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![]() Andor wrote: @GM: No idea what flex mean tbh. I am not a native speaker. ;-) My apologies. A 'flex' is a slang term, referring to when someone is showing off their strength to others. Brallenera wrote: Awww.. Ain't no way to treat a lady, suggha. Wanna play rough with me? I've seen how you dish it. Let's see how you take it. The dwarf strikes twice, the strength of her blows killing the guard completely! Andor wrote: "Please give up! You can just flee!" he shouts. Andor shouts this, as he critically thrusts his weapon through his enemy's guard; accidentally piercing the man's skull and killing him despite it being a non-lethal blow! What just happened is the example of a flex. Also an example of irony as well. XD Out of Initiative Melisande wrote: Can someone please help me understand why we want these idiots alive? They appear far too Lootz: Each guard has the following: chain shirt, heavy wooden shield, heavy mace, longbow, quiver with 20 arrows, 1 set of manacles with a key, 1 gp ![]()
![]() Locke wrote: If he agrees, is it an action to pull up my knees to get my ankles in grabbing range? If anything it would just be an Acrobatics check for him (1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27). Based on the natural 20 I just rolled, he could probably include a couple of flips in the air along the way if he wanted. ![]()
![]() Missed Xill will vs. Archon aura Xill Will: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27 Melisande wrote: Seeing Brallenera grabbed by the plant, Melisande quickly shouts. You can't take that dwarf until I've at least tried her out at least once. Brallenera wrote: Yes, as I won't have so much bonuses. No escape artist skill, armor penalty, total 2+1 dex-4 armor +16 spell=15 The dwarf gets a brief spurt of energy, but isn't dexterous enough to wiggle out of the vine's grasp! Melisande wrote: Melisande casts Glitterdust, hitting the three Xill and the red dog thing. DC 21 Will save or be blinded for all within the 10ft radius. Vested Xill Will: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15 Archon Will: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6Both the xill and Archon become blinded (and shiny) by Melisande's spell! Locke wrote: She looks over to the boss Xill and plant, mentally directing the insects towards the targets. Vested Xill Fort: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11 Vested Xill Fort: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18The xill gets a face full of wasps and subsequently begins puking everywhere as it becomes nauseated! Erzyule wrote: With a heavy sigh he adjusts his posture and draws his bow and notches an arrow. "Alright... lets try something else." Erzyule's arrow flies towards the xill, but it bends over to retch from the nausea and the projectile flies right past it! Brallenera wrote: Brallenera uses an ancient tried and used dwarfish strategy to escape things grappling you: hack at it with your axe until it let you go The only thing in reach of the dwarf is the massive taproot with the gnashing maw, so she goes to town! A massive explosion of bark and greenish sap flies in all directions as the plant lets out a keening death wail that causes the entire ship to shudder! The bulkhead and crystalline walls of the ship in the hold seem to waver and shimmer slightly, as if something seemed to change when the plant's taproot was sundered open. A pleasant, feminine voice echoes throughout the ship in an odd language... Azlanti:
"Automated function control reactivated. Resuming prime directive protocols. Sixty. Fifty-Nine. Fifty-Eight. Fifty-Seven. Fif-" Perception DC 15:
As the bark from the taproot is sundered, you can see multiple humanoids trapped inside of the cavity of the plant. The death throes of the plant may disgorge them eventually, though direct assistance may speed up the process. Andor wrote: Yes, please move my character and use the first attack only. Andor flies over to the puking, poisoned Xill and attempts to strike it. Somehow, unbelievingly, the swashbuckler manages to miss his target! GM Irish202 wrote: Tereze also still has an action for Round 5. Summon Attacks:
Archon Attack 1 vs. Xill: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19
Archon Attack 2 vs. Xill: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9 Archon Attack Bite vs. Xill: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18 Archon Will vs. Glitter: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8 Fire Elemental vs. Xill: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23 The blind archon and the elemental continue their attacks on the xill, but are still unable to hit! Uncertain for Tereze's Round 5 action, will leave open on initiative tracker. Xill Fort vs. Nausea: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28 The frustrated, vomit covered xill spends its turn focusing on stopping retching! Round 6 Melisande
![]() Brallenera wrote: Poking the GM and the team **Surfaces from a mound of flower leis and tropical pineapples with a gasp** We got back from the trip yesterday afternoon and had to clear a way through mail and wedding presents that blocked our entire foyer. Should be good to go from here! The boat carrying the non-flying oriented Pathfinders makes its way slowly and cautiously out toward the mysterious visitor. As the sloop draws nearer, details of the vessel become clear. It only superficially resembles a ship, with a symbol-covered hull of quartz glowing with a rosy tint in the wan light of evening. A tall aft castle of strangely faceted crystal rises from its stern sprouting from its sides giant, wing-like sails of the same crystal that hang parallel to the water. It bears a split bow, between which rises a gigantic black spike towering over 60 feet into the air. It is the only portion of the ship that does not seem to made of the same opaque crystal. The main deck is uneven, broken into several subdecks. From a distance, one can make out the faint lines of decks and compartments through the crystal hull, but these these fade quickly upon closer inspection. Arrayed around the vessel at a distance of perhaps a quarter mile is a ring of other Harbor Guard vessels, from sloops to cutters to dinghies; they seem to have turned out everything that could float in order to contain this potential menace. Within this cordon of vessels can be seen the forms of hippocampus-mounted Wave Riders patrolling closer in and even under the derelict hulk. A single accommodation ladder hangs over the port side just abaft of the fore deck, a shallow draft barge moored at its foot, a sign that at least one patrol of the Harbor Guard still remains on board keeping watch over the upper decks of the mystery ship. Perception DC 20:
You hear voices of the some of the Harbor Guardsmen drifting on the breeze from the deck of the ship.
"I dunno, messing around with that door might not be the best idea Jim," one voice says. "Nonsense! They call it 'jimmying' a lock for a reason, Bob. Besides, I wanted to see if this fancy metal the smith was ranting about was worth the hype. Now let's see here..." Perception DC 25 + Speaks Azlanti:
You hear the above spoiler, plus the following immediately afterwards.
