Ghlaunder (Symbol)

Blood_Sample's page

68 posts. Alias of BluePigeon.


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The next poster will help blood sample gestate clones of Mr. Nordberg.

Sucks blood out of Hippeh. Falls over stoned


1 person marked this as a favorite.

I hate insect spray, especially Off. I can't graze near warm blooded mammals.


130 degree F heat will kill bed bugs. Don't use the dryer alone. Turh on the stove and oven if you have them.

They can't regulate their body temperature.


Zips across the thread



Ivan Rûski wrote:
I hate mosquitoes....*itch, itch, itch*

zips on past



sucks blood from cosmo

News Flash from Blood Sample

My fleet of Predator Drones

News Flash from Blood Sample


News Flash from Blood Sample






brings in ma, pa, siblings, cousins, uncles, aunts and all 2.6 million off-spring him




Flies to LoAI


:::Flies in from the swamp::::


Buzzes and flies around the thread looking for a potential doner.


Thieving Wasp wrote:
Blood_Sample wrote:
Blood Sample flies in and drops gasoline and a match on St. John. It's not honey, but the flames will keep the bug amused for hours to come.
Got ya! *Fires at Blood Sample*

The agile insect ducks in front of St. John's head, where stray rounds strike the over-eating bishop squarely in the center of his skull.

He trips and Thieving Wasp is yet foiled again by bad accuracy and poorly designed firearms.

Blood Sample flies in and drops gasoline and a match on St. John. It's not honey, but the flames will keep the bug amused for hours to come.

Blood Sample enters and finds a place to hide

Escaping the wrath of the Thieving Wasp, Blood Sample propels himself past the assembled obstacle course of slaads named Ambrosia Egg, Fruit, Tossed, and Chef's in a bid to confuse his nemesis in this thread of Chaos.

It makes for the nearest exit.

In zips a large mosquito, with an angry Thieving Wasp hot on his trail. He dives and bullets past Jack Hammer before doing a hair-pin turn around Lynora-Jill beautiful figure. Angling in mid-flight, Blood Sample rockets through the flaming mane of Sunny G. and parts it in two. Dodging in-coming fire from Thieving wasp, he exits rapidly towards an open window and off to the safety of another thread.

Thieving Wasp wrote:
Blood_Sample wrote:
:::Flies back into the thread. Finds a place to land:::
HAAA!!! *Leaps out from under flamingo and fires*

Missing his target, Blood Sample takes off and flies towards another thread.

:::Flies back into the thread. Finds a place to land:::

Thieving Wasp wrote:
Where'd that bloody biter go?!

TW hears the hovering drone of a mosquito descend behind him. As he the turns the malaria spreading insect turns and zips away fro him.

Jack Hammer wrote:
Blood_Sample wrote:
A giant insect lands on a keg and punctures it with his hard snout. He drinks deeply but forget his alcohol tolerance level. Dizzy, he quickly flies into the nearest wall before scaling it and disappearing into a hidey hole.

Who needs a fumigator? Not us!

*Backs up to the hole the overlarge mosquito scuttled into and...*


Oh! That one was lumpy!

Out from another hole, a giant insect buzzes past the back of Jack Hammer's head. JH and the other jacks are no much for it's speed and agility. It lands on another keg, wings flaring, daring the Jacks to strike at their one true possession.

It moves it head to the left then to the right. As a Jack approaches, it flares it wings, it hovers like a well armed assualt helicopter, and it darts past the Jacks and out the clubhouse.

A giant insect lands on a keg and punctures it with his hard snout. He drinks deeply but forget his alcohol tolerance level. Dizzy, he quickly flies into the nearest wall before scaling it and disappearing into a hidey hole.

Jack's Right Hand Man wrote:
Oh, for the love of God, I wish you didn't do that. He was a friend of mine.
Heh, it's not like there aren't a zillion more crickets out there for you to make friends with. *swats Blood Sample*

:::Zips past JRHM and finds a niche in the high wall:::

:::He mines the front entrance and then rubs his hands together, then across his wings:::

::He waits and plots:::

:::A buzzing insect enters the club:::


Darts past three jacks and a lynora-Jill


Blood_Sample enters the Club and make himself at home above on of the speakers. He lands and his droning becomes quiet. He has a scroll cases strapped around his neck

....and, you may have seen or heard him already. This is my messenger, bulter, and scout. He's been attacked on several occasion and now has a vendetta against the Thieving Wasp. I present Blood_Sample.

*The Mosquito flaps his wings in excitment*

He doesn't bite really. He says he's a vegetarian.

Thieving Wasp wrote:

Watch it, shrimp!

*Gets out bazooka and fires*



Seeing that TW has superior fire-power, Blood Sample meanders somewhere else for another meal.

Thieving Wasp wrote:
Blood_Sample wrote:

They forgot the mosquitos!





*gives TW the middle finger*

*Shoots back*

They forgot the mosquitos!



Primary Adjunct of paizomatix 0 wrote:
It is well away and understudy

*Lands on blue crystal, suck power out of it, flies away leaving malaria and sleeping sickness*


*Flies in, collects blood sample from Kobold Cleaver, then leaves.*

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