
CyberMephit's page

RPG Superstar 8 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 415 posts (1,682 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 10 Organized Play characters. 6 aliases.


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Unikatze wrote:
Luis Loza wrote:

I saw there was some confusion elsewhere online, so I wanted to jump back in here to clarify something.

The current year on Earth in the Lost Omens setting is 1927 AD. The Stasian Calendar on Golarion and in Irrisen notes the current year as 2022.

Can't wait to play "Hitler must die" for PF3 or PF4.

Rasputin must die 2: no Ras this time.

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QuidEst wrote:

I can't believe that Paizo has licensed an official crossover with Mission Impossible (the 1966 television series, not the now better-known Tom Cruise movies)! Since I can't believe it, I think it's probably something else.

The capitalization definitely seems intentional, though.

Watch Tom Cruise take the test of Starstone to achieve previously unseen thetan levels in Razmir Impossible: Rogue Nation!

KoriCongo wrote:

Don't forget we are actually getting a Divine Investigator CA in the following month in Divine Mysteries: the Palatine Detective. No need to cry here.

I did forget about it. But is Palatine detective divine? From the name I thought it'd be occult. Has it been previewed yet?

Paladins are not in the game anymore, you're late to the party


I don't own PC2 yet. I now have Feelings that I need to process.

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Inquisitor should have been an investigator archetype :(

And those who came up with and support the idea of renaming it better not read up on real-life paladins :facepalm:

At least they could have been left to optional-sanctification deities. Like, you know, Pharasma.

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All aboard the steampunk hype train! Choo-choo!

I hope the Irrisen-Alkenstar railroad route will feature a finger-shaped detour ;)

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Too bad the Acadamae isn't in :( but super excited for more Lepidstadt options! Hopefully it includes some Sincomakti lore too.

mrkillwolf666 wrote:

Guardian is not how I imagine how the class will go. I imagine a D12 CON Class that is so tanky that you can face tank a troll hit and laugh it off. not a "KEY ATTRIBUTE Strength" class that is 90% down all the time, at that point, why are playing as a bootleg champion when you could be playing an actual champion?.

like bro.

On one hand if the guardian is the last man standing then they have already failed in their job.

On the other hand if they go down quickly then they also can't do much guarding.
Perhaps they could place their taunt debuff on the enemy that kills them as a reaction when they go down?
Or maybe a weaker version of Tough Cookie should just be a base class feature.

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I went on demiplane and built a level 5 guardian, then compared it with pregen Valeros.

+4 to attack (!)
+5 speed (not sure why maybe a pregen error)
+2 Perception
Reactive Strike
Double Slice

+2 AC
Armor spec (2 slashing resist)
Threat Technique (7 crit resist)
Tough to Kill
1 extra expert skill (also not sure why)
Intercept Strike
Flying Tackle

These are all the differences, everything else is exactly or at least functionally the same - HP, saves, shield block effects.

In this state, it could have been a champion class archetype. With alignment gone and divine war looming it would make sense to give up edicts/anathema/focus spells for the taunt+threat technique and defensive feats.

I would like to see better survivability to survive Taunt, even more cool shield-based options, and also situational improved mobility to catch up to allies (for example, Intercept Foe granting a speed bonus or allowing to bypass difficult terrain).

Also Taunt being a will save that affects mindless creatures rubs me the wrong way. At least they should get some advantage against it, or maybe there could be a feat to make it a different save type.

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Fahrenheit confirmed as the new core 20 deity with the domains of fire, cold and obtuse measurements

Irori's blood would make a good ass-kicking juice too, just saying.
Also wasn't there a hint about three wovels, which disqualifies Torag/Gorum/Shelyn/Gozreh?

Very exciting! Loved Mark of the Mantis, this should be great!


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If this also means that scenarios without this tag will on average have more mature content, then I'm all here for it and will consider re-subbing


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Picking a non-goofy tier 1-4 scenario is hard now. I get that they open the audience to kids and such but there are still people out there who crave the classic PFS experience.

