Meet the Iconics: Samo

Friday, August 16, 2024

“Don’t play near the water by yourself or the kushtaka will get you!”

“Don’t wander into the trees by yourself or you’ll be taken by the little-men-in-the-woods!”

Samo had heard such warnings her entire life, repeated in fireside tales and stories told to pass the hours when her people left the summer fishing camps to travel to their inland lodges closer to Icemark’s caribou herds for the winter. Samo was spirit-touched, born with the mark of the elk, an angel’s golden eyes, and unusual insight. The cautionary stories always seemed to be directed at her, specifically, when it was her father’s turn to tell the tales, as though her gifts would be more likely to lead her astray than the other children. Perhaps there was some merit to that worry.

It wasn’t that she didn’t believe the stories on that summer day when she crept down to the shoreline by herself. Her father and uncles had been gone for several weeks now, taking her grandmother to Seer’s Home, where the elderly woman would live out the rest of her days among the Varki elders, now that her aged hips and back could no longer handle the nomadic migrations between fishing camps and hunting lodges. Samo wanted to be the first to greet her father on his return, and she was twelve years old now, nearly an adult by her reckoning, and she was accustomed to the little spirits warning her of dangers before others ever became aware of them.

Thus, it was particularly surprising when a cold, slimy paw wrapped in dank fur clutched her from behind, covering her mouth. Her screams were completely muffled, and all she could do was struggle in terror as she realized what had grabbed her: a kushtaka! Part man, part otter, the soulless creatures would drag her back to their village where they would cast her soul from her body and transform her into one of them! Worse yet, there were nearly twenty of the fearsome creatures quietly slipping from the waters around her. An entire kushtaka raiding party had come, doubtless here to take the encampment and disappear with them before anyone could so much as raise an alarm.

Despite all the terror she already felt, Samo discovered that things could still get worse. For every kushtaka that slipped from the waves, the insubstantial, sad-eyed form of a human walked beside them. Among the lost souls, she saw her father and uncles. Thrashing desperately, Samo thrust her small hand out towards her father’s spirit, and the ghostly figure reached out to her in response. As their fingertips brushed, it felt like lightning struck.

The kushtaka holding Samo screamed in agony, the sound finally awakening the people in the nearby fishing camp. Her father’s ghostly figure was nowhere to be seen, but the monster’s body changed and contorted, its otter’s fangs and fur falling away as its bones stretched to reveal her father’s features.

Samo used the opportunity to run towards the camp, where she snatched up one of the nets laced with dog bone that had been left there to repel just such an incursion. Dashing towards the kushtaka, she saw the spirits of the lost Varki moving to aid her, and she swung the net about, pulling the spirits together with the soulless bodies that had once belonged to them, triggering transformations like the one that had happened with her father. The sounds and cries of battle finally drew the rest of the village to her side, and Varki men and women with spears and daggers did what they could to fend the remaining kushtaka away while herding as many as they could towards Samo and her net.

Though over half of the kushtaka escaped back into the waves, Samo managed to save her father, her uncles, and a handful of other Varki from neighboring encampments. As Samo’s people gathered around, her father knelt down before her. “You do not belong here anymore, beloved. Your gifts must be nurtured by those who understand them.”

Samo, the iconic animist. Art by Wayne Reynolds.
Art by Wayne Reynolds. Iconic Animist, Samo

Samo joined her grandmother at Seer’s Home and helped care for the Varki elders there while they taught her everything they knew of her people’s legends, traditions, and magic. In her early twenties she had a brief, passionate love with a handsome young man named Nankou who also resided at Seer’s Home for a time, but their duties called them apart more often than they drew them together.

Samo’s ability to see what others could not made her into a healer and counselor, the person others called on when they suspected that unusual events were the doings of unquiet spirits. When fires raged, she spoke to the spirits of flame and calmed them. When people disappeared along the coastline, she would accompany the hunters who sought out the kushtaka villages hidden nearby, speaking to the apparitions that dwelt in the rivers and ocean waves to help guide them to those enclaves of lost souls.

It seemed to Samo that hardly any time at all had passed between that day on the beach where she returned her father and uncles from the kushtaka and the day when she looked into a small hand mirror and realized that many silver strands now danced amid the raven-wing black of her hair. Where had the days gone? Samo did not regret her service, but she envied the stories she heard of her old friend Nankou and his adventures slaying linnorms and rescuing would-be heroes.

One night, Samo sat amid the grove of Seer’s Home. Her grandmother had passed almost twenty years before, but the woman’s spirit still lingered in that peaceful grove, appearing to Samo’s eyes as a majestic elk woven from the leaves and grasses of the grove itself. That evening, they conversed as they had so many times before, but unlike those previous occasions, their conversation was interrupted by a spectacular and terrifying sight.

Two great figures battled in the sky, gods of the southern lands. One, covered in armored spikes, was struck down, his body ripped asunder. As red and silver droplets rained from the sky, Samo’s spiritual sight and physical sight crashed together.

