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3 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Wow, that looks great! I'm looking forward to giving this as a gift this holiday season.
It's also good to hear about the online additional resources, and the ad sheet directing to the Core Rulebook. I was wondering though, will there be a short reference PDF availible that will highlight the changes moving from the Beginning Box to the Core Rulebook? I think that would be helpful for new players making the transition to have a concise summary of the "new" rules for them, i.e. all of the things stripped out of the Beginner Box, attacks of opportunity, combat maneuvers, etc.

Sean K Reynolds Contributor |

It's also good to hear about the online additional resources, and the ad sheet directing to the Core Rulebook. I was wondering though, will there be a short reference PDF availible that will highlight the changes moving from the Beginning Box to the Core Rulebook?
The online content addresses that, yes.

Neil Spicer Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut |
13 people marked this as a favorite. |

The thing I appreciate the most about the Beginner's Box (and by extension, Paizo and all the fine folks who worked on this), is that it brings me full circle. I started gaming with Basic D&D with one of the older boxes (i.e., the one with the color picture of a fighter and wizard looking in on a dragon lying atop a big pile of treasure). That year was a magical time for me and my brother. And it served as the entire crux for how and why we got into RPGs. Eventually, we "graduated" to Advanced Dungeons & Dragons...and, after passing through all its iterations...I now have the occasional opportunity to write for a hobby I've grown to really love, which has fired my imagination for more years than I can recount.
With the Beginner's Box, it's like everything is starting over again. Only now, I get to relive this experience through the eyes of my children. They're still a little young to introduce to Pathfinder right away (i.e., my oldest is 7 years old). But when we're all ready, I know our game nights will immediately include the Beginner's Box and it'll serve as their first RPG experience. After that, I'm certain it'll fire their imagination just as much as it did for me.
So, this is a heartfelt thank you to Paizo. This is another example of how you guys have become the true custodians of what roleplaying has always personally meant to me. And it's awesome to see you embrace the traditions of the game's origins, all while making it fresh and exciting for a whole new generation. Now, it's up to the rest of us "gamers" to go out and introduce that generation to the hobby. And you've given us the perfect tool to do it.
Just my two cents,

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I recently introduced my 9-year-old son to Pathfinder, guiding him through his first-ever roleplaying game experience along with my wife and a couple of our friends. He loved it!
This product will be his next step. His birthday is November 12, and thanks to Paizo, I already know what I'm getting him. :)

kaymanklynman |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Like many, I want to thanks paizo for this wonderfull product. I will buy the box for my nephew ( he has 12 ) even knowing that i will pay a lot to ship this thing to brazil( and I am not a rich person). But i see the hard work and love that you guys put in all the products. Also i am a school teacher and i will try to teach( besides Geography) what is pathfinder to a vast number of students.
Júlio Trindade.

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Tell your artists to stop killing me!
Really, that picture is not the way someone should first encounter the amazingness that is Lem, entertainer extraordinaire and pest to slavers everywhere.
Hahaha, Lem was that you in a pool of blood on the floor?
Nice video. What are all those books on the right-hand side?

stringburka |

I'm so going to get this. I'm an experienced DM, but there's often new players and in addition, most of the players are more interested in story than combat, so a more rules-light system is wonderful regardless.
This is probably the core product I've been most interested in since the CRB + Bestiary, and definately the most interesting since APG.

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I have been waiting for this since I first heard of it, and now that I have seen the contents I am even more anxious! My wife enjoys playing Pathfinder a lot... as long as I don't drop the Core or APG in front of her and ask her to read. She just wants to sit down, get into a character (insane roleplayer/stage actress), and roll dice. She also has invited over some friends who want to play who are of the same mind-set.
This will allow me to "Sit down, tell a story and roll some dice" without losing potential players by even showing a 600 page rulebook, even if I only want them to read a page or two (it's happened).
The video sold me. Thanks for presenting it.
(Bonus- Pathfinder without AOE's!! I just may have found perfection)

