Friday Publisher Preview: Iconic Heroes Return!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Ever since our very first Pathfinder Battles release, Beginner Box Heroes, Pathfinder's iconic characters have been an important part of the product line. Each of our large sets has included at least one iconic character, and these heroes are often among the best-detailed figures of the bunch. They're also often the first to sell out, and command some of the craziest prices on the secondary market.

At the same time, the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game has brought a whole new audience to Pathfinder, and many of them want to use miniatures of the iconics to represent their characters in play.

Starting in January, we'll address both of those issues with monthly non-random Iconic Heroes Boxed Sets. Each set comes complete with six figures—five iconic Pathfinder heroes and one associated creature, be it an animal companion, eidolon, or familiar. Each box also includes a unique Pathfinder Adventure Card Game card associated with each figure in the box—special boon cards unavailable anywhere else.

Iconic Hero Boxed Sets retail for $29.99. WizKids plans to apply "premium" paint jobs to these figures, using some of the very best figures we've produced to date as a quality benchmark. Although many of these figures have appeared in previous sets, the Iconic Heroes Boxed Set versions of the iconic heroes will come with completely original sculpts.

In order to get the details correct, WizKids has shifted this line to completely digital "sculpts." This has given us a great deal of control over the final figures, allowing us to get all of the little equipment and details absolutely true to the original Wayne Reynolds illustrations.

And here's a sneak peek at the digital sculpts for the first set! Please keep in mind that digital sculpts lack shading and some of the final details like patterns and symbols, so they can tend to have an unrealistic look that will not carry through to the final product.

Valeros, Iconic Fighter

Seelah, Iconic Paladin

Seoni, Iconic Sorcerer

Sajan, Iconic Monk

Lini, Iconic Druid and Droogami, Snow Leopard Animal Companion

Future sets will feature a wide array of iconic characters, eventually including every iconic we've done to date (including the ninja and samurai, and all of the classes from the Advanced Class Guide. Stay tuned to this space for links to product pages, previews of the cards, updated images of painted figures, and more as we get closer to January.

Next week I'll show off more of The Lost Coast set. For now, two more previews of the cool Gen Con-exclusive Pathfinder Minimates.

Here we have Isiem, the spellcasting hero of Liane Merciel's fantastic Pathfinder novel Nightglass facing off against an evil ghoul!

And our last two-pack is the elf ranger Elyana, from Howard Andrew Jones's novel Plague of Shadows facing off against an insidious Razmir Cultist!

All Minimates pieces are interchangeable. We will have limited quantities of these figures available for sale on following Gen Con.

If you're at the show, please stop by the Paizo Booth (#203) to say hi and talk miniatures!

See you there!

Erik Mona

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Iconics Miniatures Pathfinder Battles
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Awesome news! I'll definitely be excited to pick these up for PACG.

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Will there be a subscription for the Iconic Heroes?

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Wow, this is fantastic news. Hard to gauge form Digitals but Seelah is already a step up, and that Droogami will be magnificent if it's even close to that in a sculpt. I am glad to see we will be getting all the iconics, very excited to see Bathazar, Hayashi and the new advanced guide iconics.

As for the minimates, Will it be possible to get the gencon exclusives? Nightglass and the ghoul have won me over. Looks like more spending in the future.

Liberty's Edge

Want... Now...

How many sets will there be in total if there are 31 iconics?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

This is great! Can I subscribe just to these iconic sets?

And, will Ranzak be added in? Please say yes.

Excellent news! Question: Is Seelah supposed to be left handed? The last mini and all the artwork I recall have depicted her holding her sword in her right hand.

Is Lini going to be "mountable"? Her legs almost look like they could fit around Droogami's back.

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I could be bummed about all the time and money I spent tracking down the iconic miniatures, but who cares? These Iconic Heroes Boxed Set versions already look superior, and well worth picking up.


Ryan. Costello wrote:
I could be bummed about all the time and money I spent tracking down the iconic miniatures, but who cares? These Iconic Heroes Boxed Set versions already look superior, and well worth picking up.

Don't you remember what Perram said when he was talking about the Comic covers for the Pathfinder Comic? Real collectors want ALL versions of a product! ;-)

Grand Lodge

Blog wrote:
Each set comes complete with six figures—five iconic Pathfinder heroes and one associated creature,

So who is the 5th iconic in the first set??