"Alert, unauthorized access on upper decks," a pleasant neutral voice says in a very precise accent of Azlanti. "Defense protocols activated, lethal interventions imminent. Have a wonderful day." The lapping of water against the ship’s hull is drowned out by the sounds of sudden screams from the ship’s main deck, and flaring bursts from fiery explosions suddenly illuminate its superstructure. The Harbor Guards already aboard appear to have come under attack and cries of pain echo over the waters of the harbor. ![]()
![]() Melisande, your sheet link should be updated with your day job if you want to reload the link. Locke wrote: GM, what price would you put on having a couple of custom brooches, made of a cut up dragon's tooth? I don't see why not. I'll check Eryzule's suggestion with looking into the trophy rules, otherwise I'll figure out something to add. I am also going to set up a recruitment post in the PbP lodge to see if we can't drum up an extra player later this evening. ![]()
![]() Tereze wrote: YAY! Nobody Died! Indeed! Though, quite ironically, there is a built in part with the module that at the end Lady Origena will pay for any resurrection costs for anyone that died during the course of the adventure as long as Aeteperax was defeated. I should have chronicle sheets out tomorrow morning! ![]()
![]() Epilogue... Evaluating their options, Melisande comes to the conclusion that the only way to close the secondary rift in Aeteperax's cavern is to temporarily suppress the Dark Window with the use of a dispel magic spell; easily supplied by Tereze thanks to her divine abilities. The Window's connection to the Dark Tapestry is dampened just long enough to cause the secondary rift to implode, while leaving the Dark Window intact for future study. As the group departs from the Window chamber, Tereze turns back for a final look in the room before leaving. Tereze:
As you turn back to look in the chamber, the emaciated mummified face of the former Abbot Kanjougas leers a mere inch or two directly away from your face. Its gaping mouth opens wide as the smell of grave dirt blasts in your direction as Kanjougas' rasping voice calls out to you.
WHY COULD YOU NOT DESTROY IT? WHY WOULD YOU NOT FIX OUR MISTAKE? WHY??? Its voice continues to sound as the Abbot's form dissolves into ash that swirls around you, the wretched soul's presence continuing to linger amongst those that haunt you even now. While you are certainly not compelled to do so, I believe it would be excellent RP material to add Kanjougas to whatever entities make up your Haunted Curse for your class. If this sounds like something you would find interesting, I would be happy to add it to your chronicle. Regardless in either situation, no one else but you hears or sees this occur. The group departs the Monastery, encountering a very confused group of kobolds lingering near the entrance to the Monastery grounds. They disperse without incident upon hearing of Aeteperax's demise, not wanting to risk their own scaly hides while the threat of draconic punishment no longer looms over them. The Pathfinders return to Belhaim to inform Lady Origena and the townsfolk of their success in ridding their town of the threat Aeteperax held over them. A massive feast is held in the group's honor, with places of honor held for those who aided the effort earlier but could not be present for the feast itself. Origena holds a small, but official, ceremony at the end of the feast to knight each of the Pathfinders; granting them the title of Lady or Sir, elevating them to a minor position of aristocracy within the nation of Taldor. The ceremony itself is almost interrupted part way through, as Rima Kell abruptly goes into labor as Origena is in the middle of knighting Roshi. Thanks to the medical attention of the town midwife, perhaps even Tereze or Locke given their knowledge in healing and herbal arts, Rima gives birth to fraternal twins, a boy and girl, that night. Azmur gives the honor of naming their two children to the Pathfinders, along with his offer of his services should any of the group need his assistance in their endeavors. The revelry in town threatens to stretch after the feast for the rest of the week, but eventually the Pathfinders find themselves called to return back to the Lodge in Absalom. An uneventful trip through Taldor, then a moderately quick sail aboard a ship bound for Kortos, brings the group back to the Grand Lodge for whatever adventures wait in store for them next... End of The Dragon's Demand! ![]()
![]() Locke wrote: A d12 splash die? Now i want to know how i can get that. Well, he occupies a large sized square at the moment. Hence, I rolled 12 possible square locations. Could have properly done a d8 for one square, but here we are. Melisande wrote: She darts forward, peeking around the corner and then spreads her hands again, this time a cone of flames emits from them. Assuming she asks nicely/seductively to have people delay and allow her to go in first, to avoid spraying Testudo/Roshi/Kegan with the spell. The alchemist dodges half of the fiery spell unleashed by Melisande. Reflex: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23 Kegan wrote: I don’t think she has a weapon out, but my movement would provoke. Correct, it would provoke. Kegan's movement provokes an incredibly insulting curse from Pentosh, something about his mother smelling of elderberries. She does not attack, however. Locke/Testudo wrote: Roshi hurries them after Pentosh, double move, somehow squeezing past Melisande....If at all this is possible. Oh my? Testudo's lance thrust strikes Pentosh, dealing some damage. Locke wrote: Locke, seeing the commotion coming down the hallway, binds a bomb to an arrow, and shoots it at Pentosh. You may not stack Explosive Bomb and Frost Bomb in the same bomb, unfortunately. Will presume you will go for just the Frost in the attempt to limit her actions. Fort Save: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14 The arrow connects, exploding in a frosty blast. Pentosh staggers with the cold and the damage! Tereze wrote: While this happens the Lantern Archon streaks after Pentosh, setting up where she has to run and fires a beam of light at her. This new archon seems to have bad luck, and its ray attacks once again miss the alchemist. Pentosh five-foot steps away from Roshi, and begins to lob a bomb. This elicits an attack from Kegan, which misses, as well as one from Testudo. The strike from the turtle knight knocks her unconscious and ends the combat! AoO Testudo: 1d20 + 11 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 11 + 1 + 1 = 31
