This will be a mash up of Carrion Crown and Strange Aeons, starting in Ustalav, moving to Ravenloft and at some point, moving back to Ustalav.
Pathfinder 1E rules.
Character Creation
1. 25 Point Buy.
2. Max HP at 1st level (roll OR 1/2+1 per level thereafter).
3. Background Skills.
4. Automatic Bonus Progression will be utilized. Bonuses start at Second Level.
5. Skill unlocks will be used.
6. Two Traits. You may also pick up a Drawback to "buy" a third trait.
7. Hero Points Character Gain 1 Hero Point Per Level each time they level capping at 5 (i.e. at 6th level you gain 5 more). Characters can carry over unused points.
House Rules for Hero Points:
Hero Point Mechanics:
1) One permanent Hero Point may be used to avoid a final death scenario allowing a narrow cinematic escape,
2) One temporary Hero Point may be used if you are between -1 and -9 hit points to stabilize yourself to prevent further blood loss,
3) Temporary Hero Points may be expended to power Feats. These grant a lasting bonus for a one scene or one round duration depending on the feat description,
4) One temporary Hero Point grants a character a chance to supplement their d20 roll by 1d6 and add the result (whatever it was - no re-roll) to the d20 result,
5) No more than one Hero Point may be expended per round.
Optional rules mostly in the form of New Feats for Hero Points:
Arcane Surge (Prerequisites - Arcane Class) (Allows wielder to increase a spell DC by 3 for 1 round by expending a Hero Point),
Attune Item (Prerequisites - A Weapon of Legacy) (Allows wielder to expend one hero point to add +3 to attack and damage for the scene with chosen item),
Defensive Ward (Prerequisites - Dodge) (Allows wielder to expend one hero point to give yourself a +3 Luck bonus to AC for the scene),
Divine Surge (Prerequisites - Divine Class) (Allows wielder to increase a spell DC by 3 for 1 round by expending a Hero Point),
Heroic Feat (Prerequisites - None) (Any saving throw successfully made 10 points above an effects DC automatically allows the character to regain 1 used Hero Point),
Heroic Grace (Prerequisite - None) (Allows wielder to expend one hero point to add +1 to all saving throws or +3 to one saving throw for one scene),
Heroic Quickness (Prerequisites - Improved Initiative) (Allows wielder to expend one hero point to add +3 to Initiative checks),
Manifesting Surge (Prerequisites - Psionic Class) (Allows wielder to increase a powers save DC by 3 for 1 round by expending a Hero Point).
8. Legacies. The player must select one of the following Legacies:
Reniers, or
The other choices were already selected.
Depending on what you pick will grant you bonuses at the start of character creation. I won't list the bonuses so character creation will be a bit more interesting as you have no idea what you get depending on what you pick. These Legacies will also grant bonus Feats (my choice) at 5th and 10th level.
9. Weapons of Legacy. I will be using the Weapons of Legacy rules (modified) to transform one of your weapons or other items depending on the class selected into an item that gains magical abilities with you while you level.
10. I will be using Fear, Horro, and Sanity. Sanity pools will be a characters Intelligence+Wisdom+Charisma
While I allow all official and third party splat books, if something seems a bit mechanically OP'd I reserve the right to veto.
All classes are fine. Most races are fine, though if you want to play a Goblin or an Orc (a race that would receive hostility in a majority Human settlement let's discuss).
All PC's will have either adventured with, been a student of, or met (in whatever manner you wish to described it in your background) the esteemed Dr. Rudolph van Richten of Lepidstadt University. The Doctor has spent a lifetime researching foes of the living, specifically the Undead (though he has tackled other horrors of Ustalav as well). After a lifetime of research as well as adventuring, he has retired to Ravengro, his home city in Ustalav to be with his daughter Kendra as his wife recently passed away. Some of you may have met Kendra (up to you in your background) or just heard about her in passing from the Doctor.
Characters can start within Ustalav or an area near Ustalav in Golarion, but not within Ravengro. You can also know one another if you wish.
You receive from him a missive requesting your urgent assistance.... in fact, the letter is the opening post in Gameplay.
I've been private recruiting this for a while so the first person to create a build will be chosen as the final PC in the game.
The Party currently consists of:
1) Aasimar(Angelblooded) Bloodrager.
2) Human Holy Gun.
3) Half-Elf Inquisitor (Royal Accuser / Sanctified Slayer).
4) Half-Orc (Pyro) Kineticist 1 / VMC Sorcerer (Orc).
5) Human Pharasman Cleric (Ecclesitheurge).
6) PC Build in Progress a Fighter or Rogue/Swashbuckler.
There may, or may not, be a 7th PC, this makes YOUR PC the 8th PC.
As with the Venice game, everyone is starting with a Human, your concept is important. Spend at least a little bit of time considering this and post a brief history based on your concept for me.
Note that I'd prefer that you keep any discussion of interactions between your new PCs and your old Pcs as non-existent in your background. They will be there in the shadows as it were and I'll reveal that as part of the opening scene.
Freebies - 15 (You may only select 1 non-clan Discipline and it must be approved by me first).
Max Trait Rating 4.
You may select up to 7 Flaw points. You may select some flaws during Human creation (if appropriate) but the Freebies generated will be spent post Embrace.
You may also select up to 10 points in Merits (obviously only freebies can be used to purchase these) again choices must be approved by me.
As some of you have chosen to be embraced by your prior characters this will be a LOW generation game. No Backgrounds should be spent on Generation, as I will choose your sires, I will set your generation. To offset the imbalance (and there will be an imbalance as Lou will be starting out at 5th generation) I will award extra freebies to the players who are higher generation. No one will start out lower than 7th.
Starting Location
Initially we will be starting in Liechtenstein. Unlike the Venice game, this game will explore some of the surrounding cities/countries.
Your humans can be from anywhere you want, so long as they have either moved to or are planning to go to Venice.
For the moment of course, this is a closed game. I might consider 1 or 2 new PCs. We will see once we finally get started likely months and months from the date of this post.
