
Amarion Lianothel's page

97 posts. Organized Play character for Cwethan.

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12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

And here's where we'll muster the crew!

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

Here's where we'll get going! Feel free to ninja-dot in :-)

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

Okay everyone - this is where we'll be doing character creation/ooc discussion and all that good stuff!

I'm folding together my initial pitch to some of you, as well as some great questions I've been asked to put together a nice centralized overview.

The Plot (Birds Eye View):

A terrible disaster has left the Starfinder Society in ruins. The formerly preeminent organization has lost its leadership, much of its gear and materials, its best agents, and its status and prestige among the Pact Worlds.

You'll be playing new Starfinders, who will be working to restore and rebuild the power and glory of the Society while holding together its disparate elements, and trying to uncover the truth of what happened in the disaster of The Scoured Stars.


The campaign will go from levels 1-10, and will be based on a skeleton of pre-written scenarios, and fun down-time shenanigans.

The overall vibe I'm expecting is that while the plot as a whole is serious, the action will often not be. Think Deep Space Nine for the setting, but think Guardians of the Galaxy for what I expect the PCs to be like! A given of the campaign is that your character wants to be a Starfinder, but there's a lot of reasons why that might be.

Content warnings: The game should be kept to stuff suitable for PG-13 movies/cable television.


Character Creation: As standard in the core book/archives of nethys. Options should be assumed to be kosher if they're Starfinder Society approved, but I'll often okay other 1st party options/gear - just ask!

Depending on the final count of the group I will likely be dropping in with a rotating cast of NPCs, who will mainly serve as a means for me to exhibit different aspects of the setting/factions.


Starship Creation: This part will be a group project, so my role will mainly be to mediate/explain stuff, but if a custom ship doesn't feel worth the homework, I'm happy to find something in the dockyards for you all. (As a general sense of things, ~1/3 of the missions I've got planned will significantly involve your starship.)

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

The events of the Scoured Stars have left the Starfinder Society crippled, as most of the Society’s agents and assets vanished within the now inaccessible systems. The Society’s prestige has crumbled, and many of the Starfinders’ distant holdings fell to alien forces within months of the incident. Only the actions of one outspoken Starfinder, Luwazi Elsebo, have held the Society together. Even with the dedication of Luwazi and her allies, the Society suffered further losses as disillusioned agents opted to part ways with the organization. Maintaining the Society’s interests was too much for the few remaining agents to handle, so Luwazi turned to outside assistance from reputable mercenary organizations while she scrambled for new recruits.

With the Starfinders on the brink of ruin, Luwazi’s hopes now rest in the hands of a new generation of recruits and ambitious factions. These freshly-graduated agents represent the first step the Starfinder Society is taking to reposition itself at the forefront of galactic exploration, but what factions they will champion, and what discoveries they will make has yet to be seen...

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

Here's where we'll muster!

I'd love it if you could please provide:
Your name (as you want it on the chronicle)
Your character's name
Your PFS #
Your Faction
Your Day Job

And go ahead and tell me a little bit about what your character does (this is a good place to point out any build-weirdness, typical uses of immediate actions, if you're slow progression etc.)

Let's have some fun!

NB: This is a timed multi-table special. That means that I will definitely bot or delay you after 24 hours, and might do it earlier if:
You're the last one up, I'm about to go to sleep or otherwise be unavailable for long stretch of hours, and at least 12 hours have passed.

That will usually mean just delaying you unless your character has good botting instructions, you've designated someone else to take care of that for you, or it's simple enough for me to just roll for a full-attack or something.

But hopefully we'll just keep up a good clip!

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

This is where we'll get going. Please feel free to ninja-dot to add this to your campaign tabs!

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

Here's where we'll muster!

I'd love it if you could please provide:
Your name (as you want it on the chronicle)
Your character's name
Your PFS #
Your Faction
Your Day Job

And go ahead and tell me a little bit about what your character does (this is a good place to point out any build-weirdness, typical uses of immediate actions, if you're slow progression etc.)

Let's have some fun!

