Blue Dragon

Ronath... the Axe-User's page

65 posts. Organized Play character for Wei Ji the Learner.

Full Name

Ronath... the Axe-User


Male Dragonkin

|Law Officer| Vanguard(Medic)1|HP:13/13 SP:1/9 RP:3/3|Ini.: -1|EAC 15|KAC 18|F+4 R+1 W+2(+2 vs. paralysis) Darkvision 60' Low-light vision|Cult/Int/L.Sci+5|Myst/Per+4|Ath+3|Im: Sleep|Spd. 20/Fly 20

About Ronath... the Axe-User

L1 Ronath as Vanguard:
Ronath... The Axe-user
Dragonkin law officer[com] vanguard (medic) 1 Alien Archive 41
NG Large dragon
Init -1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +4
Defense SP 9 HP 13 RP 3
EAC 12; KAC 15
Fort +4; Ref +1; Will +2; +2 vs. effects that cause paralysis
Immunities sleep
Speed 20 ft., fly 20 ft. (Ex, average)
Melee entropic strike +3 (1d3+2 A and/or B; operative) or
. . tactical pike +3 (1d8+2 P; reach, analog)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (20 ft. with tactical pike)
Offensive Abilities breath weapon (30-ft. cone, 1d6 F, Reflex DC 12 half)
Str 14 (+2); Dex 9 (-1); Con 14 (+2); Int 13 (+1); Wis 11 (+0); Cha 12 (+1)
Skills Athletics +3, Culture +5, Intimidate +5, Life Science +5, Medicine +7, Mysticism +4, Perception +4; (reduce the DC of Sense Motive checks to detect deception and discern secret messages)
Feats Improved Combat Maneuver (reposition), Iron Will
Languages Common, Draconic, Ghibran, Shirren, Triaxian
Other Abilities draconic immunities, entropic pool[COM], entropic strike[COM], partner bond
Other Gear golemforged plating I, tactical pike, basic medkit, industrial backpack, credstick (150 credits)
Special Abilities
Partner Bond (Ex) (Ex) A dragonkin can form a permanent bond with one willing non-dragonkin creature. Once this bond is made, a dragonkin cannot form another partner bond unless its current partner dies. A dragonkin and its partner can communicate with each other as if they both had telepathy with a range of 100 feet. In combat, when a dragonkin is within 30 feet of its partner, both creatures roll initiative checks separately and treat the higher result as the result for both of them.