Male Moon Elf HP = 26/26, AC=, F+3 | R+6 | W+3 (+5 vs. Enchantment Spells) , Per +9, Ini. +9
![]() Mal spits the taste of undeath from his mouth, especially bitter to a people so full of vibrancy and life. He draws an arrow, "Let's end the last of the threats here. Of course, what we find here as a reward I shall first use to repay the kindness and generosity of you all. I... apologize if I offended any of you yesterday old prejudices die hard. You are all loyal allies and I hope that the word friend is not too strong". ![]()
Male Moon Elf HP = 26/26, AC=, F+3 | R+6 | W+3 (+5 vs. Enchantment Spells) , Per +9, Ini. +9
![]() Mal hands the crowbar over and continues to focus on the doorways of the rooms bow with an arrow nocked just in case. As the Paladin takes the lead, the elf remains in the middle of the pack, bow up and ready to slay more Orcs. He grimaces a bit as he realizes that his supply of arrows is running lower than he would like. Luckily, his pack has a second full quiver! ![]()
Male Moon Elf HP = 26/26, AC=, F+3 | R+6 | W+3 (+5 vs. Enchantment Spells) , Per +9, Ini. +9
![]() Round 4 Mal's last shot misses, this time he pauses and breathes aiming and once more strikes the target. Longbow Attack 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Oh and Mal has the crowbar. ![]()
Male Moon Elf HP = 26/26, AC=, F+3 | R+6 | W+3 (+5 vs. Enchantment Spells) , Per +9, Ini. +9
![]() Perception 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15 Having paused due to the fact that spirits are not the forte' of the Ranger, Mal finally acts as it seems that once more the spirit encountered is friendly or at least not a foe, "Greetings Ferran, the front goes poorly, Orc minions even now seek to penetrate the Fort and learn its secrets. We are badly outnumbered. Is there any assistance you can lend us? They are nearly upon us even as I speak". ![]()
Male Moon Elf HP = 26/26, AC=, F+3 | R+6 | W+3 (+5 vs. Enchantment Spells) , Per +9, Ini. +9
![]() Round 1 "The farther we go the worse it gets..." Mal draws an arrow and fires it into one of the creatures. Longbow Attack 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
"We could try to draw them to the Orcs as well, anyone have any idea how?" ![]()
Male Moon Elf HP = 26/26, AC=, F+3 | R+6 | W+3 (+5 vs. Enchantment Spells) , Per +9, Ini. +9
![]() Round 5 Mal slings his bow over his shoulder and draws his blade moving forward towards the battle. I do not believe that Mel can get close enough for melee based on the map so he will hold unless an opening presents itself. ![]()
Male Moon Elf HP = 26/26, AC=, F+3 | R+6 | W+3 (+5 vs. Enchantment Spells) , Per +9, Ini. +9
![]() Round 4
Longbow Attack 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
Male Moon Elf HP = 26/26, AC=, F+3 | R+6 | W+3 (+5 vs. Enchantment Spells) , Per +9, Ini. +9
![]() Mal fires at another one of the Orcs. We came here to defeat them and now fight along side the dead, an odd day already. Longbow Attack 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
This time his shot is far off the mark. ![]()
Male Moon Elf HP = 26/26, AC=, F+3 | R+6 | W+3 (+5 vs. Enchantment Spells) , Per +9, Ini. +9
![]() Perception DC 20 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
The elf stands at the back his bow ready to attack that which may come near the group, "Agreed, we can check this room later, it is time to move on". DM Mal will peer into the room to see if he sees a horn though! Perception 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27 ![]()
Male Moon Elf HP = 26/26, AC=, F+3 | R+6 | W+3 (+5 vs. Enchantment Spells) , Per +9, Ini. +9
![]() The Fort Survival 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9.
