Save the Date!

Thursday, December 17, 2020

On the first day of Paizomas, my GM gave to me…

As we close 2020, we give you exciting news of a new Pathfinder Playtest! Just after the new year we’ll release a playtest with two new classes for you to create, play, and share feedback on. The playtest will run from Jan 5-Feb 5. We wanted to share the news so you can plan some games in that window. For our organized play community, players will be able to try the playtest classes and earn credit for a Pathfinder Society character at the same time.

A general looks over a scale model of the battlefield, determining the best place to deploy her troops.

Be the first to play two new Pathfinder classes in just under 2 weeks!

Not sure how to find a game? Check out or our VTT partners (Roll20, Fantasy Grounds or Astral) for games. Need a pre-made adventure? Consider using a Pathfinder Society scenario (you can run them outside of Society rules), link together a few Pathfinder Bounties, or try Troubles in Otari!

We hope you all have a safe December, enjoy a cup of virtual cheer, and we’ll see you here on January 5th!

The Paizo Goblins

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

I think this is Paizo's xmas present to themselves - a way to torture us. Look at all these devs and their tongue in cheek responses. Howww dare you

But for real keep posting and we'll delude ourselves into thinking you're hinting at something.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Dope :) My birthday is in January

I really love to see ninja class spesialised in a kind a of assassin stuff and maybe warlock.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Aaron Shanks wrote:
Ugh. Epiphany is January 6. That would have been a poetic launch day. Oh well, maybe in 2022.

Could have saved the Magus for this date as well...

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Sporkedup wrote:
KingTreyIII wrote:
I'm still gunning (pun intended) on the idea that the gunslinger is going to be an archetype, so I have zero clue what these new classes are going to be.
They were pretty clear during GenCon that they expect the gunslinger would be a full class. Obviously that didn't set it in stone, but I'm fairly confident that they have a much bigger plan for gunslinger than just a bolt-on proficiency.

The big problem with making gunslinger a full class is that rangers should be pretty good with guns. The existence of the gunslinger was largely an excuse for guns to be absolutely terrible for everyone else since all of the things that make guns work were tied to the gunslinger chassis.

I much prefer the idea that's been tossed around of a Drifter class that fulfills the Mysterious Stranger/Ronin fantasy and has specific support for firearms but isn't intrinsically tied to them and guns are an Uncommon availability alternative to bows for any ranged martial.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Arachnofiend wrote:
Sporkedup wrote:
KingTreyIII wrote:
I'm still gunning (pun intended) on the idea that the gunslinger is going to be an archetype, so I have zero clue what these new classes are going to be.
They were pretty clear during GenCon that they expect the gunslinger would be a full class. Obviously that didn't set it in stone, but I'm fairly confident that they have a much bigger plan for gunslinger than just a bolt-on proficiency.

The big problem with making gunslinger a full class is that rangers should be pretty good with guns. The existence of the gunslinger was largely an excuse for guns to be absolutely terrible for everyone else since all of the things that make guns work were tied to the gunslinger chassis.

I much prefer the idea that's been tossed around of a Drifter class that fulfills the Mysterious Stranger/Ronin fantasy and has specific support for firearms but isn't intrinsically tied to them and guns are an Uncommon availability alternative to bows for any ranged martial.

I agree. For one, rangers should be totally capable of using firearms reasonably well. But keep in mind, gunslingers as a class will also be an archetype...

I lean away from the drifter idea. I don't love the heavy overlap with the ranger, and I don't love how it leans on combat with a tinge of social encounter edginess. I would so much rather see techy/crafter/inventor classes, one of which can cover making and firing guns well. Like an alchemist (in theory)--they aren't the only class who can throw bombs, but they are the best at creating and utilizing them (again, in theory, since sadly many classes are better at throwing them, and none are worse...). I think there's design space for that, but it would take a lot.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Praying for Drifter and Antiquarian.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber


Grand Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I am gonna put my money on Inquisitor and Arcanist

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Jokes aside, I'd love a catch-all "NPC Class" to formalize them, but sadly it seems that's only for me and the other scarcely few simulationists.

As such, I secondarily root for the oft-mentioned "Drifter (a.k.a. Gunslinger+Samurai)" and Psychic (the full Occult spont-caster who casts without reliance for tongues and hands)...
Or tertiarily the Envoy imported from Starfinder (it would be nice to see a CHA based non-caster or two to complete a party with no spellcasters but utilizing all 6 AS as key scores), really.

