Somehow I suspect there are reasons not being stated. Anyone know if they were going to be able to WAR art without a large licencing pay out? Maybe they realized they were going be losing money* on each box after everything was said and done. * Losing money including not being able to pay themselves a decent hourly wage for their work. $40k-50k sounds like a lot of money, but not when one takes the number of work hours involved, calculates pay at better than the burger flipping rate and then adds in manufacturing costs.
So let me make sure of this... You want to be certain your character or allies will never receive a chance to save themselves should they be in a similar circumstance? Door swings both ways, anytime a player might say "Can't I try X to save myself from otherwise certain doom?", so can an NPC. Relevant rules
DM_Blake wrote: My favorite solution? Carry a potion of Gaseous Form. It's only 750gp, far less expensive than a Raise Dead. Love to see where that actually helps the character escape or stops the acid damage. Some sphincters might be called cracks by the crass, but they are quite airtight. DR10 / magic just slows down the inevitable.
Kashlavor wrote: Last game her character got hit with a confusion spell by an enemy sorceror, and then rolled to attack the nearest target, in this case the party's wizard. Next round as she went to do so she said that she got another save since she had the Good For What Ails You rage power, but I thought that since she didn't have an action to take to drink she couldn't get another save. You ruled exactly right. Under confusion she's going to need to roll the "act normally" to be able to do anything voluntarily. Items don't just appear into character's hands when it is convenient for them. She's gotta get out the booze, then drink it.
Malakav, Force seems to be a bypasses most, stopped by few sort of thing. So I guess I'd view it as a morphic "smart weapon". Like minute sliver of a wall of force penetrating then detonating or ricocheting inside the victim depending on what works better. If it can't get in or target is hollow, it spins around and buzz saws the target or some other such antics.
Eric Hinkle wrote:
Unless they change the way they do things, you don't _have_ to buy it to get the monsters. Paizo uploads their bestiaries to the PRD, so the hard copies are completely optional purchases. Very well designed and pleasant to own, but optional. Just goes to show Paizo's justified confidence in their product presentation that they can give their material away and still sell the books. Maybe he has some paunch hidden, but judging from those scrawny limbs, Green Cthulhu needs food badly..
Well, since the foes are controlled by a human, not an AI using agro mechanics, you have to make your foe believe you are the best target. That generally means making the enemies believe you are either the most dangerous target, or the easiest target. Good luck convincing your foes you are the most dangerous when others in your group are killing people by waving their hands. Glamoured armor might help you look like a robe wearing / leather clad archery target. Also having the suit make you look like a Cleric of a religion hated by your foes should help the enemy focus fire on you.
James Jacobs wrote: Or, frankly, Intimidate to taunt foes. The whole concept of "I'm a fighter, I'll make the bad guy focus on me" relies quite a bit on the GM playing along with Intimidate, but that's the way that skill is kinda supposed to work in that regard. I'm looking at intimidate and I'm trying to see how this outcome arrives from the skill in a combat situation. does it state killing the demoralizer removes the shaken effect early. IMHO not being able to control what an enemy does without magic is a feature, not a bug.
Kugu wrote: I want to make a sort of final fantasy Dragoon type class spear/lance and all but don't want to read the rules wrong. You did. You ignored the "directly toward" part of a charge. Going up and then down isn't directly toward someone. "move up to double your speed directly toward the designated opponent."
I agree with 'simply stands and offers no resistance to the harpy's attacks' sure as hell sounds like the victim would let the harpy CDG them. I also agree with the notion that it is bad idea to actually rule it that way. Moriquende wrote: Players attacked by invisible creatures don't offer any resistance to the attack (by virtue of the fact they can't see the attacker) Not so. The character still moves, tries to bring the shield to bear and tries to minimize vulnerability. If an invisible creature starts reaching under your chainmail coif to get to your neck, you pull back, twist and otherwise stop the likely harmful action. The victim of a harpy doesn't for one round, just long enough for the CDG.
Vestrial wrote:
The text of the feat grants the bonus in 2 situation. When the feat possessor has higher ground OR when the feat possessor is flying. Benefit: Whenever you charge an opponent from higher ground, or from above while flying, you gain a +5 bonus on attack rolls in place of the bonuses from charging and being on higher ground.
