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Some pretty nice loot in that dragon horde.
Two things Kegan would be interested in:
* Winged boots
* Buckler with Light Fortification

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Congratz on the loot, friends!

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While not critical, skipping them may adjust chronicle sheet lootz later.
This is a module, being played in campaign mode. As such, it does not follow the normal conventions of society play.
There should be no crossing off of loot or adjusting of monetary rewards.
I am in favor of clearing out the dangers. I think it would be fun. I am just pointing out that it doesn't matter how our characters do here, the rewards are for completing this section of the module.

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I'm going to be out of town and with limited internet/computer access from tomorrow, Saturday, until Wednesday, April 7th. Please feel free to bot me in the meanwhile if needed.

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Congratz guys!

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YAY! Nobody Died!
I was worried in the big fight.

GM Irish202 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

YAY! Nobody Died!
Indeed! Though, quite ironically, there is a built in part with the module that at the end Lady Origena will pay for any resurrection costs for anyone that died during the course of the adventure as long as Aeteperax was defeated.
I should have chronicle sheets out tomorrow morning!

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Thanks for running this, @GM Irish202!
As noted before, I am applying a held GM chronicle, so Melisande is jumping 8th level for the next scenario. I've updated her sheet here, but not yet bought any new gear.

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Ill keep an eye out and join in the next ordeal.

GM Irish202 |

Everyone's chronicle sheets should be sent via PM. Let me know if any corrections need to be made. The next scenario on the docket is King Xeros of Old Azlant, which I'll endeavor to open up in the gameplay thread either this evening or tomorrow. Is the group comfortable starting with current party composition, or do you wish to attempt to recruit another PC for the party?

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Two questions for the FJC:
Does the Dark Window count as a named minor or magor artifact?
Did we recover a named book?

GM Irish202 |

The chronicle needs my day job gold.
The link in the PM should now have the updated day job on it, if you want to refresh.
Does the Dark Window count as a named minor or major artifact?
The module calls out the Dark Window as an "immobile magical effect of CL 17," but in my interpretation as a GM and a VL I would qualify it as meeting the essential intent for your check mark in that category on FJC.
Did we recover a named book?
While there are a hideously large number of books recovered from the dragon's hoard in the lootz, the module doesn't give them specific names unfortunately.

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Kegan wrote:Does the Dark Window count as a named minor or major artifact?The module calls out the Dark Window as an "immobile magical effect of CL 17," but in my interpretation as a GM and a VL I would qualify it as meeting the essential intent for your check mark in that category on FJC.
Unfortunately there was a clarification on this that the item had to specifically state it was an artifact. :(
Guess I try to recruit Azmur to Dark Archive...
Diplomacy vs DC 15+6 = 21: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
...or not.
Guess I will need to work on that in the future.
Good luck everyone! This next adventure you are going on can be really interesting.

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Lets see we have Locke, Myself, Ery and Melisande. Anyone else?
I can summon lots of meat shields in front of us if that's what we need.

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True, but i wonder about their damage output, and summon allies requires a full round.
Would a pack of say, celestial eagles, hold off an ogre or DR 10 construct as decent as a barbarian or paladin might?

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Oh I wouldn't object to a tank. Don't get me wrong.
I'm not saying it's a good solution, just a possible one.
But given this is a society run, sometimes you go with the strange group.
That said I think at least one more would be nice.

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I've discovered a slight issue - I assigned a held GM chronicle from this scenario to Melisande from GenCon 2020.
I can play with a different character, or I can see if I can get Tonya or a VC to move my chronicle. I will be using a replay for this one anyway, which I have tons of.
I have three other character options of an appropriate level: Witch 8, Life Oradin 11 or maybe my 10th Druid - the druid's in a PbP that is in the last encounter now, so I would need to delay for a few weeks to wrap that up.

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GM, what price would you put on having a couple of custom brooches, made of a cut up dragon's tooth?
I was musing getting our druid friend to remove a tooth from the dragon, and getting it cut into 5 brooches for us five as token of our victory.
If that is possible, of course.

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Wilderness' trophy rules have some solid defaults for when the brow be raised

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I'm getting the GenCon folks to sort out the chronicle mixup and I'll be good to continue playing Melisande for this.

GM Irish202 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Melisande, your sheet link should be updated with your day job if you want to reload the link.
GM, what price would you put on having a couple of custom brooches, made of a cut up dragon's tooth?
I don't see why not. I'll check Eryzule's suggestion with looking into the trophy rules, otherwise I'll figure out something to add.
I am also going to set up a recruitment post in the PbP lodge to see if we can't drum up an extra player later this evening.