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

*Happy Dance*

They look great. I'll be buying.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

That is awesome. I won't otherwise buy miniatures (they don't meet my personal cost/benefit ratio -- I get the Pawns instead) but I will make an exception for the iconics. Thank you!

Liberty's Edge

Since I can't get an Amiri and likely won't be able to get the witch, this is great news.
Some doubles might be nice anyway.

Vernon Fults wrote:
Question: Is Seelah supposed to be left handed? The last mini and all the artwork I recall have depicted her holding her sword in her right hand.

I think the top quality Iconics should match the artwork. I agree, all the pictures I have show her as right handed so I hope they "fix" that for the final figure.

I too would love to have a subscription of the Iconic Sets. Save me time as I already know I will be buying them all. ;-)

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Erik said the Iconics will be monthly, so I think it's reasonable to expect they will be their very own subscription.

31 Iconics means at least six months of these. Does that number account for the Advanced Class guide? Those will be included, too.

It will be interesting to see what happens after they get through all the iconics. Will they do them again in different sculpts? Will they move on to something else? I feel like one possibility once through all the iconics would be to start doing the PC/NPC types found in the sourcebooks. For example, the NPC Codex is a great source of artwork that would help a DM's collection.

I will be buying these for the PACG! Thanks for listening to all the cries for this! I'm glad you decided to do new sculpts so that it would not negate the value for the collectors of the old figures. This is perfect for us Card-game-only non-collectors! Thank you!!!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

These are all fantastic looking pieces. I'm so very excited for these to release; it's going to be a long half-year…

I do second Scribbling Rambler's question, who is the fifth iconic in this set? Was he/she left out on purpose or was it by mistake?

Will this mean fewer (or zero) iconics in the "standard" sets?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I can't decide if I'm more excited for the Iconics themselves or the accompanying sixth miniature. It's such a great way for a steady source of Familiars/Animal Companions/Eidolons, etc.

Does anyone have a list of the Iconics so that I can look them over?

Does anyone care to speculate about what familiars, animal companions and Eidolons we could see?

The Dwarven Ranger, Harsk, has a badger for an animal companion, right? So that's definitely a possibility.

Feiya could be accompanied by her fox.

I expect this to be very popular news on this thread and around the forums, but I wonder to what extent that's a good predictor of sales. I hope so! I'll watch with interest.
I was expecting to hear people complaining about the cheesecake factor -- Seoni's side boobs, Seelah's armor boobs -- but it's nice not to hear any so far. But I expect it's just a matter of time....

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Will the anti paladin ever get an iconic?

Dark Archive

Going to be buying these for sure

omg, those minis are awesome. The snow leopard is one of the coolest things I've ever seen. Reminds me of battle cat from he man. And the idea itself is wonderful. I'm sure it will be quite successful

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Steve Geddes wrote:
Will this mean fewer (or zero) iconics in the "standard" sets?

I for one hope not - I'm looking forward to completing my 'standard pose' collection eventually.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm hoping for mythic versions once the first 31 are done. Everyone needs beefcake Ezren, right? Also, the summoner's eidolon is going to be a cool mini! I think its about time to give Damiel a tumor familiar!

Agg my wallet just went and hid under the sofa. Get out here now!

The figures look good and they come with cards as well.
I assume you can use these with any game set?

Sold ! I'm very happy with this announcement. :)

The article mentions six figures, but the pictures only show 5... who isthe last iconic in the box ?

BTW, for those who are not used to Wizkids products :

The final products won't be as awesome as the digital sculpts. I'm a longtime HeroClix player, so you may thrust me in this. But they will be good enough for me.

The Good: The iconic sculps look great! I'll add these to my collection of iconics.

The Bad: I think the value of iconic minis is going to take a big hit (and I have each one currently produced).

Question: Will future large sets still contain at least one iconic miniature as well?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Swiftbrook wrote:
The Bad: I think the value of iconic minis is going to take a big hit (and I have each one currently produced).

So what?

How many people are buying them as an invenstment?
Does their loss of after market value really outweigh the demand for iconic sculptures of those who joined the game later on?

I just hope WizKids have their qualitiy control problem sorted out by the time these are ready to ship.

Sovereign Court

I was hoping for this after the initial set of 4 that came out. Glad to see Paizo's returning to iconic sets. I will definitely pick these up if the quality is sufficient--sounds like that's the aim here.

Now, any chance we'll see a Biter miniature in one of these sets? (*crosses fingers*)

I think this is great news in regards to the iconic set being released. I just wish WizKids could switch the 'entire' miniature line to digital. I don't think it should just be the iconics that have better QC.