The date is April 4, 1444. It is a time of chaos and death. The New World has not yet been discovered, and the Old World is awash in blood. The Crusades have come to a disastrous end for Christendom. The final Christian stronghold in the Holy Land fell 150 years ago, and subsequent Crusades have been utter failures. Suffering deep humiliation, Christendom turns inward. Like a trapped animal desperately gnawing on its own flesh, it unleashes a torrent of new Inquisitions, attempting to purge itself of unwanted elements.
The Italian Renaissance has not yet reached the dark heart of Europe, and the Protestant Reformation is still almost a century away. As the Holy Roman Empire declines, the Turkish Empire ascends. The Moslem religious wars meet with triumph and solidify the Turks’ power base in the Holy Lands. In 1453, less than a decade after this story occurs, the Turks topple the Eastern Orthodox Church and capture Constantinople, the holiest city in Christendom. They will be indirectly aided by the calculating indifference of a Western papacy eager to see the fall of its only rival for authority over the Christian world. From the newly seized holy city, the Turks will threaten all of Europe: a land devastated by Hundred Years’ War and the Black Death.
But that is still 10 years away. For now, in 1444, Western Europe is a fool’s paradise, and people enjoy a false sense of security.
People such as yourselves.
It seems that the efforts you have made in life have gotten you noticed! You each receive an offer that you cannot refuse, an invitation to a dinner with a wealthy and powerful Earl. The print is beautiful, this must be the movable type print that has become such the rage the last few years. The invitation reads:
The Honor of Your Company is Most Requested for a Late Dinner at the Home of
The Fourth Day of April
The Year of Our Lord 1444
A Couch Will Be Sent Round to Collect Yu and Provide All Necessary Traveling Arrangements for the Feast.
Do Not Arrive Early
My friend, my dreams have been strange as of late. Yes, I know, we have spoken of my dreams many times over the years, but these dreams are vivid, so much more vivid than the ones I described to you in the past. I am beginning to believe that when I dream, I am not merely dreaming, but traveling. Often to dark places... I have been journaling for months about these things that I have seen. Much of it will seem like fanciful fiction to you. To many perhaps. Maybe it is these lands so infused with darkness and negative energy from the centuries under the yoke of the Whispering Tyrant that my dreams are often of the dead, the undead. Much of it connected to the past of Ustalav. A past I believe may go farther back than anyone has ever suspected. I believe I will need help, more help than Kendra can provide. I need you my friend to come to me. I… I can say no more in this letter.
Your friend, Doctor Rudolph van Richten
4711 AR, Ravengro, Ustalav
The PC builds using V20 rules:
Attributes - 8/6/4
Abilities - 17/12/7
Disciplines - 7 (you can spend 1 point on non-Clan Celerity/Fortitude/Potence if you so choose)
Backgrounds - 8
Virtues - 7
Freebies - 22
Merits up to 7 points
Flaws up to 7 points
Starting Generation 12th (you can go as low as 7th)
[PCs take 1 Ritual per dot in Thaumaturgy including Paths - so if you take a 4 Thaumaturgy and 3 Movement of the Mind - you take 2 1st, 2 2nd, 2 3rd and 1 4th level Ritual].
Starting Year 1910.
Your history is not terribly important but feel free to draft one if you wish, you can be from anywhere in the world as the PCs will be assembled in Vienna at the start of the Chronicle. If you wish to take a non-Clan Discipline besides the physical ones, that will need to be in a Background and make sense.
For Thaumaturgy ANY Path can be primary. Blood Magic (traditional Thaumaturgy) can be secondary or you don't have to take it at all if you don't want to.
There are many names outsiders use to refer to Clan Tremere. Despite the distrust of much of our “Kindred” brethren towards us, in less than 1,000 years we have become indispensable to the dominant Sect, the Camarilla. Our organization and our versatility are our strengths. It is through the Pyramid that we find enlightenment and protection. Though our enemies are varied and powerful so are we. As the Seven pledge loyalty to our Leader and Founder, so too do we…
I, hereby swear my everlasting loyalty to House and Clan Tremere and all its members. I am of their blood, and they are of mine. We share our lives, our goals and our achievements. I shall obey those the House sees fit to name my superiors, and treat my inferiors with all the respect and care they earn for themselves.
I will not deprive nor attempt to deprive any member of House and Clan Tremere of his magical power. To do so would be to act against the strength of our House. I will not slay nor attempt to slay any member of the House and Clan except in self-defense, or when a magus has been ruled outlaw by a properly constituted tribunal. If a magus has been ruled an outlaw, I shall bend all efforts to bring such magus to justice.
I will abide by all decisions of the tribunals, and respectfully honor the wishes of the Inner Council of Seven and the wishes of my superiors. The tribunals shall be bound by the spirit of the Code of Tremere, as supplemented by the Peripheral Code and interpreted by a properly constituted body of magi. I have the right to appeal a decision to a higher tribunal, if they should agree to hear my case.
I will not endanger House and Clan Tremere through my actions. Nor will I interfere with the affairs of mundanes in any way that brings ruin upon my House and Clan. I will not, when dealing with devils, or others, in any way bring danger to the clan, nor will I disturb the faeries in any way that should cause them to take their vengeance on the House and Clan. I also swear to uphold the values and goals of the Camarilla, and I will maintain the Masquerade. Insofar as these goals may conflict with my goals, I will not pursue my own ends in any way that would endanger the Masquerade. The strength of the House and Clan Tremere depends on the strength of the Masquerade.
I will not use magic to scry upon members of the House and Clan Tremere, nor shall I use it to peer into their affairs. It is expressly forbidden.
I will train only apprentices who will swear to this code, and should any of them turn against the House and Clan, I shall be the first to strike them down and bring them to justice. No apprentice of mine shall be called magus until he first swears to uphold the code. I shall treat my apprentices with the care and respect that they earn.
I concede to my elders the right to take my apprentice should it be found that my apprentice is valuable to an elder's work. All are members of the House and Clan and valuable first to these precepts. I shall abide by the right of my superiors to make such decisions.
I shall further the knowledge of the House and Clan and share with its members all that I find in my search for wisdom and power. No secrets are to be kept, or given, regarding the arts of magic, nor shall I keep secret the doings of others which might bring harm to the House and Clan.
