Storyteller Shadow |

Warlocks. Wizards. Magi. Usurpers.
There are many names outsiders use to refer to Clan Tremere. Despite the distrust of much of our “Kindred” brethren towards us, in less than 1,000 years we have become indispensable to the dominant Sect, the Camarilla. Our organization and our versatility are our strengths. It is through the Pyramid that we find enlightenment and protection. Though our enemies are varied and powerful so are we. As the Seven pledge loyalty to our Leader and Founder, so too do we…
I, hereby swear my everlasting loyalty to House and Clan Tremere and all its members. I am of their blood, and they are of mine. We share our lives, our goals and our achievements. I shall obey those the House sees fit to name my superiors, and treat my inferiors with all the respect and care they earn for themselves.
I will not deprive nor attempt to deprive any member of House and Clan Tremere of his magical power. To do so would be to act against the strength of our House. I will not slay nor attempt to slay any member of the House and Clan except in self-defense, or when a magus has been ruled outlaw by a properly constituted tribunal. If a magus has been ruled an outlaw, I shall bend all efforts to bring such magus to justice.
I will abide by all decisions of the tribunals, and respectfully honor the wishes of the Inner Council of Seven and the wishes of my superiors. The tribunals shall be bound by the spirit of the Code of Tremere, as supplemented by the Peripheral Code and interpreted by a properly constituted body of magi. I have the right to appeal a decision to a higher tribunal, if they should agree to hear my case.
I will not endanger House and Clan Tremere through my actions. Nor will I interfere with the affairs of mundanes in any way that brings ruin upon my House and Clan. I will not, when dealing with devils, or others, in any way bring danger to the clan, nor will I disturb the faeries in any way that should cause them to take their vengeance on the House and Clan. I also swear to uphold the values and goals of the Camarilla, and I will maintain the Masquerade. Insofar as these goals may conflict with my goals, I will not pursue my own ends in any way that would endanger the Masquerade. The strength of the House and Clan Tremere depends on the strength of the Masquerade.
I will not use magic to scry upon members of the House and Clan Tremere, nor shall I use it to peer into their affairs. It is expressly forbidden.
I will train only apprentices who will swear to this code, and should any of them turn against the House and Clan, I shall be the first to strike them down and bring them to justice. No apprentice of mine shall be called magus until he first swears to uphold the code. I shall treat my apprentices with the care and respect that they earn.
I concede to my elders the right to take my apprentice should it be found that my apprentice is valuable to an elder's work. All are members of the House and Clan and valuable first to these precepts. I shall abide by the right of my superiors to make such decisions.
I shall further the knowledge of the House and Clan and share with its members all that I find in my search for wisdom and power. No secrets are to be kept, or given, regarding the arts of magic, nor shall I keep secret the doings of others which might bring harm to the House and Clan.
I demand that, should I break this oath, I should be cast out of the House and Clan. If I am cast out, I ask my brothers to find and slay me that my life may not continue in degradation and infamy.
I recognize that the enemies of the House and Clan are my enemies, that the friends of the House and Clan are my friends, and that the allies of the House and Clan are my allies. Let us work as one and grow hale and strong.
I hereby swear this oath! Woe to they who try to tempt me to break this oath, and woe to me if I succumb to such temptation.
The Year of Our Lord Saturday December 31, 1910 – Vienna - Austro-Hungarian Empire
The Prime Chantry
You arrive on this cold wet night trudging through a mix of snow and rain hampering visibility. Ahead, the “public entrance” of the Prime Chantry beckons. The electric lights make the cobblestoned streets that lead to St. Rupert’s Church glow as if illuminated by magic. Your Regent stated that an Elder of the Clan had a “special assignment” well worth the long travel to arrive here…

