Ehu Hadif’s Mandate Fulfilled! First Seeker Elections On The Horizon!

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Do YOU have what it takes to become the next First Seeker of the Starfinder Society?

Three years ago, First Seeker Luwazi Elsebo fulfilled her mandate as head of the Starfinder Society and announced her retirement. Four prominent Starfinders stepped forward to vie for the mantle of First Seeker. Each candidate was based on the character of real-world players who had purchased the “Rising Star” boon. These candidates were featured in Starfinder Society Scenario #2-07: Four for the First. Starfinder Society players from around the world cast their votes and elected Ehu Hadif Ko’ra Amares of Clan Tolar as our First Seeker.

Artist Beatrice Pellagatti: First Seeker Ehu Hadif, a male kasatha in red armor, examines a datapad.

Artist Beatrice Pellagatti

In many ways, Ehu is the quintessential Starfinder. He recentered the Starfinder Society around themes of exploration and research, and broadened our horizons in Near Space and the Vast. When faced with trials and tragedies, Ehu has held the Starfinder Society together, ushering us through the Data Scourge digital attacks, the devastating Drift Crisis, and inner turmoil. The future has more excitement in store for Ehu Hadif but, much like Luwazi Elsebo, Ehu has fulfilled his mandate as First Seeker. With the culmination of the (currently unannounced) Season Six of the Starfinder Society, Ehu will be stepping down as First Seeker and a new crop of Starfinder Society agents will step forward as candidates to take his place.

It is therefore my honor to announce the release of a new boon: First Seeker Candidate. This boon is available for purchase to Starfinder Society characters with at least 45 Reputation with any faction. When you purchase this boon, you’ll be directed to send us an email with specific information about your character. This boon is only available for a limited time, during the lead up to Ehu Hadif’s retirement. Your last day to submit your entry for consideration is January 16th, 2023.

If you’re one of the players who qualified and submitted your character for consideration after Ehu’s election using the “Rising Star” or “Starfinder of Note” boons, rest assured that we still have your character’s application, and they’ll be entered into consideration alongside all our new candidates! If you would like to update any previous submissions, please email us at with any new information, including your character’s goal as First Seeker.

The Starfinder Society is a living campaign influenced and shaped by players all over the world. This is a tradition I’m proud to uphold. To all of our fans, players, volunteers, and GMs: thank you for your continued support and engagement. I look forward to embarking on this exciting journey with all of you!

And to all of our First Seeker candidates: I wish you the best of luck!

Jessica Catalan
Starfinder Society Developer

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Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

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The current head of donor relations, in his cheap Blue suit with orange accents quite literally throws his hat into the ring.

If it was up to me, we would re elect Luwazi Elsebo, the greatest first seeker of all time. he shows off his purple luwazi second seekers badge which has aged and has battle markings

But failing of her disciples clearly now has to come in and save the society AGAIN

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 5/5 5/55/55/5

"You're not doing another write in with "Datch was right" are you? " he kids! He kids! ow ow ow ow

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Germany—Bavaria

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I vastly prefer the concept of players meeting the candidates during the scenario, since old blog posts can be hard to find, that said, if the people who are to be included can give more details upon request, that seems sensible.

Honestly, some cool in-world promotional flyers for their candidates would be nice handouts for the scenario, and ideally, that could also include a link to the actual voting survey.

It is likely easier for a GM to provide the link to vote in the election with the chronicle sheets.

It's also worth mentioning that the actual players are likely not in a great position to explain what future plotline they are representing since the details and concepts for those metaplots are likely something the org play developer will have to come up with. Personally, particularly with the regrettable recurring loss of developers, I am much more interested in what sort of stories they want to tell.

Wayfinders 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Contributor

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Promotional posters as handouts? Oooooh!

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

It does seem to me that if the candidates did "interviews" their creators' answers should be filtered through a writer. In other words, the shortlist candidates' creators should be sent a few questions; they answer those questions; and then a developer (Catalan?) should then edit those answers (with the candidate players' foreknowledge and permission) to fully fit them into the setting as published.

That evens the field between writer and non-writer candidates, should that be a concern, and presents the candidates as the NPCs they will be presented as in Society, rather than as the PCs who exist in their individual players' imaginations.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

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Justin Norveg wrote:
"You're not doing another write in with "Datch was right" are you? " he kids! He kids! ow ow ow ow

Look way too many people think that mangy...wily...pant suit rocking...Apple-munching...

