Starfinder Masterclass Miniatures Partnership

Starfinder Masterclass Miniatures Partnership

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Three flaming skeletons with mouths open wide attacking a 4-armed, bipedal alien with grey skin and an angular face and dark pits for eyes. The alien's upper left arm is wielding some sort of yellow energy bolt. The silhouette of another adventurer looking on in horror can be seen in the foreground.

We have some really good news to share about the Starfinder Masterclass miniatures Kickstarter! Paizo is pleased to announce that Archon Studio will be taking over the license to produce Starfinder Masterclass miniatures, formerly produced by Ninja Division. As part of the agreement, Archon will fulfill backer rewards from the Starfinder Masterclass Kickstarter.

About Archon Studio: With their Unicast technology, Archon Studio has published several board games with miniatures, including League of Ancient Defenders, Vanguard of War, and Chronicle X. Recently, Archon Studio advanced its technology to hard plastic, which resulted in even more highly detailed miniatures.

Archon Studio also recently moved into the production of tabletop terrain with Rampart Wargaming. In August this year, its second tabletop terrain project, Dungeons & Lasers, is being launched on Kickstarter.

There are a few areas we want to highlight:

Archon Studio will be producing plastic miniatures instead of resin. They will also be starting over with Kickstarter fulfillment; this means that backers who have already received resin miniatures from Ninja Division will receive those minis again from Archon, this time in plastic.

Archon Studio plans to ship Kickstarter rewards in waves. Approximately every 6 months, the pledge rewards produced during the previous 6 months will be shipped to backers free of charge. Additionally, any time a Kickstarter backer purchases any Starfinder mini from Archon Studio—whether that’s a new mini or a duplicate of a Kickstarter mini—they will also ship any released Kickstarter miniatures due to that backer for no additional charge. Details of which minis are shipping when, and how to purchase other miniatures, will be posted on the Kickstarter page.

Archon Studio will be fulfilling backers in Europe, and Ninja Division will be shipping to the rest of the world. Paizo does not have specific answers to fulfillment questions: if you’re a backer with a question about your order, you’ll need to post the question to the Starfinder Masterclass Kickstarter page.

Thanks for all of your patience as we worked with Ninja Division and Archon to get this done. We’re looking forward to some epic minis!

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Thanks, Dragnmoon. That's a pleasant surprise. Fingers crossed mine were included as well (although like you, despite half a dozen emails they've never actually told me whether they were or weren't - even when I explicitly ask me they cut-and-paste the usual "here's what to do to have your kickstarter minis included in your shipment" guff).

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

There might be a communication problems due to language barrier.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Came to check in, will check in again as people get orders. I am wondering if waiting for wave 2 is the best idea now... It's what I was going to do but now I am not so sure if it has been this confusing for people doing it during wave 1

I posted this to the KS comments:

"I paid my original kickstarter fee, but never got the pledge manager to work. I was never able to select any minis. I sent messages to ND but they just kept saying it was the PM fault. I have posted and messaged again recently but cannot get anyone to tell me what the status of my order is or how to fix it.

Can anyone here suggest a new approach or POC to help me out?"

I was directed to this forum thread for suggestions as Paizo personnel seem to be regularly posting here. I have read through the entirety of the posts and do not see anyone mention an issue similar to mine. Still looking for a resolution.

ND originally posted that if there was any trouble with the PM to contact them. I did and they said to work with GOTT. When I contacted GOTT they told me to go to ND. ND told me they cannot help me and to go back to GOTT. I kept all of this informative correspondence.

I selected the adventure pledge and paid 100$ to KS. I never got the PM to work so I was not able to pay for shipping or select any of my Hero / Encounter Slots. What is the best way to ascertain where my pledge/order is in the process?

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The (convenient) Void of Nonexistence would be my guess.

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Yoshua wrote:

Came to check in, will check in again as people get orders. I am wondering if waiting for wave 2 is the best idea now... It's what I was going to do but now I am not so sure if it has been this confusing for people doing it during wave 1

To follow up - my shipment arrived today and included zo! plus half a dozen NPC figures as it was supposed to.