° Sarah Cordon |

Sarah Cordon, despite the chilling weather, does not feel the cold. She stands tall with a purposeful air that keeps her from slumping against the wet onslaught. Her once-beautiful face is half-covered by burn scars which is a permanent reminder of her sire's cruel lesson in humility. Her eyes flicker with a bitter determination.
Sarah's small stature and visible age is deceptive. She is compact and light on her feet, her movements fluid and stealthy so that she often blends into the background and is unnoticed by most.
Clad in a dark overcoat, she wears fitted dress and sturdy boots. Her countenance is now marked by a hardness born of survival.
Sarah approaches the Prime Chantry and her mind churns with anticipation. She understands the significance of this call and the long journey to the heart of Tremere power in Vienna isn't one that's made lightly.
Despite her troubled past, she has earned her place within the Clan. She’s been through torpor, she's experienced the loss of her beauty, and she's been in the throes of uncontrollable hunger. These experiences have been traumatic but they have hardened her into a weapon ... one that the Tremere Clan has learned to value.
As Sarah steps into the Prime Chantry, she’s ready to face whatever special assignment the Elder has in store for her.

Storyteller Usurper |

An Elder of the Clan, whose name, for the moment, is undisclosed, has requested volunteers for an excursion to a remote location. It is not clear to me whether this excursion is the Dark Continent or the Middle Kingdom, or perhaps somewhere else entirely. However, I do believe that you would be a perfect fit for such an assignment.
I have not volunteered you as of yet, but it is my intention to do so. Certainly, your presence here in Prague has been helpful, the Sabbat leer this way as you well know. This though, may be something that allows for wide recognition of your name.
Are you interested in such a challenge?"

Storyteller Usurper |

"...the Romans literally salted the earth of Carthage. The purpose? To prevent those who had sunk beneath the earth from rising again!
It was as I understand it, a mad scramble at the end. It cannot be ascertained who sunk where. Your Sire was placed into Torpor for whatever reason, whether by his own hand or that of another, with the method necessary to quickly recover his facilities based on what you described.
I know personally, from having sunk into Torpor that rousing the Beast from such sleep is a harrowing trial. Imagine having sunk into the earth intending to rise and unable to? The Beast would be livid. As much as it pains me to have fellow Brujah so trapped, I have to wonder if that experience has not driven them mad. Thus, the wisdom of releasing said Kindred is questionable at best.
A Wight of such low generation would be a menace to all..."
Before he can finish that next thought, superimposed on the Doctor, is the image of your Sire!

Storyteller Usurper |

A retainer of Wyncham frees you as the ship has been in port since the daytime, "Greetings my Lord. You are in the port city of Zara. A contact for my Master's clan will meet with you as you disembark". He bows and backs away.
You gather you belongings and head down the gangplank of the Intrepid and step on western land for the first time. A cloaked figure approaches, "Zhang Jim I presume".

Storyteller Usurper |

Supposedly Meerlinda herself recommended you for this position, but that is only a rumor. If only you knew where this opportunity was available you could better prepare for your ascension in the ranks...
You hear footfalls behind you and turn to see Wenzel and Badger approach, rain pelting their costs. At least you are under the impression it is them, this is after all the appointed location and time to meet.
Badger and Wenzel see what they believe to be Henry Gaiden staring at the sea, his back to them. The two Kindred watch the area keenly, despite the lack of Kine around this night. One can never be too careful and neither of these street waifs, both of whom overcame impossible odds to be where they are today, take their existences for granted.
In many ways, it is an incredible story that these two men who were acquaintances in the streets of London in life would be allied in unlife and Embraced into the same Clan no less!
Henry turns to regard you both.
Badger and Wenzel - You are aware of Henry, he survived the assassination of his Sire perhaps a century ago and was an important member of the Clan operating in York. The rumor you were told is that he may well be in charge of... whatever this is supposed to be. This is the first time either one of you is meeting him.
Henry - You know that both of these operatives for the Clan are talented, though neither is "traditional" in the sense that they appear to be climbing the pyramid for personal gain. Considering that the Tremere resistance to Mithras requires bodies at all times, it does seem odd to remove three Kindred from the resistance, but who are you to question the motives of the Council?