While the imagry of the continously reanimating skeleton is seen in a fair amount of fictional sources, the blood covered skeletons being the ones to do this walked right out of Castlevania / Akumajō Dracula.
Covered under Mount rules. If You Are Dropped: If you are knocked unconscious, you have a 50% chance to stay in the saddle (75% if you're in a military saddle). Otherwise you fall and take 1d6 points of damage. Without you to guide it, your mount avoids combat. That paragraph covers both the possibility of falling out of the saddle and what the mount does if you are not guiding it.
Here is a pic of what I'm talking about.
Davuron wrote:
Wish might work. The issue is you need growth & training, not aging. Simply magically aging a hatchling would give you Progeria-like results.
Talonhawke wrote: Since mechanically nothing about making the touch with the wand would be different it should be fine to flavor it that way. It is a major difference since as OP points out free hands are valuable in the economy of actions. If a cleric wielding a shield is trying to use a wand of Cause Major Wounds on someone's character, damn right they should argue that cleric has to have already taken a move action to loose the shield or suffer the harmless discharge of the spell as listed under Holding the Charge section in the combat chapter.
Harrison wrote: I don't think I'd allow it, if just because if you allowed swapping out armor proficiency, you could logically make the same claim for weapon proficiency, and since the weapon proficiency feats apply to only one weapon, you could just toss out the weapons you don't like or are never gonna use to give yourself even more feats for absolutely no impact to your character whatsoever. Agree. Hitting FAQ to patch this.
It is in the GM's ballpark since the Pathfinder epic level suggestions in the Gamemastering section. Not hard to extrapolate, but nothing I think would help in PFS. "Although Classes doesn't describe what happens after 20th level, this isn't to say that there are no resources available to you should you wish to continue your campaign on to 21st level and beyond" Extrapolating the table, a 25th level monk would deal 4d6 damage on an unarmed strike and have a +6 AC modifier. Lem_Furryfeet wrote: One of my PSOP characters is a level 14 monk, and I plan to continue playing him through the high level sanctioned modules. I will be in the same quandary when he reaches level 16. No you won't. Neither would change from monk levels 21-24. Just look at the table, Unarmed Damage and AC bonus go up once every four levels. I'd normally advise extreme caution against letting a normal magic item have much influence on or from epic levels, but monk abilities progress so meagerly it is a non issue. Kinda sad actually.
Gnoll Bard wrote: Incidentally, the fact that the act of cannibalism can and does lead people to transform into evil undead abominations in the Pathfinder setting suggests that there's something fundamentally, cosmically wrong with consuming members of an intelligent species in that setting. PC:CMR mentions the myth about the first cannibal as becoming Kabriri, the first ghoul, after death.
No you can't see yourself. But the actions you list don't expressly require you to see what you you are doing. Don't be surprised if the GM makes said actions harder & longer to accomplish, but the RAW doesn't make them forbidden. One action that the RAW on this subject does prevent is using a scroll. Activate the Spell: Activating a scroll requires reading the spell from the scroll. The character must be able to see and read the writing on the scroll. IF you already had the scroll in hand, you could drop the scroll {free action] rendering it visible, Pick it up {move action], then use the scroll {standard action or longer].
Lemmy wrote: Kinda of a shame, actually... It limits in-game options and makes it harder for people to realize that "Trip" is just the name of the mechanics, not necessarily an actual trip. It is an actual trip in PF. As SCMT just posted,"Some creatures—such as oozes, creatures without legs, and flying creatures—cannot be tripped."
zylphryx wrote: or cast Dispel Magic or Mage's Disjunction on it, suppressing it's magi ability, forcing it to expel it's contents. Most interpretations of the BoH make the stored items inaccessible when the bag is dispelled. IMHO if dispelling on the inside of the bag causes a result different to dispelling the outside of the bag, it should cause the contents to be lost to Gods Know Where.