END OF INITIATVE!!! Will post lootz and things after work tonight. ![]()
![]() Kegan wrote: Kegan takes a step to get into better position on the dragon and strikes twice with his rapier. The swashbuckler jabs his rapier into one of the dragon's wounds, causing the creature to buckle and collapse to the ground. As Aeteperax falls into unconsciousness, Kegan follows up his strike with a second thrust directly into the dragon's exposed throat, killing his foe instantly! He had just barely enough hit points to not trigger his retreat conditions last round, which I am glad to avoid because it would have been extremely awkward to fit a fleeing huge dragon through medium sized hallways without liberal application of a grease spell. A look of disbelief crosses Azmur's visage as he watches the death of the dragon, which is quickly replaced by extreme panic. "Rima...she was not with him...I must find her!" He turns and runs out of the room to the north. Pentosh, now alone in the room by her self with the Pathfinders, looks down at the corpse of Aeteperax. She then begins to hysterically and maniacally laugh. "You...you killed him! It's...all mine now! Yes!" Pentosh's face adopts an insane grin as she begins flipping a bomb vial haphazardly in one hand as she turns her gaze to the group. Round 14: Melisande (invisible, unconscious, -44)
![]() Locke wrote: Do we continue to make fort rolls vs the smoke cloud? Based on my forum perusals, I believe you only save once while in the cloud. Locke/Testudo wrote:
The druid will take the wand, but use one of his healing spells instead for better curative mileage for the moment. Cure Light on Testudo: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11 Kegan wrote: Frustrated that the smoke is so thick he can only hear the retreat of Pentosh, Kegan decides that the smoke can't go that far up. He tries holding his breath again and follows them up. The stairwell is an open set of stairs (e.g no outer-wall enclosing it, open to room), the alchemist hopped off at 5-foot elevation off the stairs to move away into room the group is currently; not ascending up to the upper level. Your character would have heard her doing this, and would know that she is still in the chamber. I would assume you would still follow the alchemist, but would encounter the dragon before Pentosh after emerging from the cloud (her current position is in the southwestern hallway next to Locke). Do you want to use your attack on the dragon, or something different? Melisande wrote: I don't have any way of generating a large gust of wind. Maybe we should ask the dragon? The dragon pulls out a pair of nerdy glasses and its character sheet, donning the spectacles to inspect the paper for a moment; then puts them away with a sly serpentine smile. The creature keeps its secrets for now. Melisande wrote: Melisande moves into the room (double move), keeping a pillar between her and the dragon. As she moves invisibly deeper into the room Melisande notes that while the dragon doesn't seem to focus in on her specifically, the creature seems to glance over in her direction as if it knows someone is moving about unseen. Round 11: Melisande (forgot still invisible)
![]() Locke wrote: For the sake of silliness, how much does the tree burn for before the fire is extinguished? Probably about one round or so, as it would drench itself with reckless abandon in the kobold and dinosaur blood to extinguish the flames. Telekinesis can substitute for a handy juicer in a pinch when needed. ![]()
![]() Melisande wrote: Before we go, is there anything worth taking in this crypt? Nothing valuable or magical left in this area, unfortunately. Locke wrote: I would hate to see it ramming in a wall, like that skeletal dinosaur did back in the opera house. *Looks innocently in another direction* Why, Locke, I have no idea what you are talking about. Tereze wrote: We should go up. I zink the window is up zere. The group ascends the spiral staircase at the end of the dormitory wing, moving up to the second story of the monastery. The staircase opens up into a landing before continuing to spiral upwards to a third story. The chamber in the landing has a door in the northwest corner, as well as a hallway that leads down to the south before turning out of sight to the east. The sounds of movement and conversation can easily be heard echoing off the stone walls from the hallway to the south: "-this ex-sss-iting, Pentosh?" says a feminine voice that carries a sibilant lisp on the 's' sounds. "He hasssn't needed any assssissstance from me for sssome time. It can be ssso lonely." The sound of a door with very old, creaky hinges lets off a squeal of noise in the still air as a second voice joins in. "You're the only one who isn't seeing any action, Thalena," retorts a different feminine voice filled with dry sarcasm and a light Osirani accent. "I practically see him every other day with his constant requests for potions. Don't care, either. He pays well, that's all that matters." There is a brief pause in the conversation accompanied by some more sounds of movement. "Close the door behind you, OH WAIT YOU CAN'T" the dry female voice says before dissolving into a hysterical hyena-like laugh while the siblant voice lets off an offended snort. The squeal of the door closing follows shortly after. Survival DC 15:
There are a large number of tracks on the stone floors here in the landing and hallway. You can judge that there are two main sets of tracks recently, most likely from the voices down the hall; one set is human-size booted footprints, while the other is just a large-sized drag mark; possibly from a large serpentine creature moving without legs. What would people like to do now? You have doorway to northwest, hallway to the south, and the staircase that continues upwards to the third level. ![]()
