
Singed Vidmaster7's page

55 posts. Alias of Vidmaster7.


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I still say you should be setting something on fire.

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*Manager show up* Where is all the laundry and why is their a big smoke cloud outback?

you: I took care of the laundry.

Which I have no idea why you should be using this time to make your enemies suffer with fire!


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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Oh, how I have not missed this s!@#. Entitled a~*$+$@ little league team that trashed the lobby. I spent almost an hour (probably 50 minutes) doing my best to clean up and reset the lobby to how it should be, but it isn't right. There are still several M&Ms that were smooshed into the carpet. Random bits of mystery foodstuffs in corners or hiding under tables. I'll work on it some more later, but I'm pretty pissed off about it. Especially since the trash can was, of course, overflowing, but THERE WASN'T A F!@*ING TRASH BAG IN IT!!! I don't know how or why the bag was removed and not replaced, but that was a whole 'nother level of s##! to deal with. And, of course, there is a ton of laundry. I've already decided I'm not putting the laundry away. Hell, I might not do it all. There is a lot and I am not motivated.

Fire is the answer.. the question is: How best to get vengeance?


*leaves promptly!*

I think I'd prefer the flame war to the Phlegm war actually.

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gran rey de los en fuego wrote:
Singed Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

To be clear, I'm not exaggerating about the literal impossibility of doing all that laundry in one shift. We have 1 washing machine. It takes 45 minutes to wash each load. That means that 11 loads will take 8hrs and 15mins just to wash, and 12 loads would take 9hrs. This isn't even taking into account the couple of minutes needed to unload the washer when it is done, and then put the next load in. There literally isn't enough time on my shift to do it all. And if the GM shows up for 1st shift like he's scheduled to, there is a good chance that he'll say something like "Why didn't you get all the laundry done and put away? You know that's your job, right?" And I don't need to hear that from anyone, least of all a guy who won't touch the laundry when he works a desk shift.

It isn't fair to ignore the time spent loading/unloading the machine. If it takes 5 minutes to unload and then reload the washer after each cycle, then it will add an extra hour to the total time.

Take you like 30 minutes tops to burn it all though.
Longer. It's raining outside, and burning it inside would cause even more problems.

True setting things on fire inside does lead to some interesting consequences.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:

To be clear, I'm not exaggerating about the literal impossibility of doing all that laundry in one shift. We have 1 washing machine. It takes 45 minutes to wash each load. That means that 11 loads will take 8hrs and 15mins just to wash, and 12 loads would take 9hrs. This isn't even taking into account the couple of minutes needed to unload the washer when it is done, and then put the next load in. There literally isn't enough time on my shift to do it all. And if the GM shows up for 1st shift like he's scheduled to, there is a good chance that he'll say something like "Why didn't you get all the laundry done and put away? You know that's your job, right?" And I don't need to hear that from anyone, least of all a guy who won't touch the laundry when he works a desk shift.

It isn't fair to ignore the time spent loading/unloading the machine. If it takes 5 minutes to unload and then reload the washer after each cycle, then it will add an extra hour to the total time.

Take you like 30 minutes tops to burn it all though.

Burninating the country side burninating all the peasants.

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hey were talking about superhero RPGs hmm...

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
I have sorted it all, and started the first load. I estimate 8 total loads. With each wash cycle taking 45 minutes, I'm going to be working on this s~+@ all night.

Well You can guess my suggestion.

gran rey de los en fuego wrote:
Mark my words, there will be fire.

More glaring different alias.

Indirect fire support? does gran have one yet? he's great at indirect fires.

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Ah confetti mixed with fire!

(I just really don't get to use this alias enough.)

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It's cold without all that hair for insulation.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
I'm not sure which of my aliases is the biggest jerk but timemaster is up their.

I'm not sure you need to look to your aliases to find the biggest jerk.

OOF Ouch gran. That was savage. I'm just gonna lay down now.

I certainly hope not.

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Mircoware the Magician wrote:
Number Five wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
really if very small quantum particles have a degree of random probability that randomness would only add up more and more the more macro you get. This would explain the dream I had about walking on the moon.
Or you're a member of the Umbrella Academy and had your memory wiped by the one that hears all the g$+&!+n rumors.
Possible... but I don't have a gorilla torso soo questionable.
Yet. The day's just begun!

Ibbley bibbley zibbley zawso,

Give Vidmaster7 a GORILLA'S TORSO!!!

There you go.

*COUGH COUGH* hck I think you used the wrong spell...

The Worst Person Ever wrote:
Speaking of vents... if you don't clean drier vents eventually things burst into flames...

He's not wrong.

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I might have a suggestion.

Sick burn.

.. Somewhat less so.

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Can confirm.

It does happen.

Yeah it seems like it works more like implosion. Where you just choose a target for it every round. I will probably continue to treat it like it used to be in my home games.

I know I used tohave them take the damage for entering the square but I could see it igther way with how it's worded.


That wasn't an attack. its how we give Pulg a trim.

Eh I've had worse.

It had to be removed but fear not it will regrow quickly.


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*Cough Cough*

That's good.

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Dragon headaches are dangerous things.

Yeah hide behind the most flammable person... well I guess I'm not as flammable now.


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Just a Mort wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Mine was dead at night. It amazes me how many people hear a fire alarm and there first reaction is to call the front desk for 10 minutes instead of Oh I don't know evacuate the building. It was within my first month here too mind you.
They're hoping front desk will tell them it's a false alarm so they can all get to bed. Our school some joker broke the fire alarm panel while moving chairs. The chair leg hit the press glass to trigger alarm part of the alarm.

Yeah the thing about it was I'm actually going to check and see if there is in fact a fire while like 50 people are calling to see if they should get out of a potentially burning building. I probably didn't start answering the calls till everyone would be good and trapped and passed out from smoke inhalation. Just saying had it been an actual fire they would all be dead except those people on the 1st floor. the other people I was amazed by was the ones using the elevator to come down. to ask me if there was a fire.

Well I think my cloths burned off this time.

I opened High G's book. you should take a look.
see: Old Book with velvet-tie clasp:


Ack! morning breath...

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
eBay is useless. I tried searching for a lighter, and all it had was 13,749 matches.
It is a pretty solid amount of matches at least. we probably need to call smokey in on that one.
Are you nekkid because all the matches are raising the temperature, of do you have a "thing" for anthropomorphic bears?

Ah you forgot option number 3 I accidentally set my cloths on fire with the matches.

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Is it getting hot in here?

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Yay an excuse to use this alias!


Yeah sorry i'm actually immortal. It just grows back.

:: Feels the is the appropriate aliase to use for a flame war ::

I think the best barber I've had so far was that dragon. Talk about thorough

<haven't used this one yet>

Its a biblical name he was a mighty hunter. People associated that with a insult because of bugs bunny but bugs was using it sarcastically.

Ouch Harsh burn but that's OK I forgive you. >.>

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