As the god died above, she saw another battle: a powerful young man from a distant land fighting a fearsome demonic owl, until both were struck by the droplets of falling god-blood. The twined pair were spun a great distance through the air until Samo’s spirit sight faded and she saw that they were both truly there, in the flesh, crashing to the ground on Icemark’s shores.

A Calling thrummed within her. She knew this was a moment where all that she was and all that she had learned would be tested, when her choices and actions would determine not just the future of Icemark, but perhaps that of all the Inner Sea. Perhaps more.

She dashed to her home, and pulled on her well-used armor of bone, hide, and driftwood. She slid her clan hat down over her antlers, so that whoever she met would know that they faced a Varki woman of standing and power. Her grandmother’s apparition flowed into her, filling her with the peaceful magic of healing and quiet places.

Moving swiftly towards the shoreline and the fallen figures, her grandmother’s thoughts echoed her own. Let us go, the women thought. This Calling is for us, this time is ours, and whatever may happen next, the world will know the power of the women of the north.

Michael Sayre (he/him)
Director of Rules & Lore

Pathfinder second edition War of Immortals War of Immortals Special Edition Cover

Samo’s class, the animist, appears in Pathfinder War of Immortals alongside the exemplar class and tons of mythic options for characters of all classes. Follow the events of the Godsrain—the deific cataclysm of Gorum’s death—as pieces of his armor, blood, and divine essence spread mythic power and war across the multiverse. With myriad options for your favorite player character, countless plot hooks to inspire exciting new campaigns, and a glimpse into the implications of the event across the Lost Omens setting, it’s time to follow a Calling of your own! Pathfinder War of Immortals is available for preorder now in hardcover, special edition, and pocket editions, and will also be available as a retailer-exclusive sketch cover while supplies last.

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Tags: Meet the Iconics Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

2 people marked this as a favorite.

What's her Ancestry? I think I caught she has a nephilim heritage

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Great story and it really makes me want to give the animist a try! I also like the tie to Book of the Dead, reminding everyone that pre-Remaster content is still valid and not going away.

Wonder if we'll learn more about Nankou in the future

Scarab Sages Director of Rules & Lore

9 people marked this as a favorite.
ZetaShift wrote:
Wonder if we'll learn more about Nankou in the future

You can learn more about Nankou, the Varki Linnorm King, in Lost Omens Legends!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Kevin Tanguay 127 wrote:
What's her Ancestry? I think I caught she has a nephilim heritage

She is indeed a Nephilim, probably one of the new options that will be presented in the book.

Paizo Employee Marketing & Media Specialist

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Don't trust the river otters!!! <3 I adore Samo and her origins so much, wonderful storycrafting Mike!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Really cool.
But who was the God doing the smashing?
Is the powerful young man the Exemplar icon?
Is the owl representative of new beasts or threats?
And do the kushtaka smash human skulls like clams on their tummies?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I believe that was the Godsrain so that was Achaekek assassinating Gorem.
That was the Iconic Exemplar fighting a demonic owl.

I wanna know more about the Owl Demon.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Nakou mention, interesting interesting. Also took me a sec to realize that marking the elk meant she had actual antlers XD.

Dark Archive


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Damn you Paizo! You tempt me with yet more Sketch Covers!

I was not expecting those to be Her antlers, I figured those were part of the hat. Can't wait to dive into the finalized class!

Scarab Sages

This so well done. Love it!

Dark Archive

"Pathfinder War of Immortals" in the last paragraph has a broken link.

In fact, all the links in the last paragraph are broken.


So one of the new nephalim options could grant antlers, interesting. Could just be representive of Bestial manifestation, but I wonder if it's an Agathion lineage instead...

Edit: Bah nevermind, Idyllkin are in the ancestry guide

Grand Lodge

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Thank you, I love her.

Bestial Manifestation doesn't give horns/antlers sadly.

There is an archon that is stag-like though, the Qarna (fka Horned Archon). They keep small communities safe from unholy threats.

Scarab Sages Director of Rules & Lore

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Ectar wrote:

"Pathfinder War of Immortals" in the last paragraph has a broken link.

In fact, all the links in the last paragraph are broken.

Looks like they should be working now.

Grand Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I'm crying! This is really just too good!

As someone that converted to an animist system of belief... this is so perfect!
Calling her a counselor and healer, and then the first example given is taing out a fire! That's perfect, really show that even a fire is not something that shouldn't be there that need "killing"/extinguising, but a natural order of things that need to be calmed.

Also, Nankou being mentioned is GREAT!

Arg! I liked the Animist, and I had an inkling that I would LOVE the iconic, but this is way better than I expected!

Q_Q Thanks.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Kevin Tanguay 127 wrote:
What's her Ancestry? I think I caught she has a nephilim heritage

The Varki are a Human ethnicity. They live in parts of the Lands of the Linnorm Kings.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Oh we adored this.There was something so so so lovely about this. Samo is wonderful.

We are going to end up making so many Animist( and like at least half of them will probably end up being plural)

She is so fricken cool can no WAIT for this class to come lmao

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

looking at that cover art I'm reconsidering my special edition order. That's a fantastic piece of art.