![]() The posts around this one give inforation that the druid gave you earlier. F6 was the entry hall, F7 was the shrine with the secret tomb with the mummy monk. F10 was the isolated meditation chamber/shrine that Azmur took you to. You were not provided with descriptions of any other areas beyond the sketched map he gave you. Edit: Ninja'd by Locke. ![]()
![]() Kegan wrote: Looking to Testudo, he asks “Any problem putting it on Yoshi?” pointing to the dead Pathfinder body. Pardon me as I attempt my best Tetsudo accent. *Ahem*... "THE NAME OF MY MOST VALIANT STEED IS ROSHI, FEATHER-HAT MAN!" Tetsudo rumbles as he grunts whilst lifting the dead Pathfinder body onto the turtle's shell; securing it with several loose straps dangling off of the saddle. "LET US CONTINUE ONWARDS TO THE INEVITABLE DANGER AWAITING US!" he 'says' before engaging in the incredibly difficult task of navigating a large-sized turtle down a ladder (which involves a large amount of irritated side-eye glances from Roshi). The tunnel at the base of the ladder leads onwards for what feels like forever, about 2 to 3 miles if one were to estimate it. The tracks in the dust of the tunnel continue the entire length, however, terminating in a stone cellar with a set of stone steps that ascend upwards. At the base of these stairs is a bedraggled middle-aged man clutching a small chest attempting weakly to go upwards, his body riddled with bite and claw marks. His rasping breath echoes loudly in the cellar as the man turns his head backwards to the approaching group of Pathfinders. "...Who goes there? Jessup? Is that you?" the man calls out with a hacking cough. ![]()
Female Tiefling Wiz/Rog/Arc Trick 10 [HP 65+16][AC 23][Init +5][F+7/R+11/W+9][Perc +18] [Current Mask]
Mage Armor, False Life, Shield , Mirror Image (3), Fire Res 20 ![]() Sorrow silently peruses the shelves as the other Pathfinders engage Yseldra in conversation. GM: We haven't quite cleared the sections that I have read when I GM'd part of this scenario, so I have been quiet for the most part. Still here! ![]()
![]() Locke wrote: She was in the 10ft blast radius when i shot at orange before, wasn't she, if i'm not mistaken? There was a splash 8 fire dmg, reflex DC 18 for 1/2. Reflex: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17 Technically, you would have first burn, as opposed to first blood. Similar, but more opportunities for "yo mama" jokes. Locke wrote: Locke continues flight north, then shoots an arrow at Riverbane. The arrow flies wide, striking and dissipating one of the darting images in the process. Kegan wrote: @GM Irish, Sorry, I tend to not look in spoilers unless told to. Too late to edit my post, pick whichever attack seems fair as my attack for the round. By all means, please check my dice rolling spoilers unless I put "NO PEEKING" on the spoiler. I also tend to not label my secret GM rolls so you don't know what they are for. The other players can attest that I have Derp Moments™ occasionally, so I encourage double checking as needed. Kegan wrote: He quickly follows up with an attack! Kegan Image Roll (1 is Target): 1d2 ⇒ 1 Kegan's strike lands, dealing another blow to Riverbane as she appears to be heavily damaged! Will update later this evening to give Tetsudo and Melisande a chance to chime in before following up with Arxyis' attack. Round 4: Kegan
![]() Jack wrote: He eyes Torch. "You even want the job, if they'll give it to you?" Torch seems to still be struggling to grasp the enormity of the events that have just unfolded before him. "Err...well. Like you said, I'll have to give it some thought." There is zero guidance from the scenario on this one. Whoops! Hugo wrote: I will entertain any offers with competitive market-based executive compensation and benefits packages. The ivory-masked Decemvirate snaps her fingers, casting manifest job description; causing a deluge of papers to cascade out of thin air around Hugo. The volume is nothing compared to The Abadar Canticles: Hymnals of the Tax Codes, but large enough to at least have requiring a tree or two worth of paper. Geatan wrote: What does a decemvirate? The ivory-masked one points to the piles of job description papers now arranged around Hugo. Eliza sighs, replying "We can discuss that more in depth later if needed. Let's just say we handle upper level managerial tasks for the Society, yes?" Geatan wrote: Is it a 9 to 5 job? "It is a salaried position," Eliza answers sweetly. "I am sure you know what that means in terms of hours that need to be worked." Geatan wrote: Do we need to be Anonymous including in public? The ivory-masked Decemvirate face palms (though their mask remains fully secured), while Eliza patiently explains, "Yes, you do. Next question?" Geatan wrote: Do we have assurance? A retirement pension? "Our 401K is extremely generous," Eliza says. "However, the health insurance is just an HSA account that you put gold into. Very tax deductible, though." Geatan wrote: Will it be the end of doing missions? The ivory-masked answers "Yes!" while Eliza simultaneously says "No!" They both look at each other, as the subject appears to be a point of contention. Eliza steps back in, saying "That is up to your discretion. Your duties to the Decemvirate would be first and foremost. However you wish to spend your remaining free time would be up to you." Eliza smiles and continues to address each of the Pathfinder's questions as they continue to discuss their future with the Society. The scene fades to black as the Lodge is secured and the day is saved once again! Aaaand....That's it! End of the scenario. The one gripe I have with the way it was written is that it ends generically. It literally says 'And have the scenario fade to black at the end if multiple people are interested.' For realz. ![]()
![]() Detect Magic (Jack):
You quickly ascertain that both items are artifacts, and it will be virtually impossible for you to evaluate all functions of each item with your short inspection of each one. You do confirm that the triple-spired helm is of Azlanti origin, based on the style of magic energies emanating from the helm, and that the reactive negative energy blasts that were used during combat came from the helm. You are also certain that with the way Vahlo regenerated that he the armor is he bound to as a graveknight is indeed the helm, and that the helm must be destroyed to stop his regeneration.