So Archon delivered everything to me as they said they would and the process of bypasding ND by ordering a single figure from them worked fine. (Pretty impressive really - no way they made any money on that transaction).

The communication was terrible (they still havent confirmed what was in this package despite multiple specific requests) but the outcome excellent.

I'm not sure how or if theyre tracking add-ons. The six extras were collectively labelled "wave one" - which will work fine for covering my all-in pledge but may miss those minis I ordered extra copies of.

Having said all of that, Archon do seem to be offering us a very good deal and are so far delivering on it (albeit with scant communication). It's not what I signed up for but I'll reserve my opprobrium for ND and tip my hat to Archon based on my wave one experience.

The Exchange

That is at least heartening Steve thank for the update! Now I may have to take the plunge myself.


Never got confirmation that they found my pledge (had to follow up and give them a different email), but I got a shipping notice that Zo! is on his way. Hopefully they just didn't get around to replying to the email.

I ordered also. I didn't see on the order where I could say I was part of the kickstarter. I purchased the Zo mini the Necrovite, and the 1/2 Elf Steward. I put it in the ordering notes I was part of the kickstarter. My kickstarter order of the phase-1 mini's arrived with the other mini's I purchased.

I received them in California on 11/13/19.

They do require assembly. The Necrovite in particular I found difficult to assemble. The 1/2 Elf Steward was fairly easy to assemble. I haven't touched the others yet.

For those that have received their minis from Archon how is the size compared to the original ND minis...assuming you received some from ND when they first started shipping them.
Thanks in advance.

Liberty's Edge

I did not back the kickstarter, but received my order of the half-orc soldier yesterday. I can confirm that communication is a little but of a struggle at times, but the mini looks good.

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

Mmm...wonder what/when the next drop will be?

There is a lot of playable races out there without representative minis...

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Ok let's now start our favor holiday game of when will Ninja Division talk to us your bets..while the wheel is spinning.

Just for a little background information.

Starfinder kickstarter
Last Official update Oct 11 - 55 days ago
Last log in - Nov 21 - 15 days ago
Last comment to backers Oct 11 - 55 days ago

And for kicks...

Super Dungeon Legends kickstarter
Last official update Aug 16 - 111 days ago
Last log in - Dec 02 - 2 days ago

Relic knights kickstarter
Last o ffical update 111 days ago
Last log in Dec 02 - 2 days ago

They can't even help their own IP...let along talk to backers after 4 years of non delivery....really have doubt they will ever deliver stuff to backers here if it's left in their hands and ability if you can call it that.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I doubt they will ever talk to us again since Archon took over. Communication will be coming from them.

sanwah68 wrote:

Mmm...wonder what/when the next drop will be?

There is a lot of playable races out there without representative minis...

Jarek posted the next batch on facebook. It's an open group so this hopefully is visible at the link.


Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber
sanwah68 wrote:

Mmm...wonder what/when the next drop will be?

There is a lot of playable races out there without representative minis...

Jarek posted the next batch on facebook. It's an open group so this hopefully is visible at the link.


That worked for me, thanks. I wonder how it will work with the Skittermander, which was meant to be part of an encounter pack, with an alternate sculpt.

Dragnmoon wrote:
I doubt they will ever talk to us again since Archon took over. Communication will be coming from them.

See that's the issue...archon took over production...not shipping and communications on how and when things will happen...or else ND would be sued for charging shipping and not shipping an item...

The kickstarter is a mess now cause people are asking questions on how to change shipping addresses or when should we expect item... all met with silence from ND.

Leave backers with only two paths to follow...

1. Order from archon...(pay more money) and have what ever wave and past waves sent by a much better business team.

2. Wait ever 6 months for what ever waves have been made...then shipped to ND...then pray they have the money to really ship our items to us in a timely manner...