Wheeler tugs his collar

What was I saying? Point is our reputation could use some real repair after that humorless Ehu Hadif has let our image get all sullied

4/5 5/55/55/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, Minnesota—Minneapolis

Whereas an interview would work well in some formats, making it part of a scenario wouldn’t work well for in person play. Campaign flyers could work for that, but an interview would likely be too wordy for many tables that aren’t PbP or PbD.

Now if we could have it linked to the scenario where the players could read it before the game started, that might work for some. Not everyone would read it but those that did would know a little more about the candidates.

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Agent, Finland—Tampere

Didn't the reputation drop start during Luwasi's reign as result of the actions she took to get resources for Scoured Stars including hiring bunch of mercs as archeologists, selling out for sponsorship deals and meddling with politics?

(imagine that was asked in character by one of my characters or something, I feel awkward about roleplaying in forum x'D)

Wayfinders 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Contributor

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CorvusMask wrote:
(imagine that was asked in character by one of my characters or something, I feel awkward about roleplaying in forum x'D)

Just pick the most outrageous of your characters and bold the dialogue. It's easy once you find their mindset!

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 5/5 5/55/55/5

CorvusMask wrote:

Didn't the reputation drop start during Luwasi's reign as result of the actions she took to get resources for Scoured Stars including hiring bunch of mercs as archeologists, selling out for sponsorship deals and meddling with politics?

Sets up the ovehead projector. Must be a cognate.

No, most people were fine with that. If you track our reputation and sources of illegitimate complaints and conspiracy theories it started with Datch's smear campaign.

"If you track sources of legitimate complaints or things that just went sideways on us, they all happened well before luwazi's tenure."

The objections to Zo! are a very vocal minority. Zo!s audience is enormous. And probably includes the very same people objecting to ZO!

Acquisitives 2/5

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A nearby monitor displays a gnome with multi-colored hair and wearing a loud orange flightsuit bedecked with colorful feathers and sashes.

"Hey, fellow Starfinders, Toknomonicon here! You know me from my Tokno Remix and First World Problems albums, but did you know I've also provided stellar soundtrack services for the multimedia reports for every mission I've been part of? I just wanted to pop in to say that my rates for campaign promotional music are quite reasonable! Ta for now!"

The gnome dances off camera to a catchy electronic beat. An explosion of rainbow-colored feathers fills the screen briefly, before it goes blank.

Second Seekers (Jadnura) 1/5 5/55/5

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Okay but First World Problems is a brilliant album name XD


Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:
But instead the winner was the quiet kasathan with the impossibly long name that was hard to remember.

"Ehu" is only three letters...

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Agent, Finland—Tampere

Justin Norveg wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:

Didn't the reputation drop start during Luwasi's reign as result of the actions she took to get resources for Scoured Stars including hiring bunch of mercs as archeologists, selling out for sponsorship deals and meddling with politics?

Sets up the ovehead projector. Must be a cognate.

No, most people were fine with that. If you track our reputation and sources of illegitimate complaints and conspiracy theories it started with Datch's smear campaign.

"If you track sources of legitimate complaints or things that just went sideways on us, they all happened well before luwazi's tenure."

The objections to Zo! are a very vocal minority. Zo!s audience is enormous. And probably includes the very same people objecting to ZO!

That is kinda ignoring though that Luwasi did put in the veskarium relationship thing in motion in first place though. Also that Gideon Authority and Marixah Republic political meddling was during her tenure. Corporate sponsorship I guess you can argue started before it though. Like yeah the drop didn't happen before Datch, but the main things that Datch had point about where things she did to help Society recover after scoured stars incident.

(also that some of my characters might have had issue with bunch of fellow agents acting like bloodthirsty mercs on dayjob :D)

Wayfinders 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Contributor

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MurderHobo#6226 wrote:
Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:
But instead the winner was the quiet kasathan with the impossibly long name that was hard to remember.
"Ehu" is only three letters...

When he was running for office, his name was Ehu Hadif Ko'ra Amares of Clan Tolar. My players were begging me, "Can't we just call him 'Ehu'?" I'm really glad the developers later shortened it.