The shortsword seemed to be the item that was absorbing and redirecting spells cast at Vahlo during the combat. You believe that the sword is of similar origin as the helm, but are unable to determine further properties or method of destruction for the sword or helm. Jack wrote: "Greetings, Grandmaster Torch." The bard glances up at the notorious information broker. "Please give me a moment to finish my study of the helm. I tried to don it earlier, and it nearly blew my mind." He pauses while Jack performs his inspections, his gaze never shifting off of the helm as the bard does so. Gerdur wrote: Gerdur grunts, comes back to himself and raises his adamantine earthbreaker over the helm. "Smash it?" Torch smirks slightly in response to this comment. "You can try, Gerdur, but I would save your smashing for another time. The Triple-Spire Helm can only be destroyed in one manner, a method that I discovered through some of my more...clandestine...dealings several years ago." Hugo wrote: Tell me if you see any lingering foes or falsehoods projected from Valho or Torch. Then I will release you noble servant of Abadar. "The last part of that statement is false." The zelekhut interjects. Torch sighs exasperatedly at the inevitable's comment. "Fine, I found out last week. Alright?" Zed ponders the information broker's correct, then nods for Torch to continue. "That helm is an artifact, a badge of office from long lost Azlant that the Society repurposed for similar use with the Decemvirate. It was only meant for one individual to wear, so its makers established that it only should be destroyed after its power was shared amongst 5 or more people in a short duration." Torch looks at the gathered Pathfinders seriously. "If you merely have at least five of you wear the helmet one after the other in succession, the triple-spire helm should destroy itself. If you need a volunteer to do so, I would be happy to offer if you want someone to experiment. Otherwise, Vahlo will continue to regenerate from the helm." ![]()
![]() Intelligence (Locke):
Beyond the fact the moves listed for the checkmate are illegal for a normal game of chess, you are unable to glean any hidden messaging or reference from Torch's note at this time. Tetsudo's entry into the tavern is eventful, in the sense that the bouncers at the door object very strongly to the turtle's presence in the establishment. It isn't until after they find out that Torch actually also included the turtle specifically by name on the guest list that they reluctantly allow the pair entry inside. The entirety of the female wait staff engage in overt flirting with Tetsudo in an attempt to jockey into position to pet the turtle if its amenable to such things. ![]()
![]() "Oh, I am sure it is. Heard from some of the guard that the gore will take weeks to wash out without magic." Torch helps himself to some curried chicken and hummus, along with a generous portion of pita bread as an accompaniment. "That, along with skid marks from a charging tortoise." He snorts slightly as he takes another swig from his flask. "Anyways, tell me...you didn't happen to share the subject of our...discussions...earlier with your Venture-Captain? I do appreciate discretion, when possible; Yasmin was always quick to shoot things up to the Decemvirate when it really wasn't necessary." ![]()
![]() Between the mixture of Tereze distracting the merchant, and Gwen occupying the bodyguards, Locke is able to find a perfect opportunity to palm the statue. As he slinks away completely and utterly unnoticed, the group extricates themselves from their interactions with the merchant and the guards; rejoining the alchemist a safe distance away further in the Market. Moving quickly and unobtrusively out of the Secure Market, they are able to gather their weapons from the guards at the checkpoint; magic swiftly returning to everyone's gear and persons upon exit from the Market boundaries. Should the group return back the Lodge, they will find Yasmin waiting expectantly for the Pathfinders. "Welcome back! I hope that your efforts were successful?" she asks hopefully. The Venture-Captain pulls out a sealed envelope, bound by a purple wax seal. "While you were out, a messenger came by to deliver this; asking for you all by name. Were you expecting a letter at all?" she asks as Yasmin passes the envelope to Tereze. Letter Contents: Opening the letter reveals the following:
Pathfinders, It appears that you were able to obtain the statues, and without the ample assistance that I surely could have offered you. I find this most excellent; it appears that the Society still has resourceful agents at their disposal. Should you be amenable, I would be happy to offer dinner at my expense at The Dashing Dune tavern this evening. Consider it...an apology...for the inconvenience happened earlier this morning. ~Torch P.S. Tell Yasmin that chest won't do squat with those statues. Or don't; I don't particularly care either way. An alloy of noqual mixed with lead will do the trick, if the Society will actually spend money on such things. ![]()
![]() BB Will: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9 As Tereze's illusionary wraith emerges near the exit, the group will notice Buri-Ban appears from his concealment as he engages in "combat" with the illusion. Tetsudo takes advantage of this situation and charges the man, literally plowing through the man and sending the two halves of his corpse flying in opposite directions. The gore coats several nearby workers, who immediately double over and begin vomiting into their facemasks, resulting in more retching from the build up. A shiny copper statuette of a cat tumbles to the floor near the left half of Buri-Ban's body, the figurine lightly dusted in curry powder. Out of Initiative! Lootz:
Buri's corpse has one potion vial containing a brownish-green liquid, an empty potion vial that smells like lavender, a silver-plated set of bracers, two sapphire rings worth 50 gp, and a coin purse that contains 50 gold pieces. Lootz (Spellcraft DC 22): The bracers are a set of bracers of armor +1, and the potion vial is a potion of barkskin that grants a +3 NAB bonus. ![]()
![]() Gerdur wrote: Gerdur stares at the man flatly. "You are not Stanton Strake? Then kindly point out the man who is, please." "I...am not...sure?" the man says hesitantly. "I have never met him, not sure what he looks like. It would be great to meet him though, I am sure with all his wealth that he has fantastic shoes!" Knowledge Arcana (Gerdur):