Henry Gaden |

Henry is in good spirits, not that he'd ever show it. He's a young man of around 24, always 24, and handsome in a aristocratically bland way. His posture is stiff, learned in life and reinforced after his embrace. He is dressed in the finery of a young noble of means, helped in his fashion choices by one of his herd; even in life he had not had much interest in such things, but he realizes the importance of a good impression. Around his neck is a small and obscure amulet that he crafted himself some years back, a talisman he had used to focus his thaumaturgical powers. His sire himself had instructed him in the crafting of it, pleased with his quick mastery of the Path of Blood. It's a memory that brings to his face a small smile. He remains fond of his sire, and likely always would. The fact that the man has been destroyed by Mithras' agents a few years after had allowed him to retain an idealized image in Henry's mind.
He's not sure what to think of Meerlinda's involvement. The cynic in him doubts she'd pay much attention to a mere apprentice, even one on the cusp of becoming Regent. He chooses to be honored by it anyway. There were worst rumors that could be spread, after all.
The sound of steps behind him directs his attention to the two newcomers. His fellow apprentices, if he wasn't mistaken. He'd never met either before, but he assumed they were briefed on who he was and knew enough about the Pyramid to understand that he was in charge of the operation. He was not the type to lord such things over others more than necessary, but the Pyramid existed for a reason, and he believed firmly in following it to a T.
“Good evening.” He tells them both, offering them a curt nod.

Storyteller Usurper |

Finally, after months of waiting for an opportunity to do anything but the most mundane of tasks and banal of rituals, you are summoned for something...
Eliastor is nervous that you must attend alone but if they wished to have slain you, would they not have done so already?
You arrive at a cottage home on the outskirts of Vienna, the home of one of the most respected members of the Clan, Justicar Karl Schrekt. As you enter the home and thus the living room, seated at the table is the Cainite who brought you into the fold, Lotharius and the Justicar himself.
The Justicar motions for you to be seated, "Lotharius speaks of your prowess in Blood Magic. Not a surprise considering your Sire.
Despite his shortcomings, he has guarded our secrets, had he not, you would not have had an opportunity to be here.
But then I did not bring you here to speak of things you already know. There is an Elder of the Clan, one who has not been seen in some time, that has requested... resources. We believe that this may be the prefect opportunity for you to test yourself and for us to vet you".

Storyteller Usurper |

There must be some magic or perhaps simply a discipline obscuring his appearance below the cloaks hood. He falls in line walking with you, the Kindred is slightly taller than an average man and sturdy of frame which is clear even through his robes.
He begins to guide you off of the docks and through the city. While not teeming with Mortals, it is quite a busy port. The appearance of so many westerners is not a culture shock for you, Hong Kong is certainly full of them. It is the absence of the Chinese men and woman that is somewhat jarring, you are far from home indeed. Those whose eyes you catch are quickly directed away by the gaze of your companion.

Wenzel Rainer |

Prologue Wenzel Rainer, Badger, and Henry Gaden
He appears to be in his early 30s but seems far to weathered and rough for his age. He dresses neat with muted colors and walks with an old gnarled walking stick that looks as if it was an old tree root that became driftwood. A small bird of prey seemingly swoops down and rests on his shoulder. It has grey feathers on its upper body, while the underbelly is white flecked with reddish-brown.

Marcus Townshend |

Marcus listens intently to Doctor Critias's lesson, taking to heart the lessons provided by the far older Kindred, at least until Tiberius's face supersedes upon that of the Brujah elder.
"I beg your pardon, Doctor Critias, it would seem that my Sire is reaching out to me presently."
"Yes, my Sire, how might I be of service to the House and Clan?"