Many of us have expressed our consern that path 2 will be riddled with issues or malice compliance. I for one don't plan on seeing any of my items till dam near I'm sure after we have pointed out every lie, and insult they have throw our way they will be in no rush to do their job and deliver our items just as a last Middle finger to us.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Wave 2:
Ferani Nadaz: Add-On Ysoki Gang Leader? Unsure.
Obozaya Vesk Solider: Add-On Iconic
Anacite Laborer: Add-On
Ryphorian Skyfire Add-On Pilot: Next to the Anacite Laborer on the KS Graphic
Skittermander: Add-On Part of the Skittermander group, should get x3
Luwazi Elsebo: New Mini

Wave 1:
Half-Orc Soldier: Campaign/Adventure mini
Dwarf Soldier: Campaign/Adventure mini
Elf Operative:Campaign/Adventure mini
Half-Elf Operative: Campaign/Adventure mini
Half-Elf Steward: Campaign/Adventure mini
Necrovite: Campaign/Adventure mini
Zo!: New Mini

Paizo Employee VP of Marketing & Licensing

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Yoshua beat me to it, but you can see wave 2 Starfinder miniatures now on the Archon Studio website.

Archon Studio Blog - Stardust

We'll more heavily promote this next week, but it works the same as the first wave of minis:

Important note from the blog:

If you have not yet made an order with us: Place an order for Zo! and/or Luwazi Elsebo and we will send you all the Kickstarter minis from wave 1 and wave 2 (stardust) as well. If you have previously ordered Zo! and received wave 1, then you will only need to order Luwazi Elsebo to get all the wave 2 (Stardust) Kickstarter minis. Please note that Zo! and Luwazi Elsebo are not Kickstarter minis. These are “Archon- released minis”. So if you just order Luwazi Elsebo, then you won't get Zo! Only the Kickstarter minis.

Good Gaming!


So....anyone else think the skittermander looks like an extra from the movie critters...cause it sure as heck doesn't look like the artwork in the books

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So our options are buy a mini from Archon to get what they've made so far (which is pretty much our minis that we've paid for being held hostage until we order from Archon) or waiting 6 months for Archon to mail the minis to Ninja Division (the company that screwed us over in the first place) and hope Ninja Division has their act together enough to actually ship the minis to us? Anyone else less than confident that Ninja Division is going to follow through?


I am not involved in this KS in any way, but I am seeing a lot of disappointed folks with legitimate gripes towards ND spilling frustration over at Archon and Paizo. Ninja was the one who screwed both the consumers and Paizo over. Look at the damage that has been done to Paizo's reputation over this. NO company wants that, so they did the best thing they could and got another company to step up. Are a lot of folks having to wait and perhaps pay extra to get their final product? Yup, but you are still going to get it. Look at how many Kickstarters go bust completely and folks have no recourse but to chalk it up to complete loss. It seems Archon is thee one who is blameless in this, hopefully folks will see that and direct the [deserved] ire at ND who created this mess.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
Corsair17 wrote:
I am not involved in this KS in any way, but I am seeing a lot of disappointed folks with legitimate gripes towards ND spilling frustration over at Archon and Paizo. Ninja was the one who screwed both the consumers and Paizo over. Look at the damage that has been done to Paizo's reputation over this. NO company wants that, so they did the best thing they could and got another company to step up. Are a lot of folks having to wait and perhaps pay extra to get their final product? Yup, but you are still going to get it. Look at how many Kickstarters go bust completely and folks have no recourse but to chalk it up to complete loss. It seems Archon is thee one who is blameless in this, hopefully folks will see that and direct the [deserved] ire at ND who created this mess.

Corsair, it is better not to kick the hornets nest.

Shortly, someone like me or myself, would reply to you letting you know that when the kickstarter first launched everyone who had already been burned by Ninja Division came screaming and pleading to Paizo to not partner with Ninja Division.

Then, unnamed but you can find it, leaders at Paizo told us that they had confidence in Ninja Division's ability to deliver, and that we as their customers should trust their judgement and have faith that it would complete as well.

If you are just now jumping into this conversation.... while your observations about what is happening is correct, your full understanding about why may be lacking.... AND I don't blame you, there is ALOT of pages to decipher and they locked the original thread where the majority of that conversation took place.

Leap Frogging to today, Paizo and Archon are doing a fairly bang up job of making the best of a bad situation. As someone who knows that Archon and Prodos are the same company and still have undelivered kickstarter pledges to their AvP backers, there is plenty of bad blood to be scented when it comes to Archon as well.