You realize that this man's inconsistencies with his identity come from someone or something artificially messing with his memories. His condition is consistent with someone who has had new memories place magically in their mind, completely either removing or overwriting his previous ones. Using a spell akin to break enchantment would erase the magically implanted ones, but would not restore the overwritten or removed memories; it would leave him a blank vessel with no memories whatsoever, becoming essentially a living vegetable of a person. Using a spell similar to break enchantment on the individual who possesses Strake's memories would restore him to full identity. Marcus wrote: Can you make me a Fire in the Hole? 1d100 ⇒ 30 Marcus' request is met with a round of innuendos from the pirates, while the bartender actively ignores them. She thinks for several moments and begins pulling out several bottles, a mixer bottle, tongs, and gloves. The bartender mixes alcohol with several dashes of red liquid, before donning a pair of ominously thick gloves. She extracts an tiny slightly glowing red pepper from a jar using tongs, which immediately begin sizzling and smoking when they contact the pepper. The pepper is dropped in the concoction, causing a slight flash of light and red smoke to begin to rise from the beverage. She uses the tongs to place the beverage in front of Marcus on a chemically treated coaster, which also begins sizzling slightly on contact. Fortitude Save, if you wish to drink ;) Knowledge (Nature) or Profession (Brewer or Herbalist) DC 20: The pepper used for this drink is the extremely rare Qadiran scorpion pepper, rumored to be able to melt solid stone with the degree of pungency that it possesses. Its spiciness is even thought to give demons and fire elementals pause, typically causing those who succumb to its spiciness exquisite mouth pain and occasionally permanent loss of taste. For those that are able to power through the experience, the resulting aftertaste of the pepper is incredibly invigorating and smooth in this type of drink; the oils from the pepper delivering an array of flavors as it mixes with normal digestive enzymes in the mouth. ![]()
![]() Géatan:
Géatan wrote:
Unfortunately, I have not played Eyes of the Ten; so I am unfamiliar with the references in this regard (I have literally tried to play it 5 times, every group fell apart with scheduling issues before the 1st session). I would make the assumption that the Decemvirate present would give you noncommittal generic responses that are in line with the outcome of the scenario you took part in, as there is no mention of the Eyes of the Ten arc in this one. Dice Rolling:
Talismans: 3d100 ⇒ (72, 11, 40) = 123 Pouches: 1d100 ⇒ 76 Potions: 1d100 ⇒ 20 The briefing is concluded, and the Decemvirate departs with a dramatic flourish of his cape. As the group descends to the quartermaster's shop in the Lodge, they will find a potentially familiar looking halfling woman tending the counter. She looks up from idly flipping through the pages of a large tome, setting it aside as a wide smile graces her visage. "Finally, some people to break the boredom! Everyone else gets to go on an exciting mission to the Gallowspire while I get to man the fort, as it were." The woman's eyes widen as she realizes the identities of the Pathfinders before her, as she blushes wildly. "Oh, pardon me! I thought all of the Seekers were deployed on the mission. Where are my manners...Oh dear oh dear do I ask for autographs or do I just help them with-" The halfling has to take several moments to gather her wits, but eventually regains her aplomb enough to assist the group with their purchases. "Umm...pathfinder pouches? I think I have several, enough to cover you all I think." The halfling pulls out several nondescript, black leather pouches with silver buckles. She divvies them out, as she addresses Marcus' shopping list. "Here is your tool...talismans, you say?" she turns to dig through a filing cabinet to pull out several strips of parchment with symbols on them. "We have a couple left from Amara Li's last shipment sent out from Goka...don't mind the coffee stain on the 'Healing Power' one, Kreighton said that it still should work fine?" she trails off uncertainly as she slides them over to Marcus. "Oh, potions and elixirs? There is a whole bunch back here, for sure," the halfling says as she sifts through a sack with the clinking sound of glass vials. "I hope you don't mind bananas. For some reason the last alchemist on duty made all of his potions with banana flavoring. Reminds one of tropical islands, maybe?" she muses as she slides Gaétan's purchases across the counter. "Well, looks like you all are set to go! Be careful on your mission; it never hurts to be too prepared!" She waves cheerfully as the group departs. The group heads to one of the practice rooms, where they will find several apprentices bustling about the room. As they organize misshapen piles of books and scrolls, a rather distracted looking elf muses through a scroll in his hands in a clear area in the middle of the room amidst the chaos. "There you are," says the Master of Scrolls. "Heading straight into danger, are we? Seems like everyone is doing something dangerous, these days. The Decemvirate has asked me to teleport you to Azir. Bound for Mediogalti Island, it appears...lovely place this time of year. Reminds me of a delightful species of carnivorous flora native to the island..." Kreighton Shaine trails off in a reverie as his gaze drifts to the ceiling. A nearby apprentice clears their throat loudly, startling the elf back to the present. "Ahem, yes. Teleporting. I have quite the reputation with this magic, you know. Delightful hobby. Ready to depart?" The elf will wait as long as is needed, should any immediate magical (or otherwise) precautions be desired, before holding up a scroll and beginning to chant its verbal components. Perception (DC 15):
You notice that Kreighton appears to be holding the scroll upside down. Spellcraft (DC 25):
You notice that Kreighton appears to be chanting a greater teleport spell, but in reverse. While it most likely will not have a harmful effect on the result of the spell, the likelihood of arriving at your destination in an unusual orientation is exceptionally high. With your knowledge of teleportation, your are able to adjust your arrival such that you appear normally on the ground without a problem. With a disorienting wrench and a sharp change in the ambient air pressure, the group appears upside down 15 feet in the air above a stack of burlap sacks set on a dock next to an ocean. A large merchant ship with the words The Eel Prince emblazoned on its hull is docked nearby as the sounds of a bustling port town can be heard around you. A very startled looking dock hand stands a short distance away, a male human clad in typical sailor's clothing. "Err...ye be thar 'Pathfinders,' aye? Welcome to Port Godless. Name is Mick. Me captain be ready to set sail for the isle at your leave." ![]()
![]() Dice Rolling:
Minion 1 Reflex: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22 Minion 2 Reflex: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21 Locke's bomb flies true through the doorway, shattering onto the woman and covering her in a lovely explosion of flames; though her fellows seem to duck under a large portion of the blast. The flames do catch the thick, luxurious velvet curtains draped across the northern part of the chamber; causing streams of smoke to start billowing from the doorway as the enemies inside begin to cough! Initiative Order: (Round Advances 05/04 @ 10PM EDT) Round 1: Minion 1 & 2 (-4 each)
