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The group passes the helm around, with nothing particularly untoward occurring to each person as they put it on. After Geatan puts the helm on, the triple-spire helm gives off a loud crack as it suddenly disintegrates into dust that falls to the ground around him!
Technically Jack has already put on the helm already within the time frame needed, so Geatan would be the 5th person needed to trigger the destruction condition.
“This is where it ends,” Torch announces after the destruction of the triple-spire helm, while removing several rings and tossing them onto the ground. “So many years ago, I joined the Society and did the Decemvirate’s bidding, only to be betrayed and abandoned rather than have the leaders admit wrongdoing.” He unclasps his cloak and unbuckles a bandolier of potions, adding them to the pile. “I worked independently after that, as you know, trying to change the Society through the Shadow Lodge.” He grunts derisively while upending a belt pouch containing spell components, a half-dozen tub-shaped feather tokens, and an ivory statue of himself. “Lost control of those rebels, I admit, but the new Shadow Lodge that resulted? What a magnificent thing that was! Together, we stood to reform the Society from within!” He punctuates this point by dropping his quiver and discarding a leather case brimming with scrolls. “Until I realized that all the progress we seemed to make ceased the moment the Decemvirate took an interest.” He unceremoniously adds his sword to the growing hoard of magic items, before continuing.
“I’m a suspicious man, and I admit I jumped too swiftly to blaming the Decemvirate. Yet, when the opportunity came to discover their identities, I took it. My old nemesis Dorianna Ouidda had secured the names, yet even she had yet to piece together Vahlo’s motivations. But I recognized him from the tales, recognized what his presence might mean, and knew what he would do to anyone who stood a chance of knowing his true identity. I killed Dorianna, I publicly betrayed the Society, and I no doubt disappointed many of you," Torch says with a sad sigh as he shakes his head. "It was the only way I saw in the moment to deflect blame from the Pathfinder agents and take it on myself, becoming in the Decemvirate’s eyes the villain they always assumed I would become. And to be fair, it worked for those agents; instead of an inquisition, the Grand Lodge reached out with an olive branch and special training. I couldn’t bear to see Vahlo wipe out the agents who placed their faith in me, even if I had to break their faith to save them from that fate.”

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Torch sheds the last of his equipment except for armor and his amulet, plus a candle and tindertwig held in his hands. “For old time’s sake,” he notes with a wry chuckle as he lights the candle and balances it on the ground. "Not that I'll need it with that creature around," he says with a nod towards the inevitable staring at him. “Since then, I’ve done everything I can to unmask Vahlo in a way that the Decemvirate couldn’t laugh off. I’ve stolen, spied, and even warmongered to that end, but at last the worst of the Ten has fallen. And by now my agents have finished carrying off enough evidence implicating two of the other Decemvirate that I suspect they’ll flee the Society once those documents come to light."
“I’ve done what I came to do. I’ve finished what I set out to accomplish. What I’ve done, I’ve always done for the Pathfinder Society and its agents. But that’s not for me to judge," Torch says with a resolute finality. "I’ll answer any of your questions, and I’ll submit to your judgment. If I am to live or die, let it be the decision of true Pathfinders, not the Ten.”

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"hum. I am no judge. But I am a Pathfinder. So questions.
Who are you? In 10 years, i have never heard about you.
Who are those Members of the decemvirate you implicate?
Can you trust those other Decemvirates?
... I realise i did know something about you from my protege. Why did you join the siège on Absalom?
If you die what are the consequences?
If you live, what Will you Do?
Where our New Friend the gnome is now?
Why the Mantis is your enemy and it tries to attack us? Where the high priestest is now?
What Will happen to those half-orcs?
How did you recruit Zurnal? You know he is an ex-decemvirate right.
How have you learn about this weakness in the helm?
If There was a way to reform the society and stops the same problem emerge what should you suggest?
Did you know about the first attempt against the decemvirate?
Does the (describing Shemis) decemvirate actually goes out sometimes?
Is There a way to kill the wispering Tyrant?
Who killed Aroden?
Is There ruins you know, that the society doesn't?"
Géatan starts to shoot questions.

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Spellcraft DC18: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (8) + 22 = 30
"A candle of truth?" Jack offers a wry grin. "It's as if you think we'd suspect you're lying."
The bard looks down at the pile of equipment Grandmaster Torch has dropped at his feet. "Tub-shaped feather tokens. Let me guess... "
"Judgment?" the muse-touched aasimar asks. "You've never harmed me, nor those I call friends. Always thought of you as free spirit, stickin' it to the Man."
He offers Torch his hand. "If you're looking for a place to retire and kick back, I've got a lodge in Promise on the isle of Hermea. You'll always be welcome there."