NB: This is a timed multi-table special. That means that I will definitely bot or delay you after 24 hours, and might do it earlier if:
You're the last one up, I'm about to go to sleep or otherwise be unavailable for long stretch of hours, and at least 12 hours have passed.

That will usually mean just delaying you unless your character has good botting instructions, you've designated someone else to take care of that for you, or it's simple enough for me to just roll for a full-attack or something.

But hopefully we'll just keep up a good clip!

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

Here's where we'll get going, but feel free to dot in early!

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

Hey guys, welcome to a new thread.

I'd really appreciate it if you could reenter your:

Character Name
Day Job

All how you'd like it to show up on your chronicles :-)

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

The creak of timbers and the groan of taut ropes rise above the wash of the waves as you're herded above the Winking Wyvern.

Sure the ship has an unpleasant smell, but hey at least in a couple hours the sun will rise!

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 2 Savior: 2 Superior: 1 Mundane: 1| Conditions: Guilty
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Eabha, Kaoru, Mercy, The Kilt, Whipoorwill

Placeholder for the full Christmas special

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Welcome! This campaign has been going on for a few years, but is unfortunately at a low ebb of players (and GM), so we're re-recruiting!

You'll like this game if:
You delight in the blend of superpowered action and teen drama;
You enjoy delving into your character and making interesting choices - even if they aren't always the wise ones;
You're excited to bring not only your character but the world around them to life.

One thing that sets this particular game apart from others like it is that we are going to be proceeding without any one person shouldering all of the GM duties. In a high-narrative game like this, that mainly means that while someone will usually be taking the lead (especially if it's a villain or plotline they came up with), everyone should feel welcome to add their own suggested curveballs to a scene or the resolution of a Move (PMs and the Discussion thread will be our friend for making sure this doesn't get out of hand).

If You aren't familiar with Masks:
You play members of the newest generation of heroes, young adults trying to figure out who they are and what kind of heroes they want to be. The rest of the world is telling them what to do, but they’ll find their own path amidst the noise. And kick some butt along the way. After all, what’s the point of being a hero if you can’t fight for the things you believe in?

Masks uses the Powered by the Apocalypse system (Apocalypse World, Monsterhearts, Urban Shadows, Night Witches et al.) It’s a rules-light system where who your character is, and how the world sees them are the most important factors in how a roll will go.

When you take an action that would trigger a move, you roll two six-sided dice, add them together with one of your Labels (a stat that describes your hero and how the world views them), and look to the move to see what the results are. In general on a 10+, you get what you want, and maybe a little extra. On a 7-9, you get what you want, but at some kind of cost or with a complication. On a 6 or less—a miss—the GM says what happens next, and chances are things get complicated for our young heroes.

Masks produces stories like those found in Young Justice, Teen Titans,Young Avengers, X-Men, and more, using the Powered by the Apocalypse rules to provide an easy but useful skeleton for awesome storytelling!

Playbook Blurbs:
The Beacon:
You don’t have to do this. You could probably have a safe, decent, simple life. It’d be nice, but…come on. Superpowers! Aliens! Wizards! Time travel! You’re out of your depth, but who cares? This is awesome. Everybody should try it.

Good examples: Marvel: Kate Bishop, Shadowcat, Doug Ramsey
DC: Artemis, Felicity Smoak, Spoiler

The Bull
You’re big, strong, and tough. You know what fighting really is, and you’re good at it. Sure…you’ve got a soft side, too. But you only show that to the people you care about most. Everybody else? They can eat your fist.

Good examples: Marvel: Ms. America, X-23, Molly Hayes
DC: Superboy

The Delinquent
You’ve got these cool powers. But everyone keeps telling you how to use ’em. You know what they need? Someone to give them trouble, to make sure they don’t always get their way. And hey! You’re the perfect hero to do it.