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QuidEst wrote:

Looks very cool! I've been looking forward to this coming out.

(Also, might be a good idea to include an arachnophobia warning at the top of the post, since the guide is "spiders on the cover and every single page".)

I was going to commend the artist and the art director for choosing spider images which look relatively harmless and almost cute, but then I focused my eyes on the top of the page and nearly dropped my phone :(

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Overall good direction of changes, especially with the unified spell proficiency.
Shocking grasp nerf was overdue, there should not be such a thing as the "iconic" spell which really is only iconic because it's mechanically better than any other choice so all other spells might just as well not exist. And I say it as a magus player.

Agree that rolling a 1 on a damaging cantrip would suck, but to fix this issue we would really need to return to using d3s which the devs obviously want to avoid. Maybe 1d4+1 would have been a better option instead of 1d6, etc.

Not entirely clear about focus point changes, will there be a way to have one focus spell but many focus points?

1/10. No more clowns or circuses in any Paizo products, please. There's been more than enough.

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The feat is good but the level is too high. Could have easily been a 6 or a 8.

Also the wording... I get the desire to convey academic writing but I shudder to think how many players will stop reading right after the words "force damage". Why not just say it deals damage of the same type as the spell?

The idea of in-world magic schools is great, but the limitation of one specific bonus spell per rank is not. There should have been two-three per rank to choose from, with feats to get more.

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The current pricing model is totally bonkers.

Not only DNDB had a much stricter license, it also had less content produced by an order of magnitude. So owning all official 5e content ever produced costs "just" 850 dollars compared to 2K in only about 1/3 of the PF2 lifecycle!

A subscription model, like others said, is MUCH better. I would have thought streaming services, apps and MMOs have taught marketers something. It could have tiers linked to the number of built characters or their max level, instead of content books.

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Really cool to see PF2eTools represented! They really brought something fresh into the online srd space.

Maybe next time Harpy VTT could be highlighted too!

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Pathfinder Beastcore would sound metal

Do the eight new dragons replace the old chromatic/metallic ones, or are those still in?

Could a Web Enhancement be published that gathers all of these stat blocks on one printable page or PDF?

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Yacob Kress doesn't have Class DC listed for e.g. Stunning Fist (should be 22 I think?)
Eteleon doesn't have any weapon attacks listed despite having two weapons ready.

The adventure itself looks awesome, just started my PbP but so far is shaping up great. Just a little sad that the chronicle is not replayable, despite the adventure having variable elements. I really hope more One-Shots will have variable elements in the future.

Edge Points is a cool mechanic creatively lifted from some other trending RPGs :)

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These One-Shots are quickly becoming my favourite Paizo product line!


Pathfinder One-Shot #4: Mark of the Mantis - has this been announced/previewed somewhere? A quick search didn't turn up anything.

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Actually if he would become/supply the CTO at least it would have been a massive improvement already. I'm sure we wouldn't have such 1980s nonsense as "Customer Service cannot answer office phones remotely".

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The owner of RfC is independently wealthy from his main career in IT. The Battlezoo books are crowdfunded. This basically means they don't need to make a profit on Battlezoo to keep Mark employed with better conditions than Paizo. (Though given that Battlezoo also has a 5e version, they probably do actually make a profit just because of the larger target market).

I am glad that RfC will allow Mark to freelance for Paizo but I wonder how much "core" work Paizo will allow to be done by a freelancer - and also how the rest of the design team feels about this.

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I'm on the edgy bandwagon here, I thoroughly enjoyed reading Hook Mountain Massacre back in the day and I wish for more shock value in my adventures.

People point towards PF Infinite as the potential outlet for this, but can it really work? To my understanding, PF Infinite content must still be rated PG-13 and it has the following content guidelines:

"Neither your Work nor any promotional material, including blog posts or press releases, may contain racist, homophobic, discriminatory, or other repugnant views; overt political agendas or views; depictions or descriptions of criminal violence against children; rape or other acts of criminal perversion; or other obscene material"

What I don't like about this is that it means these things aren't even allowed to be put in the context where they are clearly evil; they simply cannot be mentioned. And the vagueness of "repugnant views", "criminal perversion", or "obscene" makes it easy to retroactively ban content with the ebb and flow of the zeitgeist.