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Hugo nods in thanks to the Inevitable. Go now. You have served justice. We will take it from here.
Hugo was never a fan of Torch, but did not have many dealings with him directly, (other than the last part of the Ten).
You have stopped Vahlo, who was an agent of evil to the core. So that strikes a balance in my ledger. I am not a judge, although others of my order may play that role.
I track down stolen artifacts or relics from those who would steal from Abadar's vaults. Something close to the crimes perpetrated here today, but for the Society.
How do you account for all the artifacts and tomes damaged or lost today?

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"A candle of truth?" Jack offers a wry grin. "It's as if you think we'd suspect you're lying."
"A professional courtesy, if you will," Torch says with a grandiose bow. "My reputation proceeds me, as I am sure you fellows here are aware."
The bard looks down at the pile of equipment Grandmaster Torch has dropped at his feet. "Tub-shaped feather tokens. Let me guess... "
Torch looks at the feather tokens with a mixed expression on his visage as he almost subconsciously rubs the emerald gem he was carrying. "I have not been needing those as much, thanks to my sage jewel healing much of my cursed wounds. I will miss the gem after it is returned back to the Order."
"Judgment?" the muse-touched aasimar asks. "You've never harmed me, nor those I call friends. Always thought of you as free spirit, stickin' it to the Man."
"I appreciate the sentiment," Torch says seriously. "Not everyone in the Society feels that way. Be sure to stick to your stance going forward and do not let the Decemvirate walk all over you and those you trust."
He offers Torch his hand. "If you're looking for a place to retire and kick back, I've got a lodge in Promise on the isle of Hermea. You'll always be welcome there."
Torch hesitates briefly, before extending his own hand and shaking Jack's firmly. "Thank you for the offer. I will consider it," he says seriously.
Hugo nods in thanks to the Inevitable. Go now. You have served justice. We will take it from here.
The zelekhut disappears in a precisely calculated puff of displaced air.
How do you account for all the artifacts and tomes damaged or lost today?
“I honestly don’t know, and that’s the point. Each has scattered in a different direction with instructions to employ the evidence as they deem proper. I could probably track them down eventually, but not before they will have done their damage.”