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Agent, Finland—Tampere

I mean Kasatha overly long names is a tradition in universe I think :'D

(sidenote, last session in 3rd party campaign, writers were trolling players by having character with extremely long and hard to pronounce name who demands they are addressed by full name each time they are addressed :'D I've never been more scared as player)

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 5/5 5/55/55/5

That is kinda ignoring though that Luwasi did put in the veskarium relationship thing in motion in first place though.

"The veskarium is the biggest trading, cultural, and intellectual partner of the pact worlds. We're going to have some kind of relationship with them."

"If you're referring to the involvement with the Pathra, the patrha terrorists in question launched a missile attack that dropped a building on dozens of civilians as well as the starfinders themselves. Most trained combatants have the same way of objecting to that. "

Also that Gideon Authority and Marixah Republic political meddling was during her tenure.

"We are an archeological society. Not a mercenary army for hire. They requested our assistance in validating or disproving the providence of archeological ruins. That's our job. What someone does with that information is up to them, and beyond our control and thus our responsibility. "

Corporate sponsorship I guess you can argue started before it though.

"Look, I know most starfinders just get in the ship and go and collect their paycheck. But where do you think the money for the ship, the paycheck, and the ship came from? Even a baseline ship is so expensive it doesn't even COME In credits. Much less the roaving nuclear weapons platform we send out when things get serious. You want to fly to another planet to study something or fight off jinsul with a drum circle? Have at it. "

Like yeah the drop didn't happen before Datch, but the main things that Datch had point about where things she did to help Society recover after scoured stars incident.

"Someone with an infosphere troll farm can blame you for any action or inaction you did or did not take. "

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Agent, Finland—Tampere

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Justin would have talent in politics it seems :D That is some talented dodging on some of the questions (I know for sure in at least one Gideon amd Marixah scenario society agreed to play local politics because they wanted access to specific ruin :p

Tbh, I don't consider most of these fault of Luwasi, I consider it to be more of "Wow, Ehu gets blamed for lot of stuff Luwasi isn't blamed for")

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

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Friend Corvus you miss the absolutely MOST important part! Under "Big Guns" Luwazi Elsebo all of those thing were good things! Its only under Ehu Hadif that people decided they were "bad". The difference is simple - effective Leadership! Wheeler slicks back his hair satisfied at the answer, handing the dragon man little pegasus class vitamins.

Acquisitives 5/5

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The pahtra is there, behind Justin. He wasn't there before. Why is it dark in here?

"The Veskarium," his whiskers twitch. "The Veskarium is a totalitarian regime that destroys native cultures and imprisons anyone who might be inconvenient to them," he says, eying Zoggy.

Zoggy smiles; the huge vesk waving at Brayal, completely uncomprehending.

Slightly unnerved, the lithe, black-furred priest of Pharasma gives a half-wave back and continues, "If we're to continue doing favors for vesk admirals and intelligence officers, we need to get some assurances that they're going to work towards reconciliation with the Pulonis rebels. They can start by actually calling it 'Pulonis' instead of Vesk 6," he smirks.

"Anyway, I expect a lot out of whomever becomes First Seeker in terms of concessions from the various dictators we make deals with," he eyes the nomination box. "We have leverage; we just need to use it."

Scarab Sages 2/5 5/55/55/55/5

Hmm, is everyone getting emails? Just me not getting it?

Paizo Employee 5/55/5 * Organized Play Coordinator

Belabras wrote:
Hmm, is everyone getting emails? Just me not getting it?

If you had a Starfinder of Note candidate in the pool as of mid-to-late 2020, you should have received an email from me. I have also send confirmation emails to all received submissions.

If you did not get an email, your character is not currently in contention, and you should purchase the new boon and email me with the information requested in the boon.


I didn't get an e-mail for my earlier starfinder of note, Tana Ikarian.

But she was also killed at a Thursty table without a chance at resurrection, so nevermind. :D

Liberty's Edge 3/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Nebraska—Omaha

The character I would like to be put into the running has 3 reporting errors. Three of the tables were reported with the wrong faction. I assume if I send an email to the error reporting email that I can get that fixed?

Or should I plan to play the character 3 more times before the deadline?

Also, can a play have more than one character for consideration? I didn't see anything about that but I could have missed it.