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The thing I appreciate the most about the Beginner's Box (and by extension, Paizo and all the fine folks who worked on this), is that it brings me full circle. I started gaming with Basic D&D with one of the older boxes (i.e., the one with the color picture of a fighter and wizard looking in on a dragon lying atop a big pile of treasure). That year was a magical time for me and my brother. And it served as the entire crux for how and why we got into RPGs. Eventually, we "graduated" to Advanced Dungeons & Dragons...and, after passing through all its iterations...I now have the occasional opportunity to write for a hobby I've grown to really love, which has fired my imagination for more years than I can recount.
With the Beginner's Box, it's like everything is starting over again. Only now, I get to relive this experience through the eyes of my children. They're still a little young to introduce to Pathfinder right away (i.e., my oldest is 7 years old). But when we're all ready, I know our game nights will immediately include the Beginner's Box and it'll serve as their first RPG experience. After that, I'm certain it'll fire their imagination just as much as it did for me.
So, this is a heartfelt thank you to Paizo. This is another example of how you guys have become the true custodians of what roleplaying has always personally meant to me. And it's awesome to see you embrace the traditions of the game's origins, all while making it fresh and exciting for a whole new generation. Now, it's up to the rest of us "gamers" to go out and introduce that generation to the hobby. And you've given us the perfect tool to do it.
Just my two cents,
Let me add my thanks as well: Thank you, Paizo, from the bottom of my heart! And blessings of the Almighty Asmodeus to you all!
While I knew this box would be really cool, I didn't know it would be that awesome; lots of inspiring art, step-by-step instructions and killer character sheets! Wow! Even though I still love my old 'Red Box', this goes way beyond Mentzer's brainchild in visual appeal and -- apparently, at least based on the video -- the quality of the contents, too. I love the map of the introductory dungeon (you just can't have too many flip-mats, can you?) and those cardboard tokens look really sturdy (good enough that you can actually use them alongside miniatures, as Erik said).
Neil, my nephew is also 7, and I intend to buy him the box for christmas -- even though he only knows a few words of English. He's a bright kid, and I've already told him quite a lot about RPGs. Is it too early to try them with him? I don't think so, because after watching all the Harry Potter films, he asked me if there is a HP roleplaying game, because he'd like to play Harry. We'll probably try a rules-light system (and less violent adventures) first, before moving on to 'Beginner Box' later on, but I know he'll love this box and want to learn more English after seeing it!
(And I will definitely buy a copy for myself, too... :))

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Wow, apart from my copy of the 20th Anniversary Edition of Vampire the Masquerade I wasnt expecting much excitement in the realm of gaming this month. (Not that V20 isn't exciting in its own right, I've just had time to mellow since realizing it was coming) But now, I'm drooling over this. I've just started chatting my eldest up about gaming with me and I think this product's perfect for what we'd like to start with.
Thanks again Paizo, another home run. Though it would've been cool if the beginner minis shipped same day (not a complaint just an observation)
Also: any plans to make those tokens available separately or perhaps more of the same later? I mean those things looked fantabulous!

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And the most skilled shrink-wrap removal I have ever witnessed!!
You know...I thought the same thing!
What sold me on this product was two nice additions. One being the Flip-Mat because they rock (once you go dry erase you never go back).
And the second being the cardstock miniatures. They look slick.

YourSwordisMine |
How compatible is the Beginner Box with Pathfinder core? Will I need to completely reroll my character to advance from Level 5 to Level 6?
The incompatibility of the 4e Red Box with Essentials was the biggest slap in the face I've ever received out of a gaming product... I hope this isn't the case here as well.. Not that I am expecting it from Paizo...
Otherwise, this looks like the beginner box the Roleplaying hobby has been needing for a very long time. I can't wait to get mine.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Draznar wrote:Will those sheets of cardstock character minis ever be available for purchase separately?We don't have plans for this right now, but I guess you never know!
you might want to consider that. I know some people that prefer card stock standups to mini's for their games. Also it would be pretty cool if you did sell them on their own and they did well. To do more of them. Just something to think about.
On the main topic. It is a very nice box and I am honestly a bit impressed you managed to cram that much content like nearly 100 monsters etc into the box. I can think of a few friends with kids that will be interested in this.

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How compatible is the Beginner Box with Pathfinder core? Will I need to completely reroll my character to advance from Level 5 to Level 6?
The incompatibility of the 4e Red Box with Essentials was the biggest slap in the face I've ever received out of a gaming product... I hope this isn't the case here as well.. Not that I am expecting it from Paizo...
Otherwise, this looks like the beginner box the Roleplaying hobby has been needing for a very long time. I can't wait to get mine.
From what they have said and I could be wrong. My understanding is you can play up to level 5 and then switch to Pathfinder. I don't think you even have to add anything to your existing characters. i think it will just have a lot more choices for you to make when you level up to 6, where as before that many of your choices was already set. Least that was my impression from what they had said.