Good examples: Marvel: Kid Loki, Chase Stein, Quentin Quire
DC: Arsenal,

The Doomed
Something about your powers dooms you. It’s just a matter of time before your doom comes for you. Until then,’ve got a nemesis who needs fighting and a world that needs saving. After all, it’s better to burn out than fade away…

Good examples: Marvel: Veil, Phoenix
DC: Raven

The Janus
Wake up. Breakfast. School. Work. Homework. Sleep. Repeat. It burns you up, being stuck in this life, unable to make a real difference. That is...until you put on the mask. And then, you can be someone else: a hero.

Good examples: Marvel: Spider-Man, Ms. Marvel (Khan)
DC: Blue Beetle, Batgirl

The Legacy
You’re the latest in a storied heroic lineage, a family that shares a name and a cause. Now, everybody is watching and waiting to see if you’ve got what it takes to uphold that tradition. No pressure, right?

Good examples: Marvel: Bucky-Cap, Miles Morales
DC: Green Lantern, Kid Flash

The Nova
You’re a font of power. Channel it, and you can remake the world into exactly what you want. Unleash it, and you can do miracles. It’s wonderful...and terrifying. Lose control for even a second, and other people get hurt.

Good examples: Marvel: Jean Grey, Wiccan, Nico
DC: Miss Martian

The Outsider
You’re not from here. Your home is an amazing place, full of beauty and wonder. But there’s something to them, something special that you’re missing back home. Something…human. So yeah, you’ll be hanging around. At least for now.

Good examples: Marvel: Marvel Boy, Xavin, Warlock
DC: Miss Martian, Starfire

The Protege
You proved yourself to an experienced hero. They think you’ve got what it takes. They’ve been training you for a while, and now you have to you want to be them? Or will you find your own path?

Good examples: Marvel: Cyclops
DC: Robin, Batman

The Transformed
You can recall a time not too long ago when you looked...normal. When you didn’t feel their stares. When you didn’t hear their gasps. When no one thought of you as a monster. Those were the days, huh.

Good examples: Marvel: Mettle, Beast, The Thing
DC: Cyborg

If you really need more Playbooks:
The Innocent - Time travel is great! Or so you thought, until you landed in a strange new world, with a dark, broken, damaged, dangerous, adult version of yourself. Not what you had wanted to become. Question is, what are you going to do about it?

Good examples: Marvel: All-New Cyclops
DC: Blue Beetle (Reyes)

The Joined - You'd be nothing without them - your partner, your sibling, your friend, your rival, your other half. You're tied to their powers and to them, through and through. The rest of the world only ever sees you two as halves of a whole - not as two separate people. And the two of you aren't sure if they're right.

Good examples: Marvel: Cloak and Dagger, The Stepford Cuckoos
DC: The Wonder Twins, Hawk and Dove

The Newborn - You're a brand new being, created through scientific inquiry, feat of engineering, or random chance. This world is all new to you, full of wonder and adventure. It's not easy, though - everyone has an opinion about who you are and what you should do. It's time to find out for yourself who you really are.

Good examples: Marvel: Vision, Viv, Victor Mancha
DC: Superboy

The Reformed - Villainy used to be a way of life for you. Then you saw just what your selfishness and hate created. The supervillain life is a hard one to quit. But you know this best: sometimes the villain needs saving too.

Good examples: Marvel: Hawkeye (Barton), Loki (Agent of Asgard)
DC: Terra, Ravager

The Star - Being a hero isn't just about doing right. It's about being seen doing right. Let them think you're shallow for loving the spotlight and the cameras, for making speeches, for smiling so much. You'll be a hero in all the ways that matter.

Good examples: Marvel: Dazzler, Striker, The entire X-Statix team
DC: Booster Gold

The Soldier - You're a part of something bigger than yourself. A real force fighting to make the world a better place. You know that when you stand with them you're standing for something important; you just hope that when push comes to shove, you're standing for the right thing.

Good examples: Marvel: Quake, Captain America, Cyclops
Dark Horse: Hellboy

The Brain - You've always been the smartest one in the room. Your inventions, your plans, your mind all seem to be flawless. But you know the truth, sometimes it's just not enough. None of it seems to make up for what you did... or might do.