![]() Emyla Turn Breakdown:
Mirror Image Vrock 3 (1 is self): 1d4 ⇒ 2
All of Lion 2 attacks miss, but they also pop the rest of Vrock 3's mirror images; the 2nd attack misses due to an image and the rest miss by less than 5. Mirror Image Vrock 4 (1 is self): 1d2 ⇒ 1
The 1st claw attack is diverted by the last of Vrock 4's mirror images, 2nd claw attack misses. Total of 15 points to Vrock 4 after DR. Lucija Turn Breakdown:
Barbed Chains vs. Vrock 3 CMD: 1d20 + 11 + 7 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 11 + 7 + 1 + 1 = 22
Barbed Chains vs. Vrock 3 CMD: 1d20 + 11 + 7 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 11 + 7 + 1 + 1 = 25 Barbed Chains vs. Vrock 3 CMD: 1d20 + 11 + 7 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 11 + 7 + 1 + 1 = 27 Vrock Will Save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17 Shaken Rounds: 1d4 ⇒ 3 Botting Lucija, she attempts to trip up Vrock 3 by summoning several wickedly sharp chains from another dimension! She will use one of her Spirits of Wine to boost the CL by 1. This results in the third chain striking, tripping the Vrock and causing it to become Shaken for 3 rounds (the slashing from the chains don't get past my DR) Chaine Turn Breakdown:
Chaine wrote: "Huh... I hope that's alright, Mighty Battle Cat?" The Foo lion just turns and gives Chaine perhaps the most dirtest look one could possibly imagine a neutral good outsider giving to someone in a situation like this. "Mighty Battle Lion, if you don't mind," it says haughtily as it corrects Chaine in a cultured Common accent. Chaine wrote: Fast mount as free action - automakes; triggers AoO from Vrock 3 AoO vs. Chaine: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (18) + 13 = 31 Damage vs. Chaine: 2d6 + 5 ⇒ (4, 1) + 5 = 10You attack lands and deals full damage. AoO will also hit you for 10 points. Silvermane wrote:
There is a 5 foot radius Emergency Force Sphere around her at the moment, Silvermane is unable to share that space. You will have to up and over if you want to be in that general area. It does exceed my CMD by 5, for those that want to take an AoO on Vrock 4 (now with 100% less mirror images!) Torrag Turn Breakdown:
Vrock 3 Reflex: 1d20 + 10 - 2 ⇒ (1) + 10 - 2 = 9 Welp, that was fun. Take 39 points of damage after Resistance. Qatala Turn Breakdown:
Vrock 4 AoO vs. Qatala: 1d20 + 13 - 4 ⇒ (12) + 13 - 4 = 21
Botting Qatala's action. Applies oil of good align weapon to her whip and moves up within melee range of prone Vrock 4, not even blinking as its AoO misses horrendously. Vrock Turn Breakdown:
Vrock Reflex Save vs. Acid Burn: 1d20 + 10 - 2 ⇒ (5) + 10 - 2 = 13
Moar Acid Damage: 5d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 4, 3, 4) = 22 Concentration Check Vrock 3: 1d20 + 12 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 12 + 3 = 22 Concentration Check Vrock 3: 1d20 + 12 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 12 + 3 = 16 Both Vrocks attempt to defensively teleport to more advantageous positions, but both lose their spells with a sparkle of glitter and a fart noise! Action item: PC's adjacent to prone Vrock 4 may make AoO's against it from Greater Overrun. Initiative Order: Round 5
Round 6
![]() The merchant is so grateful for the help with his cart that he leaves all of his supplies behind as he runs screaming off into the distance away from the Urgent Repairs 100% complete! In addition to the free cure serious wounds potion, each PC may select one additional 3rd level or lower potion (that does not have an expensive material component) to use during the adventure for free. ![]()
![]() Chaine wrote: Do you know if there's a way to make the distance measuring tool display 'stick'? as soon as I take my finger off the left click button it disappears. I've been meaning to find a way to 'keep measurements' for a while now, for my campaign's purposes. Chaine, I have found your answer! To get something like what you are intending: In Depth Roll20 Jargon: 1)Drag the ruler tool to measure the distance that you want
2)While holding the ruler tool in place also press "Q" (e.g. the same button you would press when showing a token path movement) to create a "dot" on the map at the end of your ruler arrow. 3)Release the ruler tool and the ruler arrow will disappear. 4)Now press "X." The ruler tool arrow will now reappear on the map with the distance visible and you no longer needing to continue to hold a button. Other players can see this as long as you measured it in the layer they can see. It will disappear again if you right click for any reason or if you exit the page.. I have not tested this to see if you can have more than one arrow up in this way at once. Hope this helps! ![]()
Male Wayang Wizard (Sin Specialist) 11 [HP 48+16/48][AC 17][Init +2][F+5/R+7/W+9][Perc +18]
False Life (+20 HP), Mage Armor (+4 Armor), Mirror Image (5 images), Fly, Prot v. Evil ![]() Perception: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (4) + 17 = 21 Laara wrote: When they near the stones, the half-elf squints, but can't make out anything in the tfhick soup of evil. We make it through today, remind me to get a nice rock for you to make all shiny like yours. she says to Exi. It appears Yami is also having difficulty seeing, even with darkvision. Upon Laara mentioning issues with the darkness, he bends down to the ground and thrusts his arm into the dirt. The wayang pulls hard out of the ground, and brings a skeletal hand into the air. A full humanoid skeleton follows, clad in breastplate and wielding a longsword. Yami then plucks one of his puppets from his pack and touches his staff as he mutters some arcane words. The puppet begins emitting extremely bright light, which the wayang then secures to the skeleton using its puppet strings. "Follow and defend the half-elf, make sure my allies can see at all times," the wayang commands the skeleton. As combat begins, Yami waves his hand in the air over the skeleton, causing glowing purple runes to crawl all over its bones; bolstering his minion with arcane power. For the first round of buffing, Yami casts summon monster III, modified by his Skeletal Summoner feat, to summon a skeletal champion. On the second round, he will use his Crook of Cilhurdeen to cast shadow evocation in order to create a (pardon the irony) shadow daylight spell on a puppet he secures to the skeleton. During the actual first round of initiative, he will use his school ability to Bolster the skeletal champion; who will follow Laara around and attack any enemy she attacks until otherwise directed. ![]()
Male Wayang Wizard (Sin Specialist) 11 [HP 48+16/48][AC 17][Init +2][F+5/R+7/W+9][Perc +18]