Storyteller Usurper |

Tiberius speaks, "It is good that you have aligned yourself with powerful forces within your home city. However, I have spoken to the Regent of the Chicago Chantry and obtained permission to pluck you from your current situation.
You are to journey to the Prime Chantry in Vienna, I have heard rumors swirling that an Elder may return and have a task for several Acolytes. This may all be for nothing but as you are the farthest removed from Prime, you will need to take that gamble.
Have you any questions my Childe?"

° Sarah Cordon |

Sarah's expression is guarded as she absorbs Claas's words.
“Recognition within the clan could be a double-edged sword, but if it is a chance to prove my worth, I won't shy away from it!“
She pauses.
“The Sabbat have been a thorn in our side for far too long. If this assignment can help in subduing them, or at least diverting their attention, it will be a worthy cause! I'll accept the challenge. Wherever this Elder wants to send me, I'll go. Just tell me when and where I need to be!“
Deep down, she knows that this could be a pivotal moment in her unlife. It's a risk, but one she's willing to take.
“Anything else you would like to tell me? Or any other agenda I should be aware of?“

Storyteller Usurper |

The Council is not revealing who has made the request. It is an unusual one, rarely are several Tremere Acolytes assembled for one specific task. In addition, the request was for members of the Clan who posses unique skill sets. Such as you".

° Sarah Cordon |

Sarah considers this new information with a frown. The mystery deepens, adding a layer of intrigue that makes the assignment even more enticing.
“An anonymous request... assembling several acolytes... this does indeed sound out of the ordinary!“
Her gaze sharpens, and her voice lowers to a thoughtful murmur.
“Very well, Claas, consider me intrigued. I'll prepare myself for this task. The anonymity of the request does add an element of danger, but it also presents a chance to show what I'm capable of. So, when do we start?“

Zhang Jim |

"It has been... harrowing. While alive I became accustomed to the many problems of being a person without a clear place to fit. Now, things are... even trickier. The Middle Kingdom has its own hidden societies and they are not welcoming to people from abroad."
"I traveled north of Hong Kong for a while and that was a challenging time. The countryside is mostly rural. There are hundreds of miles with no trains, no roads, just trackless trails and tiny farm villages. Moving from place to place is exceedingly difficult, relying on farmers with ox-drawn wagons. I was burned by the sun a few times, had to hide in ravines and even under lakes a few times, left a few bodies behind unintentionally. More than once I crossed paths with strange entities that presumably realized what I was in some fashion, and had no desire to have strangers in their midst. On at least one occasion I received the impression that chasing me and sending... phantasms to terrorize me was for their own amusement."
"Aside from the ports under British control there are no structures of Kindred society as we would recognize it, and I think that the locals want to keep things that way."
"The Qing Dynasty is... not well. The reparations demanded by the British have impoverished the cities, and elements of the government are blocking reforms. It is a turbulent time and some say that the Empire has lost the Mandate of Heaven."

Marcus Townshend |

"I find Doctor Critias's first-hand accounts of a great deal of the history of ancient Greece and the surrounding area fascinating...certainly more interesting than many of the written treatises on the subject, even if that telling is viewed through a certain lens."
Turning the conversation back to the matter at hand, Marcus asks, "Vienna? That should prove to be interesting. Any ideas as to nature of this assignment the elder in question may have in mind? Something that my particular talents may be useful in, or is this just a matter of me being an available resource?"

Storyteller Usurper |

I was only made aware of your existence a short time ago Zhang, had I known otherwise.... No matter, it is better that you are here. You must meet with the Council and be properly bound.
If it is acceptance you seek, I do believe an opportunity to gain just that shall be presented to you. Know that these trials have forged you into something more formidable than most, when others would lay down and die, you chose to push forward. That perseverance, that will to move forward, is more powerful than the tass that fuels our bodies".
You arrive at a horse drawn carriage. Atop is a rider dressed quite well, a black long tassle suit and large top hat upon his head gives him the appearance of the long dead American President, Abraham Lincoln. Seated to his left and right are quite lifelike mini gargoyles.
The cloaked figure speaks, "See to it he arrives at the proper lodgings in Vienna. Thereafter, when it is time, bring him to the Prime".
The man bows, "Yes my lord".
He lowers the steps for you, gesturing you in.
The cloaked figure turns to leave vanishing back into the crowds of Zara, making you question if he was ever there to begin with.
End Prologue