Mal hears the Orcs but as he does not know their language he pays it no mind. His keen elven eyes though do detect a secret door! "Here, this is the way we should go. This place has been thoroughly looted perhaps the secret passage has not. Can anyone check to make sure we walk into no traps?" ![]()
Male Moon Elf HP = 26/26, AC=, F+3 | R+6 | W+3 (+5 vs. Enchantment Spells) , Per +9, Ini. +9
![]() Malstei shrugs, "Natural or unnatural Ser Armithia? Regardless I agree, we should acquire the horn now and defeat these invaders once the dead have culled their numbers. They outnumber us, badly, at the moment". ![]()
Male Moon Elf HP = 26/26, AC=, F+3 | R+6 | W+3 (+5 vs. Enchantment Spells) , Per +9, Ini. +9
![]() Mal turns back to his allies, "We've got the living to worry about now. Hobgoblins and Orcs coming in from the west. Too many for us to stand our ground and fight against. Let's hope the dead that have not attacked us fight them". Mal raises his bow and fires at one of the Orcs, the leader then rushes into the Keep, "Come, let us head in deeper and strike these new foes whence the combat the dead... but not North". Perception 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22 Ranged Attack 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24 Ranged Damage 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6 ![]()
Male Moon Elf HP = 26/26, AC=, F+3 | R+6 | W+3 (+5 vs. Enchantment Spells) , Per +9, Ini. +9
![]() As the spirit does not attack, Mal begins to expand his awareness as he does in the forest. Calming his heart to expand his awareness with all senses. Perception 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28 As Azarra and Zane handle the shine, Mal heads to an available space to look out the window at who may have come after them. ![]()
Male Moon Elf HP = 26/26, AC=, F+3 | R+6 | W+3 (+5 vs. Enchantment Spells) , Per +9, Ini. +9
![]() Stoic, or dour depending on how you view him, Mal says nothing. This is not what he knows best but the elf knows enough not speak out of turn when he knows he does not know. He trusts in his companions to talk or fight as is necessary and he shall follow their lead. ![]()
Male Moon Elf HP = 26/26, AC=, F+3 | R+6 | W+3 (+5 vs. Enchantment Spells) , Per +9, Ini. +9
![]() Round 2 Mal grimaces as his is the first blood drawn. He swings at the next foe, hoping to bring it down before he is fully flanked. Attacking BLUE Border Skeleton - Longsword 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22 - Damage 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9 ![]()
Male Moon Elf HP = 26/26, AC=, F+3 | R+6 | W+3 (+5 vs. Enchantment Spells) , Per +9, Ini. +9
![]() Fort Sohkol Round 1 Just as Mal bends down to discover what is beneath, it rises to greet him. "And so it begins..." He draws his longsword and slices at the closes foe near him. Longsword Attack 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
The dice roller is killing me this week... ![]()
Male Moon Elf HP = 26/26, AC=, F+3 | R+6 | W+3 (+5 vs. Enchantment Spells) , Per +9, Ini. +9
![]() Earlier with the Group:
He accepts the potion from Zane, "I thank you Morninglord. I shall repay your kindness in deed and coin, when I get any. From my share, a tithe to your Church and that of Helm. It is the honorable thing to do for strangers that have shown such kindness to me". --- Fort Sohkol As the Watchers set out, Mal places the extra gear into his backpack, though he has not shouldered his portion of the gold outlay, he can certainly shoulder the weight of the gear strong for an elf as he is. The elf lends his strength to pulling the boat fully ashore. Mal scans the Fort. Perception1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16 He kneels down to scrape away the dirt and see what lies buried beneath. My spot on the map is fine. ![]()
Male Moon Elf HP = 26/26, AC=, F+3 | R+6 | W+3 (+5 vs. Enchantment Spells) , Per +9, Ini. +9
![]() Dinner:
The elven Ranger eats light and speaks little. "I am a Ranger. I excel at hunting, the bow and the sword. The bow is what I have true talent for. I am here to fight the minions of Dragons and any other manner of evil we encounter".