False Life (+20 HP), Mage Armor (+4 Armor), Mirror Image (5 images), Fly, Prot v. Evil ![]() Adsal wrote: Fade & Yami care to trade spells? If you ask Yami this he will flip out like a kid at a candy store. Absolutely. And Fade is correct, shadow anchor is a wayang-only spell for Society play. Yami defaults the spellcraft checks if allow to scribe these Adsal Spell-book Wishlist:
Fade Spell-book Wishlist:
Chaine wrote:
If it is in the cards, perhaps (Pun was for you, Skipper!). I too have put my name in to run Part C, and will also be running the 16-18th level sanctioned part of RotRL for the Gameday. We will see! ![]()
Male Wayang Wizard (Sin Specialist) 11 [HP 48+16/48][AC 17][Init +2][F+5/R+7/W+9][Perc +18]
False Life (+20 HP), Mage Armor (+4 Armor), Mirror Image (5 images), Fly, Prot v. Evil ![]() Chaine wrote: Unfortunately I can't charge blindly as its against the charge rules, however, you can mount Silvermane then cast your spells, THEN I'll charge the moment the fog clears i.e. delay action GM Cwethan yes? btw Yami: 50+ mph winds is enough to even disperse solid fog... Unfortunately as well, my plan requires me to be between the two fog clouds. Time for another equally as bad idea! After a brief discussion with Chaine, Yami realizes an adjustment is required. "Actually, hold that thought. Be ready to charge." The wayang slips out of the mist... Acrobatics for iciness: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16 ...and emerges at the edge of the drop into the central depression of the chamber. Seeing Spiky air walking at an ideal location, Yami utters a blasphemy so explicit that time itself stops for a brief moment. Blasphemy:
"...I sometimes wear socks and sandals at the same time." During the six seconds that takes Time to reassert its sensibilities, Yami clicks his jaunt boots to teleport up onto Spiky. Clinging to its bony structure, the wayang unleashes a shadowy blast of hurricane force winds to blow away the icy fog within its radius. Shortly thereafter, Time recovers and begins moving once again. The red template on the map is what I believe a 25 foot radius would clear out. It is very hard to find a template for that size, so I tried freehanding it. Will handle Spiky's turn after seeing what Chaine does or if there is any complications with Yami's actions. ![]()
Male Wayang Wizard (Sin Specialist) 11 [HP 48+16/48][AC 17][Init +2][F+5/R+7/W+9][Perc +18]
False Life (+20 HP), Mage Armor (+4 Armor), Mirror Image (5 images), Fly, Prot v. Evil ![]() GM Cwethan wrote:
Actually, Yami might do things a little different... The kobold says in Common with a rather un-draconican dry smirk and a voice that sounds unmistakably like Yami's, after Mantis' blade strikes it, "Why...Mantis, you would strike a fellow worshipper of Apsu? How...blasphemous. I like it. Aim for the jugular next time." Fade wrote:
Yami the Blue Kobold will purposely flat foot himself to all of Fade's attacks, and will also intentionally fail the reflex save against Fade's fireball spell if he still has HP left after Fade's attacks. ![]()
Male Wayang Wizard (Sin Specialist) 11 [HP 48+16/48][AC 17][Init +2][F+5/R+7/W+9][Perc +18]
False Life (+20 HP), Mage Armor (+4 Armor), Mirror Image (5 images), Fly, Prot v. Evil ![]() Yami sighs as the illusion made by Adsal seems ineffective. He re-adjusts back a bit to be within Skipper's channel radius, then commands Spiky to do a fighting retreat back to him. The wayang then makes several arcane gestures, and with a short incantation abruptly collapses to the ground. Meanwhile, Spiky withdraws back to be next to Yami's body, since he is unable to 5-foot due to difficult terrain. Yami casts magic jar, with the focus being an obsidian crystal in on his belt. He will attempt to exert his will to possess what he hopes is the mastodon. DC 24 Will Save. ![]()
Male Wayang Wizard (Sin Specialist) 11 [HP 48+16/48][AC 17][Init +2][F+5/R+7/W+9][Perc +18]
False Life (+20 HP), Mage Armor (+4 Armor), Mirror Image (5 images), Fly, Prot v. Evil ![]() Religion to Influence Medda: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (1) + 20 = 21 I literally just laughed out loud after seeing this roll. BWAHAAHAAAHA- As the halfling attempts to play up their camaraderie, the wayang attempts to smile. It fails spectacularly, with incredibly loud sounds of creaking jaw bones and twitching facial muscles. "Errr...yes. Allies. I totally just tried possessing his soul not even an hour ago. It was great." ![]()
![]() Cassandra wrote: As Radek opens coffins, Cassandra will take a moment to study the armored figure both magically and mundanely Spellcraft/Knowledge Religion (Cassandra):
Inspecting the body, you are able to determine that the corpse is currently wearing a set of celestial dragonhide armor (functions as celestial armor except it is made of gold dragonhide). Additionally, the corpse has a ancient gold holy symbol of Osiris worth about 250 GP. You are not sure how this individual died, the amount of decay is making it difficult to determine anything about the body. Psycho Dread wrote: Does Psycho know something about that dragon Knowledge Arcana (Psycho):
You know that blue dragons are immune to electricity, paralysis, and sleep effects. They can create and evaporate liquids, generate a variety of illusions and sound effects, and some even generate a constant field of electricity. Beyond flight, they can also burrow through the ground and breath out a line of electricity. Normally, this would require a good Heal check (that currently everyone so far has failed in the background). But you have someone who is intimately familiar with draconic physiology present to help you! In response to Radek and Mr. Madison, Tahonikepsu looks at the dragon corpse grimly. "Look at the dragon's neck area. See those swollen glands under the scaled area? And there, near the joint by the claws," she points to the areas with clinical precision (keeping her distance). "This dragon did not die from battle wounds or torture. It died from some kind of disease that wears down vital organs. It is a very bad sign, because our kind do not become sick easily. There are very few diseases we are susceptible to. It is quite possible that Tahari was researching strains to target creatures with strong resistances or possibly even immunities. The implications are...well..." The Sage trails off as she continues to look at the dragon corpse. ![]()
![]() Hello all! Looking to plot the schedule for this upcoming weekend at the Griffon. I will NOT be present to help with running tables, as I will at the Bloom&Zoom bike ride on Saturday. I suggest the following scenarios below, though I am certainly open to suggestions if someone has something specific you would like to play. I can provide PDF's of the scenarios to volunteering GM's, and chronicle sheets as well. Thanks! Saturday, July 25th at 10AM EDT @ The Griffon Bookstore: Low Table: Murder on The Throaty Mermaid (Tier 1-5)
Mid Table: Among the Living (Tier 1-7)
Back-up Table: The Confirmation (Tier 1-2)