Paizo Leadership Team Update

Monday, November 15, 2021

Over the last six weeks, Paizo's Leadership Team has attempted to better listen to and understand the challenges faced by its workforce, customers, and community. We want to take a moment to update you on a few important developments that have emerged from those conversations.

Before we begin, it's important to note that this update does not address requests regarding salaries, adjustments to the current work-from-home environment, or other matters that are now subject to negotiation with the United Paizo Workers union during collective bargaining.

We’re still searching diligently for a candidate to fill the company’s Human Resources Manager position, and plan to begin interviews very shortly. As this is an incredibly important hire, we want to make sure we find the right candidate with experience leading initiatives related to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) and working with a union. We are continuing to gather resumes as the search continues.

We’ve hired a company called Energage to complete an employee engagement survey on behalf of Paizo. This survey is designed to allow employees to provide anonymous, unfiltered, and honest feedback to the company that will help Paizo establish priorities for improvement planning. It will also serve as an important benchmark against which to measure the results of future surveys, allowing us to develop a baseline to measure against. We expect employees to be able to access the engagement survey sometime this week.

Discussion in the past several months has resurfaced two instances in which a Paizo executive mishandled user data when replying to message board posts, resulting in allegations of doxxing. These actions were contrary to Paizo policy, and corrective actions were taken to ensure that this does not happen again.

“This was a huge mistake on my part and I am deeply sorry for any issues that have arisen from these actions. This was not the right way to treat our customers and I apologize,” said Paizo President Jeff Alvarez. “As President, I know I need to hold myself to a higher standard.”

Paizo takes issues related to discrimination and harassment very seriously. We have hired the law firm of Moritt Hock & Hamroff (MH&H) to investigate allegations of discrimination against trans employees and sexual misconduct before reporting back to the Leadership Team. Investigators from the firm will reach out to members of Paizo’s staff and others that made claims on social media. Cooperation with the firm is voluntary, of course, but we remain committed to investigating these matters thoroughly to ensure a safe and respectful workplace.

We chose MH&H upon the recommendation of a consultant with expertise in matters of DEIB. MH&H has a team of attorneys that specialize in these issues, and we’re confident they’ll be able to provide an impartial analysis of the facts that we need to move forward with any corrective actions.

Because the results of these investigations are private personnel matters, Paizo will not be able to make them public. Corrective actions will be taken against any employee (including managers and executives) found to be guilty of these allegations.

It has never been Paizo’s intention to discriminate against any employee when making decisions of who to send to industry trade shows, but we see now that our room-sharing policy was based on outdated interpretations of gender, was not friendly to transgender employees, and could contribute to a perception of transphobia at the company. Paizo’s Leadership Team acknowledges the pain this caused, and we understand that we need to be better at recognizing issues where such decisions could have unintended results. We also recognize that such actions do not align with Paizo's core values, the values of its staff members, or the sentiments of diversity and inclusion expressed in Paizo products, and as such, have disappointed, angered, and confused members of our community. We believe these mistakes are not representative of who we are, or what we want the company to represent. We need to do better... and we will.

“As the person in charge of trade shows, I want to apologize to anyone that felt marginalized as a result of the convention decision-making process,” said Jeff Alvarez. “It was not our intent to discriminate against anyone, and I’m sorry.”

As previously communicated, Paizo has adopted a one-employee-per-room travel policy moving forward. Regardless of gender identity, couples will be allowed to share rooms during travel as long as both parties request it.

Paizo remains committed to maintaining a diverse, safe, and fun workplace where our employees are treated fairly and look forward to creating awesome Pathfinder and Starfinder products for many years to come. We hope that this update helps communicate that we, the Leadership Team, are doing our best to listen to and address the concerns of our community members. We believe in creating a better Paizo, and believe that transparency, communication, and accountability will be instrumental as we move forward. Thank you for your continued support of our company and our products.

Paizo Leadership Team
David, Erik, Jeff, Jim, Lisa, and Mike

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11 people marked this as a favorite.

I've got three questions.

1) Did UPW get a say in the hiring of MH&H for internal investigations?

2) Will the results of this investigation be made available to UPW?

3) I understand that you can't talk about internal corrective actions that have taken place. Can you, however, state what new policies have been implemented to prevent Jeff from doxxing other customers in future?

Lastly...Jeff. Man, your apology would look a lot better with just a little adjustment.

"As the person in charge of trade shows, I want to apologize to anyone that felt marginalized as a result of the convention decision-making process..."

"...we see now that our room-sharing policy was based on outdated interpretations of gender, was not friendly to transgender employees, and could contribute to a perception of transphobia at the company."