Good examples: Marvel: Mr. Fantastic, Hank Pym, Amadeus Cho

This campaign of Masks is set in the fictional Halcyon City, a sprawling metropolis where all sorts of heroes and villains have congregated for generations. More specifically, despite battling shadowy evil corporations, reality-hacking metahumans, and even the shadows of Dark Gods, a good chunk of the campaign is set in and around Halcyon High (Go Hornets!). So it's important to show not just what kind of superhero you'd play, but who's really underneath the mask.

How to Apply:

Here's the thing about Masks: the character creation is not done in a vacuum. Everyone at the table gets at least a little bit of input, especially when we get to the, "When Our Team First Came Together" part. So, to apply, go through the playbooks, pick the one or two that you most would like to play, then give a basic synopsis of your concept. Name, powers, look, and the start of his or her (or its) personality, and some background. You don't need to flesh everything out quite yet.

Next, you create a villain. Someone linked to your character in some way, and why that villain is a true threat to your character. If no idea for a villain's really speaking to you, come up with some other obstacle or hazard you must frequently overcome.

We'll probably leave the recruitment up for at least a week, depending on how many applicants there are.

How to Apply (TL;DR)
Choose a Playbook
Come up with a basic backstory/character concept
Create a Villain -- this doesn't have to be your hero's Eternal Nemesis, but should be someone/something linked to them
Duplicate playbooks are very unlikely to be picked (But see The Joined)
Have fun!

Useful Links
Basic Movies
Even More Playbooks
The Campaign itself if you're up for an Archive Dive

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

Hey there - this is where we'll begin mustering. I don't have any really atypical GMing rules or the like (though you can always pop over to my GM alias to read through them if you like).

Please provide:
Your name (as you want it on the chronicle)
Your character's name
Your PFS #
Your Faction
Your Day Job

And go ahead and tell me (and your new partymembers) a little bit about what your character does (this is a good place to point out any build-weirdness, typical uses of immediate actions, if you're slow progression etc.)

Let's have some fun!

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

Alright, here's where we'll get going!

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

Hey there - this is where we'll begin mustering. I don't have any really atypical GMing rules or the like (though you can always pop over to my GM alias to read through them if you like). The one thing I'll point out though is that this is a timed multi-table special. That means that I will bot or delay you after 24 hours, and might do it earlier if:
You're the last one up,
I'm about to go to sleep or otherwise be unavailable for long stretch of hours,
and at least 12 hours have passed.

Please provide:
Your name (as you want it on the chronicle)
Your character's name
Your PFS #
Your Faction
Your Day Job

And go ahead and tell me a little bit about what your character does (this is a good place to point out any build-weirdness, typical uses of immediate actions, if you're slow progression etc.)

Let's have some fun!

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

This is where we'll get started

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

Okay guys we'll go ahead and muster here!

Please provide:
Your name (as you want it on the chronicle)
Your character's name
Your PFS #
Your Faction
Your Day Job

And go ahead and tell me a little bit about what your character does (this is a good place to point out any build-weirdness, typical uses of immediate actions, if you're slow progression etc.)

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

Okay guys you can go ahead and ninja dot here!

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

Okay guys, we've got a high number of TBA PCs in this group, so let's start getting that all straightened out so we have a modicum of party balance :)

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

Go ahead and ninja dot here

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

Go ahead and dot in here - we'll get going in October!

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

Okay guys we'll go ahead and muster here!

Please provide:
Your name (as you want it on the chronicle)
Your character's name
Your PFS #
Your Faction
Your Day Job

And go ahead and tell me a little bit about what your character does (this is a good place to point out any weirdness, if you're slow progression etc.)

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

Go ahead and dot in here!

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

Okay guys we'll go ahead and muster here!

Please provide:
Your name (as you want it on the chronicle)
Your character's name
Your PFS #
Your Faction
Your Day Job

And go ahead and tell me a little bit about what your character does (this is a good place to point out any weirdness, if you're slow progression etc.)

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

Here's where we'll get going!

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

Here's where we'll assemble the crew!

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

Here's where we'll get going!

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

Once we have a better sense of character creation we can start our musings here.

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

Go ahead and dot in here - we'll get going in August!