I demand that, should I break this oath, I should be cast out of the House and Clan. If I am cast out, I ask my brothers to find and slay me that my life may not continue in degradation and infamy.
I recognize that the enemies of the House and Clan are my enemies, that the friends of the House and Clan are my friends, and that the allies of the House and Clan are my allies. Let us work as one and grow hale and strong.
I hereby swear this oath! Woe to they who try to tempt me to break this oath, and woe to me if I succumb to such temptation.
The Year of Our Lord Saturday December 31, 1910 – Vienna - Austro-Hungarian Empire The Prime Chantry
You arrive on this cold wet night trudging through a mix of snow and rain hampering visibility. Ahead, the “public entrance” of the Prime Chantry beckons. The electric lights make the cobblestoned streets that lead to St. Rupert’s Church glow as if illuminated by magic. Your Regent stated that an Elder of the Clan had a “special assignment” well worth the long travel to arrive here…
Venice - The Year of Our Lord 1309 – Thursday April 3, 1309
Doge Pietro Gradenigo has put down the rebellion that nearly toppled his leadership. The Mortals have settled down as the fighting resulted in a swift decisive victory for the Doge and his allies. Despite excommunication, Venice will not bend to the demands of Pope Clement.
In the shadowy world of the Cainites though, Disaster has struck!
The nascent Camarilla “Inner Circle” has been scattered by the very same Hunters that the Camarilla was formed to blind Mortal eyes to. The architect of this sect and the Prince of Venice, Narses the former Archbishop of Nod, has been slain. It is not known yet who else has been reduced to ashes or if they have merely fled. What is clear, is that the Elders who did escape in many cases did so by sacrificing the very same Childer they claimed to hold so dear…
From this catastrophe Narses has been replaced by a triumvirate of his Childer Magdalena Castelucci Borcellino , Alejandro “the Prince in Exile”, and Lord Leopold Valdemar. Chosen by a mysterious Cappadocian, Lord Bion, hand-picked by the shadow essence of the Dead Prince himself. Will those Elders remaining in the city fall in line or seize this opportunity to stake their own claim to the powerful city of Venice? Can the Cainites remaining afford such a War with the Inquisition so close at hand?
The Childer of the “Inner Circle” who have remained behind in Venice stand to gain much by successfully navigating the dangers posed by these Hunters. The Final Death stalks the canals of the city by day and by Night though as one of their own has betrayed the Cainites. Sir Dunstan Füller of Clan Brujah must be destroyed at all cost.
Contemplating running a Chronicle where the PCs are all comprised of a single Clan. Cannot start the game till the Spring but I caught the bug tonight and figured I would throw this out there and see who was interested.
Could be Giovanni Chronicles IV (Giovanni) or maybe a chapter in the Ventrue Chronicles (Ventrue) or another Clan (probably no supplement at all) entirely. I'll let the PCs (assuming I get any) pick.
I'd run any period from Dark Ages through Modern, nothing before Dark Ages though as that would require too much heavy lifting on my part and I could not spare the time for that plus I have another game I want to bring out of Torpor here on the Boards around the same time.
Little is known of the history of the first human civilization, other than the sad story of its destruction. Myths tell of an ancient war between the Azlanti and a race known as the serpentfolk. The Azlanti are said to have driven their enemies off the face of Golarion and into the Darklands. In the war's final battle, Savith, an Azlanti hero beheaded the serpent god Ydersius in the Darklands realm of Sekamina. It is also rumored that exiles of Azlant founded the empire of Thassilon. Whatever the truth of that Myth, recent rumors of the discovery of a "Lost Island" in the Arcadian Ocean fuel rumors that Azlant has been re-discovered...
You feel a bit restless as the group asks you to track down a lead on the Hunter Michael Standdown on your own. It was one thing to confront him with a group but alone? That may be another matter entirely.
As you consider whether to dial the Native man's number, you feel a presence behind you. You turn and it is a spirit, the spirit that your Sire can send out on long range trips, somehow.
It speaks in its unsettling disembodied voice, "It has been some time since you phoned home..."
The group is headed into Gary tonight to find that Hunter. You head into Gary too but you are not sure what you want to do. One thing is for sure though, those Licks are cramping your style! Boooring!
With a free night, you opt to head once again to the Tremere Chantry. Nicolai was receptive to your return to increase your own knowledge of the secrets of the Clan.
As you arrive at the front walkway to enter, you see a car down the street flash its lights at you.
Finally, you manage to steal a nice ride from some Kine square who has no business riding a Harley. As you hurtle down the road, you see in your rear view a group of bikers who are gaining on you fast. Are these friends of that Mortal or something else?
Do you slow down and let them catch up, or speed up? If you decide to speed up, make a Dexterity+Drive roll DC Variable.
Pope Clement's excommunication has come to pass. Doge Pietro Gradenigo is beset politically by his foes within the Great Council. Open Rebellion may burst into the streets any moment and the unrest is palpable.
For the Cainite residents of the city it is business but not as usual.
A Grand Conclave has been called by Elder and Neonate alike seeking to end the so called War of Princes which has waged since the fall of Constantinople to the Fourth Crusade.
This open warfare of the Cainites has allowed large numbers of humans across civilization to discover the existence of Vampires among them. Something not seen since the fall of the "Second City" city of Vampire myth. The Silence of the Blood has been tattered though not shattered.
Through these tatters have stepped Mortals that Hunt the Hunters! An Inquisition by the Church which has uncovered and led to the death of many Cainites, mainly Neonates. Regardless, this conflict has alarmed even the Elders who are wise enough to see the dangers presented by mass awareness of the existence of their Childer.
Thus, from the Ashes of War, a new body politic has been formed. The Camarilla. A sect created to protect and nurture all Cainites from the eyes of Mortals and each other, or has it?