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Who are you? In 10 years, i have never heard about you.
The information broker lifts an arched eyebrow. "You accepted a mission not knowing who your target was? Agents these days..." Torch says as he shakes his head with a sigh. "Summary of the story, I was a Pathfinder burned by the betrayal of the Decemvirate...in more ways than one. It has been my life's work to expose their betrayal, and to gain revenge for those lost by their corruption. If you want the long story, ask your friends."
Who are those Members of the decemvirate you implicate?
"I am not ready to speak their names aloud quite yet, in the event their contingencies are attuned to such things. Seek out my agents that spread the evidence they collected, it will lead you to the names you seek."
The scenario does not provide the names of the other Decemvirate implicated here, unfortunately.
Can you trust those other Decemvirates?
"There may be trustworthy ones amongst them, perhaps. I don't think I will ever come to trust any of them. They all were complicit in their inaction and their betrayal, regardless of their intention."
Why did you join the siège on Absalom?
“The attack on Absalom was…fraught. The Society had built an impressive list of enemies, and it was my hope that by facilitating these villains’ private revenge fantasies, I might provoke the Decemvirate into open action and draw out Vahlo, all the while exposing these villains so you could defeat them before they got too dangerous. It didn’t work as intended. Certainly Muhlia managed to implicate Skyreach in coordinating the invasion, which nearly drove the First Guard to investigate the Grand Lodge. Thurl, on the other hand, was too unpredictable. I had hoped he might create a few golems and let them loose in the Grand Lodge; instead he turned up with an army bent on utter conquest! In the chaos, though, I infiltrated Skyreach and identified Vahlo’s sinister plans for the construct known as Gulgamodh. I sent my agents to disable the giant construct, but the Pathfinders managed to beat us to it and use Gulgamodh in the city’s defense—far better than Vahlo’s plan to unleash it on Eastgate."
"It seemed to have worked as far as flushing out the other enemies as well. Their resources sapped, they fell to you easily after that. In fact, I am almost certain that time and resources spent on the siege of Absalom were the only thing that stopped Koth’Vaul from focusing on Deskari before the Society could defeat him. Thurl and Koth’Vaul both had big plans with or without me. The attack on Absalom was a major waste of their resources for little return that ultimately ruined them. I regret the lives lost that day, but far more would have suffered if they hadn’t spent that energy attacking such a well-defended target.”
If you die what are the consequences?
Torch gives a noncommital half-shrug. "That's a question for the sages and clerics, I think. My contingencies are done, my safeguards are disabled, and I even ordered that the two clones I commissioned be destroyed. I am the one, only, and potentially last Grandmaster Torch. Beyond my death, I am not sure what events will follow."
If you live, what Will you Do?
“I’ve spent years on the run and planning for today. I rarely gave what would follow any thought. It’s tempting to just retire somewhere warm and relax for once.” He looks thoughtful and turns to Jack. "Maybe I'll take your friend up on his offer, Hermea has nice beaches...if you can look past the overbearing gold dragon ruling the island."
Where our New Friend the gnome is now?
"Your 'new friend' Eylysia is currently getting incredibly drunk at a bar in the Coins District that specializes in particular brews that gnomes find particularly intoxicating," Torch says without evening blinking or missing a beat. He looks around at the group should they give him any surprised looks. "...What? I am an information broker. Despite her scholarly bent and savior complex, she's a sloshing wet drunk stuck on an isolated island seething with blood-thirsty assassins. Where else would she be?. Next question."
Why the Mantis is your enemy and it tries to attack us? Where the high priestest is now?
"The Red Mantis' only enemies are ones they are contracted to kill. Vahlo contracted them to kill Eylysia and anyone who got in their way. You got in their way, I got in their way. Simple as that," Torch says matter-of-factly. "As for that bat-crazy priestess, she probably has regenerated in the island's temple to their Mantis God by now. I would probably avoid vacationing at Mediogalti Island going forward, if I were you."
What Will happen to those half-orcs?
Torch and the half-orcs both look extremely surprised at this question. "I suppose that is up to them, I guess," Torch says softly as he looks off to the horizon with out addressing the question further. The two half-orcs look uncertainly at each other, with one of them actually speaking up to answer the ranger. "The boss pays very well and has a good eye for investments. After our jobs here are done, we both have a large amount of gold to retire on. Don't worry about us."
How did you recruit Zurnal? You know he is an ex-decemvirate right.
"Our interests aligned, for a while. I pay well. Perhaps you can ask him about it, though I suspect that he will only be found if he wants to be. Assassins are like that sometimes."
How have you learn about this weakness in the helm?
Torch strokes his chin bemusedly with a grunt. "Long nights, little sleep. Lots of magic, gold, and luck. Let's just leave it at that for now, perhaps."
If There was a way to reform the society and stops the same problem emerge what should you suggest?
"You tell me," Torch says seriously. "I already tried with two iterations of my Shadow Lodge. Culling the corruption out of the Decemvirate was a start. The rest will be up to Pathfinders like yourselves to sort out."
Did you know about the first attempt against the decemvirate?
"Of course," Torch says with a slight smirk. "Filched the 'secret record' of the events from the Master of Scrolls vault not even a week after things settled down. Fun fact, Shaine's combination for the lock is his birthday. Not the brightest in the bunch for how smart he is, right?"
Does the (describing Shemis) decemvirate actually goes out sometimes?
"The few of my agents that have managed to track some of the other Decemvirate's movement did mention seeing one with that mask occasionally. Beyond that..." Torch trails off without addressing the question further.
Is There a way to kill the wispering Tyrant?
"If I did, I would not be here right now. I would instead be sipping beer on top of the bloody lich's motionless corpse. I recommend endless legions of uptight trigger-happy paladins and the entirety of Pharasma's clerics on Golarion. Good luck with that."
Who killed Aroden?
Torch looks incredulous at this question, and just shrugs while looking up at the sky exasperatedly.
Is There ruins you know, that the society doesn't?
"Yes, there are several that I know of. If you wish to discuss business propositions, I would recommend talking with my agents later if you can find them."

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"Don't inhale any of the dust from the helmet Géatan."
While listening to list of questions from Géatan and pulling out a canteen and taking a drink.
"I think Géatan has a few questions...... Yeah
Géatan got this covered."

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I am the only one Who think this Guy... Should be part of the ten? I have Seen worse. wonders Gaétan.
"Obviously, you have the society's agents interest at Heart... Why you didn't try to join the ten? You would have always watch the decemvirate for treason."