These two statements together give off a pretty unflattering attitude about this matter. Your company has been accused of implementing transphobic workplace policies, confirmed by members of UPW and tacitly confirmed by your executives. When those policies are implemented, regardless of intent, your company is responsible for making people feel attacked. You can make a person hurt without intending to make a person hurt. These things are not mutually exclusive. But you need to recognize that is what you did, directly and transparently.

"As the person in charge of trade shows, I want to apologize to anyone that felt for marginalizeding our employees as a result of the convention decision-making process..."

"...we see now that our room-sharing policy was based on outdated interpretations of gender, and was not friendly to transgender employees, and could contribute to a perception of transphobia at the company."

Do you see the difference?

Prior to this post, I don't think most people were asking for Jeff to step down. But showing that you can't own up to a mistake does not inspire confidence that you are capable of correcting that mistake.

You have every opportunity to right this ship. Please, show a little more humility here. You'll be a better leader, and a better person for it; and it's an important step towards trust. You CAN still be the leader most of us strangers thought you were a few months ago. But that will require you to be that leader. Right now.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

To help me sort out my feelings about all of this, it's been helpful for me to go back to the list of demands offered by #PAIZOACCOUNTABILITY:

Derry L. Zimeye wrote:

[1] * Paizo needs to hire a whistleblower/arbitration company.
[2] * Said company must investigate Sara Marie's wrongful termination.
[3] * Executives need to be held accountable and investigated
[4] * Executives need to enter good faith negotiations with their employees
[5] * Salaries need to be posted and raised; some employees live below the median living wage in Seattle

So here's how things currently seem to stand with respect to these demands:

[1]: This announcement seems to meet demand [1].

[2]: This doesn't seem to have been addressed in this announcement or any other.

[3]: This announcement seems to meet the first half of this demand - the "investigated" part. The other half - the "held accountable" - is pending investigation, and so falls in the "we'll have to wait and see" category.

[4]: The voluntary recognition of the union seems to meet demand [4].

[5]: This issue is going to depend on how things go with negotiations with the union. So this also falls in the "we'll have to wait and see" category.

So Paizo has met 2.5 of the 5 demands, and 1.5 of the demands are in the "we'll have to wait and see" category - demands which they would need more time to meet, and might meet, but haven't met yet. So with respect to [1] and [3]-[5], Paizo's actions make me cautiously optimistic.

The big outlier here seems to be [2]. [2] hasn't been addressed at all. I realize there are confidentiality issues here, but there hasn't even been a statement of the form "we can't talk about this publicly, but the circumstances of some recent employee departures are being investigated, and corrective action will be taken".

So for the most part I guess I'm feeling cautiously optimistic. (Which is not to say other people should feel the same - I'm speaking only for myself here.) But the glaring omission on *anything* about [2] is disappointing.

Jeff is nothing if but consistent...consistently obtuse.

9 people marked this as a favorite.

I mean, I don't feel that "I shouldn't doxx my customers" is holding anything up to a higher standard. If a freelancer or customer service person had done it, you'd have probably fired them. So that an executive can do it and just promise to not do it again is not any kind of high standard.

"I shouldn't doxx my customers" is an absolute minimum standard for anyone working at any company.

16 people marked this as a favorite.

It is pretty fascinating that they had months and came up with this.

Laborer: Can get fired for literally anything their employee desires. Potentially nothing at all, if some recent stories are to be believed.

Executives: Can commit multiple offenses that would be auto-firing situations for the laborer and become President of a well-established company (relative to the industry).

Remember, kids. Executives aren't your friends and don't care about you, especially in the context of their business. Jeff clearly just wants to collect money while letting other people catch heat for his screwups.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I do hope the union will be involved in the processes mentioned.

And I agree that the language used with regards to the transphobic policy is very weak and a non-apology.

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Porridge wrote:
The big outlier here seems to be [2]. [2] hasn't been addressed at all. I realize there are confidentiality issues here, but there hasn't even been a statement of the form "we can't talk about this publicly, but the circumstances of some recent employee departures are being investigated, and corrective action will be taken".

I'll just leave this here as looks like it only appeared a few days ago and not everyone might be aware of it:

I think every post in this thread and every unionize hashtag on twitter should cost a donation to Sara's Ko-Fi.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I have taken my time processing this statement. I have to say I am deeply disappointed by it. Many others have stated my concerns in a much more eloquent manner, so I will stand by their words. Transphobia in the workplace is unacceptable. Violating customers' privacy is also unacceptable. Offering feeble apologies and couching even that in terms of "allegations" and "perception" is frankly craven. The Paizo executives seem to want us to trust them that the right things will be done... but trust with the community has been broken.