I am seeking a player to play Lord Thomas Havelyn in a Way of the Wicked campaign. I altered the NPCs background a bit to have been married to a woman who was part Tiefling who worshiped Asmodeus secretly. Once she was discovered she was executed and the execution gave Lord Havelyn mixed emotions about Mitra and the Kingdom of Talingarde in general. These feelings were pushed aside until the arrival of the characters at Balentyne where one of the current characters Soren Marsailles is the spitting image of his dead wife and coincidentally was born the day after his wife was executed. Havelyn took this as a sign from Asmodeus and converted to the cause of the characters which led to the sacking of Balentyne at the end of Book I.
As an NPC, he was a Level 2 Aristocrat and Level 7 Paladin.
The characters are only Level 5 currently so I wish to have a new players run him as 5th level to match the current PC power level. I'd like to see him as a Cleric of Asmodeus or an Anti-Paladin but will entertain other interesting ideas as well. I allow all Third Party and Pathfinder classes.
You can either use a 25 point to make new stats or accept his stats as listed in the Book:
You will begin with the following equipment:
+1 Dastardly Full Plate,
Masterwork Heavy Steel Shield,
Masterwork Longsword ("Balinger" an heirloom sword which has a Holy Symbol of Mitra built into the cross guard),
Masterwork Dagger (adorned with gilding which marks him as a Knight of Alerion),
Headband of Alluring Charisma +2 (already include din the stats above).
A Leatherbound Book Detailing the Family Tree of the Havelyn's (reading from it allows those who hear it the effects of Bless that lasts for 2 hours once per week if they are followers of Mitra - he will not part with it as it is still a family heirloom), and
900 Gold.
You will receive 2 Traits.
He is Human so his race will not change but a conversion to a half-fiend template I would consider as time moves on in the game.
I am a DM who took over for a prior DM so the builds are a bit of a compromise. At first level, the character is Gestalt. At 5th, 9th, 15th, and 19th I am allowing the PCs to swap out taking a Feat at the level to take another Gestalt Level.
My posting rate is relatively slow these days just an FYI.
Any takers? I'll leave this open for the next 10 days to see if there is any interest. Thanks.
Starting at 3rd Level.
Traditional Eberron Races are (obviously) allowed.
25 Point Buy.
We are using Background skills.
Max HP at 1st Level. Roll or 1/2+1 HD thereafter.
If you wish to use a supplement just ask.
Yes Psionic Characters are welcome (Ultimate Psionics).
A brief Background 2 paragraphs max is fine.
Two Traits (from any book including Campaign Traits unless they are tied to the core of that Campaign and would make little sense here).
You may take a single Drawback to gain another Trait.
Each character will receive a bonus Feat of their own choice over and above the base level 1 Feat which must be selected at character creation.
I will use a Hero Point system of my own devising.
Starting with 4,000 GP.
Current party consist of an Elven fighter, a Warforged Fighter/Investigator, a Human Wilder.
Sharn - City of Towers - 998 YK - Fifteenth Day of Dravago - The Dig Site
EE Re-Roll - 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
EE manages this time to strike his foe and guts the creature and it gasps falling to the ground dropping its battleaxe to the floor in a clang.
Taryn steps into the next four armed creature his face bordering on fury.
Earthbreaker Attack 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27 - Damage 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 5) + 6 = 12.
The Earthbreaker comes down in an overhead swing splattering the creature its bows falling at the feet of Taryn.
Jiri grunts, "Damn, don't damage those bows, I think they're the first special things we've found down here. They came from the south. I'd wager that's where we should go next".
It's Three Dragon Ante Night at the University of Magic Arts, or at least Bunnicula called for a late, late game! He has been acting erratically since his Master, Bucknard, disappeared under mysterious circumstances two years before. Still, being around him gives you all hope that one day all of you will, like he, be away from your Humans. They aren't that bad sort, at least not for Humans. Still freedom you all yearn for it...
Of course, the damn Bunny is late, again, so you start the game and will either deal him in later or restart when he arrives.
You, each one of you, feel a pull from your Masters' as if asking Where are you!?. However, you've a LOT of gold on this pot with your current hands each looking favorable for the win!
Anaxian ignores his Master Rary, Tekumsah La'Awethikah ignores his Master Otto, Zizi The Masterless ignores her Master Jallarzi, Whisper Heart Sliver ignores her Master Otiluke, Eirish Carb'Ombe ignores his Master Drawmij, Trakas Aeramirdal ignores his Master Nystul, Silvertail ignores her Master Bigby, and finally Fidget the Raccoon ignores his Master Tenser.
Each of you feels a sense of irritation from your Masters but what can you do? Excuses will be made and this too shall pass. After all, it is 3 am what could these Human Wizards' want a THIS Ungodly hour?
Everyone roll d20, let's see who wins this hand shall we? Let's say you each have in the pot 10% of your remaining Gold post purchases.
Little is known of the history of the first human civilization, other than the sad story of its destruction. Myths tell of an ancient war between the Azlanti and a race known as the serpentfolk. The Azlanti are said to have driven their enemies off the face of Golarion and into the Darklands. In the war's final battle, Savith, an Azlanti hero beheaded the serpent god Ydersius in the Darklands realm of Sekamina. It is also rumored that exiles of Azlant founded the empire of Thassilon. Whatever the truth of that Myth, recent rumors of the discovery of a "Lost Island" in the Arcadian Ocean fuel rumors that Azlant has been re-discovered...
Little is known of the history of the first human civilization, other than the sad story of its destruction. Myths tell of an ancient war between the Azlanti and a race known as the serpentfolk. The Azlanti are said to have driven their enemies off the face of Golarion and into the Darklands. In the war's final battle, Savith, an Azlanti hero beheaded the serpent god Ydersius in the Darklands realm of Sekamina. It is also rumored that exiles of Azlant founded the empire of Thassilon. Whatever the truth of that Myth, recent rumors of the discovery of a "Lost Island" in the Arcadian Ocean fuel rumors that Azlant has been re-discovered...
I have been playing in a Dragonlance campaign utilizing the Age Of Mortals 3.5 Edition SuperAdventure series starting with Key of Destiny continuing into Spectre of Sorrows and finishing with Price of Courage.
Unfortunately our beloved DM has been out of contact for nearly two months.
We would like to continue the campaign and are looking for a DM willing to assist us.