Also, Erik, how many exclusive minimates will be different locations and where are these locations at? You mentioned a couple of weeks or so you would be supplying us with this information. I know one can be gotten at Scotty's, at least one at your booth, and another at an unnamed restaurant.

If these sell well enough, would you consider doing sets of four for each of the class decks as well? That would add a great visual aid to the PACG and they would be great for PC or NPC minis for the RPG as well. :-)

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
BRADicPerformance wrote:

I'm hoping for mythic versions once the first 31 are done. Everyone needs beefcake Ezren, right? Also, the summoner's eidolon is going to be a cool mini! I think its about time to give Damiel a tumor familiar!

Here, here!

I've been asking for a Repear Sculpt of Mythic Kyra for a while, she is awesome!

These are going to make all the rest of the minis pale by comparison.

Can't wait to get my hands on every one of them.

Also, unless I've missed it, is this the answer to the Joker-faced Feiya? Or has another announcement slipped by me?

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Not sure I have all the list right but as far as I remember these are the iconics as of today and sets were they already have been produced. Any correction welcome.

Adowyn, human hunter
Agna, darf gamekeeper
Alhazra, human oracle - The Lost Coast
Alain, human cavalier - Wrath of the Righteous
Amiri, human barbarian - Shattered Star
Balazar, gnome summoner
Crowe, bloodrager
Damiel Morgethai, elf achemist - The Lost Coast
Darago, human necromancer
Enora, halfling arcanist
Ezren, human wizard - Beginner Box
Feiya, human witch - Reign of Winter
Hakon, human skald
Harsk, dwarf ranger - Rise of the Runelords
Imrijka, half-orc inquisitor - Wrath of the Righteous
Jirelle, swashbuckler
Kess the Bull (Lady Kessilandrie Anicia Vlastos), human brawler
Kyra, human cleric - Beginner Box
Lem, halfling bard - Shattered Star
Lini, gnome druid - Legends of Golarion + Iconic Heroes
Lirianne, human gunslinger - Skull & Shackles
Merisiel, elf rogue - Beginner Box
Nakayama Hayato, human samurai
Oloch, half-orc warpriest
Qualzar Jallarimple, gnome trickser
Quinn, human investigator
Reiko, human ninja
Sajan Gadadvara, human monk - Legends of Golarion
Seelah, human paladin - Heroes & Monsters + Iconic Heroes
Seltyiel, half-elf fighter/evoker/eldritch knight - Skull & Shackles + Iconic Heroes
Seoni, human sorcerer - Rise of the Runelords
Shardra Geltl, dwarf shaman
Siwar, human courtier
Tontelizi, halfling legbreaker
Valeros, human warrior - Beginner Box + Iconic Heroes
Wu Shen, human death whisperer
Zadim, human slayer
Zarlova, human scholar

I would add a very very BIG THANKS to Erik and consorts.
We've been begging for the iconics, especially to be able to play the Skull & Shackles Card Game with, since months.
This has just made my day. I can go back to the beach.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
danielc wrote:
Vernon Fults wrote:
Question: Is Seelah supposed to be left handed? The last mini and all the artwork I recall have depicted her holding her sword in her right hand.

I think the top quality Iconics should match the artwork. I agree, all the pictures I have show her as right handed so I hope they "fix" that for the final figure.

I too would love to have a subscription of the Iconic Sets. Save me time as I already know I will be buying them all. ;-)

My understanding is that they purposefully leave the iconics' handedness undefined, so that they are able to flip artwork if they need to.

Scarab Sages

Nice, will pick these up.

Awesome! Could not be happier to hear this news! Renders are looking good, definitely gonna pick these up.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Frencois wrote:

Not sure I have all the list right but as far as I remember these are the iconics as of today and sets were they already have been produced. Any correction welcome.

Shaved for space.

Thank you so much for this list!!

I'll be buying them.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
DropBearHunter wrote:
Swiftbrook wrote:
The Bad: I think the value of iconic minis is going to take a big hit (and I have each one currently produced).

So what?

How many people are buying them as an invenstment?
Does their loss of after market value really outweigh the demand for iconic sculptures of those who joined the game later on?

I just hope WizKids have their qualitiy control problem sorted out by the time these are ready to ship.

