GM Crucible |

Opening discussion.
Please post
* Player name
* Character name
* Faction
* PFS #
* Day Job

GM Crucible |

I don't know why I've had so much trouble getting this table scheduled properly. The scenario number is #7-07, not #7-10. Corrected in the title.
To restate, so everyone is aware:
Content in "Trouble in Tamran" also ties into a special metaplot element from Pathfinder Society Special #6–98: Serpents Rise. Players who have completed that special event are encouraged to bring its Chronicle sheet when playing this adventure.

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Thanks for the invite!
* Player name - David Harris (Chaosorbit)
* Character name - Lolly Farbanks
w/ Sir Trytas Tallance (Phantom)
* Faction - Dark Archive
* PFS # - 90071-9
* Day Job - Profession (herbalist): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10

GM Crucible |

We have one confirmed but not checked in, and it seems we have one empty space. If anyone has a friend they want to bring along, that;s great. Otherwise, I'll advertise the spot later this evening.

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* Player name: Garon N.
* Character name: Alexandre D'Alycone
* Faction: Sovreign Court
* PFS #: 153161-4
* Day Job: Foregoing Day Job for faction card goal Knowledge(local) vs. 19: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

GM Crucible |

I just got a note from Jobin that he's stepping out, leaving us one down again.
My son (15+ years) just told me this morning that he'd like to start playing. He's a newb, with no PF experience (and no PFS or PbP either).
If there are no objections, I'll give him a pregen (he likes Yoon), and let him sit in the replacement seat.

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Sounds good!

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Go ahead. No problems with that here. Newbies are a great thing to have, it means more players.

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Okay, hold it a moment. I'm a little confused now. We arrived in the early morning (had to to slip past the blockade), spent a period of time discussing things with VC Tolal, then 1 hour at the Gar's and it was evening? Where did we lose most of the day?

GM Crucible |

Arrived in the morning, then to the Ashfall Lodge to get settled and meet Oraiah. Gar's by late morning, and finished there around lunch time.
Then five more hours searching the docks, makes it early evening, but late enough that many vendors were heading home.
So, dinner time. Then everyone chose to eat and rest (presumably), and strike out the next morning.

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I have the orator feat so I can use linguistics for most talky applications of the social checks, but no gather info, no intimidate effects like dazzling display, and no faints. That's why I've been holding back on many of the earlier social checks.

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I'm at work, so I can't write my post out until afterwards, but I do have to speak up. Inspire Courage is a competence bonus, not morale. It does stack with bless.

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I'll be out of town until Sunday afternoon...will try to check in occasionally, but bot me if I'm holding things up.

GM Crucible |

Yep, thanks, Alexandre. You're correct, some of the effects of IC are competence, while others are morale. The bonuses to hit and damage do stack, while bonuses to saves, etc., do not..

GM Crucible |

I need to apologize for not being around. Yes, I am alive, and no, I haven't abandoned you. When I'm not exhausted from work, I've been at the doctor's or sick in bed these last few days. I'll pick up again in the morning.

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I hope you get feeling better!

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I was getting concerned, though it sucks to hear you're sick. Being sick sucks horribly.

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Hey gang -- it's been nearly two weeks since we've heard from GM Crucible. I fear life stuff may have overtaken him...going to send him a PM; if he doesn't pop back up we may need to head over to the Flaxseed Lodge and look for someone to fill in and get us to the finish line.

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Gang -- I posted in the Flaxseed Lodge to find a replacement...we'll see if some heroic GM answers the call.

Shifty |

Yeah Hi Team,
If you are all cool to crack on let me know, happy to help out.
By way of timetable, this MUST be complete no later than 09 Dec. Not sure where you are up to or how long you require, so just disclosing up front - I'd have to compare where you are in the mod but looks like you are pretty far in so should be no drama.

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Thanks Shifty -- that would be awesome!

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Shifty to the rescue again! (You came and saved the Trial by Machine game I was in.)
I'm fine with continuing.

Shifty |

Ahhh cool, oh well we meet again - if only briefly :p
I'll be ready to shuffle forwards in about 18 hours and really hammer this bad boy - I just have a 14 hour work shift I have just started, and need to re-read the scenario and your thread to see where you are exactly, then we will power on!

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Thanks again Shifty!

Shifty |

Hi all,
Just an update. There is still a bit to go in this scenario though I will kick us along to make sure we hit the cut off for the GDV season, which is very achievable.
One thing I will require for reporting is an email address as well for your chronicle sheets and also for the GDV reporting tool. Could you kindly supply me your preferred email addy either here or in PM?
Prior to reporting there will be a Boon roll for the table, I will go chase up what format they are using.

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Sending email in PM

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Boon roll: 1d20 ⇒ 1