The group could also use a 5th player, preferably a Fighter or Fighter/Cleric.
The Pathfinder rules have been utilized with Dragonlance 3.5 Prestige Classes, Spells, and Feats legal but no Third Party Products.
Currently we are in Book II, Spectre of Sorrows having just escaped from the Coral Citadel and about to confront the BBEG of that chapter in a battle on the Surf.
Alathea of Solace 9th Level Human Cleric of Zivilyn - Storyteller Shadow,
Athola 9th Level Afflicted Kender Rogue (Acrobat) - DarkOne the Drow,
Gabriel, the Just 9th Level Human Dual Talented Knight of Solamnia/
Paladin of Kiri-Jolith - Ashe, and
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti Human Black Robed Wizard (Necromancer) 6/Renegade Hunter 3 - Jason Rodarte.
Our 5th player has not posted in a while so I believe we lost him thus the need for a replacement front liner.
The four current PCs are diligent posters and we would very much like to complete what we started.
Thank you in advance for stepping in and helping us out!
The Scimitar lands near the wreckage that was a spaceship. The Hutt is not here nor does the ground reveal that any sort of Hutt like creature was moving about nearby.
A quick search of the area reveals a few things of interest. The dead body was dressed in Jedi Robes, his style of lightsaber was old, a pre-Sideous Jedi Order build. However, the kyber crystal was removed as the blade casing itself was damaged in the explosion. The droid is, or was, a Jedi Training Droid. Its head was removed as was the arm and one leg, the rest of it is so much scrap metal. Finally, a set of footprints, one foot being dragged leads away from the woods and end in the grass several dozen meters from the destroyed ship. You surmise that there was a speeder here that was flown away. It seems that at least one crew member of this ship was injured but survived!
The navicomputer on the ship was intentionally destroyed by a lightsaber, nothing is recoverable, well, unless you wish to spend significant time here trying...
Praxis cracks his neck, "No Hutt here. We should probably get a move on..."
Droxu – The Cignet System - Popara the Hutt's Space Barge
Vago puts up his big Hutt mitts, pulls you all aside and replies in Basic, "Dengar, Dengar, Dangar, how can I pay you that many credits when you brought me four crates of spice? The payment agreed upon was for a ship full of spice.
You can certainly tell Popara what I said but I can refute it, who do you think he will believe, me or you?
Tell you what, you risked yourselves and saved Mika so I'll give you 40,000 credits - 10,000 credits per spice crate recovered.
If you go back to Endregaard and get the balance of the spice, I'll pay you the balance of the Credits". He crosses his arms making it clear that he'll not budge on the offer.
Playing in 20+ games and running 26 (soon to be 27) is time consuming. Outside of the boards I have a fairly busy work schedule and of course a life!
Often I find that if I fall behind in updates, I need to make time to simply update a Discussion Thread to inform the PCs of a particular game that I am either going to be posting later in the day or week or will be on a break form the boards for one reason or another.
To save time updating so many damn threads I am going to open this thread and link all of my DM aliases (and PC aliases) to this thread to inform people as to status.
Of course if people feel the need to ask other questions outside of PbP feel free to do so but mainly this will be a thread dedicated to ensuring that my PCs know my status and to assure everyone that even though I may have some absences away from the boards (or particular games) this thread will always be up to date with my status.
RECRUITMENT IS OFFICIALLY RE RE REOPENED for Star Wars - Saga Edition - The Tion Cluster Gambit
Legacy Era Star Wars Saga Edition campaign set a few years before the events of the Dark Horse Comic Book Series Star Wars: Legacy.
The character I am looking for will be a 9th level Sith OR a Sith Empire Agent.
As we are in the Legacy Era, all books are legal. Though I would appreciate it if you would reference what book (outside of the Core book) you take a Prestige Class, Feat, Talent Tree, or Power from.
25 Point Buy.
Max HP at first level, roll for every level thereafter. If you roll a 1 on your HP, I will give a free re-roll.
Starting Credits - 1st level max x5 to start.
You will be starting with another new PC.
I am looking for ONE PC. First come, first served on this one. I need a player relatively quickly as I want to move into Book II within the week and want that PC to come in when the existing group transitions into Book II.
The current roster has two Sith and a Noble. The other new PC is a soldier with Heavy Weapons training.
Zhentil Keep was the first human city to be built on the northern side of the Moonsea, and it has become the richest and most powerful habitation in the area, rivaling Suzail and the cities of Sembia. It has been called, at times, Thargate Keep, because it stands between the eastern Heartlands to the south and Thar.
There can be no understanding of Zhentil Keep without understanding its groups. The first thing any scholar of the Keep must know is the difference between the Zhents, the Zhentilar, and the Zhentarim.
Zhents are citizens of the Keep, those who live and work and dwell and die in the city. Their toil is fodder for those who rule them.
Zhentilar are the swords and spells of Zhentil Keep, the soldiers and mages that are the armies of the Zhents. Their work is that of Empire, they seek to dominate lands both near and far for their own glory and the glory of their masters.
Zhentarim are the undisputed masters of the Keep, even if their rule is from the shadows of the power structure of the city.
Lord Chess Calkontor and the Council of Lords may rule in name but those in the know are well aware that the true might pf the city resides with the Zhentarim, the Black Network. Their goal is much more subtle than that of the Zhentilar, they seek to dominate all trade in Faerun and they do so the same way they rule Zhentil Keep, through the shadows.
Those who wish to be something more than a Zhent or a Zhentilar know that they must rise through the ranks of the Zhentarim, they must become members of the Black Network...
For some reason, this Game is not listed in my Current Campaigns tab. Is there perhaps a glitch here? I play and run dozens of campaigns and have never had this issue before.
The Game does show as dotted in my Focused Messageboards view.
Alright, go ahead and DOT in and let's discuss how to or whether to tie the PCs together or whether to have you all meet in the Last Stop and start our adventures there.