Archon isn't blameless, but they are definitely making alot right with current backers even though as a gamer and I believe in solidarity, it is VERY hard for me to purchase even 1 of their mini's to get what I am owed by Ninja Division and Paizo because that is supporting a company that has burned alot of my friends in the board gaming community hard.

The mess was created by the partnership with Ninja Division. There is plenty of blame to go around, and being a defender will lead to alot of dirt coming to the surface that you may be unaware of.

Thank you to Paizo and Archon for trying to make things right, I have been vocal through the whole process, and I will be vocal as things are finally coming together and give props when they are deserved. As of now things are looking good for the solutions that are in place. Not everyone will be happy with them but I appreciate that you guys are putting in the effort!

"Archon Studio plans to ship Kickstarter rewards in waves. Approximately every 6 months, the pledge rewards produced during the previous 6 months will be shipped to backers free of charge."

Ok, so according to the post from July 25th, Archon (not ND) will be shipping our minis every 6 months. Anyone know when the first wave is due? IF they started in July that means January.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
Sandoz wrote:

"Archon Studio plans to ship Kickstarter rewards in waves. Approximately every 6 months, the pledge rewards produced during the previous 6 months will be shipped to backers free of charge."

Ok, so according to the post from July 25th, Archon (not ND) will be shipping our minis every 6 months. Anyone know when the first wave is due? IF they started in July that means January.

This is confusing because we have been given different information at times and I never feel well informed.

Last I understood:

Every 6 months or so they will send out the current sets to international backers. I am unclear, but it is my understanding at the same time they plan to bulk ship all of the mini's for USA backers to Ninja Division and it will be Ninja Division's job to ship those to the backers in the states....

My note:
I don't trust this, I plan on buying a mini every 3 months or so from Archon to get my current sets, even though it pains me to send them any money, so far the people who have done this process have been successfully getting their minis. I just don't trust Ninja Division to fulfill any commitments to anyone, ever.

Scarab Sages

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

Yoshua, there was actually a clarification about the bulk shipping earlier, Archon only does EU, ND is meant to do everywhere else.

And, this is why I plan on ordering every couple of months also....does anyone think that ND can cover both US and International shipments?

sanwah68 wrote:

Yoshua, there was actually a clarification about the bulk shipping earlier, Archon only does EU, ND is meant to do everywhere else.

And, this is why I plan on ordering every couple of months also....does anyone think that ND can cover both US and International shipments?

I don’t think ND know if they’re going to be able to. They’ve probably spent the money they set aside for shipping and are now crossing their fingers for miracle sales in other lines to cover it. It’s kind of their modus operandi.

I bought Zo! from archon and got lousy communication but excellent fulfilment. I doubt I’ll get all my add ons and multiple copies but I’m going to end up with a batch of minis, albeit much more expensive than they were supposed to be.

I wouldn’t expect anything but disappointment and dishonesty from ND based on their last few years behaviour.

Jim Butler wrote:

Yoshua beat me to it, but you can see wave 2 Starfinder miniatures now on the Archon Studio website.

Archon Studio Blog - Stardust

We'll more heavily promote this next week, but it works the same as the first wave of minis:

Important note from the blog:

If you have not yet made an order with us: Place an order for Zo! and/or Luwazi Elsebo and we will send you all the Kickstarter minis from wave 1 and wave 2 (stardust) as well. If you have previously ordered Zo! and received wave 1, then you will only need to order Luwazi Elsebo to get all the wave 2 (Stardust) Kickstarter minis. Please note that Zo! and Luwazi Elsebo are not Kickstarter minis. These are “Archon- released minis”. So if you just order Luwazi Elsebo, then you won't get Zo! Only the Kickstarter minis.

Good Gaming!


Will we be receiving a single skittermander or an entire encounter pack of them with second sculpt as they appear to be sold as singles at archon without an alternate pose

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So I just got the email that I now have to buy MORE product to receive ANY product. At the risk of being banned or this comment deleted: is this extortion, and is it being allowed?

