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Orthos wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Repetition of necromancy meme.
Now in quotes.

Quote pyramid now in construction.

Orthos wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Repetition of necromancy meme.
Now in quotes.

Quote pyramid now in construction.

Accidentally typed within the quote box, and I will not edit this post to fix the mistake.

Ivan Rûski wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Repetition of necromancy meme.
Now in quotes.
Quote pyramid now in construction.
Accidentally typed within the quote box, and I will not edit this post to fix the mistake.


Orthos wrote:
Ivan Rûski wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Repetition of necromancy meme.
Now in quotes.
Quote pyramid now in construction.
Accidentally typed within the quote box, and I will not edit this post to fix the mistake.

The quote pyramid doesn't stop from getting taller

Orthos wrote:

Now I say stuff.

Silver Crusade

Orthos wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Ivan Rûski wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Repetition of necromancy meme.
Now in quotes.
Quote pyramid now in construction.
Accidentally typed within the quote box, and I will not edit this post to fix the mistake.
The quote pyramid doesn't stop from getting taller

Complaint about quote pyramids. Suggestion that posters edit the quote tags so that quote pyramids aren't quite so long. Blatant disregard for own advice.

Celestial Healer wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Ivan Rûski wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Repetition of necromancy meme.
Now in quotes.
Quote pyramid now in construction.
Accidentally typed within the quote box, and I will not edit this post to fix the mistake.
The quote pyramid doesn't stop from getting taller
Complaint about quote pyramids. Suggestion that posters edit the quote tags so that quote pyramids aren't quite so long. Blatant disregard for own advice.

Off-topic diatribe and continuance of pyramid ascension.

Joke about quote pyramids and slave labor.

Scarab Sages

Test post of testing

Shadow Lodge

scans the op's post and first 3 posts in thread now knows the perfect answer.

edit ninja'd

Lamentation that this thread is back from the dead yet again.

Orthos wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Ivan Rûski wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Repetition of necromancy meme.
Now in quotes.
Quote pyramid now in construction.
Accidentally typed within the quote box, and I will not edit this post to fix the mistake.
The quote pyramid doesn't stop from getting taller
Complaint about quote pyramids. Suggestion that posters edit the quote tags so that quote pyramids aren't quite so long. Blatant disregard for own advice.
Off-topic diatribe and continuance of pyramid ascension.

Curious about the possible limitations on the depth of quote pyramids

Vincent Takeda wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Ivan Rûski wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Repetition of necromancy meme.
Now in quotes.
Quote pyramid now in construction.
Accidentally typed within the quote box, and I will not edit this post to fix the mistake.
The quote pyramid doesn't stop from getting taller
Complaint about quote pyramids. Suggestion that posters edit the quote tags so that quote pyramids aren't quite so long. Blatant disregard for own advice.
Off-topic diatribe and continuance of pyramid ascension.
Curious about the possible limitations on the depth of quote pyramids

Assertion of intent to discover the answer.

Shadow Lodge


Poster points out that this post may be slightly off topic, When in fact it is completely off topic.

Asks if anyone could build him a totally op character for his game in 2 hours. No information is provided as to what character is needed/wanted or what type of game he is playing in. as a caveat asks for a viable background story at least 3 paragraphs long.

Resumes eating paste

Flags post

Shadow Lodge

Vitriolic response to be being flagged, misquotes second amendment rights for free speech.

Eats more paste

Long-winded explanation about how free speech rights aren't relevant here.

Reference to modified quote in an attempt to inject humor into the conversation.


Shadow Lodge

Orthos wrote:
Long-winded explanation about how free speech rights aren't relevant here.

Long meandering riposte about rights that starts degenerating into a you can have my guns when you pry it from my cold dead fingers and finishes with a blame obama statement filled with many colorful expletives.

Shadow Lodge

Matt Thomason wrote:
Reference to modified quote in an attempt to inject humor into the conversation.

Humor goes right over head as poster is in a fuming politico rage

Abracadavra wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Long-winded explanation about how free speech rights aren't relevant here.
Long meandering riposte about rights that starts degenerating into a you can have my guns when you pry it from my cold dead fingers and finishes with a blame obama statement filled with many colorful expletives.

Slightly more sympathetic post embracing shared distaste of political parties and personages, yet not relieving the point that the original claim is irrelevant to the current situation.

Shadow Lodge

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

Hates smurf avatar..again blames obama

Mocking jibe at hater getting himself smu^f'd

Thread-reviving post, wondering as to how a previous post on the thread got moved somehow from the top of one page to the bottom of the previous one?

Cruel reply calling previous poster a variety of colorful names while feeling safely hidden behing anonymous avatar

Polite response to previous post recognising poster as long-lost brother, last seen falling into a vat of scrumpy thirty years earlier. Filial salutations and cheerful remarks congratulating said poster on the size of his bank-balance these days.

Scarab Sages

Expression of joy upon witnessing resurrection of another classic thread.

Exclamation of approval!

Compensation for the lack of ability to produce an original thought with a "+1".

Saruman the Wise wrote:

Polite response to previous post recognising poster as long-lost brother, last seen falling into a vat of scrumpy thirty years earlier. Filial salutations and cheerful remarks congratulating said poster on the size of his bank-balance these days.

Head explodes...spectaculary


Saruman the Wise wrote:

Polite response to previous post recognising poster as long-lost brother, last seen falling into a vat of scrumpy thirty years earlier. Filial salutations and cheerful remarks congratulating said poster on the size of his bank-balance these days.

Head explodes...spectaculary

Cleans up and disposes of remains.

Post proclaiming the impending second-coming of Aroden!
In despite of the fact that previous announcements to this effect have not had happy results...

Redonkulious "Devils Advocate" argument



Scarab Sages


Gratuitous random wikipedia link.

Gratuitous youtube link.
For the record, it's the Wacky Races Peugeot ad.

Smarmy reply to above n00b's posts real Real wacky Races

Uses partial quote of Paizo employee to justify own opinion of the topic despite the fact the quote has no relevance if read in its unedited entirety.

Flamewar wrote:
Smarmy reply to above n00b's posts real Real wacky Races

Essay-length logical-hair-splitting post snarkily commenting on the definitions and uses of the world 'real', which somehow concludes that Madrid is the only one genuinely so.

Post subsequently edited to attempt to 'score greater points'.


Scarab Sages

Post involving small, blue, mythical cartoon forest dwellers who are only three apples tall.

Random, off-topic comment from obscure forums lurker.

Liberty's Edge


Internet meme

Scarab Sages

Ludicrous utterance regarding an undead-themed apocalyptic scenario.

Overly-zealous in-character response involving high levels of violence and amusingly self-censored garbled profanity.

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