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"Obviously, you have the society's agents interest at Heart... Why you didn't try to join the ten? You would have always watch the decemvirate for treason."
Torch actually lets off a deep laugh, his voice cracking slightly as if he had not laughed for a very long time. "Me? Join the Decemvirate? Would you like to take a bet for how long it would take for the Society to revolt against the Ten after that? My coins are on a week, at most." He coughs as if his throat protests from the act of laughing. "Seriously, though; that is never going to happen. Too much history and bad blood there."
I will need a group consensus on what you wish the fate for Torch to be before I can continue. Torch will continue to address any questions until a confirmed majority is reached.

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How do you account for all the agents harmed and killed by your machinations? I'm all for vengeance, but it should be precise.
Bah, let him retire to Jack's lodge; out of the way, under watch, and I'm sure he'll keep an eye on the ten.

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Hugo Victor is not one to brood or seek revenge. Just calculated justice paid in full.
I care not whether he lives or dies. He should provide remunerations to the victims and other injured Agents or parties as best as he is able under a Chapter 11 insolvency or as a civil or Society Tribunal would allow. Since the Society is in a state of disarray, I would take his incarceration as a guest at Jack's Lodge and good faith effort to pay back from whatever assets he has remaining.

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"Servant of Abadar." Jack hooks a thumb toward Hugo. "Can't help himself."

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“Well I’ve heard of your actions and betrayals of over the years. Based on what I’ve seen today, I don’t feel a need to kill you. I say your free to go, but feel free to take your feather token tubes. I don’t think any of us need those. Didn’t know they made those, swan boats yes, tubes no.

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How do you account for all the agents harmed and killed by your machinations?
Torch breathes in and sighs heavily. “Almost every day I’ve questioned whether the Society might have known peace if I hadn’t become a Pathfinder, hadn’t gone to Osirion, hadn’t started the Shadow Lodge, hadn’t investigated the Decemvirate, or hadn’t antagonized the Society. I’ve done so many regrettable things. But no matter what, Vahlo would have been ready to betray Absalom today, and my decisions allowed me to be here to help stop him.”
I care not whether he lives or dies. He should provide remunerations to the victims and other injured Agents or parties as best as he is able under a Chapter 11 insolvency or as a civil or Society Tribunal would allow.
"I have a lawyer or two on retainer, they can address paperwork and other such things later in less chaotic circumstances."
Torch looks around in both confusion and amazement at the burgeoning consensus amongst the Pathfinders. "That's it, then? I am to live after all of the things that I have done?"
"Be glad that they were the ones to place judgment on you, Ven." A familiar neutral voice suddenly that causes Torch to startle. Two figures clad in concealing black robes stride out from a shimmering disturbance in the air off to the side, each of them wearing masks that conceal their features. One of the figures is that of the Decemvirate that spoke with the Pathfinders earlier in the Repository, with the decorated ivory mask. Accompanying them is another masked Decemvirate, this one clad a mask of whorled black mesh that wraps around their head like a tangle of thorns. They stand a short distance away from the group and Torch, as groups of other Pathfinders begin rushing into the grounds of the Lodge through the gate in the distance.
"Some of us actually supported you, Torch," says the one in the tangled mask in a feminine tone that is almost tantalizingly familiar. "Despite what the events and occurrences seem to have led you." The Decemvirate looks at the pile of discarded magic items on the ground before Torch, giving off a slight chuckle at the paranoia implied by the excessive amount of contingencies. The figure in the ivory mask snaps their fingers sharply, causing glowing green manacles to spring into existence and snap immediately closed on Torch's hands and feet.
"We have been listening to your...discussion...with these agents about your fate," the ivory-masked Decemvirate says as Torch struggles with his bonds. The pair of figures turns towards the Pathfinders with their masked gaze. "Do you have anything to add about the events that have transpired before we pass judgment?"

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[i]I... Think i actually know this one also.[i] thinks Gaétan.
"Listen, he is a 100% black sheep . but i actually think he is still part of our familly. Dear elders whatever punishment you think. They were no criminal intention to hurt our familly.
As Erastil Said each member of a family or a community has a role for it system to work. Torch has revealed corruption and organised civil unrest that already existed. An another one would have."