You don’t have to buy anything. You can wait and (in theory) you’ll get six monthly batches without needing to buy anything else.

Paizo Employee VP of Marketing & Licensing

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Nieroshai wrote:
So I just got the email that I now have to buy MORE product to receive ANY product. At the risk of being banned or this comment deleted: is this extortion, and is it being allowed?

Confirming what Steve said just to make sure there's no doubt. You're not required to purchase anything else to receive your miniatures. From the Archon Studio website:

"Archon Studio plans to ship Kickstarter rewards in waves. Approximately every 6 months, the pledge rewards produced during the previous 6 months will be shipped to backers free of charge. Additionally, any time a Kickstarter backer purchases any Starfinder mini from Archon Studio—whether that’s a new mini or a duplicate of a Kickstarter mini—they will also ship any released Kickstarter miniatures due to that backer for no additional charge."



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Yoshua, thank you for explaining things more in depth.

Jim Butler wrote:
Nieroshai wrote:
So I just got the email that I now have to buy MORE product to receive ANY product. At the risk of being banned or this comment deleted: is this extortion, and is it being allowed?

Confirming what Steve said just to make sure there's no doubt. You're not required to purchase anything else to receive your miniatures. From the Archon Studio website:

"Archon Studio plans to ship Kickstarter rewards in waves. Approximately every 6 months, the pledge rewards produced during the previous 6 months will be shipped to backers free of charge. Additionally, any time a Kickstarter backer purchases any Starfinder mini from Archon Studio—whether that’s a new mini or a duplicate of a Kickstarter mini—they will also ship any released Kickstarter miniatures due to that backer for no additional charge."


So as a rephrase to make sure I'm understanding: the waves are coming no matter what, but they'll be packing additional orders in those waves?

Language barrier indeed, but if that's true then that's a relief.

Paizo Employee VP of Marketing & Licensing

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Sandoz wrote:

"Archon Studio plans to ship Kickstarter rewards in waves. Approximately every 6 months, the pledge rewards produced during the previous 6 months will be shipped to backers free of charge."

Ok, so according to the post from July 25th, Archon (not ND) will be shipping our minis every 6 months. Anyone know when the first wave is due? IF they started in July that means January.

The first wave of minis went out October 14th and Wave 2 ships on December 16th (which was delayed because of Thanksgiving). I don't think anyone wants to give out a date for wave 1 that can't be met, so I suspect it will be a few months before anything official is released on that front. That announcement will come from Archon Studio.


So unfortunately Archon has confirmed that for the encounter packs, we will only see one miniature.
This is obviously disappointing as I was hoping a gang of Space Goblins infesting my gaming table would motivate my group to give Starfinder a second chance, not to mention getting what I backed.
I don't blame Archon and appreciate the fact that they are st least communicating with us regularly on Facebook.

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber
Jinteki42 wrote:

So unfortunately Archon has confirmed that for the encounter packs, we will only see one miniature.

This is obviously disappointing as I was hoping a gang of Space Goblins infesting my gaming table would motivate my group to give Starfinder a second chance, not to mention getting what I backed.
I don't blame Archon and appreciate the fact that they are st least communicating with us regularly on Facebook.

Could you please put up a link for that info, thanks

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
sanwah68 wrote:
Jinteki42 wrote:

So unfortunately Archon has confirmed that for the encounter packs, we will only see one miniature.

This is obviously disappointing as I was hoping a gang of Space Goblins infesting my gaming table would motivate my group to give Starfinder a second chance, not to mention getting what I backed.
I don't blame Archon and appreciate the fact that they are st least communicating with us regularly on Facebook.
Could you please put up a link for that info, thanks

Yeah link please... Bit disappointment about that especially since there are a lot of those. I have been especially waiting on the fleet sets.

So the comment was found here:

See the first set of comments.

Not sure this impacts the fleets, details are not all there and perhaps I should have asked for more clarification before posting to this forum.
From what I can tell, for example the Skittermander is being releasd as a solo.

