I posted this to the KS comments:
"I paid my original kickstarter fee, but never got the pledge manager to work. I was never able to select any minis. I sent messages to ND but they just kept saying it was the PM fault. I have posted and messaged again recently but cannot get anyone to tell me what the status of my order is or how to fix it.
Can anyone here suggest a new approach or POC to help me out?"
I was directed to this forum thread for suggestions as Paizo personnel seem to be regularly posting here. I have read through the entirety of the posts and do not see anyone mention an issue similar to mine. Still looking for a resolution.
ND originally posted that if there was any trouble with the PM to contact them. I did and they said to work with GOTT. When I contacted GOTT they told me to go to ND. ND told me they cannot help me and to go back to GOTT. I kept all of this informative correspondence.
I selected the adventure pledge and paid 100$ to KS. I never got the PM to work so I was not able to pay for shipping or select any of my Hero / Encounter Slots. What is the best way to ascertain where my pledge/order is in the process?