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Gerdur hefts his hammer. "You?!? You fools think you can pass judgement?!? You damned idiots harbored a servant of the Whispering Tyrant among you FOR YEARS and YOU THINK YOU'RE FIT TO PASS JUDGEMENT?!? I ought to bash your damn heads in and start over! You're just jesters in masks, too full of your own importance to see the damage you cause, FEH! I'm done with your masks and your judgement and your marionette games!" Gerdur punctuates each statement with a whack as the earthbreaker hits his callused hand, and finally points it at each of the Decimvirate members. "I say you have no power to judge anyone."

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Jack nods along with his companions. "Géatan Émond and Gerdur Knee-Biter have the right of it. The Decemvirate has Torch to thank for exposing evil within its own ranks, and he's already paid a heavy price for his efforts."
"And, frankly, I think you need him, if you hope to eliminate the threat posed by the Whispering Tyrant." Jack shakes his head. "Instead of punishing him, you should get on your knees and beg Torch to replace Vahlo among the Decemvirate."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 34 ⇒ (9) + 34 = 43

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Gerdur punctuates each statement with a whack as the earthbreaker hits his callused hand, and finally points it at each of the Decimvirate members. "I say you have no power to judge anyone."
The Decemvirate in the ivory-mask begins to raise their hand to snap their fingers in Gerdur's direction, but the other one makes a cautioning gesture that pauses further action. "I suppose that we deserve that, given what has transpired thus far," the one in the tangled-mask replies sadly. Torch snorts with mild disgust off to the side, while the ivory-masked one lowers their hand. "This is why I urged the others in our circle to lend import to your opinions. You and your fellow agents experiences are not quite as...biased...as ours are towards Torch. While I am certain you might feel strongly about this issue," they pause while giving the ivory-masked one a significant glance, "there is no need for hostilities at this point. Our goals may perhaps be more in line with your thoughts than you realize."
"And, frankly, I think you need him, if you hope to eliminate the threat posed by the Whispering Tyrant." Jack shakes his head. "Instead of punishing him, you should get on your knees and beg Torch to replace Vahlo among the Decemvirate."
Both of the Decemvirate startle at this comment, but react differently. Faint retching sounds can be heard from the one in the ivory-mask, while the one in the tangled-mask actually lets off a genuinely sincere laugh. Tangled-mask turns to the other, extending one hand towards the ivory-masked one while continuing to laugh. The ivory-masked Decemvirate lets off a long sigh, and reaches into their robes...and places several gold coins into the tangled-mask's hand. "Didn't expect the odds on that bet to happen, did you?" the tangled-mask laughs at the other, before regaining their composure while the other crosses their arms sullenly. The tangled-mask Decemvirate turns back towards the group to address them again.
“With Vahlo’s destruction comes the destruction of his helm, an irreplaceable artifact. And with it, the Ten would become Nine. So much has changed in the Decemvirate in just a decade—in spirit and in composition. It seems fitting that its organization should change as well to reflect its purged evils and a new era with new leadership.” They takes their helm in both hands and removes it, shaking their head to free a cascade of red hair down upon the shoulders of a familiar looking female human.
"By the Bloody Nine Hells!" Torch vehemently curses upon seeing the woman's face. "Eliza? You were really one of them?"
“It was the bravery of Pathfinders like you who convinced the Decemvirate to accept me as one of their own. It’s past time I honor their courage by serving the Society as an open member of the Decemvirate,” Eliza Pentulengro replies as Torch continues to sputter.
“It is a bold move to become Unmasked,” observes the ivory-masked Decemvirate member. “You are weaker without the artifact, and we are already weakened by becoming Nine.”
“You’re missing the point,” Eliza retorts. “What the Decemvirate needs most is new talent, courage, insight, and initiative.” She nods to the gathered Pathfinders and holds out her helm. "It was initially my desire to offer a place in the Decemvirate to one of you all, given your courage and tenacity in resolving the trials you faced today." Eliza turns to Torch, whose eyes widen slightly as he suddenly becomes at a loss for words. "If you wish to grant a place in our circle to Ven, I will honor your desires. But know that such a move could prove fractious to the stability of the Society. We have discussed amongst ourselves, and would much prefer seeing one of you join our ranks instead." She turns back to the Pathfinders and once again proffers the helm. "We will respect your decision in the end. What say you all?"

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"Hmm. An interesting proposition." Jack scratches his head beneath his tousled, shaggy mane. "I'd have to give that some thought."
He eyes Torch. "You even want the job, if they'll give it to you?"