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Gary Bush wrote:

The character I would like to be put into the running has 3 reporting errors. Three of the tables were reported with the wrong faction. I assume if I send an email to the error reporting email that I can get that fixed?

Or should I plan to play the character 3 more times before the deadline?

Also, can a play have more than one character for consideration? I didn't see anything about that but I could have missed it.

My sweet summer child...

I've had multiple characters with a half dozen or more reporting errors. Send the e-mail and Alex will make sure it gets sorted, which should qualify you if it puts you above 45 reputation for one faction.

And yes, you can have multiple characters in the running, but only one in final consideration.


Only a few lines to describe the character and goals isn't much. Will there be a chance to expand on it later, before the choice of candidates is made?

Paizo Employee 5/55/5 * Organized Play Coordinator

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PMSchulz wrote:
Only a few lines to describe the character and goals isn't much. Will there be a chance to expand on it later, before the choice of candidates is made?

I don't know for sure, but I wouldn't bank on it. I think you'd be surprised how much information you can pack into that space, but consider that we'll have a lot of these to read, so try and get the character's essence across rather than a full mission log.

5/55/5 *

Alex Speidel wrote:
We also intend to have...some actual rules about campaigning for your character once they're selected, precisely to avoid a character winning on "name recognition" alone.

It would be good to know the campaigning rules as far in advance as possible. I mean, what if I were already running afoul of them.

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Agent, Finland—Tampere

Was deadline 16 all along and I just have that bad memory or was it lengthened at some point?

5/5 5/55/55/5

was always the 16th. As a procrastonator whos family goes nuts for the holidays its greatly appreciated.


BigNorseWolf wrote:
was always the 16th. As a procrastonator whos family goes nuts for the holidays its greatly appreciated.

Yeah, I just managed to get to submitting my last candidate last week. December is a blur.

Wayfinders 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Contributor

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I am looking forward to voting for Zoggy.


Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:
I am looking forward to voting for Zoggy.

Gronnigan is probably my best First Seeker Candidate, but Zoggy would certainly be my most beloved.

Looks like the deadline just passed.

Exciting times!

Second Seekers (Jadnura) 1/5 5/55/5

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Dracomicron wrote:
Exciting times!

I'm trying to keep a lid on myself because I demonstrably had zero chill last First Seeker election, but at the same time omg I'm so pumped :D :D :D

Advocates 3/5 5/55/5 Venture-Lieutenant, Conventions—PaizoCon

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I'm big excited to see more mandates, and how my entries go.

Everyone being all "I entered this character, but they're gonna be hopeless at actual job" makes me plot excited. Find time to deal with the chaos that ensues :D

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

After reading the latest scenario, I'm brewing a gut feeling that the next First Seeker is going to have some big problems to solve...

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Agent, Finland—Tampere

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I'm curious to see how many characters got submitted in total anyway so far :O like is it hundreds, thousands? Or is it surprisingly low number(but still long time to go through)


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Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:
I am looking forward to voting for Zoggy.

Looks like Zoggy wasn't selected as an option this time.

Obliviously, he will remain on the forum and cheerfully vote for the bestest starfinder to be First Seeker.

Manifold Host 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

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I wasn't selected earlier, which I kind of expected since Charli has had other chances to shine in the Society. I look forward to voting for the new candidates.

And this means that Zoggy and Charli can plan a high level game together sometime!

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/55/55/5 *** Venture-Captain, Australia—NSW—Greater West

I am assuming that my character was not selected, I didn't get any emails about it


sanwah68 wrote:
I am assuming that my character was not selected, I didn't get any emails about it

I did get an e-mail, in the negative, so if you didn't get one, that might be a good sign.


Charli Poshkettle wrote:

I wasn't selected earlier, which I kind of expected since Charli has had other chances to shine in the Society. I look forward to voting for the new candidates.

And this means that Zoggy and Charli can plan a high level game together sometime!

I'm running 5-10 at Con of the North; if that helps!

Second Seekers (Jadnura) 1/5 5/55/5

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Alas, my sweet, terrible, monstrosity also didn't make the cut. Ah well - maybe next First Seeker election :D

1/5 5/5

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I received a polite response that indicated my candidate did not 'make the cut' BUT they were keeping her on file for possible future interactions.

And I'm really cool with that.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Clear your calendar, the election's in August!

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