I could see them doing something similar to the Monk/Martial artist for a gunslinger and an archetype based on using "reload 1+" weapons at the very least. That seems like a healthy compromise in my eyes

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Midnightoker wrote:
Dope :) My birthday is in January

Mine is, too! This is gonna be a fantastic birthday gift for me, babyyyy~

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I think neutral Champions as inquisitors. and no clue as the guess for the other.
Edit this playtest is also a bday prezzy early Feb

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm thinking Gunslinger will be one of them. Season 2 of PFS has at least one scenario with firearms in the hands of NPCs. As for the other, not sure. Would love a psychic/mesmerist type.

Also, just want to air my grievance that I wanted to playtest my Summoner in PFS, but couldn't. Glad to see they are allowing PFS playtest now (just a bit bitter about my Summoner not being able to join :( )

2 people marked this as a favorite.

As an aside, I'm enjoying 4 playtests back to back. I realize it must be difficult for the development teams, but this is has been pretty exciting to watch.

It is also driving up my personal interest in both Starfinder and Pathfinder, so there's also that.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
AnimatedPaper wrote:

As an aside, I'm enjoying 4 playtests back to back. I realize it must be difficult for the development teams, but this is has been pretty exciting to watch.

It is also driving up my personal interest in both Starfinder and Pathfinder, so there's also that.

Broken down to two at a time is also a smart move. Rather than the big block of four for the APG where (in my opinion) the witch ended up falling through the cracks, two at a time should be much easier to design and balance. I'm surprised this is so hot on the heels of the SoM playtests, but I'm very excited to see them moving aggressively to continue to build and expand this lovely game.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Ezekieru wrote:
Midnightoker wrote:
Dope :) My birthday is in January
Mine is, too! This is gonna be a fantastic birthday gift for me, babyyyy~

Goat people unite!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Feylin wrote:
I think neutral Champions as inquisitors. and no clue as the guess for the other

Neutral champions are just champions of whatever tenets, not a new class. Inquisitors in PF1 ran the full range of alignments and while "Inquisitor of Shelyn" was a weird concept to begin with, Inquisitors of Asmodeus and Iomedae are totally valid (and make more sense than "Inquisitor of the Lantern King".)

Vigilant Seal

3 people marked this as a favorite.

If we look at PF1s previous base classes, we're only missing the Inquisitor and the Gunslinger.

That being said I'm hoping for the Kineticist. I have my PFS slot reserved for the Kineticist.

BRING IT!!! Please?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tea4Goblins wrote:

If we look at PF1s previous base classes, we're only missing the Inquisitor and the Gunslinger.

That being said I'm hoping for the Kineticist. I have my PFS slot reserved for the Kineticist.

BRING IT!!! Please?

Although I do think those are the two most likely, Occultist is ripe for this edition with focus powers being a thing and the occult list.

Shaman also conceptually IMO has a lot of space it could live in too.

If they’re looking to really introduce something super fresh, I could see those or even kineticist getting the slot because they bring a brand new playstyle that doesn’t exist, where as one could argue Inquisitor and Drifter share some themes with existing classes.

Paizo Employee Designer

19 people marked this as a favorite.
Ventnor wrote:
The-Magic-Sword wrote:
Mark Moreland wrote:
PossibleCabbage wrote:
Can someone from Paizo with spoiler privileges tell us whether either of them is a completely new class?
Not without getting fed to the warehouse raptors, they can't.
Can the warehouse raptors tell us?
If they did, they'd be fed to the warehouse smilodons.

And you do not want to know what eats the smilodons who break their NDAs. Not because the truth would terrify you, but because then you wouldn't leave our t-rex alone long enough for him to finish Kingmaker :)

Errr.... Don't bother the t-rex!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

At a guess, since they're doing 2 "casters who aren't full casters because they give up casting for other stuff in their class budget" in the first book-with-classes of the year, they're going to want to do something symmetrical with martials.

Like Monks, Champions, and Rangers get focus spells without any cost to their "fighting" acumen, so what would a class look like that did give up some fighting acumen to be better at focus spells? We did have a response in the magus playtest about "what if the class had no spell slots, and focused on focus spells instead" so what if we just did that as a class separate from the magus?

Like maybe the difference between the Magus and the Occultist is that both are M/M weapons/armor, but the Magus gets slot casting (including high level slots) and the Occultist is great at focus spells.