In the year 4709 War came to Nirmathas. The hobgoblin horde that invaded the land was resisted by a group of brave heroes whose names have been lost to time. After all, who remembers heroes whose actions led to… this? And can they really be considered heroes after all? The Mana Wastes seem a quaint curiosity, the Worldwound a land of order compared to the disaster that befell what was once Nirmathas, Ustalav, Lastwall, and portions of the Hold of Belkzen. This blasted wasteland produces nothing, nothing natural anyway.
Perhaps the greatest fall-out from “the Apocalypse” as the Bards now call it, was the destruction of the Wards that held Tar-Baphon in his prison. The Whispering Tyrants greatest foes’ were all but wiped out from the face of Golarion by the blast. Still, the Lich was in no rush to confront those who remained. Instead he gained strength in secret – the Orcs, the Hobgoblins whose dreams of Kingdom came crashing down on them, and of course the living dead the number of whom proliferated astronomically due to the devastation wrought by the Invasion.
From tragedy though there is also opportunity, many from Nidal, the Riverlands and even Cheliax began to descend on the Wastelands also known as “the Waste” to pick the corpse of the Nations that were. It was a group of these interlopers in 4720 that discovered the return of the Whispering Tyrant forcing his hand in what would one day be known as “the Waste War”.
The strength of Lastwall by this time had been slowly whittled down by the Whispering Way agents who manipulated the creatures known as the “Mutants” to expend the strength of the Clerics on these foes. Thus, the Counties of Ustalav that remained fell under assault by the forces of the Tyrant with little effective resistance. By day the Orcs and their Hobgoblin generals fought the armies of man. By night Vampires with powers heretofore unseen struck behind enemy lines. The Tyrant though would not settle on Ustalav alone this time, now he sought to conquer east to the Lake of Mists and Veils if not beyond.
Thus, did the Tyrant make a significant tactical error. By 4730 Ustalav was once again conquered and renamed by the rest of the surrounding lands the Terror. Once the denizens of the Terror pushed east, the people’s of Numeria and the Riverlands pushed back.
The burgeoning Kingdom of Freedom recognized the danger before the Tyrant began his eastward push through their spymaster Ursula who made a most unusual contact within the Terror itself. The Council of Freedom approached the city of Torch now long known for its famous forge fires. With the strength of Lastwall spent they argued, if the devices known as firearms could be produced on a massive scale, it may well turn the tide against the forces of the Tyrant, which Freedom argued were coming. The Council of Torch agreed but informed the leaders of Freedom that it would take a significant investment to create such a large number of forges and hire and train enough blacksmiths and gunsmiths to run it, an investment that the Technic League would not finance.
Karl Medyved assured the Council of Torch that it could be done. Councilor Medyved approached old King Noleski Surtova of Brevoy whom he had known since childhood and convinced both the King and the Brevoy Royalty of the seriousness of the danger, by bringing a traitor from the midst of the Whispering Tyrant with him! At this time, the name of the mole was not yet known. Resources in hand, the people of Torch began to increase the size and number of forges to craft guns and ammunition as well as the craftsmen to create even more wondrous firearms.
When the Whispering Tyrant’s forces came east, the Free peoples were ready for them. Though not as effective as the powers of the divine, the firearms still proved the measure of the evil forces due to their increased destructive capacity. Their range allowed for less casualties than traditional melee weapons and therefore less corpses for the Necromancers of the Way to turn against the forces of Light, well forces of the Gray. Moreover, the Androids were able to guard at night against the night raids of the Vampires in a way human sentries never could, especially with the spy network of Freedom providing intelligence prior to nearly every strike.
By 4740 the forces of the Tyrant were pushed fully into the Terror and the ranks of the Hobgoblins and Orcs mostly broken. This did not of course come without great loss of life and resources. Much of the youth of Freedom, Brevoy, the northern River Lands, and the residents of Torch were lost to the War. The Technic League and Kevoth Kul abstained from the War thus the power of Starfall was not with the “League of Nations” which had developed out of necessity.
Fighting through the Terror was agreed upon by the League and encouraged by the remnants of Ustalav to put an end to the Tyrant once and for all. The remnants of Lastwall’s divine heroes rose once more and it was their arrival at the Moot that swayed the vote to take the fight to Gallowspire. By 4752 the seminal moment of the battle came when arrayed on the field of battle around the Gallowspire, the forces of the League along with the leader of Lastwall’s remaining clerics and Paladins looked into the sky and saw a massive meteor hurtling towards them all!
Suddenly the meteor stopped in mid-air and there it remained and has remained ever since. The undead of the Gallowspire held as the Vampires who could not fight by day surged onto the battlefield now that the meteor blocked the effects of the hated sunlight and the League’s forces were broken. Since that day, the Terror and much of the eastern Waste has been turned over to the Tyrant and his former allies, the Council of Eternal Night.
According to the spy who history has revealed as Ilnerik Sivanshin, a former Legendary Pathfinder member of the Council of Thieves’ and former holder of a seat on the Eternal Council, the Tyrant was forced from his body in an effort to stop the meteor that was sent by the Council to destroy him. It seemed that the Council was determined to destroy the Tyrant and his forces along with his foes in one fell swoop! Ironically, in order to save himself and his fiefdom, the Lich saved many of his enemies as well.
Once the Tyrant stopped the meteor, Ilnerik in a letter to the League, claims that he slew the wizard who had the knowledge of the magic of the Starfall and took that knowledge with him into wherever he is currently hiding as the Council of Eternal Night has placed a bounty of one million gold upon his head for his betrayal.
Thus, the War of the Waste ended in a stalemate. Tar-Baphon was once more trapped utilizing his magic to prevent yet another Armageddon and the League was forced to quit the Terror as the Land of Eternal Night was simply too dangerous for the living to enter on a sustained basis.
The Council of Eternal Night both won and lost. It gained a fiefdom that until the suspended starfall is dealt with cannot be invaded but it has also lost the advantage that it had for millennia, the secret of its existence. Of course, dealing with the Starfall will once more release the Whispering Tyrant from his self-imposed prison so none are in a rush to do so…
Recruitment is OPEN once again for Bloodlines - A V20 Vampire the Dark Ages Campaign - Clan Ventrue
You will start as Mortal.
All I need is a concept to start with. I'll give this a week to see who appears interested.