1d6 damage to an ability score is too much. Seasoning an attack with stat damage on the side is one thing, but Whack-a-stat is one of the worst inventions of 3E. Direct Attribute damage was one of the ways heroes were little better off than commoners and encouraged cheese ball spells aimed at ability scores. A huge monster has a crappy dex to represent plodding movement, not so it can be oneshot-able by Sum-Dumass’s Dagger of Dexterity Damage. In 2e the shadow did 1d4+1 damage and one point of Strength {sort of damage that came back about an hour later]. HP went up significantly in 3E, though honestly STR scores came down at early levels since folks no longer needed to have 17-18(%) STR as in 2E to even have an attack / damage bonus. IMHO 2d4, 1d10 or maybe even 1d12 damage + 2 STR damage would have been FAR better for CR3 shadows to deal on a hit. The main problem with 1d6 STR damage is it is only slightly less dangerous to a high level character than the low level character since stats go up nowhere near as fast as HP. {and then we have the problem of only a few ways to improve touch AC’s].
Of recent years D&D / d20 has tried to distill the vast number of RL polearms down to a more manageable handful of weapons. If it looks that close to a halberd, might as well just make it a halberd Over specificity on polearms was a 'thing' back in 1E. Wotc even referenced that a while back... [url][/url]
I'd say full price. "If someone is looking for 'em, they obviously got a plan for 'em". Besides, it is going to be obnoxious dice rolling every time the ability might or might not come up. Scorched These stones are depleted somehow, but not so much as to render them completely burned out and powerless; some achieve this state from damaging exposure to extreme heat or electricity. A scorched stone’s power functions erratically (typically a 50% chance per day for constant-effect items, or 50% chance per use for use-activated items) but is essentially the same as an intact stone of the same type. For example, a scorched pearly white spindle ioun stone might give the wearer a 50% chance per 10 minutes to regenerate 1 hit point.
mplindustries wrote: The guy you quoted might just be butthurt from playing a Rogue or Vivisectionist or something and finding out that the BBEG randomly happened to have this very specific feat that stopped what he was doing.I strongly doubt that. SotS has a good eye for the rules and most times I see him take issues with something in this manner, he generally has a valid concern. mplindustries wrote: Now, if, on the other hand, every enemy always had that feat, I'd take that as a declaration of war on Sneak Attacking and teamwork, and I would not be happy with the GM. Feat is either balanced or it's not. SInce this is a "I'm good at fighting multiple foes" feat, it should be somewhat common on things that often fight multiple foes, like leader types who have to keep fighting underlings to stay leaders. JohnF wrote: But IMO the quoted player is out of line. A player doesn't get to dictate to the GM what (if any) house rules should be in play, or denigrate a GM who chooses to follow what's in the rulebooks. I'd say it definitely is his call to walk away from a table if he feels that strongly about it.
I recently took note of this feat and I was wondering the opinion of others around here on this feat. Flanking Foil (Combat).
StreamOfTheSky wrote: ...The only more broken/unbalanced feat to the mechanics of combat in all of PF is the Flanking Foil feat. A DM that doesn't ban that is a DM I refuse to play for. Even if I'm not playing a sneak attacker. I expect a certain level of empathy and decency from the guy who controls all of the game environment.
2d8+(STRx2)+(enhancement bonus x2)+(1d6 flaming). Multiplying: When you are asked to apply more than one multiplier to a roll, the multipliers are not multiplied by one another. Instead, you combine them into a single multiplier, with each extra multiple adding 1 less than its value to the first multiple. For example, if you are asked to apply a ×2 multiplier twice, the result would be ×3, not ×4. Multiplying Damage: Sometimes you multiply damage by some factor, such as on a critical hit. Roll the damage (with all modifiers) multiple times and total the results. Note: When you multiply damage more than once, each multiplier works off the original, unmultiplied damage. So if you are asked to double the damage twice, the end result is three times the normal damage. Exception: Extra damage dice over and above a weapon's normal damage are never multiplied. You won't ever multiply the Flaming damage for a charge or crit. If you charged and got a critical with a lance, which is a X3 crit weapon, you'd do 4d8+(STRx4)+(enhancement bonus x4)+(1d6 flaming) NOT 6d8+(STRx6)+(enhancement bonus x6)+(1d6 flaming) If you managed to charge and crit a White Dragon or other fire vulnerable critter, your damage would be
If you have spirited charge and get a crit with a lance charge, you'd deal... 5d8+(STRx5)+(enhancement bonus x5)+(1d6 flaming) And that is why everything will be trying to kill your mount and why the rules often make it difficult to charge.