Also for what it's worth Jarek did see they would look to see what they could do for future waves.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

I just received the following answer back via their contact page:

"Due to the nature of the tooling system that we are providing, only one of this mini will be aviable during the fulfillment phase. We will
however be producing the alternative sculpts as well"

I interpret that we will only receive one of each particular sculpt in the encounter packs, so in the Skittermander pack, we will receive 3 of the 5; one of the whelps, one of the current adult, and one of the alternate sculpt. So some of the encounter packs we will receive everything as they are all different sculpts (eg. outlaws) and some we will receive significantly less (eg the space goblins).

I can't say I am ecstatic about this, but I do understand. My guess is they have all the sculpts on one production mold, so to give us multiple they end up with a lot of excess of the other minis...but that is just a guess.

Thanks, Sanwah68. I think your interpretation makes sense.

I guess if we're being shorted minis it won't take as long for ND to fail at fulfillment? (Tarnished) Silver Lining, I guess?


I don’t go for the same mold idea as they are selling the figures separately. If one sold more than the others you would end up with a lot of the ones that did not sell well. Seems then they could send more than one version of a figure for the KS backers.

Nazrath wrote:
I don’t go for the same mold idea as they are selling the figures separately. If one sold more than the others you would end up with a lot of the ones that did not sell well. Seems then they could send more than one version of a figure for the KS backers.

From what my order says let's see...

(Encounter Pack)
- Drow (Encounter Pack)
- Maraquoi (Encounter Pack)
- Outlaws (Encounter Pack)
- Protectors (Encounter Pack)
- Skittermander (Encounter pack)

So out of that group...the outlaw might be the only one I get in a complete form as each figure is different... but I got punked on the in stead of an extra 20 minitures I get five but paid full price for 20...yea so not happy along with the KS exclusive Epic Obozaya (Hero) - I spent extra slots on which is no longer exclusive it seems...again punked out of money....thanks again ninja division always count on you for sucking the joy out if this game...

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

Ghost, I am not trying to diminish your annoyance, I am also unhappy (for disclosure, All In Pledge with some extras), but it might not be as bad for you as you think. You do still miss figures, but not as many:

- Drow (Encounter Pack) - 3 separate sculpts out of 6 figures
- Maraquoi (Encounter Pack) - 3 separate sculpts out of 6 figures
- Outlaws (Encounter Pack) - 4 Sculpts (all)
- Protectors (Encounter Pack) - 4 sculpts (all)
- Skittermander (Encounter pack) - 3 sculpts out of 5 figures

So out of your 5 packs you get 17 out of 25.

I have included the additional sculpts from the stretch goals in the totals, and the alternative sculpts in the figures being supplied. Don't get me wrong, we still get burnt, just not as badly as you calculated.

Edit: Just sat with my spreadsheet listing what we were meant to get and did some maths on the All In Pledge. With the assumption that we are getting a single copy of all sculpts offered in the KS, we would be getting 112 figures out of the original 159.

Paizo Employee VP of Marketing & Licensing

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Jinteki42 wrote:

So unfortunately Archon has confirmed that for the encounter packs, we will only see one miniature.

This is obviously disappointing as I was hoping a gang of Space Goblins infesting my gaming table would motivate my group to give Starfinder a second chance, not to mention getting what I backed.
I don't blame Archon and appreciate the fact that they are st least communicating with us regularly on Facebook.

I've reached out to Archon's CEO for a clarification on this. I'll let you know as soon as I hear something back.


Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

Thanks Heaps Jim, it would be good to get clarity.

Yes, thanks Jim. Again, looking at this I should have tried to get more clarification before posting, so hopefully I've not create unnecessary anxiety with us KS backers.

A week later, any answers?

So I’m waiting on the second set of minis, they have shipped from Poland the other day. Who else is having any success with ARchon Studios?

My first order went smoothly and I got the mini I paid for plus one of each of the other six released in wave one.

I've placed a second order for one mini and sent in my backer information again however I haven't received it yet.

The only complaint I have about Archon is that there's no acknowledgement that they've got your kickstarter info and will be acting accordingly. I think I would have preferred if they'd handled it via a NDKickstarter coupon or similar. Presumably this works best for their systems, but given the previous experiences with this project, sending money off and then waiting makes me a little more nervous than usual.

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