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Hello, I would very much like to join. I have a level 9 front line character. :-)

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Andor, you were just in a table with my Druid Meylara. Hopefully we can try to keep everyone alive this time :-)

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Yes! :-) The GM wrote APL is 8 so I thought level 9 is ok but looking at the characters I see that my level 9 PC could be too much maybe?
I also have a level 8 caster Shaman. Or a level 5 front line Occultist although that might be too low.

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Im rockin' a level six. So anything is awesome

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Would the Shaman be better then GM?
That’s him.

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HI GM Irish and everyone!
I am interested in playing with Gervase, a friendly bubbly Archer Ranger 9.
I know Kegan IRL, and I'm sure he could supply a character reference if necessary ;)
If Gervase doesn't fit your mix or you're already full, no worries amd good gaming to you all!

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I think i ran some Runelords a few years back i could reg.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I know Kegan IRL, and I'm sure he could supply a character reference if necessary ;)
Regardless of if it is needed or not, in my opinion Yours is Mined is a great player who always brings interesting characters. Every character they play brings something to the game they join.
I haven't had the pleasure of playing alongside Gervase specifically.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Barbarian 9 here if you need help.
Beside my battle prowess, I'm a trained tailor, so you can rest assured you'll be left in stiches, one way or another.

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I have seen Brallenera in action. She is a deadly force.
Good times.
I still can't believe you killed angelboy!

GM Irish202 |

I think i ran some Runelords a few years back i could reg.
Please do!
The GM wrote APL is 8 so I thought level 9 is ok but looking at the characters I see that my level 9 PC could be too much maybe? I also have a level 8 caster Shaman.
Up to you! I will note that Andor's stats are quite...impressive. King Xeros of Old Azlant can be a bit difficult, so if I were to nudge you in either direction Andor would help with party survivability. Also, not to be biased, but kitsune are my favorites.
I am typically a proponent for the remaining seat under "First Come First Serve," however at the rate the APL is going the group will be nudged out of the 7-8 Tier. Melisande, Locke, Tereze, and Eryzule: I will leave the remaining seat up to your discretion. Currently your options are:
1) Gervase (Ranger 9)
2) Circe (Witch 10)
3) Mylvwara (Not sure if actually interested? Wizard/M. Arcanist 9)
4) Brallenera (Barbarian 9)
A simple majority vote will allocate the last seat. In the event of a tie, I'll roll a die to decide.

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I vote for the meat shields. For obvious reasons.

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So, to be clear - we are currently Melisande (Sorcerer/Evangelist 8), Locke (Alchemist 8), Tereze (Oracle 8), and Eryzule (Sorcadin 7).
I'd go with meat shields as we're otherwise all casters.
I think that means Andor the Swashbuckler/Investigator and Brallenera the Barbarian - 7,8,8,8,9,9 is APL 8.1666, which means high tier because season 0. But since this is season 0, I think we may be fine with a party of 6 even if most of us are level 7 or 8.
I can also switch to my Druid Meylara who is now level 10 and we can just go hard high tier.

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Thanks a lot GM! ;-)
I am looking forward to playing with you all!!
And the stats are really only that high after buffing which is quite typical for investigators. I hope we survive. :-D

GM Irish202 |

Three votes for meat shields means Ballenera takes the seat.
Gervase, Circe, and Mylvwara: Thanks for your interest. May the dice gods be ever in your favor.
I will be starting up the King Xeros of Old Azlant part in the gameplay thread today.
GM, what price would you put on having a couple of custom brooches, made of a cut up dragon's tooth?
After review of Ultimate Wilderness, the selling price for a trophy from a CR 11 creature would be 1,400 GP. The process to get the trophy would require a DC 26 Arcana check to identify how to get the trophies, a DC 26 Survival check to actually harvest them, then either a DC 26 Alchemy or Craft (Jewelry) check to preserve/alter them into brooches.
The Additional Resources page does not include the Trophy and Treasures rules in the book as being valid for PFS; so in my opinion as long as you don't intend to use the brooches for any in-game benefit I would just mark it on your sheet for RP/fluff purposes.

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After review of Ultimate Wilderness, the selling price for a trophy from a CR 11 creature would be 1,400 GP.
No benefits, just an RP memento of victory against all odds.
With take 10, i can meet the requirements of Arcana and Alchemy, but i would be dependent on our druid friend for the 3rd.
Would the others be interested in splitting the cost? 1400 is a bit pricey for something purely flavor for a single pocket.
I am not bent on getting the brooches, mind you. :)

GM Irish202 |

Would the others be interested in splitting the cost? 1400 is a bit pricey for something purely flavor for a single pocket.
If you were wanting one for RP flavor, it would be free. The pricing for trophies were purely for informational purposes only, since the pricing is also not PFS sanctioned.