And also let's not forget that Paizo gets 50% of sales from PF Infinite; so the moment someone publishes a remake of "Scourge of the Slavelords", there will be a twitter wave of "Paizo still indirectly profits from things it promised to stop publishing" and the ban list will swiftly expand in response.

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pauljathome wrote:
Paizo has a very long history of defining as neutral things that really ARE evil, at least to todays players. At least, to any reasonably enlightened todays players (there are quite a few gamers who's online persona, at least, seem very very very sketchy and skeevy to me)

Yes this is a good summary of the issue, but is the appropriate response to just stop mentioning those things instead of re-labeling them as evil?

To your paladin point, this is pretty much why we have tenets of evil for the champions. So that you can still play your CG champion while battling an LE one as a villain. They didn't just say "welp, we will just stop mentioning paladins because the real ones weren't actually good". They put in some thought, redefined what a paladin means in the game and it worked fine. Why not do the same with slavery / edgewatch / folca / other issues?

Role Gate, which has been my PbP platform of choice for the past 1.5 years, is doing an AMA on Reddit. Tomorrow at 6PM CET they organised an AMA on r/rpg for those interested!

(That's 12pm ET and 9AM PST)

https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/comments/r1ak2b/tomorrow_6pm_cet_ama_with_lode star_team_creators/

If any of you have been looking for alternatives to the forums or Discord I think it's worth giving it a try. I know I have a much easier time GMing there due to daily game update emails and a more immersive interface compared to Discord.

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Porridge wrote:
The big outlier here seems to be [2]. [2] hasn't been addressed at all. I realize there are confidentiality issues here, but there hasn't even been a statement of the form "we can't talk about this publicly, but the circumstances of some recent employee departures are being investigated, and corrective action will be taken".

I'll just leave this here as looks like it only appeared a few days ago and not everyone might be aware of it:


I think every post in this thread and every unionize hashtag on twitter should cost a donation to Sara's Ko-Fi.

I don't quite get it behind the marketing glitz. Is this HLO minus the subscription fee plus video chat? Or is there anything more to it?
I haven't really used DnD Beyond so I don't understand what it's about.
I mostly play by post and use AoN, Pathbuilder and Tableplop, all free tools. What will this add for me?

Is "Head Shot" a verb? Shouldn't it be called "Head Shoot the Rot"?

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My issue has been resolved after a few more re-personalisations. I assume this involved some manual labor in the trenches and I thank everyone involved. You guys are trench rockstars.

I'm having the same issue trying to download Pathfinder Society Scenario #2-03: Catastrophe's Spark. I tried removing cookies, incognito mode, and a different browser (Chrome and Edge). Nothing seems to help... The page shows the download size as 45.54MB which is unusually large for a PFS scenario but the zip comes up empty.
Possibly related to the fact that I only just purchased 2-03 yesterday (Order 36688073) and maybe the site was having problems assigning it to my digital assets... Other existing files I've tried to re-download work just fine.

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Am totally shipping Nhalmika with Barron Ashpeak (nee Redheart)

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I will just say this: it is your ground-level staff that makes your company tick. Any manager that does not protect them is more replaceable than any of your brilliant and underpaid talent. Please be on their side - they are proving every day that they deserve it.

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Yes I'm reading them; they talk about sending some IRS form if you do more than 200 sales per year.. I pay quite enough taxes in my home country to also pay anything to IRS.

Is this going to be open for EU residents to publish?

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Yoshua wrote:

Gonna pull some random thoughts together here.

All conjecture so anyone who wants to say 'but you don't know' Let me start by saying I have no idea if any of this is true.

Excellent summary of a picture I have in my head too and with the right focus on the particular issue at hand rather than old grievances.

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MisterSlanky wrote:

We wake up Tuesday morning and there's a certain, "waaaa, why did Sara get fired and Diego resign in protest due to management activities?"