Scarab Sages

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber
Aaron Shanks wrote:
Ugh. Epiphany is January 6. That would have been a poetic launch day. Oh well, maybe in 2022.

Its ok, it will be Jan 6 here in Australia

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Michael Sayre wrote:
Ventnor wrote:
The-Magic-Sword wrote:
Mark Moreland wrote:
PossibleCabbage wrote:
Can someone from Paizo with spoiler privileges tell us whether either of them is a completely new class?
Not without getting fed to the warehouse raptors, they can't.
Can the warehouse raptors tell us?
If they did, they'd be fed to the warehouse smilodons.

And you do not want to know what eats the smilodons who break their NDAs. Not because the truth would terrify you, but because then you wouldn't leave our t-rex alone long enough for him to finish Kingmaker :)

Errr.... Don't bother the t-rex!

So, that picture up there, looks an awful lot like some LORD preparing for BATTLE. Maybe even more than a battle? Perhaps, a WAR? If only the dev team had someone who had already put a lot of thought into some kind of LORD of BATTLE, or maybe something a bit smaller scale, like a MARSHAL. Seems like someone who had already done that thinking might want to bring it to something even more full featured, like an entire class. Seems like if you already had someone that had done that design work, they might be able to do a pretty quick turnaround on a similar class. You'd maybe need a different name though, something like WARLORD. :eyes:

(yes this has absolutely nothing to do with what I'm quoting, but I figured it might get your attention more :P)

Silver Crusade

Aaron Shanks wrote:
Ugh. Epiphany is January 6. That would have been a poetic launch day. Oh well, maybe in 2022.

Ooo, I would love Inquisitor and a Warlord class.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

If I had to guess solely by the art, I'd say something along the lines of tactician/warlord?

Winkie_Phace wrote:

So, that picture up there, looks an awful lot like some LORD preparing for BATTLE. Maybe even more than a battle? Perhaps, a WAR? If only the dev team had someone who had already put a lot of thought into some kind of LORD of BATTLE, or maybe something a bit smaller scale, like a MARSHAL. Seems like someone who had already done that thinking might want to bring it to something even more full featured, like an entire class. Seems like if you already had someone that had done that design work, they might be able to do a pretty quick turnaround on a similar class. You'd maybe need a different name though, something like WARLORD. :eyes:

(yes this has absolutely nothing to do with what I'm quoting, but I figured it might get your attention more :P)

You make a good point on the image.

I'm now examining for other clues... The person on a horse is knight seems to be across the river from an archer.... There's a person in a robe on the ground next to another person on a robe....

Cavalier, Inquisitor, Necromancer! Obviously!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I am hoping for Kineticist and a new Martial/Tactician class... something kind of like the 3.5 Marshall that can grant movement and actions to its Allies

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Midnightoker wrote:
Winkie_Phace wrote:

So, that picture up there, looks an awful lot like some LORD preparing for BATTLE. Maybe even more than a battle? Perhaps, a WAR? If only the dev team had someone who had already put a lot of thought into some kind of LORD of BATTLE, or maybe something a bit smaller scale, like a MARSHAL. Seems like someone who had already done that thinking might want to bring it to something even more full featured, like an entire class. Seems like if you already had someone that had done that design work, they might be able to do a pretty quick turnaround on a similar class. You'd maybe need a different name though, something like WARLORD. :eyes:

(yes this has absolutely nothing to do with what I'm quoting, but I figured it might get your attention more :P)

You make a good point on the image.

I'm now examining for other clues... The person on a horse is knight seems to be across the river from an archer.... There's a person in a robe on the ground next to another person on a robe....

Cavalier, Inquisitor, Necromancer! Obviously!

Clearly! The clues are right there in front of us!

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Also seeing as how the class literally had an ability named Tactician I'm wondering if we'll get an update to the Cavalier, basically knight or Warlord that hopefully incorporates Samurai abilities and focus on Challenge and tactics.

In fact that would make awesome sense for class paths.

The Leader/Warlord/Tactician focused one and the strong willed frontliner/Cavalier/Samurai.

And Inquisitor had Solo Tactics so they'd pair nicely, big book of Tactics would be a good grouping.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Rysky wrote:

Also seeing as how the class literally had an ability named Tactician I'm wondering if we'll get an update to the Cavalier, basically knight or Warlord that hopefully incorporates Samurai abilities and focus on Challenge and tactics.

In fact that would make awesome sense for class paths.

The Leader/Warlord/Tactician focused one and the strong willed frontliner/Cavalier/Samurai.

