Adopted Trait

Rules Questions

The text states

You were adopted and raised by someone not of your actual race, and raised in a society not your own. As a result, you picked up a race trait from your adoptive parents and society, and may immediately select a race trait from your adoptive parents' race.

Looking through the racial trait blocks in the CRB, I can only assume any single thing is free for the taking, including ability mods and nothing says they don't stack with your base race. This clearly has that "broken" feel. I didn't see an FAQ entry for this. Has their been any feedback/clarification on the intent of this trait?

Racial Traits meaning those things like what Adopted is. Not Racial Traits from race descriptions.

Buri wrote:

may immediately select a race trait from your adoptive parents' race.
Looking through the racial trait blocks in the CRB, I can only assume any single thing is free for the taking, including ability mods and nothing says they don't stack with your base race.

Adopted grants you a race trait, you're looking at racial traits. Not the same thing.

Adopted only gives you a trait that is limited by race. This is the same kind of trait as a Religion trait, Campaign Trait, Combat Trait, Faith Trait, etc.

Shadow Lodge

By "race trait" they mean "a trait on the list of race traits, like Warrior of Old or Rapscallion."

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

There's a difference between a "race trait" and a "racial trait".

Yeah yeah, confusing, I know. :P

Yup, I got overly excited at my first reading. I'm dumb. LOL

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

See list of race traits here at the Archives of Nethys

Yeah. I got excited too. This meant Drow Magic or a bonus feat

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Buri wrote:
Yup, I got overly excited at my first reading. I'm dumb. LOL

Not dumb, this same issue was pointed out from when the trait was introduced and has been the source of confusion ever since.

the character description ones should be erratad/renamed into Race Characteristics or Race Properties

Dark Archive

I'm still not a fan of this trait. There are some good race traits, and this would allow any race to take it. Like one of my favorites, the halfling race trait Helpful, +4 to aid another instead of +2. Why play a halfling to get this trait when I can play a human?

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

It would probably be easier to just reword the trait rather than a section of the book which likely gets referenced in a lot of places.

No matter how you reword it, there are still race traits and racial traits.

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Squawk Featherbeak wrote:
No matter how you reword it, there are still race traits and racial traits.

Pick a trait from the traits section with the race type...

It ain't pretty, but it doesn't require hunting through multiple books to find everywhere racial traits is referenced.

huh... I stand corrected. A prettier way of rewording it would be simply "A race trait from the traits section"

Grand Lodge

Adopted + Tusked is my favorite! Halflings with teeth.

Lantern Lodge

A little off the wall, but this has always tugged at my brain ...

Does the "Adopted" trait take up a trait slot, and the then the selected racial trait take up another? In other words, to get an adoptable trait, do you need to burn two trait slots?

Inquiring mind wants to know.

Grand Lodge

twells wrote:

A little off the wall, but this has always tugged at my brain ...

Does the "Adopted" trait take up a trait slot, and the then the selected racial trait take up another? In other words, to get an adoptable trait, do you need to burn two trait slots?

Inquiring mind wants to know.

You use one trait slot, then get another trait without taking up a slot. However, since you have both a social trait and a race trait, you can't have a second trait from either of those lists.

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

The only downside is as Starglim suggests, it uses up an additional trait type available for other things. Since there are five? types it's probably not a problem but if you wanted to use additional traits to pick up more you're out of luck.

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