And it ends there.

I'm not so sure. Sara fired alone - OK. But Diego resigns in protest? Now that's not something you see every day. People here say that supporting the company keeps employees afloat, but now it seems that employees are actively wanting out of that company! So perhaps layoffs will not be such a problem?

Having thought more of this, I would probably be content if Jeff said something to the effect of "while I disagreed with Sara Marie on business practices, I am very grateful to her for the years of hard work she put into keeping our customers happy and nurturing a community and that's why you can rest assured that I gave her a generous leaver package in appreciation of that and I wish her success in the future".

But I see no hint of that, and I still see no way of helping Sara Marie, despite numerous unrelated Patreons and Kofis popping up.
EDIT: I went ahead and helped Adam Daigle. I was thinking that surely a good company such as Paizo will take care of his medical debt. Now I am not sure anymore.

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H2Osw wrote:
However unless you (as in everyone) know the reason for termination I don't think we should be passing judgement on Paizo for making a business decision they felt was appropriate.

In the face of at-will employment and lack of reasonable legal protections for employees - yes, actually, it falls on the colleagues and community to protect employees from abuse of power and also to pass judgement on the appropriateness of their business decisions.

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richienvh wrote:
One should note that, at least to my knowledge, Sara Marie has not made any accusations.

In my opinion this just doubles up on what a great character she is and how undeserved this has been. Diego Valdez is the hero of this story, Sara Marie is the victim. Period. Twitter personalities are the chorus, amplifying but also distracting.

Is Paizo legally obliged to have a full PRD? To my knowledge, it is their business policy which can be reversed at any time.

Given how active Paizo became with DMCAs recently, I believe the current mindset of the management will soon lead to closing down AoN or restricting it to core rules only, while making broader access paywalled. Everything that was disclosed recently on Twitter only reinforces me in this belief.

TwilightKnight wrote:
Just stop to think of all the people who have left Paizo

Yes, there are probably more ex-Paizo stars at this point than current Paizo staff stars... No offense to the current Paizo stars! And some of them with director/manager titles too so I could imagine them coalescing into Paizo 2.0 if they all wished it. However, looks like a good portion of them works for/contributes to WotC now. Maybe the history cycle is over and WotC is now the new hot company again?

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I mostly agree (looks like I misunderstood the question in your previous post), however:

TwilightKnight wrote:
management needs to keep their grubby little hands out of the creative part of the business

This has nothing to do with the issue at hand - CS is not the creative part, it is business operations. And that is personally what irritates me the most. For creative staff you can always imagine that the management didn't like their product output. But CS staff have been fighting an uphill battle on behalf of the company for years trying to make the company look better, and then get the boot over something that evidently has nothing to do with the quality of their work. I used to be in a job role similar to Sara Marie for a number of years and I know first hand how destructive this approach can be.

EDIT: there were hints that their approach to handling toxic customers was part of the problem so it is actually related to the quality of their work. Just not in the right way.

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TwilightKnight wrote:
Why are you/we thinking about this?

I'll admit I'm going mostly off of interwebz, but my impression is that with the coming of Jeff Alvarez into power Paizo management has gone from out-of-touch but ultimately hands-off enough that the dept leads had some freedom to run their teams, to actively trying to control everything that happens within the company and making sure everyone steps in line. Which in a creative industry cannot be a good thing.

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Kevin Mack wrote:
To put it bluntly are we getting this part of the story only from Jessica price? Since honestly I wouldent believe Jessica price if she said water was wet so I would like other sources besides her since something clearly has happend.

Well it's not like anyone will fire Jeff Alvarez if he comes forth with the true version of events... right?

Erik Mona already was quoted in the Twitter thread with some corrections, and in frankness this part of the twitter rant sounds a bit overblown to me.

However Sara Marie had a stellar track record and was universally well-liked with customers which was her actual job and also evidently with the colleagues so I cannot imagine a good reason behind firing her. It was a mistake so big PF2 doesn't even has a word for that size anymore.

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