And Inquisitor had Solo Tactics so they'd pair nicely, big book of Tactics would be a good grouping.

The comment about the feast of the epiphany could be wordplay supporting this, a strategy-driven martial of that kind.


3 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:

Also seeing as how the class literally had an ability named Tactician I'm wondering if we'll get an update to the Cavalier, basically knight or Warlord that hopefully incorporates Samurai abilities and focus on Challenge and tactics.

In fact that would make awesome sense for class paths.

The Leader/Warlord/Tactician focused one and the strong willed frontliner/Cavalier/Samurai.

And Inquisitor had Solo Tactics so they'd pair nicely, big book of Tactics would be a good grouping.

I'd play Final Fantasy Pathfinder Tactics.

I think they said in a con that gunslinger will be a full class but after playing with makes more and more sense as an archtype.

The-Magic-Sword wrote:
Rysky wrote:

Also seeing as how the class literally had an ability named Tactician I'm wondering if we'll get an update to the Cavalier, basically knight or Warlord that hopefully incorporates Samurai abilities and focus on Challenge and tactics.

In fact that would make awesome sense for class paths.

The Leader/Warlord/Tactician focused one and the strong willed frontliner/Cavalier/Samurai.

And Inquisitor had Solo Tactics so they'd pair nicely, big book of Tactics would be a good grouping.

The comment about the feast of the epiphany could be wordplay supporting this, a strategy-driven martial of that kind.

Could also be an Inventor ability, if that is on the docket (and I'm pretty sure one is either in this batch or the next round of classes).

We'll find out soon, but my best guess is either an Equipment book with an Inventor and an updated Occultist, or a tactical book with a martial Marshal and an Inquisitor.

Guns could fit in either book.

Feylin wrote:
I think they said in a con that gunslinger will be a full class but after playing with makes more and more sense as an archtype.

From what I recall, they hadn't yet decided which way they were going to jump, and that there were champions for both a full class and an archetype in Paizo.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

The picture strongly makes me think we are getting a marshal/warlord style class, which makes a LOT of sense - Paizo knows very well that lots of the community has been clamoring for that since PF1.

If the classes are meant to be a "pair", then Gunslinger seems most likely for the other. That would be one updated class that lots of people want + one new class that lots of people want, which seems like a slam-dunk.

Plus, a marshal-style class seems like it would fit well with a book that focuses on military tactics and warfare... which would also be a logical place to reintroduce gun rules.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
MaxAstro wrote:

The picture strongly makes me think we are getting a marshal/warlord style class, which makes a LOT of sense - Paizo knows very well that lots of the community has been clamoring for that since PF1.

If the classes are meant to be a "pair", then Gunslinger seems most likely for the other. That would be one updated class that lots of people want + one new class that lots of people want, which seems like a slam-dunk.

Plus, a marshal-style class seems like it would fit well with a book that focuses on military tactics and warfare... which would also be a logical place to reintroduce gun rules.

Potentially mass combat as well, which would be pretty cool.

A warlord class does sound fantastic, and I'm dying to know what this tactician could be like. I mean I'm hoping for arcanist- that's my favorite kind of spellcasting- but whatever they do, I'm very excited to see it

Silver Crusade

The-Magic-Sword wrote:
MaxAstro wrote:

The picture strongly makes me think we are getting a marshal/warlord style class, which makes a LOT of sense - Paizo knows very well that lots of the community has been clamoring for that since PF1.

If the classes are meant to be a "pair", then Gunslinger seems most likely for the other. That would be one updated class that lots of people want + one new class that lots of people want, which seems like a slam-dunk.

Plus, a marshal-style class seems like it would fit well with a book that focuses on military tactics and warfare... which would also be a logical place to reintroduce gun rules.

Potentially mass combat as well, which would be pretty cool.

Not sure if we'll get that with Troop rules coming in B3 (I believe?).

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The-Magic-Sword wrote:
MaxAstro wrote:

The picture strongly makes me think we are getting a marshal/warlord style class, which makes a LOT of sense - Paizo knows very well that lots of the community has been clamoring for that since PF1.

If the classes are meant to be a "pair", then Gunslinger seems most likely for the other. That would be one updated class that lots of people want + one new class that lots of people want, which seems like a slam-dunk.

Plus, a marshal-style class seems like it would fit well with a book that focuses on military tactics and warfare... which would also be a logical place to reintroduce gun rules.