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Venture-Captain Hugo Victor considers her commentary and offer.
It has become quite evident in my most recent transactions with the Ten, a complete overhaul of the management structure is long overdue.
The half-elf furrows his brows as he contemplates further, meditating briefly to Abadar.
Indeed, if executive leadership is requested and the offer sincere, consider my resume tendered. I can provide references as needed, and you are familiar with my portfolio past experience working with and for the Ten. I will entertain any offers with competitive market-based executive compensation and benefits packages. Until such time, I can be reached by appointment at the Cathedral of the Keeper of the First Vault.
He bows, and then stands silently as he waits for the others to respond.

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A curious offer. There have been times when I've... slipped... in my responsibilities to the Society. That said, there are few places I can't work my way into. Perhaps with Torch's help I can even build a web of informants of my own... Consider me a candidate as well.

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IT Will be extremely honored to be part of the decemvirate to be Honest. But i Do have have some questions? What does a decemvirate? Is it a 9 to 5 job? Do we need to be Anonymous including in public? Do we have assurance? A retirement pension? Will it be the end of doing missions? Says Gaétan.

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"9-5 job & Retirement pension? That is sounding more like a worshiper of Abadar talk. Whats next Géatan how much taxes you get to pay with the job....... I jest. But if I recall right Torch stated earlier he didn't want to be a member of the 10. Given his past and how his actions effected so many agents. I think an overseeing role in the public or in the background or a new "Master" position next to Sword, Spell and Scrolls? But I think you Géatan have the natural curiosity, wisdom and skills to take that role. Faster then I could rattle out a thought you had enough questions out for Torch to fill a Pathfinders Chronicle. I believe any of you would make wonderful new members of the 10.

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Gaétan rolls His eyes.
"I may ask a lot of questions. But i have responsability for my protege. I am a familly man."

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"I'd like to hear more about the duties and responsibilities, too," Jack says.
"I'd probably need a mentor's personal touch, for a while at least," the bard adds. "Think you can squeeze me in, Eliza?" he asks the gorgeous redhead.

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He eyes Torch. "You even want the job, if they'll give it to you?"
Torch seems to still be struggling to grasp the enormity of the events that have just unfolded before him. "Err...well. Like you said, I'll have to give it some thought."
There is zero guidance from the scenario on this one. Whoops!
I will entertain any offers with competitive market-based executive compensation and benefits packages.
The ivory-masked Decemvirate snaps her fingers, casting manifest job description; causing a deluge of papers to cascade out of thin air around Hugo. The volume is nothing compared to The Abadar Canticles: Hymnals of the Tax Codes, but large enough to at least have requiring a tree or two worth of paper.
What does a decemvirate?
The ivory-masked one points to the piles of job description papers now arranged around Hugo. Eliza sighs, replying "We can discuss that more in depth later if needed. Let's just say we handle upper level managerial tasks for the Society, yes?"
Is it a 9 to 5 job?
"It is a salaried position," Eliza answers sweetly. "I am sure you know what that means in terms of hours that need to be worked."
Do we need to be Anonymous including in public?
The ivory-masked Decemvirate face palms (though their mask remains fully secured), while Eliza patiently explains, "Yes, you do. Next question?"
Do we have assurance? A retirement pension?
"Our 401K is extremely generous," Eliza says. "However, the health insurance is just an HSA account that you put gold into. Very tax deductible, though."
Will it be the end of doing missions?
The ivory-masked answers "Yes!" while Eliza simultaneously says "No!" They both look at each other, as the subject appears to be a point of contention. Eliza steps back in, saying "That is up to your discretion. Your duties to the Decemvirate would be first and foremost. However you wish to spend your remaining free time would be up to you."
Eliza smiles and continues to address each of the Pathfinder's questions as they continue to discuss their future with the Society. The scene fades to black as the Lodge is secured and the day is saved once again!
Aaaand....That's it! End of the scenario. The one gripe I have with the way it was written is that it ends generically. It literally says 'And have the scenario fade to black at the end if multiple people are interested.' For realz.

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Very well. You know where I can be found if the need arises. I am willing to work on commission or short term contract, albeit for a higher rate. Hugo bows.
And to you my esteemed allies and comrades, I bid you a good evening. May I share a glass of wine or other spirits in the Flaxseed Lodge some evening once these events have settled.
He shows the slightest of grins.
Although, the last time I scheduled to enjoy retirement, I ended up on this adventure.
Thanks all, and especially to our GM for this enjoyable high-tier game.