This is a LONG running game, 10,000 posts. However, prior knowledge of the Chronicle is not necessary or quite frankly even desirable as you should not know anything of what has already taken place anyway.
As announced in multi-game recruitment thread III, I will be starting an Evil Forgotten Realms Campaign.
The PCs can start from any FR 3.5 Region they like (and select a single Regional Feat from that Region as part of the character creation process). Gameplay will begin in Zhentil Keep in the Year 1357 the Year of the Prince.
25 Point Buy.
All Faerun Races are an option. As we move forward, it will be tougher to be an Orc or Hobgoblin, just a warning. I'll convert 3.5 Races to Pathfinder upon request.
Background Skills.
2 Traits and 1 Drawback.
All PC's will begin as 0th level utilizing one of the following FR "Kits".
Each PC has a few changes of clothes within reason - a Commoner should not have Noble clothing for example.
Each PC MAY roll % dice. If your result is 90% or higher, you will also have access to Psion Wilder abilities - TBD.
2) Warrior – d10 HP, +1 Fortitude
Special: +1 Base attack, ANY Martial Weapon, ANY Medium Armor,
Feats: Martial and Simple Weapon Proficiency, Light and Medium Armor Proficiency,
Skills: Climb, Intimidate, Perception, Swim. 2+Int.
3) Adept – d6 HP, +1 Will saves,
Special: 2 0th Spontaneous Arcane spells Known usable 2x per day, Kit Alchemy Crafting,
Feats: Skill Focus – Knowledge Arcana,
Skills: Knowledge Arcana, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device. 2+Int.
4) Craftsmen – d6 HP, +1 Reflex saves,
Special: 2 Ranks in starting Craft, Artisan's Tools,
Feats: Skill Focus – Craft,
Skills: Appraise, Craft, (Knowledge pertaining to particular Craft may also be class skill). 6+Int.
7) Friar- d6 HP, +1 Will saves,
Special: 2 0th Spontaneous Divine spells Known usable 2x day, Wooden Holy Symbol of Order,
Feats: Channel Energy 1d6 3x day OR Improved Unarmed Strike
Skills: Diplomacy, Heal, Sense Motive. 2+Int.
All Nobles begin play with 200 GP.
1) Expert – d6 HP. +1 Will saves,
Special: 2 Ranks Profession, "Appropriate Tools of Trade", Bardic Knowledge,
Feats: Skill Focus – Profession,
Skills: Perception, Profession, (Appropriate skill(s) to reflect Profession). Knowledge (specific to Profession). 4+Int.
2) Squire – d8 HP, +1 Fortitude saves,
Special: +1 Base Attack Bonus, Double starting gold, ANY Martial Weapon, ANY Medium Armor,
Feats: Simple and Martial Weapon Proficiency, Heavy Armor Proficiency, Knight Training (allows multi-classing as a Paladin/Anti-P w/ no penalty),
Skills: Handle Animal, Knowledge Nobility, Ride. 2+Int.
3) Apprentice – d6 HP, +1 Will saves,
Special: Spellbook, 2 0th level Arcane spells per day usable 2x day (must memorize), 1 Magic Item valued at 500 GP or less.
Feats: Skill Focus – Spellcraft,
Skills: Knowledge Arcana, Knowledge Planes, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device. 2+Int.
4) Acolyte – d6 HP, +1 Fortitude, +1 Will,
Special: Initiate Feat, 2 0th level spells per day usable 2x day (must pray from cleric list), Silver Holy Symbol of Order, Select One Oracle Revelation (Regardless of Class selection, the Revelation powers grow with the PC),
Feats: Simple Weapon Proficiency, Skill Focus – Knowledge Religion,
Skills: Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge Planes, Knowledge Religion. 2+Int.
5) Merchant – d6 HP, +1 Reflex,
Special: Triple Starting Gold, 2 Ranks Appraise, Reduced Cost (pay 75% of list price for YOUR goods),
Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Diplomacy, Perception, Sense Motive. 3+Int.
7) Noble – d6 HP, +2 Will,
Special: +1 Base Attack Bonus, Call in Favor (# of favors increases as you level), Quintuple Starting Resources, Drawback - Rival, ANY Martial Weapon OR ANY Exotic Weapon,
Feats: Taunt (see General Feats) OR Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Quick Draw OR Fast Talker feat,
Skills: Diplomacy, Knowledge Nobility. 2+Int.
Once the characters reach first level, at that point you may begin selecting classes. Those classes will be chosen irrespective of the abilities gained as part of the Kits.
I will be utilizing Skill Unlocks.
The Campaign will take the PCs to 20th + at least 2 Mythic Tiers.
I'll be taking 5-7 PCs.
One PC MUST be a follower of Bane who converts to the Worship of Cyric. There is no need to take the Friar or Acolyte Kit for this concept just an FYI.
Recruitment will end on July 2nd. As I have another game to get going mid-month.
In the year 4709 War came to Nirmathas. The hobgoblin horde that invaded the land was resisted by a group of brave heroes whose names have been lost to time. After all, who remembers heroes whose actions led to… this? And can they really be considered heroes after all? The Mana Wastes seem a quaint curiosity, the Worldwound a land of order compared to the disaster that befell what was once Nirmathas, Ustalav, Lastwall, and portions of the Hold of Belkzen. In this blasted wasteland produces nothing, nothing natural anyway.
Perhaps the greatest fall-out from “the Apocalypse” as the Bards now call it, was the destruction of the Wards that held Tar-Baphon in his prison. The Whispering Tyrants greatest foes’ were all but wiped out from the face of Golarion by the blast. Still, the Lich was in no rush to confront those who remained. Instead he gained strength in secret – the Orcs, the Hobgoblins whose dreams of Kingdom came crashing down on them, and of course the living dead the number of whom proliferated astronomically due to the devastation wrought by the Invasion.
From tragedy though there is also opportunity, many from Nidal, the Riverlands and even Cheliax began to descend on the Wastelands also known as “the Waste” to pick the corpse of the Nations that were. It was a group of these interlopers in 4720 that discovered the return of the Whispering Tyrant forcing his hand in what would one day be known as “the Waste War”.