I wish to continue to support the freelancers and writers who have created a world I love, so I will continue to do so for the time being. But all the goodwill recognizing the PWU created has now been expended. Paizo remains on thin ice with me. Better hope that negotiations with the Union don't break down, because that might be enough to push me over the edge and not come back.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
CyberMephit wrote:
Porridge wrote:
The big outlier here seems to be [2]. [2] hasn't been addressed at all. I realize there are confidentiality issues here, but there hasn't even been a statement of the form "we can't talk about this publicly, but the circumstances of some recent employee departures are being investigated, and corrective action will be taken".

I'll just leave this here as looks like it only appeared a few days ago and not everyone might be aware of it:

I think every post in this thread and every unionize hashtag on twitter should cost a donation to Sara's Ko-Fi.

Thanks for sharing this!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Heather removed the ones I quoted here but missed this one. Self Removing.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The non-apology apology is fast becoming Paizo's MO, having been mastered already by Jeff.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
Porridge wrote:
CyberMephit wrote:
Porridge wrote:
The big outlier here seems to be [2]. [2] hasn't been addressed at all. I realize there are confidentiality issues here, but there hasn't even been a statement of the form "we can't talk about this publicly, but the circumstances of some recent employee departures are being investigated, and corrective action will be taken".

I'll just leave this here as looks like it only appeared a few days ago and not everyone might be aware of it:

I think every post in this thread and every unionize hashtag on twitter should cost a donation to Sara's Ko-Fi.

Thanks for sharing this!

Want to support. Any one able to confirm it is real/verify it isn't someone else? Would definitely buy Sara Marie a cup of java for all of the headaches I've seen her manage in the CS forum :D

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Lissa Guillet wrote:

I think one of Paizo's ongoing problems here is that this is just some of the stuff that's happened. They've crystalized around these couple of big things, but there's more and some of them are lesser but longer term. I know there are tales from certain former employees that probably won't see the light of day unless they do. There are other things out there that have the potential to come up and that's where the continuing problems will lay. There is potential for them to keep coming up and Paizo just be a consistent holding pattern so that the good they do is constantly chopped off at the knees by old patterns of abuse.

It's a problem.

Yeah you have transphobia directed towards freelancers. You have incidents at Paizocon that were never resolved or at least if they were they never told the victim. Bill Webb wasn't really investigated particularly well enough which resulted in huge fights within the Organized Play community that caused people to leave or be kicked out. Multiple situations of active harassment that were brought up on the message boards that were never investigated nor told to relevant people. The lead time between getting a response in terms of harassment could take months if your email wasn't just ignored. No semblance of active guidelines on how to deal with harassment. No existing privacy policy on how said policy was handled. Paizo withdrawing convention support because of safety reasons and not telling anyone about said safety issues.

Now with that being said do I think progress is being made to alleviate these issues? Yes. I have seen a marked improvement. Do I think the executives are responsible? No.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Yoshua wrote:

Want to support. Any one able to confirm it is real/verify it isn't someone else? Would definitely buy Sara Marie a cup of java for all of the headaches I've seen her manage in the CS forum :D

That's what is listed on her Twitter profile, at least.

Silver Crusade

23 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Realize that convention issues are more than just, "I didn't get to go." GenCon is a place where you can meet fans, talk with industry professionals that will help you develop your career, and team building among colleagues. Being effectively banned from professionally attending GenCon is detrimental to your career both in and out-of-house.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Loss of opportunity that others get is discriminatory and wrong and needs more than just an OOPSIE to rectify.

MadScientistWorking wrote:
Lissa Guillet wrote:

I think one of Paizo's ongoing problems here is that this is just some of the stuff that's happened. They've crystalized around these couple of big things, but there's more and some of them are lesser but longer term. I know there are tales from certain former employees that probably won't see the light of day unless they do. There are other things out there that have the potential to come up and that's where the continuing problems will lay. There is potential for them to keep coming up and Paizo just be a consistent holding pattern so that the good they do is constantly chopped off at the knees by old patterns of abuse.

It's a problem.

Yeah you have transphobia directed towards freelancers. You have incidents at Paizocon that were never resolved or at least if they were they never told the victim. Bill Webb wasn't really investigated particularly well enough which resulted

Now with that being said do I think progress is being made to alleviate these issues? Yes. I have seen a marked improvement. Do I think the executives are responsible? No.