Please go ahead and sign up on the big spreadsheet, but we'll get going here in August!

I'll be running a (weighted) lottery for recruitment late Monday night, so post here before then with the character you want to uncover the mysteries of The Beacon Below!

I'll be looking for introductory posts to get going on Tuesday or Wednesday.

My expectations are in line with most of the games I've seen, but here they are:

I expect players who can reliably post once per day.
I care a lot more about moving the game forward with those who are posting and interacting with the story and each other than waiting for everyone to have their say, so I will commonly move forward with a two-votes system - especially if it's a "which way next?".
I will try to make at least one substantive post/day as well as reactive posts as appropriate.
If I cannot do this for some reason, I will post to let you know that if at all possible.
If you disappear during combat or other decision points and hold things up I will skip you (or bot you if sufficient botting instructions are in your profile) and move on. If you make a habit of this I may take further steps, and will certainly be less likely to pick you for future sessions.
Please no dice only posts. It sucks the fun out of this for me.
With concealment and mirror images I always have low numbers miss.

This scenario continues the story line of the Dark Archive and (especially) the Scarab Sages, so let that guide your character choices.

Have Fun & Roll 20s!

This is a recruitment for the Second Session of Gameday VII -

I'll select a group of six from the first 12 people to apply (aiming to avoid any out of subtier play or other untenable group compositions).

Let's have some fun!

This is a recruitment for the First Session of Gameday VII - some of the first online gaming for the Pathfinder 2e Playtest!

I'll select a group of six from the first 12 people to apply.

Obviously, I'm not expecting characters to be fully created yet, but if you have a sense of what you're hoping to play, that'd certainly be welcome!

Let's have some fun!

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

Okay guys we're going to go ahead and start the muster! Go ahead and dot into Gameplay.

In addition, I'll need your:
Player name (As you want it on your chronicle)
Character name
Day Job

Also any weird notes/things you've found it worthwhile to explain/slow progression etc.

In particular, please do bring up any immediate actions you expect to use so that we can discuss how you want to handle those.

Normally I have a 24 hours till delay or bot policy, but as this is a timed special, I'll be a bit more aggressive if I myself am likely to be sleeping or busy when that 24 hour clock would expire. If botting you is simple enough or if you provide sufficient botting instructions, I'll do that, otherwise you'll be delayed. If you never want to be botted, please just let me know.

Okay, grumpy clock-watching GM part over, let's have fun with it!

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

Okay guys, go ahead and ninja dot or drop a character introduction in here!

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

Okay guys, let's go ahead and start the muster!

I'll need your:
Player name (As you want it on your chronicle)
Character name
Day Job

Also any weird notes/things you've found it worthwhile to explain/slow progression etc.

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

Go ahead and ninja dot here

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

Okay guys we'll go ahead and muster here!

Please provide:
Your name (as you want it on the chronicle)
Your character's name
Your PFS #
Your Faction
Your Day Job

And go ahead and tell me a little bit about what your character does (this is a good place to point out any weirdness, if you're slow progression etc.)

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

Go ahead and ninja dot here

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

Please give the following information for your characters:

1. Player Name (as you want it on your chronicle):
2. Character's Name
3. Class and Level
4. PFS# (and dash)
5. Faction
6. Day job Roll (if any)

And I'd appreciate a heads up about anything wacky with your character, especially if you have any Immediate Actions that we should work out/are playing slow progression etc.

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

Hey guys, go ahead and dot/introduce yourselves here - we'll get going on the 5th!

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

You have been sent to Vellumis, the largest city within the crusader nation of Lastwall to meet with Venture-Captain Shevar Besnik. You were given directions to the Uscalin lodge, but the building is in fact a gambling house bearing the name The Ace of Dreams.

Perhaps Captain Besnik will be along soon to take you to the real lodge? Until then, the common room is bustling, and you think you've spotted a few of your fellow agents.

Go ahead and dot/introduce yourselves. Shevar will make his appearance on Monday

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

Looks like we'll be solidly high tier for this one, so let that guide your choice of characters Ilmakis and EvilMinion.