The strength of Lastwall by this time had been slowly whittled down by the Whispering Way agents who manipulated the creatures known as the “Mutants” to expend the strength of the Clerics on these foes. Thus, the Counties of Ustalav that remained fell under assault by the forces of the Tyrant with little effective resistance. By day the Orcs and their Hobgoblin generals fought the armies of man. By night Vampires with powers heretofore unseen struck behind enemy lines. The Tyrant though would not settle on Ustalav alone this time, now he sought to conquer east to the Lake of Mists and Veils if not beyond.
Thus, did the Tyrant make a significant tactical error. By 4730 Ustalav was once again conquered and renamed by the rest of the surrounding lands the Terror. Once the denizens of the Terror pushed east, the people’s of Numeria and the Riverlands pushed back.
The burgeoning Kingdom of Freedom recognized the danger before the Tyrant began his eastward push through their spymaster Ursula who made a most unusual contact within the Terror itself. The Council of Freedom approached the city of Torch now long known for its famous forge fires. With the strength of Lastwall spent they argued, if the devices known as firearms could be produced on a massive scale, it may well turn the tide against the forces of the Tyrant, which Freedom argued were coming. The Council of Torch agreed but informed the leaders of Freedom that it would take a significant investment to create such a large number of forges and hire and train enough blacksmiths and gunsmiths to run it, an investment that the Technic League would not finance.
Karl Medyved assured the Council of Torch that it could be done. Councilor Medyved approached old King Noleski Surtova of Brevoy whom he had known since childhood and convinced both the King and the Brevoy Royalty of the seriousness of the danger, by bringing a traitor from the midst of the Whispering Tyrant with him! At this time, the name of the mole was not yet known. Resources in hand, the people of Torch began to increase the size and number of forges to craft guns and ammunition as well as the craftsmen to create even more wondrous firearms.
When the Whispering Tyrant’s forces came east, the Free peoples were ready for them. Though not as effective as the powers of the divine, the firearms still proved the measure of the evil forces due to their increased destructive capacity. Their range allowed for less casualties than traditional melee weapons and therefore less corpses for the Necromancers of the Way to turn against the forces of Light, well forces of the Gray. Moreover, the Androids were able to guard at night against the night raids of the Vampires in a way human sentries never could, especially with the spy network of Freedom providing intelligence prior to nearly every strike.
By 4740 the forces of the Tyrant were pushed fully into the Terror and the ranks of the Hobgoblins and Orcs mostly broken. This did not of course come without great loss of life and resources. Much of the youth of Freedom, Brevoy, the northern River Lands, and the residents of Torch were lost to the War. The Technic League and Kevoth Kul abstained from the War thus the power of Starfall was not with the “League of Nations” which had developed out of necessity.
Fighting through the Terror was agreed upon by the League and encouraged by the remnants of Ustalav to put an end to the Tyrant once and for all. The remnants of Lastwall’s divine heroes rose once more and it was their arrival at the Moot that swayed the vote to take the fight to Gallowspire. By 4752 the seminal moment of the battle came when arrayed on the field of battle around the Gallowspire, the forces of the League along with the leader of Lastwall’s remaining clerics and Paladins looked into the sky and saw a massive meteor hurtling towards them all!
Suddenly the meteor stopped in mid-air and there it remained and has remained ever since. The undead of the Gallowspire held as the Vampires who could not fight by day surged onto the battlefield now that the meteor blocked the effects of the hated sunlight and the League’s forces were broken. Since that day, the Terror and much of the eastern Waste has been turned over to the Tyrant and his former allies, the Council of Eternal Night.
According to the spy who history has revealed as Ilnerik Sivanshin, a former Legendary Pathfinder member of the Council of Thieves’ and former holder of a seat on the Eternal Council, the Tyrant was forced from his body in an effort to stop the meteor that was sent by the Council to destroy him. It seemed that the Council was determined to destroy the Tyrant and his forces along with his foes in one fell swoop! Ironically, in order to save himself and his fiefdom, the Lich saved many of his enemies as well.
Once the Tyrant stopped the meteor, Ilnerik in a letter to the League, claims that he slew the wizard who had the knowledge of the magic of the Starfall and took that knowledge with him into wherever he is currently hiding as the Council of Eternal Night has placed a bounty of one million gold upon his head for his betrayal.
Thus, the War of the Waste ended in a stalemate. Tar-Baphon was once more trapped utilizing his magic to prevent yet another Armageddon and the League was forced to quit the Terror as the Land of Eternal Night was simply too dangerous for the living to enter on a sustained basis.
The Council of Eternal Night both won and lost. It gained a fiefdom that until the suspended starfall is dealt with cannot be invaded but it has also lost the advantage that it had for millennia, the secret of its existence. Of course, dealing with the Starfall will once more release the Whispering Tyrant from his self-imposed prison so none are in a rush to do so…
I am Recruiting for a combo Kingmaker/Iron Gods game. I hit on an idea today that I want to run it a few decades AFTER the events of the Kingmaker AP and have the Iron Gods villains (or cronies or simply Bandits who get a hold of their Tech) overrun the Kingdom created in a fully completed Kingmaker campaign.
I would like to utilize a fully fleshed out Kingmaker campaign for the basis for my backdrop. Essentially the heroes that aided in forging the Kingdom would be too old to fight anew creating the necessity for the new heroes. The PCs would then rise up anew and answer the call to drive the Bandits out.
Looking forward to seeing what people have done and which campaign I can use to bring this vision to "life".
Spent his life in the poor part of the city most of time, got beat down by rich kids and middle class kids. Developed anti social behavior, start dedicating himself to the art of combat, his dad teaches him how to use a bow and a sword, the rest the kid got by himself.
Ended up being a bounty hunter, now him and his family have a better life since he knows how to track his bounties.
Father is an ex debilitated soldier, lost his left foot in combat, damn warhammers he always said.Likes to drink, but have a good heart, wants the kid to succeed.
His mother is just a cook for the local tavern, at least made Sebastian endure his harsh childhood with her maternal support.Worries too much but kept to herself, fear that the kid might go to the contract killer path.