Sadly, that is the case in most areas.:(

Customer Service Representative

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I've just removed a few posts for language, and some for being off topic/bickering. Please try to express your thoughts without cursing or attacking others.

Second Seekers (Roheas)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I can save Wolfram and Hart some time and billable hours, the main causes of everything that's blown up in your faces the last 3 months are exactly the people it obviously is.

What you do with that information is what matters and... well maybe you'll surprise me.

15 people marked this as a favorite.

It's been confirmed that the union was given no opportunity to interact with or contribute to this statement whatsoever.

That's not a very good sign, is it, Jeff?

Grand Lodge

17 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Also, while I understand why Jeff used such careful language, that understanding makes this worse. This language is clearly couched to avoid litigation. While the law firm investigates, he would’ve been advised to not make absolute statements like “this was transphobic” or “I doxxed people.”

Except…those actions happened. Heck this post admits as much on the former and the latter doesn’t need admission cause the post where that happened is archived. You cannot apologize without exposing yourself to some form of repercussion. A sincere apology requires vulnerability. Without it, you demonstrate no desire to improve…just a desire to make people calling you out for it go away. That does not exactly inspire faith.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

It's in general frustrating about public apology statements how more often than not they have air where the one doing apologizing is being defensive or grudging about it. Like the best possible interpretation is "oh my gosh, I didn't intend to be bad when I was bad, I'm so sorry for you feeling attacked at my bad behavior" which is at best acceptable only in private context when you know how and trust other person despite them fumbling with their words :P

I'm still overall cautiously optimistic, but bit heavier on caution side since I have no context of how "unbiased" these firms are. Most of my optimistic side comes from trust in paizo employees besides the key questionable figures in management and the new union. Internal investigation is always a good thing and Paizo isn't really big company like Ubisoft where abusers just got moved to cushy jobs out of the company. But yeah I'm opposite of confident about Jeff right now, perhaps to unfair degree in that sure they could be privately genuinely apologetic. But people in power have to prove it they use their power for good ESPECIALLY when they have abused power previously :/

14 people marked this as a favorite.

My top priority right now is seeing that Paizo is cooperating fully with the union. There's no room for error in that. I no longer feel I trust Jeff, Vic, Lisa, or anyone in leadership, so I want to know that the union is going to have a seat at the table so I can trust someone in charge.

Grand Lodge

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Also I just saw the twitter post KC is referring to confirming that none of the actions taken were done in consultation with the union or employees at large. So the law firm is transparently a self-defense mechanism and not a means of “sussing out accountability.”

3 people marked this as a favorite.

The Twitter post did take care to specify that they were saying what they said neutrally, simply clarifying some confusion. But yes, it makes me trust the law firm a lot less.

Dark Archive

11 people marked this as a favorite.

Uhhhh, did anyone else actually click over and look at that law firm? Their last three cases they won were 1. Helping the bank that owns a Jewish history museum get more money from the museum when they filled for bankruptcy 2. Keep someone from being elected a deacon at a church? And 3. "MHH was retained by EverCare Choice Inc. (“EverCare”), a managed long term care plan, to challenge the decision by the New York State Department of Health (“DOH”) to freeze the risk score it uses to determine the partial capitation and nursing home transition rates (“Rates”) charged to its members." I'm not a lawyer but isn't that helping a nursing home scam old people against the wishes of the DEPARTMENT OF FREAKING HEALTH?

I'd reeeally like to know who the DEIB person was that recommended this law firm.

Grand Lodge

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Blondeshep wrote:

Uhhhh, did anyone else actually click over and look at that law firm? Their last three cases they won were 1. Helping the bank that owns a Jewish history museum get more money from the museum when they filled for bankruptcy 2. Keep someone from being elected a deacon at a church? And 3. "MHH was retained by EverCare Choice Inc. (“EverCare”), a managed long term care plan, to challenge the decision by the New York State Department of Health (“DOH”) to freeze the risk score it uses to determine the partial capitation and nursing home transition rates (“Rates”) charged to its members." I'm not a lawyer but isn't that helping a nursing home scam old people against the wishes of the DEPARTMENT OF FREAKING HEALTH?

I'd reeeally like to know who the DEIB person was that recommended this law firm.

Good lord. Any one of these things alone (referring to KC’s clarification also) would be cause for concern but not damning. But combined they don’t precisely paint a pretty picture.

Also, I do wish to sincerely thank Cleaver for the correction. Yeah they did specify that it was not a condemnation, just a confirmation that the union was only given an hour’s worth of time to read over the statement was issued.