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How compatible is the Beginner Box with Pathfinder core? Will I need to completely reroll my character to advance from Level 5 to Level 6?
The incompatibility of the 4e Red Box with Essentials was the biggest slap in the face I've ever received out of a gaming product... I hope this isn't the case here as well.. Not that I am expecting it from Paizo...
Otherwise, this looks like the beginner box the Roleplaying hobby has been needing for a very long time. I can't wait to get mine.
You definitely won't need to reroll; you just gain a lot of new options. (Many of them are options you *could* have applied at lower levels, so I have no doubt some people will choose to rebuild, but you don't need to.) Characters are compatible enough that you should be able to bring them to a Pathfinder Society table and run them (though your GM may have to help you deal with some things that may be missing).

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Erik Mona wrote:*covet!*Githzilla wrote:Nice video. What are all those books on the right-hand side?
That would be our archive of Amazing Stories going back to 1926.
As well you should. Working in the same building as an almost complete (perhaps THE most complete) collection of Amazing Stories is pretty awesome.

thegoldenK |
I just joined the site to say thank you for this preview. As a longtime gamer, but one that skipped 3.0/3.5, I am very much looking forward to this box set.
It is pretty daunting looking at all of the huge books on the shelf now this will ease us in to the game. That and I've been enamored with box sets since I was 8 and my Brother and I cracked open our very first Moldvay Basic Set.
I was especially happy to see the part about the counters. I was wondering if there would be more pc worthy counters than the four pregens. Will all of the Iconics be represented on sheet of counters?

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5 people marked this as a favorite. |

We are also working on an info sheet to allow a person whose first exposure to the game is the Beginner Box, to be able to have a quick reference to transition into Pathfinder Society.
Additionally, we are creating four, one-hour delve type quests that will be compatible to run with the Beginner Box. We will have up a blog post soon where all the Beginner Box Bash launch parties will be held. I'm currently anticipating more than 70 stores in various regions around the world, organized by our local Venture Captains, hosting Beginner Box Bash launch parties.
In the Beginner Box Bash, when a player plays through all four delve quests, they will receive a special PFS Boon. Likewise, anyone who volunteers to GM at least four delves will receive a special PFS Boon from their local Venture-Captain or store coordinator. Stay tuned for more info on Beginner Box Bash launch parties around the world.

Jason Schimmel RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16 |

This might be a weird question, but any chance that the Paizo released content as far as adventures go could be sanctioned for PFS? I have some students in the high school club i advise learning the ropes of pathfinder with the first steps modules for PFS, but I have at least one rookie GM and he and his player might benefit from playing around with the beginners box, it would be nice if their PFS characters could get credit somehow. Seems like a long shot with the way the product is designed, but I figured it couldn't hurt to toss the idea out.

Hobbun |

Hey Erik, love that formal work dress attire. Will need to approach my boss with that! :P
A really great job all around on the box set. I wish it was something I had when I started way back when. Where I don't see myself using it, just look forward to reading over the books and characters, and I can definitely see us using that flip map in our campaign.

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This might be a weird question, but any chance that the Paizo released content as far as adventures go could be sanctioned for PFS? I have some students in the high school club i advise learning the ropes of pathfinder with the first steps modules for PFS, but I have at least one rookie GM and he and his player might benefit from playing around with the beginners box, it would be nice if their PFS characters could get credit somehow. Seems like a long shot with the way the product is designed, but I figured it couldn't hurt to toss the idea out.
If they play the four delve quests, there may be a possibility. People who play or GM through all four on the Beginner Box Bash launch parties will receive a Chronicle Sheet they can apply to a Pathfinder Society character. After the Beginner Box Bash parties, I have to figure out if there is a good, logistical way to allow for future chronicle sheets. So, in short, the answer is either yes or maybe depending on when they participate.

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I didn't see this question asked/answered yet:
The Beginner Box provides you with enough rules to cover levels 1-5.
How many levels worth of XP does the included adventure material provide?
I'm thinking along the lines of the classis DnD Basic box that came with 3 levels worth of material in Keep on the Borderlands, etc.