LordSynos wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Shiro and GothBard showed me how to buy the COVID-19 Humble Bundle, and encouraged me to do so since the money goes to charity. And, looking at a single humble bundle, I was thinking, "There is no way in my lifetime I will ever START all of these games, much less PLAY all of them!"
I dunno; I guess if you look at my old Sega Genesis collection I did collect maybe as many games as are in a single humble bundle, but... holy carp!
I guess as you get older you just find other things that consume your time...
And this is how I wound up with a list of 600-odd games that I have spare Steam keys for. :P Speaking of, if anyone wants to browse the list, it's here. Free games up for grabs!
** spoiler omitted **
The list returns! Huzzah!