Now, personally, I don’t think an hour-long preview constitutes a good faith effort at collaboration and I, personally, view that as dubious and probably a bad idea. But that is specifically my take, and not the view of UPW or any of its members (of which I am not), as far as I know at time of writing

Grand Lodge Contributor

22 people marked this as a favorite.

Unfortunately, this announcement doesn't give me a lot of confidence that Paizo is planning to improve - just move on and hope people forget.

This should have been written by Mr. Alvarez, on behalf of Paizo, to us, Paizo's fans and customers. Instead, we got a lawyer's letter with a short quote from the President. For all the deficiencies in the first response, at least it was from Paizo. This approach appears to signal the digging in of heels and the building of walls by a legal team, not a promise to do better by a leadership team.

I love Paizo, and its products, and many of the people that work there and with them. Paizo has changed my life in so many positive ways. So to see this behavior, and to see Paizo leadership double down time and again in such a short time... it's disappointing. I feel I'm losing a friend who's decided to engage in destructive behavior and all I can do is watch and suffer for it, or shut them out.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
Scott Young wrote:

Unfortunately, this announcement doesn't give me a lot of confidence that Paizo is planning to improve - just move on and hope people forget.

This should have been written by Mr. Alvarez, on behalf of Paizo, to us, Paizo's fans and customers. Instead, we got a lawyer's letter with a short quote from the President. For all the deficiencies in the first response, at least it was from Paizo. This approach appears to signal the digging in of heels and the building of walls by a legal team, not a promise to do better by a leadership team.

I love Paizo, and its products, and many of the people that work there and with them. Paizo has changed my life in so many positive ways. So to see this behavior, and to see Paizo leadership double down time and again in such a short time... it's disappointing. I feel I'm losing a friend who's decided to engage in destructive behavior and all I can do is watch and suffer for it, or shut them out.

Same, and eloquently put.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

While I'm still not boycotting, I also... up until all this broke, I hadn't bought any Paizo stuff in over a year. I barely knew anything about Pathfinder 2E. I'm interested now, and I want to come back, but I feel like we need a better reason to celebrate than this.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Lets get the facts straight and if I were you I would edit your post.

He isn't a VP. At the time he was barely middle management and according to the only public accusations the interactions were with co workers of about the same level. No reports that it was done to people who reported to him.

Levelling accusations is serious, get the actual accusations correct or we lose credibility and lose the shock if posts get removed with bad information.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Patterns of bad behavior demonstrate the culture of a -place, especially when those in authority are not held accountable.

Wait, the dick pics are off-topic?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I think making claims about incidents without some sort of verification or proof of discussion, whether on or off site, is off-topic and does muddy the water somewhat, and increases moderator stress (there are like... what, three at the moment? Let's try not to increase their work).

Dude already admitted to it, didn't he?

Yoshua wrote:

Lets get the facts straight and if I were you I would edit your post.

He isn't a VP. At the time he was barely middle management and according to the only public accusations the interactions were with co workers of about the same level. No reports that it was done to people who reported to him.

Levelling accusations is serious, get the actual accusations correct or we lose credibility and lose the shock if posts get removed with bad information.

Sorry, is this directed at me?

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Yoshua wrote:

Lets get the facts straight and if I were you I would edit your post.

He isn't a VP. At the time he was barely middle management and according to the only public accusations the interactions were with co workers of about the same level. No reports that it was done to people who reported to him.

Levelling accusations is serious, get the actual accusations correct or we lose credibility and lose the shock if posts get removed with bad information.

Sorry, is this directed at me?

I think Yoshua is responding to a post that got deleted, since your post doesn't mention that stuff much at all I don't think.

I just wanted to be sure, since my edit window's about to close! XD

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Funky Badger, I think the pictures went from "pics" to "dick pics" in the retelling, and not necessarily in the initial allegations.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Yoshua wrote:

Lets get the facts straight and if I were you I would edit your post.

He isn't a VP. At the time he was barely middle management and according to the only public accusations the interactions were with co workers of about the same level. No reports that it was done to people who reported to him.

Levelling accusations is serious, get the actual accusations correct or we lose credibility and lose the shock if posts get removed with bad information.

Sorry, is this directed at me?

Nah the person deleted their quote and what I referenced were the corrected facts, so unless you were stating misinformation, which I find unlikely, no not at you.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Why let a man responsible for discriminatory police keep his job and station? What happens the next time he decided to hurt people?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
keftiu wrote:
Why let a man responsible for discriminatory police keep his job and station? What happens the next time he decided to hurt people?

Another non-apology, apology.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Yeah I'm pretty sure those were pics of Dick, not dick pics. Internet has a great way of distorting things along the way.

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