This was really good

Paizo Employee Organized Play Coordinator

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Michael Sayre wrote:
ZetaShift wrote:
Wonder if we'll learn more about Nankou in the future
You can learn more about Nankou, the Varki Linnorm King, in Lost Omens Legends!

sorry WHAT

Samo had a thing with a LINNORM KING?!?


Grand Archive

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Alex Speidel wrote:
Michael Sayre wrote:
ZetaShift wrote:
Wonder if we'll learn more about Nankou in the future
You can learn more about Nankou, the Varki Linnorm King, in Lost Omens Legends!

sorry WHAT

Samo had a thing with a LINNORM KING?!?



LO Legends DO mention that he disapear often for long durations... Probably visited her during tehse times!!!

I dig the character design. The antlers give her a sage, regal feel; I like it

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

This is the first I've heard of HOW Gorum died. Exciting stuff!


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cat-thulhu wrote:
looking at that cover art I'm reconsidering my special edition order. That's a fantastic piece of art.

IKR? Probably the best one yet. Everyone who worked on it really knocked it out the park

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
BotBrain wrote:
Cat-thulhu wrote:
looking at that cover art I'm reconsidering my special edition order. That's a fantastic piece of art.
IKR? Probably the best one yet. Everyone who worked on it really knocked it out the park

I'm not a fan of this particular cover, but I pretty much never get Special Edition books because I love the cover art so much.

Scarab Sages Director of Rules & Lore

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Elfteiroh wrote:

Also, Nankou being mentioned is GREAT!

At some point it'd be kind of neat to do a story that has Samo, Nankou, T'kamo, and some of the other Varki and maybe Erutaki heroes teaming up, but Samo's got a pretty big adventure ahead that I suspect means it'll be awhile before she finds her way back to Icemark... Assuming she's destined to return home at all.

Grand Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Michael Sayre wrote:
Elfteiroh wrote:

Also, Nankou being mentioned is GREAT!

At some point it'd be kind of neat to do a story that has Samo, Nankou, T'kamo, and some of the other Varki and maybe Erutaki heroes teaming up, but Samo's got a pretty big adventure ahead that I suspect means it'll be awhile before she finds her way back to Icemark... Assuming she's destined to return home at all.

*excited eyes*

How many Godsrain-instigated iconics are we supposed to get?

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ravingdork wrote:
This is the first I've heard of HOW Gorum died. Exciting stuff!

Have you seen the artwork for it yet? It's pretty cool. I forget when exactly it was revealed but it was kind of wicked. Might have been a stream around the end of June or middle of July? Time is an illusion...


UnArcaneElection wrote:

How many Godsrain-instigated iconics are we supposed to get?

2, probably. Unless Paizo want to get fancy and use the old iconics who got refrenced in the art shown for some of the new archtypes.

Scarab Sages Director of Rules & Lore

8 people marked this as a favorite.
BotBrain wrote:
UnArcaneElection wrote:

How many Godsrain-instigated iconics are we supposed to get?

2, probably. Unless Paizo want to get fancy and use the old iconics who got refrenced in the art shown for some of the new archtypes.

Every mythic destiny is represented by one of the existing iconics. I think we've shown off Feiya as an archfiend and Fumbus as an apocalypse rider.

We also mentioned during the con that in the Godsrain novel, Samo and Nahoa meet up with Kyra, Merisiel, Ezren, and Amiri, but I think that's all we've said about that...

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber

As hype as I am for War of Immortals and all the game stuff from that, I have to say I am exponentially more excited for the Godsrain novel, and the adventures of Samo, Nahoa, Kyra, Ezren, and best girls Merisiel and Amiri. I can't wait to get my copies of that book!

I just want them to get up to shenanigans. Shenanigans are so much fun, and I want to read about the ones those 6 get up to.


Michael Sayre wrote:
BotBrain wrote:
UnArcaneElection wrote:

How many Godsrain-instigated iconics are we supposed to get?

2, probably. Unless Paizo want to get fancy and use the old iconics who got refrenced in the art shown for some of the new archtypes.

Every mythic destiny is represented by one of the existing iconics. I think we've shown off Feiya as an archfiend and Fumbus as an apocalypse rider.

We also mentioned during the con that in the Godsrain novel, Samo and Nahoa meet up with Kyra, Merisiel, Ezren, and Amiri, but I think that's all we've said about that...

Oooooooooh. Most exciting indeed.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

This is great! Thanks so much, Michael!

Scarab Sages Director of Rules & Lore

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Evan Tarlton wrote:
This is great! Thanks so much, Michael!

I do what I can!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

For me, "Samo" brought to mind Chinese actor Sammo Hung.

Ed Reppert wrote:
For me, "Samo" brought to mind Chinese actor Sammo Hung.

Like I said, maybe it's just me. ;-)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Given I don’t see much other than this being a Suomi/Sami cultural expy (with the much other being faint northern indigenous motes), Samo seems apt.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Ed Reppert wrote:
For me, "Samo" brought to mind Chinese actor Sammo Hung.


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I suprised there was no new blog today for more fiction.

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