I've got to agree. Just looking at all these posters, many of whom I don't recall ever posting in this miniatures preview forum, it's tough to argue against the logic of an on-going Iconics line.

I had no idea there were so many Cards-only gamers wishing they had a chance to grab some Iconic miniatures as visual representation. I can see how tracking down all the Iconics from the Battles line would be frustrating and perhaps too expensive at this point.

Now all those cards-only players have an option. And this is one option that looks like it will also benefit those of us that collect miniatures for our campaign table. Considering this provides a way for us to also receive not just the Iconics, but some combination of at least six different animal companions, familiars, eidolons and (perhaps) more, I think it's great!

And truthfully, it makes sense from a company perspective. The Iconics appear to have started out rather as a small thing, but have quickly become loved by many and now show up throughout all Pathfinder material, such as comics, card games, etc. This line will help strengthen the Pathfinder brand in general.

It's conceivable that these Iconic miniatures could also help strengthen the Battles line. With more people buying Iconic miniatures, it means there is a chance that some of those people might at some point decide to convert over to buying miniatures.

But yes, it's all about quality control. And I would argue that for as good as an idea this Iconics line is, it's also the most risky. Other than the random non-human medium miniature or Large miniature that has an issue, Wizkids' biggest quality issue with regards to miniatures has been human faces.

Grand Lodge

DropBearHunter wrote:
Swiftbrook wrote:
The Bad: I think the value of iconic minis is going to take a big hit (and I have each one currently produced).

So what?

How many people are buying them as an invenstment?
Does their loss of after market value really outweigh the demand for iconic sculptures of those who joined the game later on?

I just hope WizKids have their qualitiy control problem sorted out by the time these are ready to ship.

I think the problem is not so much the "investment", where one is hoping they will increase in value.

It's more about the person who just bought a Seelah mini yesterday at $30 (no idea what it actually goes for), and now knows that there will be a cheaper option and that the price will probably go down on the mini they just bought.

I'm not saying that is a valid enough reason against making these new sets, but it is a concern, and a concern which has been previously acknowledged by the Paizo folks (one of the main reasons these will be all-new sculpts).

Personally, I have all of the iconics so far, bought multiple copies of the original set of 4, and I cannot wait for these new ones.

For anyone interested, I made a list of the iconics here. I'm purely a card game player, so my interest in them is from that perspective. I've tried to track what sets to find them as in pawns and miniatures.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
danielc wrote:
Vernon Fults wrote:
Question: Is Seelah supposed to be left handed? The last mini and all the artwork I recall have depicted her holding her sword in her right hand.

I think the top quality Iconics should match the artwork. I agree, all the pictures I have show her as right handed so I hope they "fix" that for the final figure.

I too would love to have a subscription of the Iconic Sets. Save me time as I already know I will be buying them all. ;-)

Because art has a tendency to get "flipped" to fit various layouts, our official policy is that all of our iconics are ambidextrous.


Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Pigraven wrote:

Erik said the Iconics will be monthly, so I think it's reasonable to expect they will be their very own subscription.

31 Iconics means at least six months of these. Does that number account for the Advanced Class guide? Those will be included, too.

It will be interesting to see what happens after they get through all the iconics. Will they do them again in different sculpts? Will they move on to something else? I feel like one possibility once through all the iconics would be to start doing the PC/NPC types found in the sourcebooks. For example, the NPC Codex is a great source of artwork that would help a DM's collection.

We have briefly discussed the idea that we might do more than six sets if they sell well enough. Possibilities would include:

1) Any additional iconics who might appear in 2015.
2) Any player characters used in the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Character Decks (almost all from the NPC Codex).
3) Prestige classes.
4) Archetypes.

Monsters are a little tougher in this format, as minis for them are not as useful to the card game as minis of player characters.

Of course, if these sell really well, we might just do them forever! :)

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Pigraven wrote:

I do second Scribbling Rambler's question, who is the fifth iconic in this set? Was he/she left out on purpose or was it by mistake?

By mistake. It's Sajan, and he's up now! :)

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Steve Geddes wrote:
Will this mean fewer (or zero) iconics in the "standard" sets?

No. There are enough iconic characters scheduled in the next few "normal" sets to cover all 11 of the Core Rulebook iconics plus those from the magus and gunslinger plus the 6 from the Advanced Class Guide.

I probably won't do some of the animal companions in both formats, though most of them are already done too.

That leaves the Advanced Class Guide iconics. I might not put those in normal sets. What would people prefer?

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