The Flame War!

Off-Topic Discussions

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And off he blunders... for now.

Finally. His feet smell terrible.

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This has happened before, it will happen again.

Whumps the pugwampi.

::Becomes un-whumped and questions Darth Terrigan's tactics and personal hygiene.::


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:plays devil's advocate on all sides to really heat things up::

::uses Force lightning to fry the hamster in its wheel, jolt the obnoxious pugwampi to unconsciousness, and apply static repulsion to rid himself of dirt and get some air-freshening ozone scent::

::points out that this in not a game forum, but still proceeds to play along to being electrocuted::

{rubs butt on Darth Terrigan's leg}

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::Declares that everyone has missed the point of the OP and returns to the original thread topic without any logical arguments but with plenty of scornful contempt for all other posters who, "just don't get it."::

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Asks Cthulwho? to repeat all of that

::disdains snooty contempt, counters with mocking comments about pretentious behavior::

::and more Force lightning::

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

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Cthulwho? wrote:
::Declares that everyone has missed the point of the OP and returns to the original thread topic without any logical arguments but with plenty of scornful contempt for all other posters who, "just don't get it."::

::Admits that he has lost the thread topic.::

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Lord Fyre wrote:
Cthulwho? wrote:
::Declares that everyone has missed the point of the OP and returns to the original thread topic without any logical arguments but with plenty of scornful contempt for all other posters who, "just don't get it."::
::Admits that he has lost the thread topic.::

...and therefore...


::Insists that yes, the pugwampi's have a valid point, but that the other side has still made a on-the-whole better case::

:: Feels the is the appropriate aliase to use for a flame war ::


Scarab Sages

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*savagely puts down anybody who puts any stock whatsoever in a certain conspiracy hypothesis, while simultaneously clinging to own belief in demonstrably untrue urban legend*

*Tells IHIYC that he is obviously uneducated and should clean his ears out with industrial-strength acid so I don't have to repeat the obvious truth so many times*

*Moves on to list how everyone on this thread are secretly working for the lizard people who put gave the reins of power over to that abomination Justin Beiber*

Loudly denigrates the quality and objectivity of everyone else's sources, then provides a link to a political party's Youtube channel by way of proof.

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
*savagely puts down anybody who puts any stock whatsoever in a certain conspiracy hypothesis, while simultaneously clinging to own belief in demonstrably untrue urban legend*

{sips pickle tea, Shakespearian gob-'splains definitions of "theory" and "hypothesis", getting both quite wrong}

{farts in everyone's general direction}

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Ah. I see the goblins have resorted to their equivalent of "intellectual discourse" to win.

*dawns gas mask*



*loudly and wrongly accuses everyone of being communist, mutated, and also pond scum.*

::"Apologizes" for other people taking his insults personally, rather than as a joke as he so obviously intended::

Scarab Sages

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*defends contemporary political figure by conflating them with influential historical figure who actually would not have liked said contemporary figure*

::Disagrees with I'm Hiding In Your Closet's base point by constructing a flawed logic train rather than simply stating the obvious::


Your probably wrong.
About ALL of them being wrong, but who knows? I might be wrong.

Are you sure about that?

Are they sure about what?

Grand Lodge

::Jumps into argument with what is certainly a fresh view that no one else has stated before in the many previous posts::

*Claims I already mentioned IDTheftVictim's points on a post that got eaten two pages ago*

Scarab Sages

*drags Pokemon/My Little Pony/Power Rangers/Disney into this somehow*

*Continues Pokemon derail, including vehement opinions on pronunciation*

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*whispers*Pugwampi victory over the Flame War!



*sneaks out of thread quietly*

Scarab Sages

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Cavaliers are better than Fighters!
Gunslingers are better than Cavaliers!
Fighters are better than Gunslingers!

Clearly, therefore, we must nerf the Occultist!

Yip yap yip yip! {attempts to herd IHIYC back into closet}

::Uses archaic and obsolete definitions of words used by some posters to try and undermine their arguments by pointing out that they do not mean what they are saying::

Scarab Sages

*proposes completely new definition of commonly-used word, thinks everyone should adopt it*

{suggests a reasonable fact-based opinion with a link to corroborating evidence... which instead turns out to be a link to brain-etching disgusting images}

* Imposes own world view onto everything and then complains that people are just too old now anyways and the young people are just too stupid to understand. Gimme mah free s%~@*

*Asks to hear all of IHIYC and LSoY-S's definitions again. Proposes yet another which somehow has nothing to do with any of them.*

Oblivious Troll is Oblivious wrote:
*Asks to hear all of IHIYC and LSoY-S's definitions again. Proposes yet another which somehow has nothing to do with any of them.*

::Wonders why that would be in any way effective or what it is all about::


:: Makes snarky comment accusing previous poster of killing thread, follows up with snide statement about paladin intelligence ::

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

:: Flags this thread as Political. ::

"Wait, so what's the DC to jump a 10' wide pit?"
"Also, where did you get those crowbars?"
:Flees country but continues to post under alternate account:

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