Henry Gaden |

Henry looks both of his new companions up and down, his face carefully blank.
"Not today," he tells Badger. "I am Henry Gaden, Apprentice of the seventh circle. Are either of you versed at all in the Thaumaturgical arts? We are all better served knowing what tools we have at our disposal. I have achieved proficiency in the Path of Blood and Neptune's Wraith."

Storyteller Usurper |

He stops a respectful distance behind the three of you as you converse. On his jacket is a symbol that marks him as a ghoul of Clan Tremere.
Badger and Wenzel, you recognize this as Wenzel's capable ghoul, Jonathan.

Henry Gaden |

Henry nods in slight approval. "Very good. Movement of the Mind could be a quite useful path to have access to, as could Lure of Flames. Dangerous, from what I know of it, but effective against our kind. I've yet to develop a countermeasure to it, but hope to in the coming years. " He barely glances at the ghoul, but mentally adds him to the assets they will have during this journey.

Donato Elba |

** spoiler omitted **
"Justicar Schrekt...I thank you for this opportunity to be of service to the clan. I'm prepared to do what needs to be done."
Donato moves across the room and seats himself where the justicar asked. Folding his small hands together he looks at Schrekt, " So tell me what the clan requires of this humble servant?"

Storyteller Usurper |

"We wish for you to insert yourself into his party and report back to me what transpires.
You may do so as often as you see fit, have you the proper ritual? If not, I shall teach you."
The meeting lasts as long as is necessary to ensure your competence, thereafter, you are directed to head to Prime Chantry, within two days.
End Prologue

Storyteller Usurper |

The Year of Our Lord Saturday December 31, 1910 – Vienna - Austro-Hungarian Empire - The Prime Chantry
As Sarah attempts to door to Prime Chantry through St. Rupert's Church, she finds it locked.
Sarah hears footsteps coming from many directions down the cold wet street. The several streets distort sound and sight as Sarah turns to regard those who approach.
Three come together, one up front, the other two a step behind.
From another street, a figure no larger than a small teenager is accompanied by a hulking brute of a man.
Another man with salt and pepper gray hair and striking blue eyes approaches alone.
Finally, another lone figure approaches, his feature so exotic it is difficult to place his origins.
Those who approach the stairs see a lone woman attempting the door, but it appears locked. She turns to regard you all. Each of you can sense the distortion of sight and sound, clearly, the Tremere of Prime Chantry have utilized magic to play with or perhaps confound those who would approach Prime uninvited.
As the seven plus one converge, the physical distortion ceases and all the gathered stand on the steps of the Church. Snow continues to fall as the sound of silence reigns.
For a moment, none speak, each individual regarding one another.
Feel to free to describe yourselves and interact.

Henry Gaden |

Henry is a young man that looks to be in his mid 20's. He's reasonably handsome in an unremarkable way, with light blond hair and piercing dark eyes that take in the rest of the newcomers in an inquisitive fashion.
He stands as if used to possessing a modicum of authority, and his dress would seem to indicate he was someone of means, or had been at any rate. The clothes do not seem to be out of date, suggesting someone who had some knowledge of fashion. Around his neck is a small and obscure amulet upon which runes can be faintly glimpsed.
He gives a curt nod to the group, not yet feeling the need to speak.