Potentially mass combat as well, which would be pretty cool.

And could potentially synergize with Kingmaker 2e.

Rysky wrote:
The-Magic-Sword wrote:
MaxAstro wrote:

The picture strongly makes me think we are getting a marshal/warlord style class, which makes a LOT of sense - Paizo knows very well that lots of the community has been clamoring for that since PF1.

If the classes are meant to be a "pair", then Gunslinger seems most likely for the other. That would be one updated class that lots of people want + one new class that lots of people want, which seems like a slam-dunk.

Plus, a marshal-style class seems like it would fit well with a book that focuses on military tactics and warfare... which would also be a logical place to reintroduce gun rules.

Potentially mass combat as well, which would be pretty cool.
Not sure if we'll get that with Troop rules coming in B3 (I believe?).

Thank goodness.

Although combining troop mechanics and mass combat could be sick.

I'd be surprised if Gunslinger isn't on the cards. There's been artwork of them in PF2nd for quite some time. I'd also love a bit of gunslinger action.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

The gunslinger is just one option for the articifer class. There is also the tinker, who can make small do-dads on the fly, the mad scientist, who has a golem "pet" and the mechanic, who builds steampunk vehicles.

I have it on good authority, and was not involved in those Russian hacks in any way, shape or form.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

An inventor/engineer/artificer class is another direction you could go for "gun support class that isn't the be all end all of guns". Paizo's flirted with these concepts before (anyone else remember the Bionic Commando Brawler from PF1?) but a full class dedicated to feats of engineering would be a whole new thing for the system.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The picture might also represent the playtesters (i.e. us).

Like if you wanted to use a piece of pathfinder art to represent "there's a playtest, here's no information about it whatsoever" you might just put a picture of someone at a table moving miniatures around.

I think the art is a red herring. Or maybe they just put it there because of "plan your time" part of the news? You know, plan your time like a tactician?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Winkie_Phace wrote:
Michael Sayre wrote:
Ventnor wrote:
The-Magic-Sword wrote:
Mark Moreland wrote:
PossibleCabbage wrote:
Can someone from Paizo with spoiler privileges tell us whether either of them is a completely new class?
Not without getting fed to the warehouse raptors, they can't.
Can the warehouse raptors tell us?
If they did, they'd be fed to the warehouse smilodons.

And you do not want to know what eats the smilodons who break their NDAs. Not because the truth would terrify you, but because then you wouldn't leave our t-rex alone long enough for him to finish Kingmaker :)

Errr.... Don't bother the t-rex!

So, that picture up there, looks an awful lot like some LORD preparing for BATTLE. Maybe even more than a battle? Perhaps, a WAR? If only the dev team had someone who had already put a lot of thought into some kind of LORD of BATTLE, or maybe something a bit smaller scale, like a MARSHAL. Seems like someone who had already done that thinking might want to bring it to something even more full featured, like an entire class. Seems like if you already had someone that had done that design work, they might be able to do a pretty quick turnaround on a similar class. You'd maybe need a different name though, something like WARLORD. :eyes:

(yes this has absolutely nothing to do with what I'm quoting, but I figured it might get your attention more :P) Michael Sayre, who wrote the Battlelord in THIS book...

Silver Crusade

Nah, different Sayre.

Yep. Total coincidence. The other Michael Sayre. It's the Steve Jackson effect.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

The caption on the picture is odd?
"Be the first to play two new Pathfinder classes in just under 2 weeks!"
I'm fairly sure Jan 5th is over two weeks away, not under! Maybe this blog was supposed to be posted next week?

Regardless I am super super excited for two new classes! Not a big fan of gunslingers myself but anything like an inquisitor, shaman or tactician would be very cool!

Rysky wrote:
The-Magic-Sword wrote:
MaxAstro wrote:

The picture strongly makes me think we are getting a marshal/warlord style class, which makes a LOT of sense - Paizo knows very well that lots of the community has been clamoring for that since PF1.

If the classes are meant to be a "pair", then Gunslinger seems most likely for the other. That would be one updated class that lots of people want + one new class that lots of people want, which seems like a slam-dunk.

Plus, a marshal-style class seems like it would fit well with a book that focuses on military tactics and warfare... which would also be a logical place to reintroduce gun rules.

Potentially mass combat as well, which would be pretty cool.
Not sure if we'll get that with Troop rules coming in B3 (I believe?).

Sometimes I think people forget this book, but yes, in B3.

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