Please give the following information for your characters:

1. Player Name (as you want it on your chronicle):
2. Character's Name
3. Class and Level
4. PFS# (and dash)
5. Faction
6. Day job Roll (if any)

And I'd appreciate a heads up about anything wacky with your character, especially if you have any Immediate Actions that we should work out/are playing slow progression etc.

I'm hoping to start this up on Monday, so the sooner I can access your characters via their profile, the better.

I'll be running a (weighted) lottery for recruitment late Saturday night, so post here before then with the character you want to show the true provenance of the Tome of Righteous Repose!

I'll be looking for introductory posts to get going on Monday.

My expectations are in line with most of the games I've seen, but here they are:

I expect players who can reliably post once per day.
I care a lot more about moving the game forward with those who are posting and interacting with the story and each other than waiting for everyone to have their say, so I will commonly move forward with a two-votes system - especially if it's a "which way next?".
I will try to make at least one substantive post/day as well as reactive posts as appropriate.
If I cannot do this for some reason, I will post to let you know that if at all possible.
If you disappear during combat or other decision points and hold things up I will skip you (or bot you if sufficient botting instructions are in your profile) and move on. If you make a habit of this I may take further steps, and will certainly be less likely to pick you for future sessions.
Please no dice only posts. It sucks the fun out of this for me.

This is an Evergreen with multiple variations, so if you've played it before and know which paths you've done mention it in a spoiler and I'll attempt to show people something they haven't seen before.

This scenario has a bit of a reputation for being murdery towards people playing out of subtier, so please indicate if you are willing to do so.

Have Fun & Roll 20s!

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

This adventure begins after a voyage to Qaharid, a city deep in the interior of Qadira. As nothing's going to attack you on your ship, Go ahead and dot with an introduction/description here

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

Looks like we'll be solidly low tier for this one, so let that guide your choice of characters GM Tektite.

Please give the following information for your characters:

1. Player/Forum Name
2. Character's Name
3. Class and Level
4. PFS# (and dash)
5. Faction
6. Day job Roll (if any)

And I'd appreciate a heads up about anything wacky with your character, especially if you have any Immediate Actions that we should work out/are playing slow progression etc.

I'm hoping to start this up tomorrow, so please do have your characters ready.

Also, welcome to Pathfinder, Stowelly! Please reach out with any questions you've got.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'll be running a (weighted) lottery for recruitment late Sunday night, so post here before then with the character you want to unveil the secret that so distressed the Roidirans!

I'll be looking for introductory posts to get going on Monday.

My expectations are in line with most of the games I've seen, but here they are:

I expect players who can reliably post once per day.
I care a lot more about moving the game forward with those who are posting and interacting with the story and each other than waiting for everyone to have their say, so I will commonly move forward with a two-votes system - especially if it's a "which way next?".
I will try to make at least one substantive post/day as well as reactive posts as appropriate.
If I cannot do this for some reason, I will post to let you know that if at all possible.
If you disappear during combat or other decision points and hold things up I will skip you (or bot you if sufficient botting instructions are in your profile) and move on. If you make a habit of this I may take further steps, and will certainly be less likely to pick you for future sessions.
Please no dice only posts. It sucks the fun out of this for me.

Have Fun & Roll 20s!

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

Okay guys please post up the following information for your characters:

1. Player/Forum Name
2. Character's Name
3. Class and Level
4. SFS# (and dash)
5. Day job Roll (if any)
6. Faction you intend to champion.

@Jakt Welcome to the Society! As far as boons go, you get to start with a single ________'s Champion boon that allows you to gain Reputation with the faction of your choice. One thing I'd like is if you could select an avatar for this alias so I have an easily recognizable pawn to put on battlemaps. Aside from that, your profile looks good, so just let me know if you have any other questions.

12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

You've been called to the Lorespire Complex on Absalom Station, center of the Starfinder Society, to meet with Venture-Captain Arvin. Rumor has it there's something going on about a Rogue Agent...

I'll get things going more fully tomorrow night, but go ahead and write up your characters' entrances to dot in the meantime.

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