Numerian Gunslinger

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Has anyone tried to homebrew the old school XP for gold mechanic in pathfinder 2e? My current thinking would be to use the suggested treasure by level charts alongside the automatic bonus progression variant.

Note: Not interested in comments about whether they like the old-school XP for gold mechanic or not, just interested in how to make it work within the 2e ruleset.

The problems I am seeing is that magic items typically sell for half value. So there is a tradeoff for players will face (keep magic items but less XP, or sell item, but have less magic). Because items play an important role in power progression, it seemed easier to make the hard stat bonuses automatic, and magic items focus on more interesting effects. Moreover, alot of GP for XP type rules stipulate that XP is rewarded to players after they bring it 'home' and spend it on certain campaign themes, for example fight hard, party hard, or on class specific goals (strongholds, temples, titles, etc). This is appealing to me, especially in the kind of campaign I'm setting up: I'm planning to run a hexcrawl where clans are competing to become the next high magnate, by plundering the most riches, throwing the best parties, and basically showing the people that they can provide, a la Vikings. No AP compatibilities required.

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I'd love to see an update on this thread.

I am interested in running a campaign using gold for XP, probably along with automatic bonus progression...which I think would simplify the issue of gold vs magic.

Trying to assess the viability of a wizard mc with gunslinger. I like the flavor, but the reload might kill it.

I'm interested in play testing a multiclass into one of these, but I note that the playtest docs don't seem to include dedication feats. Thoughts? Advice?

Looking through the play test...I was hoping for dedication feats to try multiclassing into.

Are there general rules/customs for doing so, as they've been applied to other classes?

I hope Li sneak attacks that traitor Kynes

1 round frightened. 1 round sickened. many many rounds shaken.

Well then. I guess all we have left is run!

Runs on the grocery stores here in California!

Sorry guys...seamped

is location updated on map?

High AC and DR makes this one a tough cookie.

Sorry didn't realize it was my turn


Giving them the day (and evening).

It goes in the order listed above.

wait is good. I'll spend extra time on the Shackles campaign :)

Easy enough. Pathfinder is complicated. Wait until you have a level 10 character.

Oh man. Get better. My two daughters have a flu right now too.

campus's damage should be one less

Its still the holidays as far as I am concerned. No sweat.

Merry Christmas!!

And to you!


I can't wait to get precise shot

Work? I'm already in the holiday mood!

If Leeoli can reach the next guy can I just reuse the roll?

Could you add a link below the combat map link?

Cool, Id love to shoot Jack in the bum.

Sounds good.

It would be hard to cover our ship with the illusion size Tap is capable of creating at this level...but I am all for finding ways to make the ship more stealthy in the future.

Oops missed that. Nope, no two ahnded rules and prone that I know of anyway.

Creature is interesting but already started with a ship


Please bot today and tomorrow

Please bot today and tomorrow -Leeoli

ditto here.

Did you do that on a keen cutlass/rapier or sword? Thr rapier has 18-20 crit range naturally. Doubling that makes it 15-20 crit range...

Through wat appears to be double doors to the north?

I've been waiting for us to land in a major city for so long. I'm disappointed that I've been so work busy.

Tap is gonna hold on to his gold

Sorry. Ive been swamped.

Thanks Nayr for wading through that. Now that we can go to ports readily, we won't build up ancient loot piles as often.

AryaSunyata wrote:
xeyed-jack wrote:

Some of our last combat episodes let me with the impression that we are in need of some upgrades, and maybe a tank who can soak up a lot of damage.

Can Sunyata copy her character sheet into her profile? Would help.

Can you access the link in my profile? I tried copying over the full character sheet but gave up as I'm working right now and it will take me a good while to fix the formatting as it all gets separated and discombobulated

Sunyata full character sheet

I can access it.

Im swamped 11

T'eron, also I am assuming you dropped your sword, because sheathing a sword is a move action also.

Time for a charge

Sounds good to me.
It will get me to more accurately keep up with all my conditions.


That is a move action, definitely.

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