gran rey de los mono wrote:
To be clear, I'm not exaggerating about the literal impossibility of doing all that laundry in one shift. We have 1 washing machine. It takes 45 minutes to wash each load. That means that 11 loads will take 8hrs and 15mins just to wash, and 12 loads would take 9hrs. This isn't even taking into account the couple of minutes needed to unload the washer when it is done, and then put the next load in. There literally isn't enough time on my shift to do it all. And if the GM shows up for 1st shift like he's scheduled to, there is a good chance that he'll say something like "Why didn't you get all the laundry done and put away? You know that's your job, right?" And I don't need to hear that from anyone, least of all a guy who won't touch the laundry when he works a desk shift.
It isn't fair to ignore the time spent loading/unloading the machine. If it takes 5 minutes to unload and then reload the washer after each cycle, then it will add an extra hour to the total time.
Take you like 30 minutes tops to burn it all though.