He pauses and is silent again, at Kardas' statement Mal replies, "Indeed. Leave it to humans to charge gold from those who come to aid them in their hour of need. I know some of you are human but this irks me greatly, I mean no offense to any of you but I think Kardas has the right of it". The Council "With a Priest and a Holy Warrior can we not create our own holy water? I have that which I require to move forward". Perception 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12
Dice roller is starting out hot for me :-) ![]()
Male Moon Elf HP = 26/26, AC=, F+3 | R+6 | W+3 (+5 vs. Enchantment Spells) , Per +9, Ini. +9
![]() Azarra wrote: Since SAS just deducted 11, there are only 2 left needed to make 50, which you can cover. If we don't get our 2,000 gold before you have to pay for a third night, and you don't want to double-up with anyone, I can spot you some. Mal pretty much sleeps outside all the time so he would not impose on any of you. He'll climb up to a nice rooftop so no one walks by in the alleys and tries to rob him as he sleeps! ;-) Like sleeping in a tree but not as comfortable. ![]()
Male Moon Elf HP = 26/26, AC=, F+3 | R+6 | W+3 (+5 vs. Enchantment Spells) , Per +9, Ini. +9
![]() Ser Armithia-Seendren wrote:
Well, you're not called Gold elves for no reason! I mean, I am pretty much a dirty hippie, live in the woods and eat off of the land it's probably not a big surprise he's broke. :-) ![]()
Male Moon Elf HP = 26/26, AC=, F+3 | R+6 | W+3 (+5 vs. Enchantment Spells) , Per +9, Ini. +9
![]() Cracked Crown Mal hands over some of the last of his Gold for a room for the night. His face impassive, after all, if he needed to stay in the streets so be it. At least until there was gold to be found from further adventures. Council Building The Elf does not hide the look of disdain upon his face at the shockingly high fee. Only humans would try and rob those that travel to their lands to help them! He hands over his last 4 gold and turns to his companions, "My apologies, gold is not something those of my order covet and I spent much of my wealth simply journeying here. My share of the charter I shall at back to you whence we locate gold. I've little need of it where I will be going once my aid here is given". Post Meeting Mal shrugs at the idea of dinner, "Certainly, food before a hunt is warranted. You are correct Ser Armithia, the better we know one another, the better chance we have of surviving the foes we do encounter". As the Archivist enters the room, Mal remains quiet and listens. When Zane and Armithia leave, he leaves with them. ![]()
Male Moon Elf HP = 26/26, AC=, F+3 | R+6 | W+3 (+5 vs. Enchantment Spells) , Per +9, Ini. +9
![]() Cracked Crown with Dour Elves, New Lady, and that Human: If Mal even notices he offended Zane he certainly does not show it!
"An elf Councilor here? Odd. Regardless, if we wish to make a difference here it seems a Charter will have to be procured. I wonder what sort of use it has in a city that is largely held by factions that would slay the Council, traitor and patriot alike. Doing so today is as good as doing so tomorrow better perhaps". ![]()
Male Moon Elf HP = 26/26, AC=, F+3 | R+6 | W+3 (+5 vs. Enchantment Spells) , Per +9, Ini. +9
![]() Cracked Crown with Zane, Malstei, and Ser Armithia: [b"Undead? It seems then I have fine allies to deal with such horrors. I am not surprised that a human council is corrupt but to be traitors is another matter entirely. Any word of a councilor from this place that can be trusted?"[/b] ![]()
Male Moon Elf HP = 26/26, AC=, F+3 | R+6 | W+3 (+5 vs. Enchantment Spells) , Per +9, Ini. +9
![]() Before, with Ser Armithia and Malstei:
Mal nods to Zane, "Indeed, we could all use rest with a comfortable room after that experience. Still, the Captain got us here safe so no complaints from me". As the Paladin proclaims his intention Mal almost smiles, "Indeed. Together let us do what we can to force back the darkness. I am told Dragons and their minions are among our foes, for a chance to strike at those wicked creatures I am well ready". Cracked Crown: Mal's look of discontent at the crowds and the noise of this place is plain to see. He heads over in response to Zane's gesture and nods to the half-elven woman, "Well met. I am Malstei Alenuath". ![]()
Male Moon Elf HP = 26/26, AC=, F+3 | R+6 | W+3 (+5 vs. Enchantment Spells) , Per +9, Ini. +9
![]() Cracked Crown - Zane, Ser Armithia, & Malstei: Mal relays his finding from the Captains to his new acquaintances.
As they enter the Inn and Zane runs off to secure a charter, Mal does his best to find out what else there is to know about news here. Never one to be sociable, he mingles anyway. In nature information is gained through observation. Here, in "civilization" needless small talk was the trick, a trick the elven ranger had yet to master. He found the smells and cramped, loud setting so distasteful Mal was unable to find out anything vital except to confirm all he did not like about such cities. Hopefully, his acquaintances would have better luck. Mingle and Gather Information through Diplomacy 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0 |