Taft's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. 2 wishlists. 44 Organized Play characters.



I backed the original KS but have since changed my email address. I submitted a ticket with Archon multiple times since they took over the project. These include my old email and my KS backer number. The most recent ticket I created was 05Jan2023. Is there any way more reliable to get in contact with them? Now that they are finally shipping out to the old backers I would love to get my hands on some of these minis!

I posted this to the KS comments:

"I paid my original kickstarter fee, but never got the pledge manager to work. I was never able to select any minis. I sent messages to ND but they just kept saying it was the PM fault. I have posted and messaged again recently but cannot get anyone to tell me what the status of my order is or how to fix it.

Can anyone here suggest a new approach or POC to help me out?"

I was directed to this forum thread for suggestions as Paizo personnel seem to be regularly posting here. I have read through the entirety of the posts and do not see anyone mention an issue similar to mine. Still looking for a resolution.

ND originally posted that if there was any trouble with the PM to contact them. I did and they said to work with GOTT. When I contacted GOTT they told me to go to ND. ND told me they cannot help me and to go back to GOTT. I kept all of this informative correspondence.

I selected the adventure pledge and paid 100$ to KS. I never got the PM to work so I was not able to pay for shipping or select any of my Hero / Encounter Slots. What is the best way to ascertain where my pledge/order is in the process?

I received an email on 26Sep saying that my order was pending. The email included the newly released SF scenario 1-04. That item is still pending on my account today. I have not received any further notifications or errors such as incorrect credit card. Please let me know how I can resolve this order issue. Obviously I would like all further scenario subscriptions to be processed smoothly.

Additionally, I would like to change the name/information of my -701 and -702 characters. I cannot find a way to do this on the website, nor can I edit the clickable name that they are referenced and the name the GM sees when putting in data. Please let me know how I can change these. I decided after creating a bunch of characters that I wanted to play my -702 and -703 first which means I cannot use the Welcome to Starfinder boon with either. I started playing my 702 as 701 but I cannot update the site.

Thanks on all fronts!

Yeah i found a very similar issue here when doing the second quest from 1-1. The enemy gunners have gunnery +7. Using lvl1 pregens the highest mod I had was for Iseph at +5, but since he was the pilot, everyone else was +1, +2, or +3. This seemed a bit unfair even with two gunners on the PC ship vs only one of the 2 gunners on the enemy ship.

Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Scenario #1-03: Yesteryear's Truth

pg, 4: If the planet is completely deserted, search for some king of interesting flora, fauna, or mineral deposit.

Pretty sure this is supposed to be "kind". Gonna table rule it.

Bigger on the inside
Successfully prevent your party from storming in while you completely circle a physical structure.

Tell him who his frelling daddy is
Inspire a party member to heroically sacrifice themselves in a fight.