Wenzel Rainer |

The Year of Our Lord Saturday December 31, 1910 – Vienna - Austro-Hungarian Empire - The Prime Chantry
"I am Wenzel Rainer." Wenzel appears to be in his early 30s but seems far to weathered and rough for his age. He dresses neat with muted colors and walks with an old gnarled walking stick that looks as if it was an old tree root that became driftwood. A small bird of prey rests on his shoulder. It has grey feathers on its upper body, while the underbelly is white flecked with reddish-brown.

Marcus Townshend |

The Year of Our Lord Saturday December 31, 1910 – Vienna - Austro-Hungarian Empire - The Prime Chantry
The salt and pepper haired man adjusts his black fedora as he approaches the door to the Prime Chantry. The man's style of a dress is a bit outdated, but only by a decade or so, appearing to have a preference for the fashion of the days when his hair was fully black.
Dressed in a dark gray frock coat, white shirt, black pants, and shoes, he is only half-way formally dressed, forgoing the traditional vest and tie.
"Evening to you all." he says with a nod. "I suppose it's not mere coincidence that we are gathered here this evening. Anyone of you have any information as to what this may all be about?"
Absent-mindedly tapping his forehead, he adds, "Where are my manners? I'm Dr. Marcus Townshend, although Marcus will suffice."

° Sarah Cordon |

As the men introduce themselves, Sarah's eyes flit over each in turn and her gaze is cool but not unfriendly.
After Marcus Townshend's introduction, Sarah finally breaks her silence. She steps forward, her voice a measured cadence that carries clearly through the winter night.
“Gentlemen, a pleasure to meet each one of you. I am Sarah Cordon! And like Dr. Townshend here, I find myself similarly in the dark about our unusual gathering. A mystery within our ranks is intriguing, don't you think?“
She pauses and offers each man a faint smile.
“It seems we all have been selected for... something. The nature of which, I'm sure, will be revealed in due time. Until then, patience, gentlemen. I have learned that it is a virtue our kind must cultivate generously!“
She regards the locked entrance of the church.
“But let's hope our host doesn't test that patience for too long in this chill!“

Badger the ___________ |

Badger removes his bowler with a flourish and bows slightly, giving the lady a cocky half-smile. "They call me Badger."
He's a handsome man with an affable air who looks to be in his late twenties or early thirties. His dark brown hair is very short—not much longer than his abundant stubble. Similarly to the doctor, his dress is a touch dated. He wears a tan frock coat and a white shirt though he also wears a vest bearing an interesting arrangement of circles, squares, and triangles with a dark brown bowtie that matches his shoes. His trousers are brown linen, lighter than his shoes, and he wears a green overcoat and fingerless gloves. Upon closer examination, it's clear the clothing is well worn but, also, well maintained.
Badger takes a look around at their new companions. At the suggestion it might be a test, he shoots Henry an inquisitive glance, seeking permission to ply his trade.

