything else I need.

Is there any luck or hope out there?

Thank you for your time in advance!

1/5 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Question: Can heavier armors be made with wood treated with the Ironwood spell(or equivalent) or alternatively with wood outright?

There is a block that declares that it is at GM discretion for what armor is made of, but OrgPlay traditionally has been rather conservative about such things.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Dear Awesome and Amazing Customer Service People!

A notice of shipment was sent for this order on Saturday.

It is now Wednesday and there has been no status updates via the delivery method, and they suggested reaching out to the shipper.

If the contents weren't of a timely concern (PF2E) I'd wait a bit more patiently, but there is concern that the shipment 'fell off a truck' AFTER it was delivered to the shipping service.

Thank you very much for your time in advance!