Storyteller Usurper |

The Year of Our Lord Saturday December 31, 1910 – Vienna - Austro-Hungarian Empire - The Prime Chantry
Badger ascertains that the door is indeed unlocked, as he pulls then pushes, it just won't budge. Before Badger can relay what he has discovered, the rain ceases.
A lone figure in a dark black cloak detailed with symbols and sigils, whose hood conceals his visage, approaches. Jim immediately recognizes the figure as the same one that greeted him upon his arrival in Zara. The rest of you have seen plenty of Regents and advanced Acolytes dressed in a similar manner so it is not clear who this may be. It could be any of them or none of them, after all, your presence here was requested by an Elder whose identity has thus far been concealed.
The figure remains silent and looks at each of you in turn.
"Henry Gaden, Apprentice of the Seventh Circle. Master of Blood Magic and Neptune's Might. The oldest and most experienced among this new Coterie. I was informed that you are ready to become a Regent. This endeavor shall surely determine whether that statement is true.
Jim Zhang, Apprentice of the Third Circle. A Tremere with knowledge of all disciplines of our Clan and perhaps the most important skill of all, survival against impossible odds. A critical member of this endeavor, with a breadth of knowledge I did not expect anyone to have that would be available.
Marcus Townshend, Apprentice of the Second Circle. Competent with telekinesis and fire. An explorer of ancient mysteries. I assure you, that if nothing else, your curiosity shall be exquisitely piqued by the endeavor I set you upon.
Badger, Apprentice of the Second Circle. Master Thief. Perhaps the best our Clan has to offer.
Wenzel Rainer, Apprentice of the Second Circle. Master of Blood Magic, highly skilled in telekinesis with knowledge of fire. Your retainers offer something unique that magic cannot duplicate and it will be of great use.
Sarah Cordon, Apprentice of the First Circle. Blademaster, perhaps the only one that our Clan possesses and Master of the Focused Mind, a rare art.
Finally, Donato Elba, Apprentice of the First Circle. The literal and figurative child of a powerful autarkis rogue. Your retainer is the most unique of all, the brute force of Eliastor shall be of great use. Master of the Path of Blood.
Each of you bring unique gifts to the Clan, some of you are one of a kind. All of you are wasted in your current positions. Therefore, I have plucked each of you to be formed into a new Coterie, the Spear of Celestyn.
Now, all that remains is for my request to be honored by the Council of Seven.
I am sure, all of you have questions..."

Henry Gaden |

Henry bows his head upon hearing the words, pride filling him. He's been conditioned to seek out the approval of those higher in the pyramid than him.
" Thank you. I intend to prove that I am." he says in slightly accented German.
When the opportunities for questions is presented, he speaks up.
"May I ask whom we have the opportunity and honour to be working under? I would also like to know more about the task we have been summoned for-- with such a large and diverse group, I find myself intrigued as to how we can all put our talents forward to better serve the Pyramid. Though I understand if these are matters best discussed further in private." He eyes the chantry.

Marcus Townshend |

Marcus's gaze drifts to each of the others gathered as they are acknowledged by the mysterious, assumed elder.
Interesting, if motley, crew we have here. Is this a heist, an exploration, or a bit of both? he thinks to himself.
Marcus is about to ask a similar question when Henry asks the figure to identify himself.

Storyteller Usurper |

The Year of Our Lord Saturday December 31, 1910 – Vienna - Austro-Hungarian Empire - The Prime Chantry
The figure responds to all questions with one answer, "You will be working for me.
I have so named you Celestyn's Spear for I am Celestyn".
Around 1313, Celestyn left Ceoris for an unknown quest. He remained gone for several centuries, in which many rumors about his whereabouts circulated.
"What you shall be doing, shall be revealed to you, soon. We are about to meet with the Council this very night".

Marcus Townshend |

The Year of Our Lord Saturday December 31, 1910 – Vienna - Austro-Hungarian Empire - The Prime Chantry
Intelligence (Problem Solver) + Politics - Specialty does not apply: 4d10 + 1d10 ⇒ (3, 7, 4, 2) + (4) = 20 Nope.
"Very well. Nice to meet you, Celestyn. I look forward to learning more."

Henry Gaden |

The Year of Our Lord Saturday December 31, 1910 – Vienna - Austro-Hungarian Empire - The Prime Chantry
Henry nods, used to secrets being kept-- he's content with the idea that they'll be briefed further later on. As the man mentions Celestyn's Spear once again his mind briefly considers the reference.
Intelligence+Politics DC 7: 7d10 ⇒ (8, 7, 9, 5, 4, 8, 4) = 45
Then he realizes something, and his eyes briefly go wide. Though he recovers quickly, he is now looking at the speaker with new eyes, and seems even more deferential were such a thing possible.He now understands the opportunity to serve the clan that lays before him.

° Sarah Cordon |

Sarah watched the cloaked figure carefully, curiosity piqued as each individual was addressed. She found herself mildly surprised, and somewhat flattered, by the mysterious figure's assessment of her abilities. She was, however, careful not to let this show on her face. After all, no good came from revealing all your emotions.